Reviews for You're Mine by Sayah1112

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Elizabeth (Chapter 1) - Thu 16 Jan 2014

Love it!!! Definately hold off on Yasha coming in. Can't wait to find out how Sesshoumaru will react when he finds out about Souta and will he offer to pay for treatments in return for having Kagome as his personal live in pet? Can't wait for the next chappie!!! 

hana sora (Chapter 9) - Thu 16 Jan 2014

how about sesshy just paying souta's bill and kagome will be yours. . hnn

I Love The Stuff I Review (Chapter 9) - Thu 16 Jan 2014

PLEASE HOLD OFF ON INUYASHA COMING IN. I really think that Kagome discovering her powers are a good idea though. I wonder what Sesshomaru will discover, her brother and her working in a resturaunt every night maybe? I can't wait! Thank you for writing such an amazing story!

Maurice (Chapter 9) - Thu 16 Jan 2014

Just so you know, I love this story. Whenever there is a new chapter, I stop what I'm doing to read it...even when I'm in lecture! Lol. There are times when I cant help but feel sorry for Kagome. I'm waiting for the chapter when Sesshomaru finds out about Souta and then actually feels guilty for his treatment of Kagome. I know that may or may not happen but I could dream about it. Keep up the good work and good juju for the muses!!

Nile (Chapter 9) - Thu 16 Jan 2014

Been following along and this is great. I really think Sesshoumaru needs to find out why Kagome became a stripper. It's never been brought up. Or maybe I'm getting ahead of myself?

Gabby Enriquez (Chapter 9) - Thu 16 Jan 2014

Really loving how this story is coming along! They way you keep the them in character is fantastic, it's hard to find stories with them being depicted the same, really can't wait 'till Sesshoumaru finds out the reasons why Kagom's health and grades are deteriorating :)

I'm always left wanting more after finishing reading the latest chapters, each day i anticipate the time when a new one is uploaded!I look forward to the coming chapters of this story and i also look forward to future stories you may publish :)

- G.Ella

Lonelylulaby (Chapter 9) - Thu 16 Jan 2014

I am infatuated with bondage.  I really enjoy the pace of this story, not overly fast and the sequence of events seems likely and plausible.  You are doing a fantabulous job and dont let anyone get in your way.  Ho Ho Ho, lets see what Sessh's digs up.  And I was just curious to know if Kags has been around Inuyasha since shes been in contact with Sesshoumaru, cause would his scent still be on her or nahh?   Glad you havent bloked this from anons, cause most of the time Im too lazy to log in.


ja ne till next time and let the paddles fly

rose (Chapter 9) - Thu 16 Jan 2014

next chapter please

Phyllis (Chapter 9) - Thu 16 Jan 2014

I'm glad Sesshomaru gave her a reprieve.  I was feeling quite bad for our girl.  

And might I say, THANK YOU for making her eyes brown and not blue like so many people do.  For some reason, it really bothers me when other authors try to give a Japanese girl more Anglo features.  I like Kagome to look just the way she did in the anime. It's nice to see an author who does too. 

I can't wait to see what you to next chapter!  I'm very curious and eager about how her powers will manifest.  And what Inuyasha will do.  



Catalina (Chapter 9) - Thu 16 Jan 2014

AHHHHH YOU UPDATED SO FAST! I should have known, since you were online for so LONG! OMG! HORRAY! Sesshoumaru bribe her with paying for her brother's medication, yes? Please? He pays, she stays!!!! AH I LOVE YOU!!!! *Tackles*

Ana (Chapter 9) - Thu 16 Jan 2014

Ok that was... No words xD (good way) 

Tanks for the update <3

Rhonda (Chapter 1) - Tue 14 Jan 2014

Mild bondage is alright but lashing/beating is a bit too much.  I do hope you have something along the line as Sesshoumaru investigating Kagome's family again so he can find out the why of what's up with our little Kags.  I don't expect him or really wan't him to become a saint mind you.... just maybe a teenie bit more forgiving or understanding.

I do like the story because this shows Sesshoumaru's true charecter.....he is a very dominate being.  So what all he's doing would be pretty much true in his OC in canon....... the kink side would show this if they ever did hentai anime for InuYasha....(that would be kinda fun!). 

I really do enjoy this because it does make you squirm a bit.... then you wonder what is next.  As for the anal... don't care for that BUT going back to I could see Sesshoumaru acting out his dominance just as you have written him in this Fic!!

So overall really lovin' your story and await the offered surprises in each new chapter.

REI-Angel (Chapter 8) - Tue 14 Jan 2014

ohhhh. my. freaking. gawd! I'm so angry! kagome doesn't deserve those lashes! ugh! if sesshomaru only knew! UGH! what the heck is she supposed to do?! i hope sessho finds out (he'd probably spank her for not telling him lol). i hope kagome falls really ill from overworking and sesshomaru finds out that she's in the hospital or something. (he'd probably spsank her again for not taking care of 'his property'.) poor kagome she never wins. UPDATE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! ily!

Jennifer (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

Can't wait for the next chapter! Although the bdsm stuff makes me a little squeamish but that's my own fault. Since I continued to read each chapter, despite seeing the disclaimers. I mean seriously, it's on every chapter, if someone doesn't like a story or it's too much, just stop reading, not leave awkward flames.. But then again I rarely leave to each its own...

Overall, I think the chapters are very well written with a captivating plot and character development. I look forward to the next chapter and can't wait for Kagome's situation to brought to light. Hopefully, there'll be some remorse from Sesshoumaru and he'll see how 'dishonorable' he's been.


Night Wraith (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

Here's to shit hitting the fan.  Hoping that Sesshomaru will get his come uppence.  Until Kagome actually consents to having this type of relationship with him, he's nothing more than a controlling psychopath who gets his jollies off of raping her. I was previously willing to cut him some slack when he actually showed some care for her well being but this chapter shows either negligence or real lack of care for his partner. 

That being said, I do find the story fascinating to read.  It is well written.  The BDSM and sexual situation doesn't bother me but I'm more use to such things being consentual with safe words, etc.  If no real relationship of this nature is to develop, I hope Kagome purifies his balls off. :)

Caera (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

You know what I want to kill Sesshomaru right now and slap Kagome for being a freaking weakling...This story gives my heart a workout! LOL,good job dear author.

Darkness living in Hope (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

Man I love sesshomaru. I have to admit that I'm looking forward to what kagome is going to do and feel when the punishment has started and how long she's going to last. Looking forward to the next chapter!!! :)

Elizabeth (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

My fave fic so far! I can't wait to see what she will do. Will she break and beg? Hope you update soon and don't keep us waitimg too long!

satuross (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

awwww. i was hoping for more smutty goodness before the drama starts!! youre so awesome !

rose (Chapter 8) - Mon 13 Jan 2014

next chapter please

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