Demonlordlover Profile Page

About Me

Thanks to ~~WiccanMethuselah~~ I am back to writing where it all began - S/K

I give full credit to Wiccan for her support through a very rough time while I wrote.  I would not have made it as long as I did without her support and the few other friends I had made along the way.  I stepped away due to a very bad marriage followed by an even uglier divorce.  Fanfiction was always my go to so I could escape and it was time to stop escaping and make real world changes.

Now I am with a wonderful man and my kids are happily in a much better place with me.  I am writing with a passion and want to not only immerse myself in original works but also give homage to what was, and will always be, the root of all that began my writing love affair: Sesshomaru and Kagome.



The Last of the Temple Line : BOOK one of The Dragon Sydae which is an original serial on Amazon. Book four of the series was just posted and book five will be up by May 31st 2021.

Twitter   @NicoleB04703647

Facebook  Nicole Bedford


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4 years ago
4 years ago


Dedication to my former beta (and current if truth be told because she is awesome and just can't help being awesome) ~~WiccanMethuselah~~


You guys have no idea how hard it was for me to get through some tough times.  Wiccan was the force pushing me to get some work out and now she is the main reason I can come back into fanfiction even if I am not as relevant as I used to be.  That is all good, ladies and gentlemen.  I write for pleasure on here and will always love S/K even if the series is complete.  Just all the more chances to explore my fav characters and *gasp* no one can tell me it isn't canon.  Who knows... we never will!


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11/14/2020 10:19:51Re:New Event: SessKag Prompt Raffle!General Discussion9565
11/14/2020 10:15:21Re:If you had a wish - what is the incomplete fic ...Forum Games20338
11/14/2020 10:11:06Re:The begining of this pairingOff-Topic Discussion10357
11/14/2020 10:09:23Re:The begining of this pairingOff-Topic Discussion10357
11/02/2020 22:16:42Original Work - Mana StormSelf-Promotion3456
10/31/2020 20:55:04Re:Help for site reccsRecommendations2894
10/30/2020 20:03:54Re:The begining of this pairingOff-Topic Discussion10357
12/23/2010 01:02:16Re:Been searching for 6 months.Searching for a Fic...4025
05/30/2008 14:55:57Re:The User Before YouForum Games343330
05/30/2008 14:52:13Re:'detachable p***s teaserRecommendations8502
05/28/2008 06:21:27Re:The User Before YouForum Games343330
05/21/2008 06:55:30Re:The User Before YouForum Games343330
05/21/2008 01:11:17Re:The User Before YouForum Games343330
05/20/2008 15:43:09Re:The User Before YouForum Games343330
05/20/2008 12:09:16Re:The User Before YouForum Games343330
05/15/2008 07:09:08Re:Off-Topic Board RulesOff-Topic Discussion643973
05/15/2008 05:54:35Re:Off-Topic Board RulesOff-Topic Discussion643973
05/15/2008 02:10:12Re:Help, please! =[Solved6698
05/15/2008 01:28:16Re:The Art of Tea by Elegant PawsRecommendations6131
05/15/2008 01:26:02Re:this is SO funny!Recommendations52902

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Demonlordlover has 9 stories

AU/Horror During a vacation in America, a group of friends is confronted with the horrifying reality that youkai are very real, and they have bred with humans to create terrifing monsters with an even more monstrous hunger. In a fell swoop, Kagome and Sesshoumaru are left alone to survive the flight to safety, but the dice have been rolled, and nothing will ever be the same again.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 30 Apr 2008  -  Updated: 20 May 2008
Genre: Action, Dark  -  Chapters: 7  -  Reviews: 23  -  Words: 21,224  -  Reads: 11,509
Kagome finds the strength to go on in a child's book. Sesshoumaru gains his own awakening in her.
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 30 Apr 2008  -  Updated: 30 Apr 2008
Genre: Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 7  -  Words: 2,324  -  Reads: 9,440
Kagome almost loses the one waiting in the shadows.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 30 Apr 2008  -  Updated: 30 Apr 2008
Genre: Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 9  -  Words: 4,682  -  Reads: 16,353
Drabbles and One-Shots written for various LJ communities. (Drabble: 250 words or less.)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 30 Apr 2008  -  Updated: 30 Apr 2008
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 17  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 11,471  -  Reads: 27,929
Kagome is horrified to learn she has been burdened with a terrible secret. Sesshomaru must protect her to save the world. They come together until the line between duty and desire becomes blurred. AU
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 29 Dec 2009  -  Updated: 23 Nov 2020
Genre: Action, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 10  -  Reviews: 48  -  Words: 30,597  -  Reads: 22,462
Repost of a Demonlordlover classic, just for Dokuga, just for the holidays! Read and lose yourself in this tale of whirlwind courtship and love.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 08 Dec 2010  -  Updated: 24 Dec 2010
Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 13  -  Reviews: 67  -  Words: 53,399  -  Reads: 148,246
Welcome to the oneshots that Demonlordlover wrote following the completion of "Finding You." Strongly recommended that you read "Finding You" first!
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 24 Dec 2010  -  Updated: 24 Dec 2010
Genre: Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 4  -  Reviews: 9  -  Words: 11,093  -  Reads: 20,646
A Halloween one-shot for those who want a little fluff. A snapshot one-shot.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 26 Oct 2020  -  Updated: 26 Oct 2020
Genre: Friendship, Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 2,631  -  Reads: 4,141
Humans are not meant to live forever. Kagome must face her humanity and what it means to surrender herself to Sesshomaru's protection when he is the only one she can trust with the full power of everything that she must become.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 23 Oct 2020  -  Updated: 30 Oct 2020
Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 28  -  Reviews: 38  -  Words: 95,264  -  Reads: 88,276


Total number of images: 6

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Name Entry

Created On: 10/26/2020 02:50:27

thank you so much for you comment on The Practice Girl! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I love drabbles, and hope to do more someday. We just did 4 DDN's this month on Discord, and that was really fun. I think we're gonna do one next month too.


Created On: 12/15/2010 16:08:04

On your fic, Finding You, you talked about a Yahoo!Group... Does that group still exist? And if so, can I join?


Created On: 12/11/2010 17:48:50

Glad to have you back, albeit through a filter (so to speak). Hope you can/will get back into the swing of things with relative ease. Good luck! ^^


Created On: 11/16/2010 07:54:42


I can't wait for updates, I also sent a application to her yahoo group, where you can find stuff that is no longer posted anywhere but there i believe

So happy she is back to writing again


Created On: 05/12/2010 17:05:28

So, I just got done reading Conversations with a Tai, and WOW! It was amazing! I wish I could fave it 100x over. It had just the right amount of information and humor, not to mention was (thankfully) more focused on them getting to know each other and loving each other rather then just rampant sexual feelings.

Overall, I am so glad you still have it on the internet, and that I can tell you how much I enjoyed your story


Created On: 02/08/2010 00:05:38

So glad you're back! I hope you keep writing and that we see your older stories here eventually. ^_^


Created On: 07/02/2008 20:02:17
Edited By Winters_Snow On: 07/28/2008 20:35:17

Nice to finally see more people movie over from Single Spark! Welcome and I can't wait to read your stories again...or was it the third time?
By the way..where is A Sentinel Mother?


Created On: 06/19/2008 14:04:04

Hey, love your work! You're definitely talented. =)


Created On: 06/15/2008 15:33:50
Edited By InuAtashi On: 06/15/2008 15:34:35

And now you have two comments. So, HI. How are you? I admit haven't read any of your fics yet, but I am about to remedy that. I'm a total fanficaholic, atleast where Sesshy & Kags are concerned, & I have been told that you write some awesome stuff. So enough babbling for now...ttyl.

Hugs & Puppy Love,


Created On: 06/15/2008 09:17:53


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