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1CarinoInu (Chapter 30) - Sat 25 Sep 2010

Okay, Dad must have a reason to give that 20% to Sesshoumaru, and for him to go to Kagome to accept on his behalf makes me think there's more to the story.  Maybe fatherly guilt for the past?  or something relating to the current family and the controlling shares?  Who knows.

I really hope that the father gets a backbone and stands up to his wife and family.  It's such a shame to watch them walk all over him.

Great update!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 30) - Sat 25 Sep 2010

Noooo he'll be so angry....

MoxyMikki (Chapter 30) - Sat 25 Sep 2010

DONT DO IT KAGOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If Kiyomaru really wants them to have those funds, he'll find a way to make it theirs, without Sesshomaru's concent, but if Kagome accepts the money on his behalf, it looks like she just wants the money. Then all the Nishimiya's will have more reason to hate Kagome and Sesshomaru. Although bringing up having kids was a good point. maybe a fund for his grandkids could be set up?

Have those two said that they love eachother yet? I can't remember.

KAggie (Chapter 30) - Sat 25 Sep 2010

It's great to see that this story is back in action again! :D Anywho. Wow. Kagome is in such a pickle! D: I would not like to be in her position right now. Although it would help his reconnections with his family, Kagome would definitely take a blow with her relationship with Sesshoumaru. BUT if she doesn't take, that'll lose the chances on reconnecting with the family! D: Such tough choices for sure! I can't wait to read what happens next!!!

Fox (Chapter 30) - Sat 25 Sep 2010



Awesome chapter! Poor Sessho.. I want to beat Inuyasha uppp.

Saide (haven't logged in) (Chapter 30) - Sat 25 Sep 2010

* I still keep checking here, though just really busy *


What's Kiyomaru thinking? >>;;;;

Hell no he didn't actually offer the 20% to Kagome for Sesshomaru's behalf? X___X;;;; Sorry I'm being one sided here for a while but isn't that he's buying off more sympathy from Kagome just because Sesshomaru wont accept him as his father? X___X;;


Yes I'm being on the drama side here. XDDDD 

Madison (Chapter 30) - Sat 25 Sep 2010


I was right there punching that piillow with Kagome hun! Right there! I don't think she needs to explain herself, or present an apology for what she did. She was completely right in everything she said and did there, even if it included wasting a good miso soup! Though it is utterly too sweet to picture her punching pillows and whatnot.

Now see, there's me being mad at Sesshomaru: OH YOUBIG A-HHOLE!

He cannot be mad at Kagome! I mean come on, I know she said she would be quiet, and endure what was to come, but that was too much for anyone to take. Even he himself should be like growing a spine, and taking care of things himself. He should be grateful he has someone like Kagome to defend him instead of being all moody! GROW UP!


But Kagome is the cutest thing with her attempt at not making him mad anymore. Don't we all do it? Lmao, If you're mad at me, I'll cry. If you don't talk to me, I'll go in the corner, mope and cry until you LOVE ME AGAIN! Lmao. Girls, and their manipulation lmao! And the pouting was terribly sweet, lmao!

I wasn't sure, when he spoke, if he was mad or not. Well, I knew he was mad, but I didn't know who he was mad at, you know? Kagome is so cute, when she realizes (through out the fic) that she never took the whole picture in consideration, just the right now moment. Adorable. I'm the same way, so, I'm rooting for her, lmao!

Oh yeah, girl strength!

Lmao, Darn. I was hoping she would show Sesshomaru she can kick ass, lmao! BUT IT WAS THE MOST ADORABLE FIGHT! Like he was trying to be a bit serious, but he was so playful! AND THEN, it turned into the cutest fluff alert, when he kissed her. I thought they were going to have a nice sweet moment... BUT NO. SOMEONE DECIDES TO KNOCK ON THE DARN DOOR!


But I knew it was him. Kiyomaru just really likes to push his luck. I think it would have been wise for him to wait a bit, maybe for Sesshomaru's mood to improve a bit, you know? But he came. I WINCED when he requested to talk to Kagome alone, because once again he is putting her in a hard position. She can't kept you know, reprimending (sp?) her husband in front of people, and Sesshomaru says no. SO she's stuck, and but at risk to look like a jerk in front of Sesshomaru again.

Kiyomaru, get a brain!


......Never mind what I said about him wanting to talk to her is a hard situation!



She can't accept that!

*face palm*

Marie Louise (Chapter 29) - Mon 13 Sep 2010

Hey.... I really loved the subtle way you managed to bring them close to each other.... That's one of the few fanfics who really gave me the most accurate idea of how love really is. I just hate the way some movies or even books (cough cough twilight) try to project love as a really easy and simply task: 'I like your looks... You like my looks' <-- first of all they take THAT for granted! 'Since we like our looks... We MOST like our personalities as well... so our next step is of course SEX' <-- I REALLY have nothing agains sex... but... as a matter of fact... in your story (even thought all the lemon parts were really good) I must confess that I really enjoyed the MOST those funny, silly little moments that brought them close to each other, to a better undertanding of the other being... You know... A strong feeling is like making a building... and it obviously starts with the basics... and those... were some BEAUTIFUL and unique basics.

I bet you'll find a few grammar faults on this hahaha... but English is not my nathal language. Anyway sorry about that and congrats for writting this amazing stuff that most of other fanfics lack (and trust me I've read quite a few!)

Data (Chapter 29) - Sat 11 Sep 2010

Thank you for sharing this wonderful gem!

joyouki (Chapter 1) - Fri 10 Sep 2010

I am very interested in reading more.  It's the first story of its kind for me to read.  I liked the arranged marriage and how smug Sess is....but he will be falling for her too I hope!

Darrakk (Chapter 29) - Thu 09 Sep 2010

Damn right he won't accept! What, and give his father some impression of having atoned for his sins? Bah.

Loving this story, keep it up!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 29) - Wed 08 Sep 2010

*does a happy dance around the room while sing-songing 'love!' over and over again*

Booayaka! Miss Teak writing wonderfullness plus NON-ANGSTY story is Total WIN! ^_^

You know I love your work... I think that's a pretty big 'duh' by now. But I loves fluff and happy and things that don't leave me crying for High Ones know how many chapters in a row (yes, I blame your 'Wisteria' *winks*) and all that as well.

So this is a Perfect, mature story right up my ally.


Coming into this one late, I'm not going to go back and review each chapter. *laughs* So not my style. ^_^ My general overview of the story is positive. It was wonderful watching the relationship grow gradually and I really liked that it WAS gradual. It feels more real and believable.

I'm enthralled with the way you switched the brothers' lives from the 'norm' and yet still made it believable that they became as they are and how. Although it's sad I like the twist that Sesshomaru's family's money comes from his Mother's skills and recipes and yet they turn on him.

His dad is a complete putz but I think Sesshomaru should have talked to Kagome instead of yelling at her after she spoke kindly to the man. Afterall... Sesshomaru had not really explained to her why he would think as he must about his father. Of course after meeting him it's pretty obvious the man has no backbone. *rolls eyes*

It really IS amazing Rin is able to be as lovely as she is.

Speaking of: that little bit with Sesshomaru taking out the bones for Rin's portion was just TOO SWEET! :heart:

Though I liked the big showdown I have to confess that there are parts when I'm really confused as to who is saying what. After reading it a few times I'm pretty sure... but the actual last two lines of the fight just don't make sense to me I guess. Maybe I'm missing how Juromaru's comment and laughing at Inuyasha's selfishness is 'helping outsiders' and... is Kiyomaru saying that Inuyasha complaining about outsiders is the 'nasty things against Sesshomaru'? It just doesn't flow into that thought/realization easy for me if that's the case.

May I hug Sesshomaru's grandfather? ^_^ Too cute!


Excited for next chapter. *hentai grin* Maybe I'm being too optimistic... but I know how I'd feel if I was so heartfully championed and exactly how I would be inclined to 'see to' my spouse in such a case. But maybe that's just me. *blush*

Thanks so much for writing!

redoxide (Chapter 29) - Wed 08 Sep 2010

I have been DYING for this moment ever since you started this story. I knew that Kagome would not be able to contain her fury at how Sesshoumaru has been treated and you did it so well! With every word I did a little dance (mentally :P) and this entire chapter was truly satisfying. You built up my frustration at their snide comments, picky attitude and general lack of feeling or respect perfectly. Thank-you so much for this chapter!

tiana (Chapter 29) - Tue 07 Sep 2010

omg lol finally somebody said sumthin about they outrageous behavior lol i enjoyed readin thiz and update soon plz

maris (Chapter 29) - Tue 07 Sep 2010

well i loved that chapter.

as i was reading i was telling myself "she cant just take that" and hoping she would tell them off.

and she did!


keep up the greattt work

Discontent Winter (Chapter 19) - Mon 06 Sep 2010

I loved the chapter.  You built up the tension for the Nishimiya dinner to where I was eagerly awaiting it with barely contained anticipation.  You did not disappoint.  It felt vindicating to see Kagome go off on the family for all their snarky slights and ill behaviours. 

I also have a confession to make... The petty and vindictive Frosted-Mini-wheats girl inside of me keeps wanting to see Kagome throw it back in Izayoi's face that all of her prestige and wealth from the Food King empire was based on recipes of her husband's mistress. 

I liked that Sesshoumaru declined his 20% also.  It seemed more like guilt money than anything else.  In my mind, if he truly wished to make amends, he would stand up for his own Son against the viciousness of his family members. 

I look forward to your next installment and can barely wait to see what the aftermath of the dinner has in store.  You have a wonderful writing style and I've enjoyed reading many of your works.  This one has me on the edge of my seat waiting for the next update!

Majulah Miss Teak!

1CarinoInu (Chapter 29) - Mon 06 Sep 2010

Well done, and it was good to see Kagome stand up to those annoying people.  I think she'll garner a lot more respect from some of them after that...I hope.  At least she will from the one that is most important to her....Sesshomaru.

Lovely chapter!

Eve (Chapter 29) - Mon 06 Sep 2010

Excellent as always my dear!  I greatly look forward to the next installment of this most wonderful story of yours!


ashleekyle (Chapter 29) - Mon 06 Sep 2010

Hell to the Yeah!!!!  Go kags Go Kags go Kags.  that was awesome.  I loved the way she defended him.  It was so great and poor Sess.  I can see how a lifetime of that kind of treatment would lead to that behavior like water smoothing a rock and changing it to fit the water's needs.  Very well written.  I love how the spark came back to Sess toward the end and his comment to his father, although taking the share would have made it easier to run the ryokan.  You are doing awesome work on this story and it so deserved to win.  It is great and the characterization is awesome.  You have created very real believable characters that you want to reach out and hug or high five or beat the crap out of.  Can't wait for the next update.

Lady Loveless (Chapter 29) - Mon 06 Sep 2010

Yay!! I'm so happy that I've finally get to read this chapter after all this time!! I soooooooooo love how Kagz told Sesshy's family off and glad how Kagz save all that built up anger on them!!! I swear Inu was acting like a huge bitch on the period ... no scratch that he acted worst then a female who's on there period. Omg and Inu's asshole of a mother ... three words: Mega Diva Bitch!!! Ooo and love how you describe Sesshy's eyes when he look at his wafie with all the respect she deserves. Oh and truly love how Kagz told Sesshy that they don't need to eat with likes of these people and walk away from the dinner hall. The one thing I wish was that Sesshy could have say at least something to back up Kagz. Please please update soon!!! I really really want to know what Sesshy going to say to Kagz about her rage rampage!! ^__________^ 

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