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Inukohi-Sama (Chapter 20) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

This is one of the best stories i've read! keep it up! and thanks so much for the shout out ^-^!

InuYoukai_Goddess (Chapter 22) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

I love this story! I read it like a 1000 times! i love it sooo much. Its refreshingly original. i am srry i didnt review earlier, but i hope this review makes you happy!



Yoru-101 (Chapter 21) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

That was beautiful. Miroku as their baby? And Rin and Kohaku changing their names to Hirgurashi? Stunning.

The part when Miroku died in chapter 20 with the slow motion part literally played in my head like a movie. Being the sad-ending-story-lover that I am, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.


But, if you don't mind me saying, I found a little error that you keep slipping up on. (I'm sorry I'm suck the grammatical freak.)

You usually use the word 'to' in the place of 'too'

'too' goes in where a sentence would need an 'as well'. I hope this is not as confusing as it sounds. I'M SORRY. IT'S JUST BEEN BOTHERING ME.

You are so talented. I'm going to see if my scanner is in a good mood so I can make you fanart. <3

Mander B (Chapter 20) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

This is different and I like it. It is usually hard for me to read in first person but this story is not so bad. I dont really like how in maybe 2 parts your switched POV but that is ok. I like it, your doing good at it!

TruGemini (Chapter 21) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

And just like that sango almost ruins his sacrifice. How cruel and blamelss humans can be. We must always place blame even when there is no one to blame. Sad, but true.

fallen (Chapter 21) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Wonderful!! Just wonderful. I couldnt believe it even as I was reading it, but your turns and twists and expanations just made this perfect. I had thought as soon as rins baby was born that he would have his soul. I just cant tell you enough how much I truly love this great peice of work, it really is an amazing story and I was so happy to see that you updated once more tonight. Thank you Thank you Thank you! I will wait impatiently for tomorrow. I am sure her becoming invisible death once again will be an interesting chapter, and is it too wrong to actually want Sango to die just so she can see who death is? I dont think I have ever wanted a main character to die so bad before!

Kira (Chapter 21) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Oh. My. Gosh. I wasn't expecting to see another chapter up so soon! You made my night end happy! lol, i was looking for a fic to read that would make it happier, and your worked out very well! lol

I love how you explained the Mirror thing, that really confused me for a few minutes. I feel so sorry for Sango. Personally i think you should have let Naraku stumbled into the path of the arrow. lol. that would have been funy!

I was shocked that Miroku's new name sounds like a girls name, Sora....sounds kinda girly. I wonder, will Kagome tell seshy? And will she ask him to watch over all in her family for her? OH! Will she live long enough to see herself born!? that would be weird! lol

Good luck at your work! I hope the next chapter is jsut as brilliantly twisty! Oh, and...another question...will sesshy agree to dashing that stuff in his closet? the stuff that makes her evoked? I would hope not, so more lemony goodness can ensue! lol


Sess Koibito (Chapter 21) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

That was a really fast reincarnation! LOL! I'm happy that Miroku's part in the story didn't just end after he died, and I love that Kohaku, Rin & Miroku (Sora) are Kagome's ancestors! On the other hand, everything that Kagome has to silently suffer makes me want to cry. How sad to be so feared & hated by people she loves & for whom she continues to make sacrifices!

Kira (Chapter 20) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

I wonder what her punishment by the kami's will be for taking their souls "before their time"? Its something to ponder... I admit some tears fell when i read that part. I was really saddened by it. Poor Sango! Death has taken her daughter, and now Miroku too! She must be REALLY mad now!

I hope you update soon, i wonder how sesshy will consol her? Im happy you comented on that fanart too!


Seshiepersonalpriestess (Chapter 20) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Tear....that was so sad.

Sess Koibito (Chapter 20) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Oh, poor Miroku! Another great chapter! What will happen between Kagome and Sesshoumaru now that the threat has passed and she no longer has to be evoked?

Terri (Chapter 20) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

You were right the chapter was so moving that I cried, all though if I had a choice I would gave killed off Kikyo. I am looking forward to reading your next chapters

TruGemini (Chapter 20) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

OMG!! Miroku was always the honorable and noble one regardless of being a pervert. he could not allow Kikyo to die. It is sad that he is gone, but he died for a good cause. He was true to himeself and that is what matters. Great work!

Kira (Chapter 19) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

lol, seems like you update hourly! i wanted to let you know that another person made a fanart for your fic as well, its a really good one too!

I wasn't sure if you knew about it or not, but i really like it!

The bit about kannas mirror confuses me somewhat...when kanna tried to steal souls and did it didn't leave a hole in the persons body....did it? or did i missunderstand that part?



PS: i really do LOVE your updating speed!

Yoru-101 (Chapter 19) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

UGH this is a beautiful fanfiction. I am insanely jealous of your talent.

And the Kanna mirror part? Brilliant. It was driving me crazy trying to think of how she was getting all those souls. I am highly intrigued by this story. Please continue entertaining me.



Kira (Chapter 18) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

i hadn't had time to review for a while. lol, BUT i felt the great need to review now! I love the picture that was drawn of kagome, really perfect! When i saw it i was like "0_0 omg that is the BEST picture i have ever seen done for any story!" its really good! Do you know if she's going to do a picture for kagome's invoked outfit?

I was really schocked when Kagome found out it was tsubaki. I had a feeling it was actually a part of kagome doing it, like...a part of her that didn't die...but then i was like nah, that wouldn't happen! I was still shocked you chose tsubaki! I thought it'd be someone we see a lot more of, wonderful choice! Very refreshing!

And i really love your chapter up-dating! Its usually two chapters a day! Really nice! Im actuallly jelous! lol

Hope you update again really soon!


Phantomlogic (Chapter 18) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

Wow, I honestly didn't see that coming!  I should have, I know I should have, but I didn't.  Excellent job, yet again!

Sesshou's Nubia (Chapter 18) - Fri 08 Jan 2010
You are totally awesome I love this fic to death hahaha no pun intented. I am risking insomia as we speak anticipating the next chappie.... Is it Tsubaki I think it is her...

chevonne knowles (Chapter 6) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

it is an interesting story a worth wild read.

it is sad tho. and i think the it is too much of a punishment. no one deserves

what she has to do. and how is there going to be any kind of relationship between

kagome and sesshomaru. the way things are it just is not possible.

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 17) - Fri 08 Jan 2010

I must tell you that, even though I am tasked with reading through everything that is posted, I have paid special attention to this story... your unique premise and your uncanny ability to paint pictures through words has gripped me and kept me in my seat, reading each and every word most avidly.  I am thoroughly enjoying this incredibly intricate story and, although you are updating so very rapidly, find myself eagerly awaiting the next thrilling installment.  While the romantic in me hopes for a happy resolution to Kagome and Sesshoumaru's unfulfilled love, the realist in me recognizes that some stories just don't end that way.  I will, though, keep hoping for some measure of peace and happiness for both in the end.  I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how very interested I am in this story and how much I've been enjoying it!!  Thanks for all the terrific reading!



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