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fuyuhii (Chapter 25) - Sun 25 Jul 2010

Awww. So are they gonna be lucky or unlucky enough to have a baby? hahhaa. Anyway, great job! Fluffiness is expected!! :D

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 25) - Sat 24 Jul 2010

I think you should just make it a quick thing... like they held each other and Sessh helped her bathe and she combed his hair etc etc but no lemon... just husband/wife beautiful love and romantic interaction...

^^ this chapter was reeally cute... update soon :D

u know how amazing ur story is... i dnt need to say it so many times... right? :P

Madison (Chapter 25) - Sat 24 Jul 2010


Now that's funny. All Sesshomaru is thinking about now is a family. Perhaps he should have thought about it carefully last time before going around banging without a banger... ? Lmao. I don't know what I'm saying. Its awfully early here, and I shouldn't even be awake, lmao. I lack total sleep.

I know Sesshomaru didn't really like kids, but he never gave off the impression that he hated them, and he definitely knew how to take care of them. I think it's mostly related to the awful childhood he had and all the bad memories. After all the crap that happened, why would he want a child, and perhaps he is afraid his family will put his child through the same things he has been put through, and better to avoid it, and not have it happen, then give it a shot right?

It's so cute how nervous he was, and how he felt bad because she didn't reach her climax. He cared so much for her, and he was so nervous, he didn't realize she was already happy. Although, I think he was nervous again when morning came. Well, alright maybe like half an hour after morning came. Apparently, he is quite slow when he wakes up, lmao.

He was so carrying for her in the end, and asking her if she was in pain. He's so cute. I think he would make a marvelous father, and they would be able to handle it perfectly. Yes it's always a little possibility, and gosh it would be so adorable if it happened. I mean come on, they need it. Lmao, not that I'm trying to tell you what to do.

I love how he said everything he would do for her. You go Sesshomaru! Be a good daddy, lmao.

I'm all giddy.

Madison (Chapter 24) - Sat 24 Jul 2010

Alright, I'll be honest, and say it.

When I began reading that chapter, I was giggling like crazy for ten minutes straight. It's just the story is so pure, and innocent, and then there's this hardcore porn (not even hardcore really... I think? LMAO) and it's just I couldn't help myself, lmao. I think I was feeling embarrassed for those two, lmao. My face was probably all red.

Kagome has got to be the cutest thing. Sesshomaru doesn't really know more than her, but she has all these little questions, and sometimes I was like "Aw" you poor thing, you were really locked away somewhere in the manga world, lmao. I'm just kidding. Its adorable how you wrote their fears, and their state of mind. As I read further along, I was really feeling stressed with them.

OMG, when she said "YOU SAID IT WOULD FIT" I was on the floor, laughing like an idiot. That is the most hilarious thing I have ever heard in my entire life. I swear, you are going to kill me with this story, lol. Poor thing, I guess Sesshomaru is just that big. But I have no fear that she will learn to love it in the future.

Kagome is quite the little adventurer isn't she? For a second, I was wondering if it was the same girl we've been reading about all these past chapters, then I remembered you had a dirty mind? Lmao. I bet while this part was being written by itself, you were off on a pink island with all those men. OH I KNOW HUN! I KNOW!

The poor girl she was sending Sesshomaru over the edge. GOOD, lmao.

Their love making was so cute. Quite clumsy I'll admit, lmao, but it is part of the process is it not? I really loved it. I don't know, there were just so many feelings involved, and it was adorable.

And then I expected it to end there, but oh it didn't. I didn't really pay attention to the condoms or the amount of them until Kagome said "THREE ===== you know the rest, lmao.


Now that's priceless.

Rikayu (Chapter 25) - Sat 24 Jul 2010

Aww!  I'd love to see how they handle being parents!  I know just how new parents can get so frustrated trying to take care of a newborn.  It's amusing, but at the same time you can't help but feel sorry for them.  Makes you wonder if babies are secretly evil and want nothing more than to keep crying for no reason to frustrate mommy and daddy. 

Anyway, I love this!  Looking forward to the next chappy, MT! <3

PhoenixBlade (Chapter 25) - Sat 24 Jul 2010

lol Inexperienced Kagome AND Sesshoumaru! I love it! Bathroom fluff is a definite must! (^_^)

PhoenixBlade (Chapter 21) - Sat 24 Jul 2010

Ok, excluding the almost lemon scene (which I hope to read soon!), this chapter made me so sad, but happy! I went to Japan for two summers, volunteering by teaching English to japanese students.  During some of our camps, we were at inns, though not ryokans, they were similar and just reading about it all made me feel uber nostalgic and missing my time at the inns in Japan.  The fireworks festival especially! God I miss it so much! I think I went to one in Gifu. It was loads of fun and the food was delicious, but I sucked at the goldfish catching game! lol  Thanks for writing this fic! Makes me relive Japan all over again!

Mariposa (Chapter 25) - Sat 24 Jul 2010

could we perhaps have a nice fluffy lemon where Kagome finds satisfaction???

jeez I'm so greedy but whatever you decide to write i bet I will still be happy to read it :D

Lady Lillian (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

maybe the bath could be for exploration not indulgence a learning experience if you will

Angelicatt (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

I second Sess' misgivings about children and to this day have kept on that path. People tell me on a daily basis that having my own will change me but unlike our happy couple, I have no mate that is worthy of that life-altering event.

As for the bath, I think it should be a cuddle fest..let them get used to their nakedness..a little heavy petting won't hurt either.

Angelicatt (Chapter 24) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

That was sweet and freaking hilarious at the same time...WOW I don't ever being that naive but it was a refreshing pov. However, in his haste, he kinda forgot the thingies didn't he...holy crap!

ghost_youkai (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

I can't tell you how addictive this story is. I've been reading this for three days in a row just to catch up with everyone who has read this master piece. I'm soooo looking forward to what will be happening next, so keep up the awesome work ~^_^~ 

Noacat (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

Candy fluff snuggling or a full on romp in the bathtub... either one is good. I trust you, dear author, to bring us the perfect chapter... and perfect and wonderful as each of the previous installments were.

KyuubiPandoraChan (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

Aw...I think your story is enough to fill me with fluffiness for the day. It's so sweet to see Sesshoumaru like this. I really love the idea he cried after having sex. It's really sweet and I'm glad that someone thought so as well. He's just so sweet that you can't help but squeeze him and hug him. I love this story more and more and I don't mind for more fluff in the hot tub. Fluff is enough for me. XD Thank you so much for another awesome chapter.

JessiCeleste89 (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

The bathtub scene would be so.... HAWT!!! I really hope Kagome is pregnant. Thanks for updating!

hola (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010
well, they sure seem to be handling that well! i'd be crapping my pants... lol. but, they have an income, and a house, so, no big worries, i guess. :P and, fluff is always appreciated, but i think this chapter was pretty fluffy already, and i kinda wanna know how that dinner is gonna go! but whatevs! :o)

Hopeless Romantic (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

I would say yes do a cute fluff scene in the bath. It would further the story by getting them both more relaxed in each other's nudity and foster intimacy without sex (yes such a thing is possible). Especially it will help them to move forward and to have a united front when they will have to go up against the "family" if you want to refer to them as such.

MaivenTahl (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

Yay! Thank you as always for the immediate updates!

I certainly don't think they should both have a child right away, but entertaining the thought of conceiving a child is certainly amusing to read between the both of them.

I do hope the next chapter is a fluffy one, I still love the idea of an insecure and shy Sesshoumaru who is fighting to find himself in this intimacy with Kagome!

REDWOLF (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

Well, I think Inuyasha is going to be a problem, because, he is going to be so jealous of Sesshoumaru having someone who actually loves and respects him. I hope you let Kagome rip Inuyasha a new one and I hope she puts that ass in his place. After all, Inuyasha IS NOT the oldest child. Right? Great chapter.

miyukiyama (Chapter 25) - Fri 23 Jul 2010

I was totally suprised when I saw you updated (Thank you by the way; I've been reading that a lot of readers have been giving authors crap for not reviewing as quickly as they would like, but they don't understand that not only is fanfic writing is an art but writers do have lives outside of their stories. So thank you for indugling us readers before the weekend).


As for the chapter, AWESOME as usual. I squealed when Sess was all Que sera sera about the potential pregnacy. Soooo cute!!!!!!


Oh, and please give us more fluff because I feel like once Sess's family comes into the picture it'll be nothing but drama.

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