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knifethrower (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

That was sweet!  And a scene in the hot tub would be sweet, as well.  Both Sesshomaru and Kagome's reaction to the mess-up bode so well to them being compatible together, and indeed becoming a "happy family".  There is just something about that phrase...

Hoshiakari Kokoro (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

sweet fluff, like cotton candy^_^

fatcatmom (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

Charming scene and so well done emotionally--pls continue with a 'fluffy bath scene'. I love the way you portray them as a growing couple and how love and committment changes everything. Also would love to see him meet the in-laws before he has her meet the 'out-laws'. 

Bre (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

I loved the chapter so thank you for updating. However, your ending A/N confuses me. Are you saying that you are thinking about doing a bath lemon scence? Was there suppose to be a bath lemon scence in this chapter? (there wasn't if there was suppose to be one) If you are planning for one in the next chapter, I'm not 100% sure that S+K are ready for that exactly, maybe pleasuring each other but not actually doing it. Anyway overall good work. Look forward to next chapter.

Khrystyne (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

Adorable chapter. I think the bath scene could either be added or not it depends. It might be nice to have that extra added fluffy security blanket if there is going to be a lot of drama and angst when Sesshomaru's family arrives, but if there isn't going to be a whole lot of drama, the bath scene could be left out. It's whatever you desire =D

Can't wait for the next chapter, Sesshomaru and Kagome are so adorable around each other.


tiana (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

i rlly liked this chapter but i wonder if she is rlly pregnant update soon plz


Saide (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

I almost choked on my mac and cheese when I saw A NEW UPDATE. XD;;;;;;

Fluffy bath scene huh...hmmmmm~




Rikayu (Chapter 24) - Thu 22 Jul 2010

UH-OH!!!! I almost forgot about those!  BWAHAHAHA!  What irony.  After all that was done to prepare, they completely forgot about protection. >.>  You always sneak in that little bit of humor. I just love it!  I can't wait to see what happens next! (I'm secretly praying for babies, but that would just be too easy, now wouldn't it?)

Rikayu (Chapter 23) - Thu 22 Jul 2010

Oh my gosh HAHA!  The awkwardness, the nervousness, it all just very realistic.  You have to admit that the first time is almost always going to be fumbling around clumsily without knowing what to do at all!  You have a brilliant talent for awesomely sugarcoating romantic moments to make them so tooth-decayingly sweet and also knowing when to bring the realism out in other moments!  I love this!  I love your writing!  I'm off the read the next chapter now! :D

hola (Chapter 24) - Thu 22 Jul 2010
OooooOOooooo girl...... That was probably one of the best chapters i've ever read! it was sooo awkward though! i'm glad too, cos i'm sick ofreading fics where Sesshomaru is this overly experienced sexual dynamo. i like that he's so kinda awkward. :P and i'm SO, SO, SOOOO glad someoe finally made a realistic 'loosing my virginity' scene. it hurts like hell, and it aint that fun, and it almost makes you NEVER want to see another penis for as long as you live. And thank you so much for not having Kagome have some 'intense orgasm' during her first time.. Anyways, thanks for the update! :o) -jenis

tiana (Chapter 24) - Wed 21 Jul 2010

haha that waz so funny i cant waiT to c wat happens i bet she getz pregnant yay


REDWOLF (Chapter 24) - Wed 21 Jul 2010

Mwahahahaha....they forgot the condom....bwahahahaha.

fatcatmom (Chapter 24) - Wed 21 Jul 2010

LOL what a charming chapter. I loved the last section, counting to three. I know a couple this actually happened to: in their excitement and enthusiasm for their wedding night they forgot something. But for them, it turned out fine and they had the opportunity to finish graduate school before starting their family. However, I think demons are much more fertile than humans.....

Please update soon! Now that they are truly committed to the marriage, I cannot wait for the 'coming to dinner' chapter.

Saide (Chapter 24) - Wed 21 Jul 2010

Goodbye virginity alright...say hello to parenthood! 8DDDDDbbbb


I absolutely love this evil evil girl, they were too caught up in their emotions of passion they forgot protection. >D


Kagome's gonna regret she actually thought how their future children willl be like >DDDDDD

Fluffy Lady (Chapter 24) - Wed 21 Jul 2010

LOL somehow, I knew they were going to forget the condoms. XD Soo... are we really going to have little SesshomaruKagome babies running around soon?!

I am loving this story and eagerly waiting for more!!

Sirinya (Chapter 24) - Wed 21 Jul 2010

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Thats awesomely funny!   I was wondering about the condoms. lol   I guess we'll be seeing little Sesshoumaru or little Kagome soon.  Lets hope he or she isnt like Fatso. XD!!!!

krazy4fluffy (Chapter 24) - Wed 21 Jul 2010



*update soon plz !!! * XDDD



kay (Chapter 24) - Wed 21 Jul 2010

finally you updated!! yayy~ it was like torture waiting, but it was all worth it. ^^

this chapter was funny, sweet, and sexy.... only you could bring this about in a lemon. =)

good job!

I hope Kagome's fantasy of having Sess's baby comes true... i think the scene of him kissing her little belly is  a good foreshadowment of what's to come. I can't wait. I don't know how you will bring that about, but I do know that it will be funny and sweet all at the same time!

thanks again for such lighted-hearted read. ^^

Darrakk (Chapter 24) - Wed 21 Jul 2010


love you so much (Chapter 24) - Wed 21 Jul 2010

good gawd, this is hilarious!! Great fic thus far. Your creativity is epic!

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