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CarmMeldoll (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

Great Story, after seeing Roo's picture, I decided to read every chapter up this one...It is fastly becoming one of my all time favorites!  Thank you for another great chapter.  My poor old heart is breaking for these two...Especailly now that Sesshomaru can be free from the pain of Love and Kagome will continue to carry it around so much longer....

Scherherazade (Chapter 22) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

Well, I couldn't stop reading and continued on a couple of more chapters.  I didn't realize but in my previous review I said poor Miroku.  What I really meant was poor Sango.  I think Miroku had accepted his fate and was at peace with it.  I wonder if Rin and Kohaku's son will have those same lecherous tendencies.  The thought of it made me smile.  I need to get some work done but no doubt will be tempted back into finishing this story up to the latest chapters.  It's rather unfair that you wrote such a heart breaking story so well.  I'm not one for reading tragedy but can't stop myself and now I feel heavy inside.  Please I beg you tell your muse that in the end Kagome will find happiness and she and Sesshoumaru will be able to be together. 

Weeping beseechingly (my spelling sucks and spell check isn't working right now) for some happiness for these characters.  Very well done.

Scherherazade (Chapter 20) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

I'm crying now.  I feel so bad for Miroku.  The dead have it easier than the living.  They are going to a new exsistence, but living have to deal with the loss and their memories.  I need to find my happy place.  Well done.

LadySafire (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

oh god Whisper it's so heartbreaking but so good. Its a great story. i can hardly wait to read more.

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

Does this mean that Sesshou can no longer see Kagome? And who will he choose for a mate now? How will this affect the grand scheme of things? How is Kagome handling all of this? Keep up the good work and update soon. :P

Beautifully Wicked (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

TT_____TT *SOBS* I LOVED IT.... It was sooooo good. Better than i could imangine! Keep it up. Ohhhh I wish they could be together.... but.... TT.TT



Keep it up!!! I promise I'll stop crying soon

stars (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

please updata

TruGemini (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

That has to be hard, to seperate your self from the one you love as destiny unfolds. Knowing that the Kami have a plan where you could possibly be alone forever. I hate the Kami at this point. But, we'll see what happens next.

Mimiru (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

BWAAAAH T_T, and Wicked called ME ebil for killing 'Roku WELL! -huffs- poor Sesshoumaru :-( dont feel guilty or sad fluffers we all have those times when we make mistakes..poor Kagome =( will she ever get a small break? prooobably not, but one could hope ^^. I eagerly await your next update, and shall hold my breath until the update appears -holds breath andInuyasha

 turns blue- x.x okay....maaaybe not lol

Phantomlogic (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

Why, oh why can they never get a break?!  You are just too cruel!  **Sniffle**


Scherherazade (Chapter 16) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

Whisper, this is truly, one of the best stories I've ever read. I'm wiping my eyes while I type this review, from reading this chapter alone, not to mention some of the other heart rending ones in this tale.  My heart aches for 'Death' and it seems so unfair for her to be punished this way.  If there were any grammatical errors or misspelled words throughout the  story so far I didn't see them.  I'm so involved with the story you could probably misspell every other word and I wouldn't notice it.  

In one of the chapters, maybe this one you mentioned Sesshoumaru as possibly being ooc.  I really don't see that he is.  Yes he is a softer than at the beginning of the story, and in this chapter he's practically poetic in his feelings for Death.  However, It's been a very slow process for him 2 decades at least have past since Kagome has died.  Each time he and she met over the years, built things slowly to this point.  People change over time, it makes sense to me that Sesshoumaru would too.  

I need some sleep so I'm going to attempt to quit and finish up tomorrow.  Excellent work.

kim (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

omg i hope sesshy doesn't have to wait years and years before he finally get's a chance to be with kagome.

Darrakk (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

NEED MORE NOW! Its too good Aaarrgghhh! Please update, I can't wait. I love the whole idea behind this story, its frickin awesome. Never stop this story, I couldn't bear it. Is it that once she finishes her duty that she will be granted life with Sess, or will they be reincarnated together? Don't reincarnate them please, that means its not really them; just like Kagome is no really Kikyou. Maybe they will find peace together in the afterlife? Whatever the case, this story is cool, you are a fantastic story teller, and you need to update immediately and continuously. Please?

Lilly Akame (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

*Snif snif* I hate you :( But I'm happy that they do get together in the end :)


I love the fast updating :)

summerbirdy (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

ah, sounds to me he's still in pain, he just doesn't feel it.

As much as I always hate the plots with "break them up for divine or not so divine reasons" I must agree with you here. Hundreds of years of pain and longing is bout to get to you, and somehow I'm sure that Sessh is going to need all his wits at future... right?

As always it's been pleasure to read another chapter. Thank you. Please, continue soon. Keep up the good work.

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 27) - Wed 17 Feb 2010

awww :sniffs: a sad but great chapter! can't wait to see what happens next! :)

Kazumi (Chapter 27) - Wed 17 Feb 2010

Please please please continue the story! I love it so much! Everytime I see that it's updated I get all excited! It's such a wonderful story, and as weird as it is, I'm so glad it's so sad. Most of these stories are rather light, but this one is very heavy with emotions and hidden meanings. Please keep up the good work!

Beautifully Wicked (Chapter 27) - Wed 17 Feb 2010



WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 27) - Wed 17 Feb 2010

I'm sad to see Kohaku go since he is one of the few people that knows Kagome's secret and isn't afraid of her. I wonder how the others will feel about Death's new mistress once their own time has come. And why would the Kamis make Kagome endure such a long atonement? What purpose does that serve? I look forward to her conversation with Sesshou. Keep up the good work and update soon :P

TruGemini (Chapter 27) - Wed 17 Feb 2010

Poor thing. At least Kohaku left with a smile on his face. She has a lot on her shoulders. I hope she will pull through. She has a long way to go.

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