Reviews for You're Mine by Sayah1112

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Phyllis (Chapter 2) - Thu 09 Jan 2014

I really love your writing style!  Your word usage is excellent, and you paint a very seductive picture.  This chapter was awesome!

silentsoliloquy82 (Chapter 3) - Thu 09 Jan 2014

I apologize.  I meant in chapter three and not in chapter one, lol.

silentsoliloquy82 (Chapter 6) - Thu 09 Jan 2014

This is a very intense, well written, and excellent story.  How do I feel about threesomes?  I  personally can't see Sesshomaru sharing in this story, but I can see him using the thought of others as a scare tactic.  I know in chapter one you said there was going to be some non-consensual stuff of consensual stuff going on, but you might wish to mark this chapter with a rape warning. I hope you don't mind the suggestion. 

Phyllis (Chapter 1) - Thu 09 Jan 2014

I actually read all the chapters, but I wanted to leave some reviews for you.  I am liking the intrigue and domineering that Sesshomaru brings to the innocent, but secretly naughty Kagome.  I understand her dilemma, and I love where this story is going.  Thanks for this!



sk fan (Chapter 6) - Thu 09 Jan 2014

3-some all the wayy~!!

I say, you not limit yourself cuz this is obviously and mainly pwp for us fans to fantasize about. If you need to write 3some to get more lemoney juice out of them and more updates, I say go for it!

im in love with this story... update more por favor!



Anonymas (Chapter 7) - Thu 09 Jan 2014

Please write more

Stella (Chapter 7) - Thu 09 Jan 2014

I have to say, as much as I like BDSM scenes, the way the whole relationship started really rubs me the wrong way and soured the whole story.

She's being coerced into a relationship and raped, even though you write it as she began to like/want it; if she was asked straight up from the start, I doubt she'd say she would want to sleep with anyone she didn't want to.  Basically this Sesshoumaru is a huge jerkass, and I hope he gets the wrong end of the stick in the end. 


Sorry.  Normally I really like BDSM scenes but when setting is that she's being blackmailed and forced into sexual slavery/submission, it's abuse. 

satuross (Chapter 7) - Thu 09 Jan 2014

I can't wait. Please have Worse grades kkagome...

Catalina (Chapter 7) - Wed 08 Jan 2014

I want Kagome to get mad at him too, like show her the previous cards before he marched into her life. Blame him. I know that will spell trouble for her, believe me. That's a problem I'm having in my story as well, how do you get Kagome to show some backbone, when it means pain for her? Sux, don't it? You're an excellent writer, your skills are greater than my own and I am so glad to have come across your story. I look forward to more. Eagerly. Really eagerly. Super eager.

Catalina (Chapter 7) - Wed 08 Jan 2014

AHHHHHHH! Fuck man! I love you! Seriously! Don't think I leave glowing joy all over my chair... I mean... my reviews... for just anyone! Damn it! More more MORE!

DreamCatcher121 (Chapter 7) - Wed 08 Jan 2014

Very good chapter! Although it would have been a lot easier to read if it had been split into pragraphs... Still, I enjoyed it very much!



Karen (Chapter 7) - Wed 08 Jan 2014

I like this story very much, but it needs to be put into paragraphs please. Wall-o-text is difficult to read. Other than that it's good!

Shaneka (Chapter 6) - Sun 05 Jan 2014

I absolutely loved this chapter, it was not wierd at all, update soon.

Silverfurred (Chapter 6) - Sun 05 Jan 2014

Yo....WHO SAID no threesome?!

I would have said YUS! 



That was great! Very well written. and I do love a little of Sesshoumaru's beast. ;)

Can't wait for more!



Sleeping_lullabies (Chapter 6) - Sat 04 Jan 2014

-fangirls into the distance- Phonesex completly yes.

I Love The Stuff I Review (Chapter 6) - Sat 04 Jan 2014

This is just a suggestion, but how about Kagome explains that it is a phone used for emergency's to her teachers and friends? I mean, most people must know about her brother, so she COULD have a phone to keep tabs on him, I just feel semi sorry for her, and would like for her to have A SMIDGE of control over the situation.

StregaSeraphim (Chapter 6) - Sat 04 Jan 2014

Hey Hey after just reading that chapter I'm in favor of a threesome, and I'm liking how this story is devolping I like how he's stepping into her life a bit more and more. Wait till he finds out why she was stripping, oh no he won't have his toy struggling and working extra hard to pay some bill, and I bet he's going to see to it that her grades perform better but on his time. I can only see it now writing a paper and riding him long and hard. I'm loving your writing and I can't wait to see what you do next even better if the chapters are a bit longer with more fleshed out sex scenes and or story content I'd be happy Strega. Thanks doll loving it.

Ana (Chapter 6) - Sat 04 Jan 2014

I´m sorry, but I have to agree... A threesome is not my thing ;3 Anyway...
Love it *.* really!!! It´s amazing! <3
Can I ask something? Are you planning on adding fillings in this fic? Will there be more than just a sex relationship? Either way, I will keep reading this *.* It´s just that I´m just curious!

Catalina (Chapter 6) - Sat 04 Jan 2014

Ah, you are so dirty! It makes me happy! <3 Sesshoumaru's possessive beast... gotta love it. You seem to like some of the trigger words that I like as well. Love it! Thank you for updating so quickly! 

mari (Chapter 6) - Sat 04 Jan 2014

so far i really like it thanks.

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