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loveyaa (Chapter 27) - Sun 08 Aug 2010

I did appreciate that you showed that their relationship has changed. I think that it will def be put to the test when the family comes into town. That should be a circus and Im counting down to it :)

Tana_san (Chapter 27) - Sat 07 Aug 2010

I have to say that I do feel that considering Sesshoumaru's feelings toward his family, Kagome shouldn't have been so quick to call the man Father. She hasn't even formally met him or the rest of the family and just because the man pours his feelings out over the phone doesn't mean that she should take everything he had to say at face value. She should respect her husband's feelings first, even if she doesn't agree with him.

I understand she was being polite and probably following her cultural custom but I would have taken my husband's feelings into consideration and referred to him as Mr. Nishimiya until she talked to Sesshoumaru about what they spoke of and how she was to address each family member when they arrived.

I do agree with Kagome about holding grudges but she and Sesshoumaru are just beginning to learn to trust and love each other. She needs to take care not to let this family situation come between what she and Sesshoumaru have but still be kind and respectful as she was raised to be.   JEN

Mysticangeldust (Chapter 27) - Sat 07 Aug 2010

I'm still loving this so much! I'm enjoying the almost flip-flop of roles Sess has been given in this story. It is not every day that he is the 'bastard' son dealing with the hardships that come along with not being accepted by those around you. The story certainly seems to be a journey they are both taking together. I can't wait to see where it leads!

taixi (Chapter 27) - Sat 07 Aug 2010

are you kidding?!? Kagonme actually expects Sesshoumaru to apologize to her?! WOW. She is so in the wrong here, I can't believe you have even tried to explain her perspective. It's one thing tyring to make nice with the relatives once there are physically there and she has to meet them face-to-face....but she has to know that she absolutely did just betray Sesshoumaru by acting so friendly to his hated father on the phone--it was totally gratuitous and unnecessary, and she should be groveling at his feet right now, not expecting him to apologize and thinking of him as childish - did she not listen to the angst that was his childhood? Ugh, I half want him to throw her out and have nothing more to do with her!

Darrakk (Chapter 27) - Sat 07 Aug 2010


zero1101 (Chapter 27) - Fri 06 Aug 2010

they are BOTH right and wrong in this matter, Kagome knows how his family was and if his father was feeling guilty of it he should have gone back and helped Sessho's mother. Kagome is too naive and has never been in a situation like he has, but yet he shouldn't have acted like a child but it was his only defense, they both acted childish if you ask me. Kagome trusts too much and Sesshomaru can't forgive, they are both to stubborn and need to grow up.

Nisee (Chapter 27) - Fri 06 Aug 2010

This chapter did exactly what you intended it to do--it showed us just how much these two characters have changed and grown along side eachother (though they still have their moments).  The differences between how they handled this argument and their previous argument in chapter 6 has shown us readers how much of an impact they've had on each other and gives us even more to look forward to in the future. 

Kagome's right at the end--it IS easier to forgive than to hold a grudge, but this anger is all Sesshomaru knows.  He probably believes that forgiving his father would be to betray the memory of his mother.  Hopefully Kagome changes that, though I doubt it would be an easy process.  I'm sure Inuyasha and other relatives won't make it easy, but then I look forward to how Kagome deals with them. 

Look forward to more!

Angelicatt (Chapter 27) - Fri 06 Aug 2010

he's acting like a child again...being angry all the time eats away at a person's soul. But Kagome 'IS' too naive.

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 27) - Fri 06 Aug 2010

Wow, has it already been 27 chapters?  0.0  This story is so good, I hadn't even realized how far it's gone until you mentioned chapter 6.   *^_^*

Miss C (Chapter 27) - Fri 06 Aug 2010

Thank God you updated!! I looked everyday fpr this story. Keep up the great work.

L-desu (Chapter 27) - Fri 06 Aug 2010

lovely chapter!  i love the way Kags keot her ground without flying off the deep end like in the beginning.  we have character depth and progress!  i'm excited to see the long-awaited dinner.

RikayuTooLazyToSignIn :) (Chapter 27) - Fri 06 Aug 2010

Ahh!  A new chapter! How I've waited diligently for this!

I think this was a good chapter.  It really shows how much they've grown more mature with each other.  Fights are normal in relationships, and it's always a big step when it comes to apologies.  

Can't wait for the next one, MT!! :)

fatcatmom (Chapter 27) - Fri 06 Aug 2010

Another emotion-packed and revealing chapter. Well, Kagome is right about it being harder to live with hate, but to forgive is a huge step. Perhaps 'let it go' is the right approach for our Sessy, but it is so hard after seeing his mother's suffering and death. Pls update soon! I am dying to know how this works out because Sess's father did betray him and rubbing his wife and son in Sess's face is not right either.....

Naiadine (Chapter 27) - Fri 06 Aug 2010

I see you have updated! Wow, this is like a triple treat today for me.. Exams over, I watched an awesome performance and then your update! Whoohoo~ That's the finishing touch on my moment of happiness. :)

This chapter is pretty short and not much happened. But it certainly has depth. One thing I like about your fic is that it doesn't only show the fluffy sweet wonderful side of love but also the ugly side of a romantic relationship. That alone injected the important element of reality and made it easier for readers to identify with. Your Sesshoumaru and Kagome are vey much alive and wonderfully written. You keep them to their most basic personality even though there are moments of OOC-ness in the ealier chapters (which couldn't be helped since this is an AU fic).

The emotion of the characters are well-conveyed. I can feel the tension and pressure building up in my chest as if I'm relly there, experiencing the husband and wife fight. I also like the way you portray their pride and differing opinions.

All in all, this is a nice chapter even though the atmosphere of the plot wasn't. :)

Great work! I'll be waiting for the next installment.. May the muse be with you.

Saide (Chapter 27) - Fri 06 Aug 2010

A grudge is hard to let go especially when a loved one is involved...T^T


Gah fantastic dear :33333 I got so caught up in the tension I'm having a hard time breathing while reading. >A<

Yohko (Chapter 27) - Fri 06 Aug 2010

Great chapter! I think it's mature on Kagome's part. I hope that Sess eventually release his grudge. Hope you update soon! Dying to know what's next. :D

Archerdiana (Chapter 22) - Wed 04 Aug 2010


Nysrina (Chapter 26) - Tue 03 Aug 2010

Hokaaay... I is glad you gave the warning that it's fluffy PWP where the bath scene was concerned, so I kinda skimmed through it when it came to the, umm, steamy bit, sorry. Hehe... I do read relevant lemons, where it indicates emotional progress (like the very belated 'wedding night' in chapter 24), but for most parts, unless it's beautifully written - more implied than graphic, preferably, I tend to skim through them. Heh. I did enjoy the mutual grooming session the couple had - it is possible to unwind in that manner and setting without things getting sexual. I am glad for the little cultural note at the beginning of the chapter though; I've read one too many hot springs turned into a personal bathtub with shampoos and soaps. :p

Hmmm... I do wonder how the family dinner would turn out. I think Kagome will have to play peacemaker and referee between father and son at one point, and 'sit' Inuyasha too. Hoo boy.

Nysrina (Chapter 25) - Tue 03 Aug 2010

Whee... RL gave me a break! So what better way to spend it than reading your fic? :D

Well, that was one heck of a morning after! Hurray for Sesshoumaru for taking it all in stride :D I'm glad he's pretty mature and realistic about the idea; parenthood certainly does not come with a manual. LOL.

MoxyMikki (Chapter 26) - Wed 28 Jul 2010

 get the feeling that there is stil a little bit of dramz to be worked out between these two. BTW loved that your gutter marble ran away from you with with chapter, and I hope it happens again! You write love scenes beautifully - too many authors turn them into these over sexed, unrealistic, fantasies. Part of the beauty about how you write, is how real it all is - the good the bad the ugly. I Can't wait until the family dinner or for that matter to see how Kagome and Sesshomaru will resolve this one.

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