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shintochick (Chapter 55) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

Very poignant chaptere.

Loveyaa (Chapter 54) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

books can mean a lot to a person. They can take them places and help them get away. I wonder what will become of Kagome's getaway. It seems more likely that once gone Kagome will realize what she had and come back more so than Sesshoumaru showing up last minute and convincing her not to leave. Either way I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Chaos Ninja (Chapter 54) - Sat 11 Aug 2012

I know you gave a small explaination in the other chapter about why Kagome reacted the way she did, but that seems more like an excuse to herself, like she's trying to convince herself that's why instead of facing her fears on love. Is she afraid that what happened with Inuyasha will happen with Sesshoumaru too? Simply not having enough time to have a relationship seems too flimsy, I hope Kagome wakes up before it's too late! Always love your stories! 

By the way, did you that you posted 54 twice?

randomfan17 (Chapter 54) - Thu 09 Aug 2012

Book lovers day should be a happier day for me, but this just made it sad. This just keeps going down depressing hill, she's working hard to fight something that could be awesome so hard she doesn't realize she's hurting herself in the process along with him. I'm just waiting for something to break.

offeringsurvival (Chapter 54) - Thu 09 Aug 2012

I feel a bit guilty every time I see Convivial on the front page knowing you are so busy T_T  Thank you for taking the time to do so!  Am very much enjoying it :)  Good luck!


Sessygurl (Chapter 54) - Thu 09 Aug 2012


KyonKyon01 (Chapter 54) - Thu 09 Aug 2012

Ugh.  I hope that taking the book is a small sign that even if she consciously isn't seeing that leaving is the wrong choice, her subconsious it telling her not to let go of him.  This is torture!  And I mean that in the best sense, hehe.  Keep up the good work! 

insomniac_amy (Chapter 54) - Thu 09 Aug 2012

Kagome is being so stupid. Your killing me Hatter!

dianne (Chapter 54) - Thu 09 Aug 2012

Grr, stupid Kagome! Why can't you just accept your love and be happy already! 

XD alrighty I'm done berating Kags. haha, great chapter btw!

Kayelyn (Chapter 54) - Thu 09 Aug 2012

Awww, sentimentality. It will kick you in the arse everytime. At least she is starting to figure out that there is really no running, no separation, not when everything held dear and cherished is touched by him. And I hope that she is starting to see that even though she wants this seperation, even needs it, she can not and probably will not be ever to truly let go. Not like she did with Inuyasha, Sesshomaru got under her skin and I don't think that there is a way for her to ever seperate them, no matter how this should end.

Random Sess-lover (Chapter 53) - Tue 07 Aug 2012

Kagome is an *insert curse word* idiot. Please update soon. The anxiety is killing me.

DeSoleil (Chapter 53) - Mon 06 Aug 2012
A night full of talking that hurts, my worst held-back secrets. 
Everything has to do with loving and not loving.
This night will pass. Then we have work to do. 

Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love. 

(I was so delighted to see Rumi used, I just couldn't help it! Thank you so much for writing such a delightfully rich story!)

randomfan17 (Chapter 53) - Fri 03 Aug 2012

Looking sadly at my screen as Kagome continues to hurt herself and other people. She's doing the wrong thing, his mother probably set that up to try and force Sesshomaru into it and he wouldn't do it because he does what he wants and if he wants to waiit her out or be lonely his mother can't change that. And now she's just gone further and going to make both of them miserable. I'll keep looking sadly at my screen until she gets some sense knocked into her head.

thehotty (Chapter 53) - Fri 03 Aug 2012

BLARG!  I want more!  You should really post an A/N with the next update.  It will make me very happy and very lovable.  XD  Keep up the good work!


Sesshoo (Chapter 53) - Fri 03 Aug 2012
Yup i hate you very much ...

Kayelyn (Chapter 53) - Fri 03 Aug 2012

Oh goodness, poor everyone. I totally get the move Kagome is making, because though many see it as cowardly, I see it as "re-group" time. After the kiss, the no contact with her best friend/Alpha, and then Sessmama throwing a full blood INu in her face that Sesshomaru is possibly to mate... Not to mention that tingling of regret, that terrible thought of "what if?", it's like emotional overload. And everyone needs time to clear their heads, plus it's not like Sesshomaru has come to her either. He's doing what he feels like he needs to do too. It's like a massive fail of communication all the way around. Maybe, just maybe, this time away will put everything in perpesctive for the both of them.

Wangst, wangst everywhere; and I LOVE it.

Til next time!

Jessie (Chapter 1) - Fri 03 Aug 2012

Bahh!! I don't usually review stories, but this one is so good! I'm really curious about how Sesshoumaru reacted to Kagome wanting to move out. This plot has me going crazy (in a good way)... She can handle being caught dancing in her underwear, but gets kissed by the guy she likes and runs away -___-" damn. Please update soon! :)

Bella (Chapter 53) - Fri 03 Aug 2012
Okay, first I would like to comment on what a great story this is & what an amazing writer you are..but, I am so tired of drama. I have enough of it in my life to last me 2 lifetimes...seriously I could write a book. I want to smack Kagome, castrate Sesshomaru & Murder his mother. This is crazy. I read to leave the drama in my life, not to experience more of it. But I guess that show me what a truly wonderful writer you are. I do not hate you, I might not be totally happy with the way the story has change from happy, sweet, & fluffy with romance going at a comfortable pace to hitting complete emotional rock bottom in a matter of chapter updates. I, as your faithful reader, will just have to deal & just hope that it everything will turn around soon. Take care :(. I will be awaiting your next update.

Alexandra (Chapter 53) - Fri 03 Aug 2012

amazing story!! i hate it how you took sesshoumaru and kagome away but i can understand that they don't know it yet and i hope that the departure away from him will do her some good and gets a better outlook!! keep up the amazing work and great story again!!

REI-Angel (Chapter 53) - Fri 03 Aug 2012


I can't even-


update soon please

you're amazing!

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