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Darrakk (Chapter 29) - Mon 29 Mar 2010


Another update! 'bout time, too. Keep up the good writing!


Is Kagome going to be pregnant? You know, from Sess back when they were together. That would mess things up a bit.

Beautifully Wicked (Chapter 29) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

Why is it that every chapter you write goes stright to my heart and wrenches it! It's ok it's wonderful and lovely and I want more even though its soooo sad! your the bestest!

Angelicatt (Chapter 28) - Sun 28 Mar 2010

Whisper, I can't stop crying...I want to smack my head into the wall...anything to make the pain go away.

kim123 (Chapter 1) - Tue 23 Mar 2010

what happened no more updates please update!!!!!!!! kudasai! T__T

Black Light brightness (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Mar 2010

I LOVE THE STORY AND IT's FANTASTIC but.... THATY BETTER NOT BE THE LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!! O.O i know it sais incomplete but thats one of the BEST fanfictions i've read! PLEASE continue~!!!!!!

NAO-chan33 (Chapter 28) - Wed 17 Mar 2010

I enjoyed reading this story.  :D  I've finally caught up and can't wait until the next one!  Keep up the great work!



Nenyanna (Chapter 28) - Sun 14 Mar 2010


soo sad

love it - in the mood for more angst... please review soon!

(Chapter 28) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

AGGGH! I love this story sooo much! I always used to bypass it and then when seeing fanart I got curious. Now I'm hooked! Queit Whisper, my proverbial hat goes off to you. You have a lot of talent!

But I have one thing to point out, your use of 'to' and 'too'.It's always easy to miss your own mistakes (believe me, my school papers says it all, lol). Read over some of your chapters again and you might see it. That's all I have to say. Hope it helps :) I look forward to your next update

jojo661538 (Chapter 28) - Sun 14 Mar 2010

*sniff* *sniff* man i cant stop crying but its a great story keep up the great work ^_^ *sniff*

Indie (Chapter 28) - Fri 12 Mar 2010

You, my dear, are a master. I ran across the fan art for this first, and had to read it. And boy have I read... for two days, I have imersed myself in your story. And while I have cried several times throughout (including currently) I can honestly say this is a delight to read. It has left me breathless, and completely lost in the world you have granted your readers as being a part of. I count myself lucky to have found a writer with such talent, and I eagerly anticipate your next chapter.

ObsidianTresses (Chapter 28) - Thu 11 Mar 2010

Ohh dear.  What a  great story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't able to tear my eyes from the screen for a LONG time just to read this!  Truly one of the most creative stories I've read. Write on!!! :D

Lexie (Chapter 28) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

aaaaaww :'( so sad. poor Sesshoumaru and Kagome

please update!

Couldntbekeener3 (Chapter 28) - Sun 28 Feb 2010

Couldnt Stop crying!!!!

Kitty (Chapter 28) - Sun 28 Feb 2010

Oh jeeze.

I've cried more than a dozen times for reading this. It's such a fantasic story, but at the same time it makes me so sad and heartbroken...

Please update soon.

sweetest angel (Chapter 28) - Mon 22 Feb 2010

I really love your story but what happened in this last chapter make me fear what will happen next. Do you intend to put sesshomaru with someone else? (even if it is the "new kagome" it is someone else really) I know it might sound strange but the idea of seeing sesshomaru with anyone but kagome (the real and right now dead one) really don't suit me. I know you said that it was a sess/kag story in the end but if the detour you talked about is another girl in any shape and form then can you send me a message? I just don't wish to continue to read if it is the case. It's just that I really love your story so much and the disapointement would be all the more greater if it were to happen so if it is possible for you to inform me, please, do so, I'm begging you. I really don't want to come to not like this story so if you entend to put sesshomaru with someone else, I perfer to quit when I still love this story very much. I'm asking a lot and I would understand if you say that you can't. Thanks anyway.

Lady ky (Chapter 28) - Fri 19 Feb 2010

ooo yay another chappie!!! you found squishy whooo!!!!!!!!!

I feel sorry for Sesshomaru I mean she is his mate and she took that away from him, that's as good as telling him he's not good enough for her to even wish to be alive again.

purplepari (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

I absolutely love this story, no doubt, and I look forward to the emails that say you have updated it, but I don't like to read Sesshoumaru with another woman(much less mating one). I'm not telling you how write the story because that would stupid because your stories do make sense, but if that is where this story is heading can you please say so, so that I stop reading and end my addiction early.

I know this sounds stupid but its the truth and I just want to be informed.

On another note,

your story is well written, thorough, and different.

loveyaa (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

Sadness overcomes me as I wait for time to go on. Can't wait to see how things turn out between these two. til next time...

Yoru-101 (Chapter 28) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

Ah! So sad. I revel in it, letting it soak into my skin. 

I know, I'm horrible, sue me. But sadness is truly a wonderful emotion to behold, is it not?

 This is by far my favourite chapter of all, the angst, the bitterness, the anger, 'happy sigh' wonderful <3

Thank you once again for this wonderful chapter. You are so talented, and I don't care how many times I have to say it, it will never be enough. <3 Wonderful job, as always my dear, I tingle in anticipation the sorrows  that have yet to come.

Scherherazade (Chapter 25) - Thu 18 Feb 2010

Well the last couple of chapters have mad things clearer.  At least I'm not on the verge of tears at the moment.  Everyone's lives are interwoven into each other.  It's a comforting thought somehow, like the connections in life continue and keep everyone tied together even after death.  It doesn't seem quite so lonely that way.

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