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Ello~ Greeting from the sunny island, Singapore!

Just your typical SessKag fangirl with a little bit of twists and quirks. :)


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YoukaiYume's Fanbabies Appreciation - Older Seishirou
  • YoukaiYume's Fanbabies Appreciation - Older Seishirou
  • Category: Others
Sesshoumaru Pan & Kagome Bell
  • Sesshoumaru Pan & Kagome Bell
  • Category: Fanart
Botan Doro - Sesshoumaru to Kagome no Kaidan
  • Botan Doro - Sesshoumaru to Kagome no Kaidan
  • Category: Fanart
Genderbend Fiasco
  • Genderbend Fiasco
  • Category: Fanart
Under Our Umbrella - A Reunion
  • Under Our Umbrella - A Reunion
  • Category: Fanart
Ojou-sama & Shitsuji
  • Ojou-sama & Shitsuji
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The Lordling
  • The Lordling
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Kagome - Shanghai
  • Kagome - Shanghai
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  • Sesshoumaru
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Shiraito Ryokan
  • Shiraito Ryokan
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Comfort in the Cabin - Unspoiled
This Bitter Earth...
  • This Bitter Earth...
  • Author: Aoki
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His Folly
Ojou-sama & Shitsuji; Colored!
  • Ojou-sama & Shitsuji; Colored!
  • Author: Lilith
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Genderbended Fiasco-Colored!
  • Genderbended Fiasco-Colored!
  • Author: Lilith
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Inupapa and pup
Flower Exchange
2. Love
Sesshomallow revisited
  • Sesshomallow revisited
  • Author: Jupe
  • Category: Fanart
Sesshomaru Loves Cookies
  • Sesshomaru Loves Cookies
  • Author: MGN
  • Category: Fanart
Watching Over You
Fractured Fairytales 2 - Rapunzel
  • Fractured Fairytales 2 - Rapunzel
  • Author: Jupe
  • Category: Fanart
 SessKag  The Mistress by YoukaiYume
Fractured Fairytales
  • Fractured Fairytales
  • Author: Jupe
  • Category: Fanart
Two Grains of Rice
  • Two Grains of Rice
  • Author: MGN
  • Category: Fanart


Name Entry

Created On: 08/19/2010 13:14:45

Really?? ZOMG me am NORTHIE!!! Admiralty/Woodlands to be exact. I used to live in Yishun too, at somewhere around community center, opposite good ol' Northpoint XD And I am often seen lurking around Yishun market (not Chong Pang, but the other one near the Catholic church and Chongfu Primary School) because I help out at my grandma's roast duck and char siew stall there. It's okay about arousing thoughts of food...I have succumbed and am eating KitKat now HURHURHUR.

HAHAHA Mushu is so cute!! He's like, so lousy but still so adorable. Yeahh I know right?? Disney movies today are no longer as innocent and sweet as the classics...they use so much crude and nasty humor in the movies now, and kids say things like, "Oh, shut up, brat" or "LOSERRRRR" Now, we never saw Snow White calling any of her dwarves a loser right?? And neither did we see Jasmine tell Jafar to 'shut up and get a life'.

Yeah, dialects are hard to learn unless you immerse yourself in the environment, I guess. I picked up Kansai dialect when I was away in Kobe, Japan for summer school. XD

Psssss. *whispers* A spoiler indeed!! But well, not really...I'm not going to make him fall in love with her or vice versa, else it will complicate the already-very-long story and I'll end up killing myself with writing. But I would like to seek your help in deciding on the song for her to sing in the next chapter! This is a little bit of a spoiler, but I want him to be attracted to her. So I have trying to decide between 'mei gui mei gui', 'gei wo yi ge wen' and 'yi jian ni jiu xiao'. The link for the last song can be found here, in case you can't link the title to the song:

I went to check Joanna Wang's rendition of 'mei gui mei gui' and you're right, it's really good!


Created On: 08/19/2010 11:21:05

Oh no, I cannot read about food at 11pm... LOL now I REALLY want to eat nasi lemak, and there's this good one I know of at Yishun (near the sembawang air base camp) which operates at this hour...*slaps self* LOL! NO, Jasmine, NO. Stop thinking about eating.

Ooooh I went to check out Mulan in Japanese! Ironically, it's not as bad as I thought it might be, probably because anime is a Japanese thing so that's why we think it's OK. Haha are you a Disney fan as well? I was totally in love with the Disney princesses as a kid, and I still enjoy watching those movies even till today.

Learning from parents is a good idea, but the thing is, they don't teach it properly and all we do is try to learn by ear, which is not quite good because I can't form proper sentences by myself. Do you think there are any places to learn dialects properly in Singapore??

HAHAHA OMG oldies FTW!! 'gei wo yi ge wen, ke yi bu ke yi~ wen zai wo de lian shang, lalalalala'(forgot lyrics HAHAHA) I might just make Kagome sing that in 'Shanghai'! I was intending for her to sing 'mei gui mei gui, zui jiao mei, mei gui mei gui zui yan li~' to...kukuku, NARAKU. LOL. It's a bit of a spoiler but 'gei wo yi ge wen' sounds much more suggestive HAHAHA.


Created On: 08/18/2010 13:04:20

Glad to know you're better! Alamak, sambal makes me hungryyyyy~ I totally adore sambal stingray, sambal clams and the idea of ever eating nasi lemak without sambal chili is like, unfathomable. Garfield should totally be worshipped for that awesome quote!

HAHAHA hardcore la!! English, Chinese AND Japanese?? LOL. I think English is still the best for Disney programs; in fact, I think everything is best in the original version. I cannot imagine Mushu speaking in Chinese. And Jacky Chan?? Suddenly I feel like watching the Chinese version so I can hear how he sounds like! I know what you mean about the know, when I was on homestay in Japan some years ago, I watched Little Mermaid in Japanese with my host sisters, and ZOMG. Talk about cringe-worthy. Seeing Sebastian croon in Japanese is just WRONG. Speaking of Sebastian, he totally looks like a lobster but is actually supposed to be a crab, according to Disney. HURHUR.

LOL I was only 13 then and wasn't know what I was doing! There was the option of taking a third language after I completed my PSLE, so I went for language classes in Bishan during my RGS days after class. It was pretty fun, so I just stuck to it. And it wasn't even my choice; it was my dad who told me to learn it. Being able to speak Teochew is awesome!! I wish I could speak it like you do...sometimes I feel sad that the Chinese culture is eroding gradually. LOL @ secret language...that's so cute!!

HAHA OMG it's Girls Generation!! (Or SNSD, as some know it) Wonder Girls all look alike as's really the SAME doctor. They have a template or something, I bet.

Awww sweetie, you're too kind. *prods at my belly* Seriously, too round for my own good! I have the CNY aim of wearing a cheongsam...JIAYOU ME. Go go go!!

Ooooh Fu Man Ren Jian was awesome!! It's the one with Sharon Au and Wong Li Lin as the singing sisters right? And Chew Chor Meng too, if I didn't remember wrongly. And right now, I am singing the song that goes 'wei wei wei, ni shuo she me wo bu zhi dao~ hey hey hey, bu yao ti qi ming zhao~' if you know what I am babbling about.


Created On: 08/18/2010 09:13:30

Yay!! Watch away! Read away! XD

LOL it’s just too good AND bad that we are born in this part of the world then! Southeast Asia has the best food with the most amazing variety. My Japanese friends love our cuisine, and so does my father’s American colleagues LOL. It’s like, diet? What diet? That word totally does not apply. But still, I hope your GI system is much better now!

And awww thanks! It’s okay though, take your time with the books. I have this terrible habit of over-borrowing from the library, which is why a rather substantial amount of the money in my cashcard is often used to keep the National Library Board running. :/

Mulan in three different languages?? Haha that’s uber cool! Which three?

And wow! You’re effectively quadrilingual! That’s really, really very cool. I am effectively trilingual in English, Chinese (like duhhhh) and Japanese (been learning since 13) and I speak basic French (learned for two years in NUS). I am Teochew, but can’t speak a word of it. Rather, I speak some Cantonese at home because of my grandma. Haha jiayou for Japanese!! If you need any help just feel free to ask I’ll definitely be shameless about it and bombard you with questions if I pick Bahasa up!

Hahaha as for the Korean artistes…totally! I was commenting that the girls of this particular girl band all look alike, and my friend quipped, “Yeah. Same doctor mahhh.” (complete with emphasis on the mahhhhh in a very annoying Singaporean way LOL)

And ooooh you managed to lose 2kg before that!! That’s superdupergood! I wished I could :/ But no, still roly-poly.

Thank you for the awesome review on 'Shanghai'! Bu Liao Qing is such an awesome song, and Saitou just makes things more fun! I love him even though he's such a creep, and he does seem like one who can actually take Sesshoumaru's verbal blows well.


Created On: 08/16/2010 11:17:33

Hi dear!! LOL seems like technology intervened a little there to annoy us! As my friend always says, ‘Tech-no-logic’, so you get the idea. Anyway, I am glad everything’s going fine, and you’re back home in Indonesia having a little holiday of your own and meeting up with your loved ones.

Speaking of the muse, YES I totally understand. *prods mine, eliciting a snore and grumble* It works only when it wishes to, which is at really odd timings. Thank you for reading HEA and Shanghai – I am glad you enjoyed the new chapters!! This quarter is the first time I am in a voting awards session without Wisteria, since it got banned for three quarters after winning a couple of first places, so it is very exciting for me! I love many of the other stories which have been written by the others, so I’m rooting for other writers XD Please give your dear muse a kick for me, my dear! I’m looking forward to reading something by you.

Yupyup, social sciences are great fun! I had fun, definitely, but unfortunately, exams weren’t as fun. Stats are…ummm…NO. They always get the ‘KTHXBYE’ reaction from me, which is probably why I totally suck at it. Aww sweetie I am sure it is a good excuse to learn more languages! What languages are you keen on picking up? I am really interested in picking up either Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa Indonesia, ‘cos I figured it might come in handy since we live in this part of the world anyways. I always feel like something’s missing when I go to Malaysia, and it’s basically because I cannot understand anything in Malay. So. I should learn.

LOL @ Kpop bands sprouting everywhere! My dear, you totally cracked me up with the Superman’s kid part…I swear, there are too many bands for me to keep up with. Where do they even get so many pretty boys?? *curious* I love oldies as well, though I listen to basically every genre except for rap and heavy metal. Teresa Teng is brilliant, and so are others like Cai Qin, Su Rui…as for English songs, oooh I will always love the Bee Gees and ABBA!! The Beatles are good too…I can listen to ‘Hey Jude’ forever and get lost in the music.

Malaysia was awesome and I had a fantastic time shopping and eating!! Which is bad because I am expanding horizontally at an alarming rate.


Created On: 08/06/2010 12:28:19

Nahh, no worries! I am sure you'll do just fine The secret formlula to scoring well in exams is lots of Dokuga + Facebook XD Trust me, it works! LOL.

Anyway, I have to tell you this but I really, really respect the amount of effort and respect you have for your own works! Normally, most people just write and post what they want (like yours truly here) and do not give their works such in-depth thought. In comparison, your determination in wanting to present the best you can give is amazing! I really admire that, and it is really something I should learn from you. If you do post anything here on Dokuga, be sure to let me know. I'll definitely read it and leave my opinions

I majored in political science in the school of Arts and Social Science It was a pretty cool major to study, but a tough one too. But now that I've managed to reach the shore, I'd say it has been a pretty fun ride. Teaching is a great career, honestly. Being an educator is such a rewarding's just that I seriously think I can't do a good job. I don't have the patience for it, and I don't wish to destroy others' future by being a teacher who teaches for the sake of that decent paycheck at the end of the month. I'd feel guilty, I guess. But of course, if you believe you want to go into teaching, i'd say please go ahead!! I have friends in there who are doing a great job and loving every bit of their job - good and bad times alike.

Speaking of music, yupp, I love Asian music as well! Predominantly Japanese and Chinese, with a some Korean here and there. It is quite impossible to evade that K-wave here in Singapore these days. I mean, you can even see Korean artistes on the Sheng Siong Supermarket variety show on Sunday LOL. (I actually watch that show religiously because my inner kiasu-Auntie syndrome made me fill up my details on the receipt and participate in that lucky draw with my Mom LOL) Slow music is beautiful, and your friend's really cute - LOL, an M?? That's a very japanese way of talking!

LOL I know what you mean...the only Korean bands I know and like are Super Junior and SHINee. I have no idea about the rest, and I feel kinda suaku sometimes. But don't you agree that they emerge too fast for us to keep up?? Like honestly?? HAHA I guess it's natural for little sisters to be more 'in'! XD Are you an oldies person? I wrote my Shanghai fic because I was listening to Cai Qing, if you know who she is.

Anyway, pardon late replies, my dear! I will be going to Malaysia for two days, so see you when I get back!! XD


Created On: 08/06/2010 02:40:20
Edited By MissTeak On: 08/06/2010 02:40:42

YAYYYY!!!! *jiggly dance back* Happiness~ Hope you do well kay!! And omg dearie I am sure your fics will be great! It's fanfiction after all, and no one here gets paid anyway, so feel free to post it up. I'll definitely read it!

Thank you for the 80% luck...ZOMG I actually got a job offer from my alma mater RGS to go back there and teach! Hahaha but while I loved the time I spent there, I am not quite sure if I'd like to teach little girlies there. Hmmmmm.

Yes...I fully agree with what you mean on the Annoying's the most stab-able thing on youtube right now! If you have time, you should watch the pumpkin episode. OMG. You'd want to pop that orange in the nearest blender you can find.

Yeahh his slower songs are nice~ do you listen to more chinese or English songs? I am actually rather in love with K-pop at the moment... sometimes I feel kinda old when my cousins (who are in sec sch) like the same idols as I do! LOL.

I'll definitely post the new story when I can! It's up to 45 pages already Writing rampage!


Created On: 08/05/2010 03:03:57

LOL I fully agree!! Exam period is the best time to go on Facebook, check out blog shops, log onto that ebay account which you usually can't be bothered about, and scour deviantart for gorgeous fanart to drool over. JIAYOU JIAYOU for the last paper! You can do it!!

LOL annoying orange is soooooo irritating but hilarious! My friend introduced me to it...he's a medicine student at NUS and he says the annoying orange is the best thing to watch when the stress piles up. XD LOL. "How many oranges can make you feel like stabbing them with a scalpel?" - as quoted from abovementioned friend.

YARRR totally~ I loved the Qing Hua Ci MV too! I love Jay Chou's music. That guy's really talented. LOL I would like to see how songs like "Qian Li Zhi Wai" can inspired PWP...LOL!!! It's soooo wrong though *shudders*

OMG yes, yes you got it right! It is the Shanghai story~ I adore stories with nostalgic references, which is why I've decided to write a Sess/Kag long story based in 1930s/40s Shanghai. The research on the time period is pretty tedious, but I like how the story is turning out Hopefully, I'll get to post it up soon.

Thank you for the luck! It's really sweet of you!


Created On: 08/03/2010 11:53:40

HAHA seriously!! I didn't see anything floating around except for fallen leaves AND umm...plastic bags. LOL. OMG why wasn't I anywhere near Chanel when the flooding happened?!

Thank you for the good wishes, and JIAYOU JIAYOU for your finals!! You can do it! All the best to youuuu~ I totally understand the need for escapes, trust me! I am hyperactive on Facebook and Dokuga during exam period.

Hahaha at the rate I am going, I might just finish all Mr. Brown spoofs AND episodes of the Annoying Orange. XD

Awww thanks~ That's really sweet of you I kinda surprised myself with how 'out-of-hand' the smut scenes got...gosh, I have no idea how I came up with all those. And when I re-read them some time back, the feeling I got was "HURHURHUR seriously?? I wrote that? ME??" LOL. If you listen to Chinese pop, you'd know Jay Chou, and his song "Qing Hua Ci" was the one that inspired Once Upon an Edo Night. OMG. How did an elegant song end up inspiring a piece of PWP is beyond me.

I'll definitely try to update Happily Ever After soon!! I got carried away writing another story (which is up to 40 pages already) and also, going about the job hunt. It's crazy, I tell you. ARRRGH.


Created On: 08/03/2010 03:00:10

Hahaha the Hermes bag sounds like an absolutely delightful idea. *rubs hands in glee* If only I have the money. You see, I just graduated from NUS a few weeks ago and I am still happily jobless and bumming around. XD The book was fine, thanks for asking! ? I kept it wrapped up in the carrier and stuffed the entire thing into my bag.

LOL the spoof song is HILARIOUS! Sorry for the abuse of caps but it was really, really funny. I haven’t had such a good laugh ever since the ‘Mai Hum’ spoof.

Awww thank you for your kind words!! *blushes* I am glad you enjoyed reading both stories. The Ugly Truth was really fun to write (speaking of which I haven’t updated it in a loooooong time) and Once Upon an Edo Night was…*combusts spontaneously* I don’t know what possessed me then; I was never much of a smut writer, but I went crazy with that one. But I am glad it turned out decently, without an extra limb here and there in the story.

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