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Darrakk (Chapter 31) - Sun 04 Apr 2010

Um, whats not sad about Sess losing the only way he can communicate or even see Kagome? This is the beginning of epic sadness.

Oh, and pls don't have Sess mate for love with an OC. That kinda ruins it. Political alliance maybe? But its your story.

sesshyzcutiie (Chapter 31) - Sun 04 Apr 2010

ii can't even fathom the diistress and agony Sessh and Kagome are goiing to go through...


iit's not faiir...after all they went through, they deserve happiiness...


but sufferiing iis necessary to achiieve ii'm sure that karma wiill catch up and they wiill reap the rewards... 

TruGemini (Chapter 31) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

How long do the Kami expect her to just say, "its my duty and I'll do it" before there is a huge problem? They are quite arrogant are they not? Don't the Kami realize they have more problems when they do so?

loveyaa (Chapter 31) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

I am ready for the chaos to begin!!

Lady ky (Chapter 31) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

sure its sad i mean sesshomau wants to see her again and can't he wants to love her again and can't and now some evil guy has taken the stuff to envoke her so she can fight against the youkai she loves ha that sad whisper very sad.

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 30) - Thu 01 Apr 2010

Another beautifully written chapter Quiet! You had me on the edge of my seat once again.  The scenes with Rin and Koharu (?) are too sad! Awesome chapter and can't wait till you update next! :)

Hesunohana (Chapter 30) - Tue 30 Mar 2010

well, I think your idea in the beginning was a good one : how you set the events and the characters, how Kagome was chosen to be the next Shinigami...


and you have different plot in the same "love" story : you made the story "real".

I wonder what'll happen next ? (smile)

Angelicatt (Chapter 30) - Tue 30 Mar 2010

I will wait to see what the Kami decide for our smexy inuyoukai, instead of fussing over the broken hearts. Poor Kagome has already suffered so much pain - may karma decide to grant her happiness in the end.

Mimiru (Chapter 30) - Tue 30 Mar 2010

O.M.G! That was beautiful as always, Whisper! -huggles 'chu- I'm anticipating the next chapter with much wiggling, squirming and cursing lol!

mikaelalucine (Chapter 30) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

Please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beautifully Wicked (Chapter 30) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

Oh thank goodness I didn't cry! Whew. But it was a great chapter! Keep it up my twin!

theunknownchild (Chapter 30) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

Great chapter once again!! And we even got some of our questions answered! :)

No worries about Sesshy mating someone else, Kagome is still Kagome and he was in love with her once, who says it cannot happen once again? Or even if there is another female he marries that isn't her?

Meh, either way I cannot wait for the next chapter!

Scherherazade (Chapter 30) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

The thought of Sessh with anyone but Kagome (or myself, lol, as if that were even remotely possible) makes me mad.  I don't want to see him with anyone else.  But as you have pointed out before there are many stories out there where that is the case.  I don't usually read them because I don't like it.  But many are good stories so I get through them anyway, wiping my tears as I go. 

I'm sure you realize as I've said in previous reviews, this is an awesome story.  One of the few I would actually call great, even though my heart breaks continually while I read it.  Also I'm using your words, "... I will kindly remind you that this IS a Sessh/Kag story and they WILL be together…" as a mantra to perk myself up help me through.  I hope they can be together in life even if it's not their current one but the next and that it will be filled with fluffy happiness.

Eagerly awaiting your next chapter.



Scherherazade (Chapter 29) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

That was a beautifully written moment.  I felt happy and sad at the same time.  Kohaku's words to his son was beautiful and everything seemed peaceful and somehow eternal. 

Scherherazade (Chapter 28) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

I don't want to read what is happening next, because I know it will be more heartache for Kagome/Death but I'm hooked on this story. It's just sooo good.  So on I go to the next chapter ready to cry.  (Where's my prozac?  Darn I don't have any.  Okay I need an alternate plan to cheer me up.)

Seriously this is a fantastic heart wrenching story.  Well done.

summerbirdy (Chapter 29) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

You make this bird cry *waaaaa*

It's beautiful, sad and also a bit happy too. Sad in that little happy way. Hard to explain but I loved every word of it this time too.

Seems like next we have a little jump in time, right?

Lilly Akame (Chapter 29) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

Damn it! When Kohaku was talking to his son, I started to get all teary! I love this story so bad!

LadySafire (Chapter 29) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

:sniffles: You made ,me cry, it was so bittersweet! great job my friend. I am so looking forward to the next chapter!

Elly (Chapter 29) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

This story has made me weep so many times. This is beautifully written. Please update when you can.

KAggie (Chapter 29) - Mon 29 Mar 2010

It's great to see this story back in action again! :) I'm getting all teary-eyed over both Kohaku and Rin's relationship as well as (and of course!) Kagome and Sesshoumaru's relationship. I hope he can break that spell and remember what it's like to love her again! I can't wait till that day arrives. :D Well, keep up the great work! I can't wait to read another chapter. :)

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