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Miss C (Chapter 1) - Thu 26 Aug 2010

Congratulations on your win

L-desu (Chapter 28) - Thu 19 Aug 2010

damn!  i really wish Kags had come with a comeback to Izayoi like "I can see that she obviously didn't inherit her kind nature from you."  oh but so good though!  yay for Rin-chan!

Dawn of Roses Kiss (Chapter 28) - Tue 17 Aug 2010

Nice job with the story! I cant wait to read more! And plz dont make her a mush ball who doesnt do anything when or if they hurt her in the next chapter! Sorry I hate it when people cant stand up for themselves but maybe thats because i'm 6 foot tall and I could easly snap a guy in a half if I was mad enough..... hmmm... idk. lol but anyways update soon plz!

tiana (Chapter 28) - Tue 17 Aug 2010

omg if that waz me i woulda beat the livin hell out of izayoi but other then that i rlly enjoyed the story plz update soon.

angelfire123 (Chapter 28) - Tue 17 Aug 2010


great chapter as always

but please don't make Inuyasha or Izayoi too bad. i feel too loyal to them somehow.

i know inuyasha has done stupid things but inu and izayoi has always been a victim.

i'm not going to interfere with your plot but don't make them toooo evil is all

Elwina (Chapter 28) - Tue 17 Aug 2010


don't end this chapter !!!!

i want more !!!

Madison (Chapter 28) - Mon 16 Aug 2010

K, I hate life.

From last night to tonight, THERE WAS HGIRHTIOHIFO Storm, and guess what? No phone, no internet, no cable. I thought I was GOING NUTS.

Anyway, back on topic which is your lovely story!

You know, you really made me wait for this chapter, I was nearly ready to die, that's how impatient I was! Although, I'm willing to forgive you because you were taking that time off to write Shanghai, which I need to post the review for after this. SEE, I saved them (all your chapters, lmao, on my computer so I can read when Is wants) SO, I was all ready, and had this all typed up.


First of all, I need to say, I'm so freaking nervous about Sesshomaru's family coming. I can already see the cheap shots, and mean comments coming. I mean, it makes you wonder, why they even go there if so many of them hate him right? I know it's like in the family but nonetheless, you know they only go so they can hurt him and torture him further.

Aweee, I felt bad for poor Sesshy. I mean you can immediately see how is attitude had changed. Not that he is mean or anything to Kaggy, but he is nervous. He won't share it with her, but we can tell through your descriptions that he is like not heartbroken, what's that word? STRESS NERVOUS, SICK TO HIS STOMACH? Lmao, it musn't be easy for him to see those people, and I wish he would open up to his wife.

I know she wouldn't mind comforting him ;) LMAO. Dirty.

You made me that way.

I'm glad she was the first to open up about how she felt about the whole thing, since it's always easier to go in after someone else. And, at least even if he doesnt say much, he knows in his heart he can count on her, especially since she is experiencing the same thing he is, which is love. I mean nervous, but its love that they share feelings... and am I making any sense?


Alright, the meeting with the grandfather was alright since you know, Kagome knew him, but then stupid poophead Inuyasha pops in with a joke that we all know isn't a joke, and ohmygawd, if I had been there I would have punched him, and destroyed his life. Can you do that? Oh well. I mean, shit, why does he have to pick on Sesshomaru? WASN"T HIS LIFE HARD ENOUGH ALREADY! I'm glad Sesshomaru was somewhat stuck up for.

It's such a change to see a nice Kikyo, then again, you've never really written her to be a total "bitch" so, I'm used to it from you, still. I thought perhaps because of his family hating him, she'd be the same, but so far she seems to be fairly decent, which I must admit, I'm grateful for. The poor thing needs a few people on his side after all.

I think the worst part (not in the sense I didn't like it,  I mean for Sesshomaru) was when he meant his father and Izayoi. She's always so nice in many stories, but not this one. Oh boy, no, lmao. Although it's a nice change to see, and I like it. I mean someone needs to be the bad guy right? Bad girl in this case. I mean, Sesshomaru's father seemed so fine in the beginning, and I was like, wow why does Sesshomaru hates him so much? I found out later when he couldn't even stuck up for his own son. I mean he put Sesshomaru in that situation by having a child with another woman who wasn't his wife, so he should defend him.

And Izayoi is the worst bitch I've ever met, I mean her subtle insults, aint that subtles. I know it must hurt Sesshomaru, and although it didn't do much of a difference, I'm glad Kagome was there to be by his side, and fight her off. And Rin is the cutest thing, I love having her as his younger sister. At least one of his siblings love him!

I adore it, please more ma cherie!

KyonKyon01 (Chapter 28) - Mon 16 Aug 2010

Ugh.  That was an unpleasant beginning.  I hope she tells them off <_<  Keep up the good work.

Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 28) - Mon 16 Aug 2010

Ultra-bitch awards goes to Izayoi. I think she's just bitter because her son is so ill-breed and foul mouthed while Sesshomaru is all elegant and just damn so...perfect!! It's obvious that she's just trying to hide her shame behind arrogance. Poor woman. Anyway, got to say this is just as tragic as expected or maybe more so.  Hopefully Kagome will put her foot down and show them how to act!! Go Kago!! LOL. Can't wait for it to all unravel.

Rikayu (Chapter 28) - Mon 16 Aug 2010

I am so engrossed in this story.  Your brilliant writing is making me want to strangle both Izayoi and Inuyasha.  I'm glad that some of the family members are being at least civil.  Rin is adorable, and I can clearly imagine her as you portray her.  I'm glad she didn't get her mother's snobby attitude!  Lol.

Also, I LOVED that little moment in the kitchen.  It was very sweet and just shows how much Kagome is there to stand by his side and support him~

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

OMG. All of Sesshoumaru's family members are such asses. Well, all but Rin and Old Mr. Nishimiya. Rin is such a doll and while Sesshoumaru's father had tried to defend Sesshoumaru... he didn't do such a good job of that. He needs a spine. -__-;; He's letting his wife, his terribly bitchy wife, walk all over him. I really don't like them. Their complete disregard for Kagome? That's disrespectful. She may be Sesshoumaru's wife... and while they may hate him because he's an illegitmate son, that has nothing at all to do with Kagome.

Well, Kikyo wasn't too bad either... but... god, I really dislike them. Having them stay at the ryokan is going to be a royal pain in the butt. Kagome and Sesshoumaru is going to be treated so terribly... I wouldn't be surprised if someone like Izayoi purposefully makes things difficult for Kag and Sess. =/ But I'll have to see with the next chapter.

I am, despite my hatred of the characters, looking forward to the next chapter. You've done such a wonderful job so far, MissTeak, I know you won't disappoint with future chapters. I'm really glad I finally took the time to sit down and read this story. And maybe.... if I get the chance and the courage, I might draw a few scenes from here. I would really love to see it actually drawn out... so... we'll see. lol.

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 27) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Okay. I think both are being a bit immature here. Sesshoumaru is overreacting and Kagome was too quick to defend his father, which probably just pisses Sesshoumaru off even more. Given Sesshoumaru's history, I can understand his reaction. But Kagome... yes, the father was pleasant and sorry and sounded genuine on the phone, but she's only been talking to him for a few minutes. Counter that with all that Sesshoumaru had told her... well, I wouldn't have been so quick to leap to his defense when Sesshoumaru snatched the phone.

No wonder Sesshoumaru was so icy. I can see why Sesshoumaru would see that as a betrayal. After such a painful past because of his father... meh.

Still, maybe he should have listened to what Kagome had to say instead of trying to top her words. But at the same time, he feels like he was protecting her. Man, this is hard. Who is right and who is wrong? Both have their faults, I guess. But who will be the first to apologize and put it behind them?

But you are right, they have, at the very least, matured since Chapter 6. lol. That's a good thing, at least.

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 26) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

OMG. Oh my... That was... pretty intense. O=

But it's still kind of funny, they are still so shy around each other even though they've already slept with each other. xD I wonder if they are ever going to get more adventurous... lol.

Oh no, right after they had... and... arggg. I don't like the father, as much as he sounded sincere on the phone, because Kagome and Sesshoumaru are going to start fighting again. Still, I don't think... it was entirely his fault. I don't think Kagome should have been so quick to call him father. She doesn't know him and even if he did sound sincere on the phone... there WAS all the things that Sesshoumaru had told her. She could have been polite but I think maybe she was wrong to leap so fast into being real friendly with Sesshoumaru's father.

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 25) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Haha. I guess Sesshoumaru isn't going to dislike babies as much if they are his. He really is pretty considerate though, washing their futon. >__>;; Though I think any first time sex is as awkward as theirs were, especially if both were virgins. lol. But it was still hilarious to read about.

He's so concerned for her wellbeing it's wonderful. lol. But he's also kind of acting like she's a fragile doll who is going to break. lol.

Ohh, possible sex in the bath? lol. Kagome just sent out an invitation to Sesshoumaru. XDD

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 24) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

LOL. Kagome is horrified by the porn scenes. XDDD That's hilarious. Sesshoumaru didn't have to choose such rough porn to show her, did he?! lmao. She's probably going to faint just from the notion of what she's seeing. lololol.

ROFL at this:

“Are you…are you going to talk to me like that later?”

“Are you stupid or crazy? I am not going to do that.”

LOLOL. Too funny. My cheeks are sore from laughing so much. >__>;;

"He would probably get a heart attack and a seizure if sweet, innocent Kagome started screaming for him to ‘fuck her brains out’ later on."


And Kagome is completely baffled at anal sex. lololol. Poor Sesshoumaru, always making the wrong decisions. lolol. He shouldn't have shown her that just yet. xDD


Easing herself into his lap, she could feel something heavy and stiff between his legs pressing back into her thighs. Gasping, she realized what it was, but instead of moving away, Kagome bravely reached down for it and cupped it through the fabric.

Her eyes widened, before she looked up to look at him accusingly. “You said it would fit.”

End quoted;;

XDDD She accused him of lying? lol.

Awww, she's got a bit of a tummy. I find it funny that Sesshomaru was comical enough to poke it and say it was the product of all the junk she ate. LOL.

OMG. Kagome's crying. Poor Sesshoumaru. He must be feeling so lousy. He's trying to sex her up and she's crying her eyes out. lol.

Haha. I was wondering!! I wondered if you had forgotten to write in the scene where he slipped on a condom. Now I realize it was intentional. *Snickers* Please don't ruin their mature fun by getting her knocked up on their first time! lol.


Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 23) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

LOL. Kagome is trying so hard not to freak out. It's funny. There's got to be an end to the things she has to keep running out of the room for to do. lol.

Oh no, I can already tell. This is going to be mortifyingly hilarious. I bet you had a lot of fun writing this chapter. I know I would. LOL.

“So…what are we supposed to do now?”

Shit, shit, shit! What was he supposed to do?? Think fast, Sesshoumaru! He mentally berated.

…right. They should get ready.

“We…umm, remove our clothes.”



*Snickers* He's clueless. I'm surprised Kagome hasn't realized that yet.

LOL. Three packets. XDDDD Sesshoumaru is... overestimating himself? XD

Um... what exactly was Sesshoumaru trying to find... down there? LOL. OMG. At least that finally clued Kagome in on the fact that Sesshoumaru has no idea what he was doing. rofl.

OMG. They're gonna watch porn to find out how to have sex? XDDD Priceless, MissTeak, absolutely priceless. And I'm talking about this entire chapter. It was too much fun.

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 22) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

LOL. Unsureness, uneasiness, and LOTS and LOTS of sexual tension! Yum. XDDD

I love that the little fish got named Fatso. XD I never knew that nickname could be so adorable. lol.

Those pictures of Sesshoumaru sounds cute. Until it reached those school photographs though.

OMG. Condoms! LOLOLOL. Awwwkwaaaaaard! I was wondering what was in there too! I thought after eating that bite of junk food, Sesshoumaru had finally realized how good it was and was sneaking a pack into his room for himself. I had no idea he went ahead and bought condoms. ROFL.

They look pretty mortified. XD At least, they do in my head. Haha. I would draw this scene too, if I could. lol.

"What else can we do with this?" Haha. I loved that line.

But really, the best one was:

"Since you’ve already bought it… It only makes sense if we use it, right?”

LOL. Epic.

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 21) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Haha. Kagome is too much. Sesshoumaru must have thought she had gotten possessed by those ghosts she talked so much about. What with calling him anata in public and all. LOL.

And leave it to Kagome to trick him into eating just a bite of yummy junk food. XD haha. Ohhh, Kagome calling him anata was sending his virginal mind into overdrive?? lololol.

My favorite part of this chapter:

“Great job! Now get more so Sesshoumaru and Kagome can have more babies…”

“Babies for Sesshoumaru and Kagome?”

“No, you know when I mean-”

“All in due time, my dear wife.”

“I was referring to Kagome and Sesshoumaru fishies! Not…not you and me! Definitely not you…and…”

“Of course you were, Kagome. Am I not trying to catch more babies for the two of them? My, my…what were you thinking?”

haha. That was great. That was borderline epic. XDD Like I've said a million times before, their banterings are just too cute.

Oh no, I think I found a new favorite part of the story... man, that was hot. @____@;; I swear, if it weren't for the fireworks and the people walking along that same trail, I bet they would have just done it in public and right up against that tree. Are you sure Sesshoumaru's a virgin? LOL. He sure knew what he was doing! lol. *Fans herself* Maaaaaan.

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 20) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

More depressing stories about his past. =/ Poor, poor Sesshoumaru. But... at least now, he has Kagome. And what a lovely pair they make. And his poor mother, dying alone. ><;

Wow, his father was a jerk. I can't believe his mother put up with all that, especially building his company using her receipes and taking credit for it while she worked her ass off for nothing.

Something tells me that the family dinner is going to be SO much fun. That was sarcasm. I bet all of them will be stuck up buttheads. =/

But yes, the fluff at the end was great. Something to lighten the mood of the chapter.

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 19) - Sun 15 Aug 2010


“Good morning, Sesshoumaru! How are you today? Did you bully Kagome? You should always be nice to Kagome!”

“Was Sesshoumaru nasty to Kagome?”

“You bet! Sesshoumaru is recently going through an emo phase, apparently, and he continues to ignore Kagome at times.”

“Your hint is as blatant as it is, woman. I am not going through some emo phase.”

That was pretty clever of Kagome. XD

OMG. Kagome battling a wild bamboo. hahaha.

Awwww, his mom!! Poor Sesshoumaru!! I think I'm going to cry. We finally get a portion of Sesshoumaru's past and the tragic story of his mother. No wonder things are the way they are. So sad. =/

But still, the way their feelings are developing...


“You must have been very lonely when she left…” Kagome whispered, her hand reaching up to cradle his cheek in her palm.

He shook his head, gently nuzzling his cheek against her palm. Looking into Kagome’s eyes, he said in a barely audible voice.

“I was, but I have someone else to call family now.”

End quoted;;

That was just... FLUFF.

I'm glad Kagome is starting to understand Sesshoumaru and why he is the way he is.

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