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Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 18) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Yaaaay. More details on the kiss. So kawaii. >__<;; I can barely stand it. lol.

OMG. That had to be Inuyasha on the phone. Only he could be so foul-mouthed to say stuff like that. No wonder Kagome was stunned.

Awww, Sesshoumaru and Kagome. Then Sesshoumaru fish and Kagome fish. This is just getting cuter and cuter. =] And the dialogue. Gosh...


“Sesshoumaru and Kagome.”


“We can call them Sesshoumaru and Kagome.”

“It sounds quite cheesy, but ‘Sesshoumaru’ and ‘Kagome’ would make lovely names for them. I…I like it.”


“So, who’s who?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“Yeah…you’re right. Sesshoumaru is the bigger, silver one, and-”

“Kagome is the pretty one with the bright orange coloring.”

“Now Sesshoumaru won’t be alone…”

“Never again will he be alone, Kagome will always be here.”

End quoted;;

That's too adorable. Man, I want this to play out as a movie. See, now I don't know which story I like better: Happily Ever After or Wisteria. LOL. Can I just say I like both equally as much?

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 17) - Sun 15 Aug 2010


“Now I know how it feels to supervise…” Kagome continued with a grin, casting a glance at her bandaged ankle. “It sure feels good.”

“Surely you understand the system of working overtime?”

“Yes…why?” Kagome asked without a hint of caution, picking up a piece of prawn cracker and popping it into her mouth.

“Good. Then I won’t have to explain it to you when your ankle recovers.”

She choked, and had to pat her chest as she gulped the rest of the cracker down. “What!? You…you evil slave driver!”

End quoted;;

Haha. That was funny! Did Sesshoumaru already forget that she was working overtime her entire stay? XD

OMG! Her lingerie! LOL. That's real funny! MissTeak, you really crack me up. lololol.

I also loved this line: “Shhh. How can a small thing like you generate so much noise?”

lol. Ohh, the question of whether Sesshomaru wears boxers or briefs has been answered! Boxers, apparently. ;3

Hojo is still at it. -__-;; Attacking Sesshoumaru and whatnot. I hope Kagome gives him a good verbal lashing when she gets the chance. Then, reject his ass to hell and back. lol.

YESSS. That's exactly what Kagome did! Awesome! He SO had it coming! =D

Awww at this line: “How can I be mad at you, when everything you’ve done was for my sake?”

And KISS!!! yaaaay! It was about time. And such a perfect kiss too. *Swoon*

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 16) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Hojo is being a real jerk now, isn't he? =/ Good thing Kagome was there to defend Sesshoumaru. Goodness knows he wouldn't have defended himself. Hojo's being really stupid; just getting on Kagome's bad side.

But, awww, that scene where Sesshoumaru piggyrides Kagome back home... <3<3<3 So cute! Hey, have you noticed that in most asian dramas, there is always one scene where the guy is giving the girl a piggyride to some place? lol. You even incorporated that in. Awesome!

If I could draw, I think that'd be the scene I would draw. That's really cute. =]

*Snickers* Kagome is pretty silly. Her ankle is the size of a cantaloupe, eh? That's pretty big. lol. YES! They went from two rooms to one! Ooohhhh. The possibilities! AHHH! They held hands! All night! I think I literally squealed. I couldn't even wipe my goofy smile off my face when I read that.

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 15) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Haha. I guess I'm not the only one who thinks this is like one big asian drama. XD

lol. Sesshoumaru is still addressing her as "Oi."

Yikes. Kagome really does get along with Hojo, but being quiet and withdrawn with Sesshoumaru and then coming to life around Hojo... isn't exactly sending positive vibes to Sesshoumaru, is it? D=

Uh oh... Kagome. I hope she's okay! D= I can sense how worried Sesshoumaru is, despite him trying to not make it seem that way. Can you tell I'm writing these reviews as I'm reading? lol. I learned it's very helpful to do it that way. =]

Ahh... There's Sesshoumaru freaking out over the safety of Kagome! YEESSS! And if all goes accordingly to Asian drama plans, their relationship will now take a turn for the better once he saves her. That is... if he does?! >___>;; Oh boy.

And it's in this moment Sesshoumaru finally regrets the way he's treated her. Good!!

Sesshoumaru got hurt. =/

lol. Arguing about the safety of each other. That's cute.

And this is the moment where I have to go "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW." Yaay. He found her and he rescued her and they're safe!

I like this chapter. =] *Squee*

I read that rescue scene like 10 times. It was THAT good. =]

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 14) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

I really, really, really don't like Hojo. -____-;; He should just leave already! Leave Kagome and Sesshoumaru alone. He'd better not mess anything up between them! Grrr. Jakotsu is dating a GIRL? I think the world has ended. lol.

Gahh. *Mentally stabs Hojo with a pencil* He needs to stop hitting on Kagome. I hope she's not actually falling for his words, even if her marriage is just in name. That would be pretty terrible. And Hojo is really too nosy for his own good. Who goes around asking "Are you really married?" and "Are you truly happy?" and "What do you like about your husband?" lol D=

Ohhhhh shoot. Sesshoumaru saw them hugging. I'm sure that's not scoring Kagome any positive points. Shootshootshoot. x___X;; Oh no. It makes me wonder if Hojo had seen Sesshoumaru there... and done it purposefully. Despite it all though, Sesshoumaru's would-be gesture was really sweet.

They should just make up already. =/

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 13) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Oh no, the tension has already begun. But, I think it's nice that they are mature enough to talk about it... well, kind of talk about it. lol. I find that Sesshoumaru is actually the more immature character in this story and that's quite a change, pretty refreshing though. He can't be perfect all the time. Not to mention, I think... this may be the first story I've read where Sesshoumaru has never had a girlfriend before. lol.

Oh shoot. I knew it. I knew Kagome was going to hurt herself with that knife since she's so distracted, but I didn't expect it to be from Hojo's sudden appearance in the kitchen. I thought she was just going to get so caught up in her thoughts that she wasn't watching what she was doing.

Poor Sesshoumaru, being shoved aside like that by Hojo. Yes, Hojo is a doctor... but still, he's Kagome's husband!! I really feel for him. =/ I can see how difficult it is for him to express himself to Kagome, but really... hurting her like that with his words was also pretty uncalled for. So I kind of feel bad for Kagome too. She's really gotten hurt by his words a lot. =/

Jeez, this is a pretty intense chapter. lol. All the iciness... I think my glasses has frozen over with Sesshoumaru's cold words. I think I'd run out of there bawling if I were Kagome. D= You make this story really come alive. Ahhh, I wish I had your writing talents, MissTeak! Reeeealllyyyy. It's just amazing.

I'd love to see this story into an actual asian drama with hot asian guys and pretty asian girls. lol. I think it'd be fantastic. Submit a playwright, would you? XD haha.

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 12) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

I love the way Sesshoumaru and Kagome's relationship is progressing - not to slow and not too fast. You've always managed to get it just right, MissTeak. I'm pretty amazed. But they really are opposites. Haha. Even right down to their education. XD Opposites attract, I guess, eh? lol.

OHHHHHHH. Of all people, it had to be Hojo! And just a few days after telling Sesshoumaru about him! I should have expected that, really, but I didn't. Shoot. I'm guessing tension in the next chapter is going to be pretty ridiculous! D=

Mia (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

What I have learned this chapter:

-.-" Izayoi is a bitch.

-.- Kiyomaru is a wuss.

=| InuYasha is crude.

=] Kikyo is nice enough.

^^ Rin is a doll!


Last couple chapters I was thinking that Sesshoumaru should try and give his family a chance again (even though I could understand why he wouldn't want to). Now, I'm thinking not so much. I understand Kagome will probably find some way to charm through to their heart but I really wouldn't bother if it were me.

fatcatmom (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Miss T, good luck with the job hunt.

Poor Kagome! Hopefully she will not let the relatives get to her too much. Iazoi should be angry at her unfaithful husband but Sess is an innocent victim of his father's transgression. I can see how this is so akward. But Sess has a lot more class than his cousins and it seems little Rin will be the bridge between them. I cannot wait for the next installment--please give the next few chapters as soon as you can. And perhaps a baby for Kagome as well as Kikyo is in order....

GG (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

I just realized that the way you wrote this is really ironic in the sense that usually in the way that the family treats Sesshoumaru is the way inu-yasha is treated. i love that you put the shoe on the other foot. It really makes the story interesting, and unlike most other stories. update soon! <3 GG

Kukuro-kunami (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Definitely hate Izayoi and her brattiness as a lowly, pompous human.

Update soon! I want to see Kags deal with the old hag XD

taixi (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

yay to sesshoumaru for interrupting his father's greeting. maybe kagome will begin to really understand what sesshoumaru was trying to explain to her after the telephone convo. I hope she feels at least somwhat guilty for betraying him before :)

REDWOLF (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Woe, I think you should give Kagome a hidden weapon to defend herself!! With the way Inuyasha and the cousins acts, who knows?? They may try to beat or even rape her behind poor Sesshoumaru back. I hope you let Kagome and Sesshoumaru put them ALL in their place. I can not stand Inuyasha, he is an ass! Kikyo had to marry for the money. I couldn't even stay for the money.  Great chapter, I am all fired up and ready to swat something (holding a pillow here, feathers everywhere).

Saide (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

This is just a warm up Kagome...round one hasn't even started yet and Izayoi's just prattling on being all high and mighty...hooo I hope Kagome would shake her down from her high horse soon. >D


Kiyomaru is not even doing anything >>; He's just being the henpecked husband :| coward >A<


Wahahaha...I'm getting caught up in my emotions again XDDDDD sorry dear :3 I'm really looking forward to this visit for a while~ :3

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

kyaaa, Izayoi's a bitch!!!!

fuyuhii (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Okay. I was boiling with rage while reading the arrival of Sesshy's 'family'. PLEASE LET KAGOME SCREAM AT THEM! PLEASE! I feel so upset now since Kagome just stood there, holding everything in when she could be yelling at them... I understand that she is trying to be civilised and live up to the name of the Okami of the ryokan, but if someone doesn't stand up for Sesshy soon, I'll go positively crazy with rage! >.<

Nysrina (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Oh silly me... I forgot to mention this (getting old, what?) and I hope you don't mind a little con-crit.

May I point out something, dear? This is from personal experience: pregnancy doesn't really show at three months. I could still fit into my everyday clothes until I was four months along. After that, I had to use a hair elastic tie somewhat creatively to hold up my pants as I've gained around five inches at the waist. Everywhere else looked the same. But as I wore loose and long tops, no one could tell!

One other thing... perhaps author notes or glossary of terms could be kept as footnotes? It doesn't really distract from the story, but it does jar the presentation a little. Fanfic writers write for pure entertainment, but a little professional polish won't hurt. ;) Otherwise, no real issues! :DDD

Nysrina (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Bedtime reading! Heh..

Hmmm... Methinks (and i is no expert) that battles must be chosen, especially when there is a possible war on the horizon. Heh. Kagome and Sesshoumaru might be wiser than they think by letting their argument slide for once.

But, oh, Izayoi must be channeling the original Sesshou-mum in the manga! Phew. She's one mean creature. Though I am sure she has her own story to tell in the whole affair; bitter experiences can make the most bending person a monster in the end. Perhaps she used to be like Rin-chan, all sunshine and daisies, until she was betrayed? Kiyomaru seemed to have his arm twisted out of its socket and is suitably lodged between the devil and the deep blue sea. Though I can't sympathize much with a philanderer :p

Great chapter!

MoxyMikki (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

grrrrr.... well apparently not all behavior is hereditary. Rin is such a sweet thing, and she certainly didn't pick that up form her mother. And Kiyomaru is just a flat out coward. oooooooooh... I really hope Kagome manages to put them all in their place at least ONCE. Sesshomaru disserves to have someone stand up for him, and he needs to see that he isn't alone in this fight (the fight of every day life and survival) anymore. Thank you for the update, it made my day - which until this point had so far shaped up to be pretty crappy.

Aoi Mitsuki (Chapter 28) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

oooohhh, Izayoi makes me wanna wring her neck. If I were in Kagome's position Izayoi would probably have a handprint marking her cheek for WEEKS! *but that would make Kagome immature XP*

I like how Kagome's working on her words against her~ XD Team Kagome gooo~!! XD

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