Reviews for You're Mine by Sayah1112

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wonderbug (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

Blindfolds, nipple clamps, and strap-downs - hot damn! I'd bet my money on her taking that alternative punishment, if ya know what I mean ;) haha, sorry for that, I couldn't resist...anyway! nice chapter, girl! :)

Akita (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

Need to know more about the plot. but this is good too

lonelylulaby (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

I for one love BDSM stories they give me life and I think you are doing a marvalous job.  Since I greatly enjoy the whole thing my favorite part so far has got to be when Sesshoumaru made her punish herself.


ja ne till next time and keep up the great work

Phyllis (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

Don't really know what to say other than I feel for Kagome.  I feel so bad for her.  This is the most sadistic Sesshomaru I've ever encountered in fanfic.  I don't know if I could avoid hurting myself to try and get out of Fridays if I were her.

silentsoliloquy82 (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

That was even more kinky, cruel, and morbid than the previous chapter.  I think the part I liked the most was his teasing her and denying her pleasure.  As of this current moment it would be lovely for Kagome to put a reiki charged clamp over his genitals and insert other various reiki charged objects in his every orifice. Please excuse my virulent thoughts, it just means you are doing your job as author correctly. :D   Your Sesshomaru is quite the sadistic bastard and I hope Kagome eventually gets him back.    Poor Kagome!




To Anonymous:

I am going to do what Sayah did on Rise Again.  Do you see that warning she has in place?  Kindly don't complain about what the fic contains when there are proper precautions put in place for the more sensitive readers.   PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS POSTED THOROUGHLY AND THIS FIC AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION.  Please excuse the caps, but I felt it was needed.





Catalina (Chapter 1) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

Remember, anonymous flames are just trolls. This anon obviously likes your story but hasn't the guts to admit it, or log in to say as much. Suck it. If you don't like the story don't read it, no one is forcing you to write reviews, idiot. Check it out, someone likes rough sex, and someone doesn't. Strange world we live in where everyone isn't EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME. Get over yourself. You want a reaction but are too cowardly to allow for one. Here you go, here's your reaction, shut your mouth and go elsewhere if you don't like this kind of story. I have a story like that, wanna read mine and review? Oh wait! You can't! Because I don't allow anonymous trolls in. Life. It sux. 

Anonymous (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

i find your story to be offensive, you find pleasure torturing kagome's character for all the wrong reason. Shesshoumaru may be a bastard sometime's but i am disappointed in his character here.

You need to get to the point soon Your story is starting to drag and i'm getting bored and really annoyed.

Ana (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

Well... for me I think the worst part was in fact the ass being stretched …

I´m going to regret saying this but… I´m willing to try a lot of stuff… However… Ass is the only thing that I am not willing… I know… weird. But I don´t see how it can be pleasurable. xD

Anyway… Loved the chapter!

Thank you for the update! <3 

Catalina (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

HOT! Holy shit! I admit I'm not a fan of nipple clamps, those things fucking hurt buuuuuut the whole sex room thing was super appealing, I also looove blowjobs. If you didn't know. LOVE THEM. You do a wonderful job of keeping me on the edge. 

hana sora (Chapter 7) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

dont you dare sesshomaru to throw kagome like some slut bitch!? anyway keep it coming

Shaneka (Chapter 7) - Sun 12 Jan 2014

Loved this chapter, but missed the sex.

wonderbug (Chapter 7) - Sat 11 Jan 2014

Wo~ow @_@ Gotta admit, I was a bit leery to read non-con in a fanfic that will eventually be a romance, but I think you are pulling this off admirablyl! I'm not a girl who gets rattled easily, but Kagome's reaction to the anal play hit me like a punch to the gut. Very unsettling to read - way more so than the forced sex, IMO, because at least a part of her wanted that. But I'm not complaining. I like to be challenged by what I read. That, I think, is the mark of a great story.

Don't feel bad about any so-called "weirdness" in Ch. 7! This is your story to write as you see fit, and I for one, didn't see anything weird about it. Sesshoumaru is a sadistic bastard: made sense to me that he'd pick such a bizarre, wicked punishment. God, I hope he gets what's coming to him. I hope he feels like the ass he is when he learns the heartbreaking reason why Kagome's grades are slipping and why she was even stripping in the first place. >:|

Yeah, this last chapter was an interesting one to me, even without the smut ;) which, I might add, is wonderfully detailed when present. Anyway, it was good to get some insight into Kagome's inner struggle: subconscious desire vs. conscious reluctance. It'll be interesting to see how her thoughts and emotions toward Sess progress. Can she learn to love him, in spite of what he has put her through? And can he ever stop being such an ass? Make me believe the impossible, Sarah!! :D

Anyway, I've written you a small essay here, but just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your fic! Looking forward to more :)

- C

Phyllis (Chapter 7) - Fri 10 Jan 2014

Kagome is in for it now.  Poor dear.  Now that I'm successfully obsessed with this story, I am waiting eagerly for your next update.  You are such an awesome writer!  The plotline makes this more than just some smut. It's got some "50 Shades of Grey" mixed with other elements.  I'm loving it!

Phyllis (Chapter 6) - Fri 10 Jan 2014

Hottest chapter yet!  I can see Kags being quite sore after such an "ordeal."  Very well done!

Lady Sann (Chapter 7) - Fri 10 Jan 2014

I'm loving this! Please keep those fingers typing, or grasping that pen whatever your process is! Its really good Its got enough of a plot to sustain it.

Sleeping_lullabies (Chapter 7) - Fri 10 Jan 2014

I hope you are well and that you are feeling better. Also this chapter had me shivering pleasantly ( really well written) and i am looking forward to more of your amazing chapters. Can't wait for the next adventure Sesshomaru and Kagome will have.

Phyllis (Chapter 5) - Fri 10 Jan 2014

Wow, kinky.  I think I was more turned on that Sesshomaru likes his girl healthy, not bony.  Very nice!

Phyllis (Chapter 4) - Fri 10 Jan 2014

I remember being very jealous of Kagome in this chapter.  Man!  Very nice!  I think I'd do good deads all the time if I could get rewarded that way.  Love it!

Phyllis (Chapter 3) - Thu 09 Jan 2014

I gotta admit, this chapter made me feel a little bad for Kags.  I mean, a strong girl like her, forced to be a submissive...that would be very difficult for me to adjust to.  But then again, he's probably got a heavy hand with those spankings.  Very good chapter!

To answer your question, this Sesshomaru seems quite possessive of Kagome.  I don't know that I could see him agreeing to a threesome, but who knows?  Looking forward to seeing what you do with this!



Valasaurus (Chapter 7) - Thu 09 Jan 2014

She's in for it with those grades. I wonder if he would care enough to know why she started stripping. That punishment was truly kinky though. I can't wait to see what he has in store for her at their next meeting.

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