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Taylor (Chapter 59) - Tue 09 Oct 2012

Love the story. And i'm so happy that you updated and are back, but can you kind a stop making Kagome stupid. I know love doesn't come so fast, but i think you need to help Kagome relaize what she did wrong and come to her senses. Over all the chapter was fantastic!!! ^^

Alii (Chapter 59) - Tue 09 Oct 2012

So I started to hate you in chapter 51! Im not even going to lie about! Hopefully you update soon andshit gets fixed!

egleriel_qiao (Chapter 1) - Tue 09 Oct 2012

I'm so angry at Kagome! Hahaha, but you have written it so well! I hope they will be together soon, this suspense is getting too much to bear!

Chili (Chapter 59) - Tue 09 Oct 2012

Holey crap.  You made this so very real.  Inuyasha said everything I want to say to Kagome, but Kagome's reaction is so very real.  Who, in their right minds, would change their opinions on the snap of a finger, if they are in Kagome's shoes?  But I so want her to get over this fear.  I'm hoping Sesshomaru is going to drop by in town.  After all, as a master story plot planner (^.^) you didn't make Sesshomaru tell us all about a potential opportunity in Sapporo the chapter before the kiss, and then put Kagome right in Sapporo, all for naught, did you?  I'm hoping he'd come soon and... they make up!  Show Kagome that fairy tales can come true!


Love it!  Wants more!

snowbird (Chapter 59) - Tue 09 Oct 2012

I just had to do another review.  Some are saying most reviews are being too hard on Kagome.  Yes, I can understand where her commitment issues are coming from and she's running more from herself and will continue to do so until she stops and faces her problem.  Instead of panicking and running like an idiot, she should have sat down and talked things through with Sesshoumaru.  I can give her the first panicked run to her room where she could have thought things through before talking with him.  She should have let him know how she felt, that she would rather just be friends until she felt (maybe with his help and understanding) that she was ready to get past her problem.  Instead, she panicked and ran not just once but 3 times.  First to the bedroom (understandable).  Then out of the apartment to the one below (still not really talking to him).  Lastly, all the way out of Tokyo.  Why should Sesshoumaru go chasing after her after all that running to get away from him?  No way would I go after some man if he went to all that trouble to get away from me.  To me that would be a message loud and clear to stay away which is exactly what I would do.  One last thing, he may not even be courting Toorima.  His mother could have been taking her to meet him for the first time in hopes to get them together and deliberately mislead Kagome in what she said to her.  In Kagome's frame of mind, she was easy pickings.

snowbird (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

I'm glad they finally had their talk.  At least he tried.  I didn't expect Kagome to be completely 'healed' from it but I at least hoped she'd be more receptive than she was.   She's too blindly stubborn to even give an inch and too much of a coward to even try.  It would seem she's lost Inuyasha as a friend and pack member.   It would seem she may just loose the rest of them too, because what she has done to Sesshoumaru was cruel and unjust especially after all he has done for her.  As he is their alpha, they will not look kindly upon her.  She deserves any unhappiness in her future as long as no more others get hurt in the process.

Sorry, but I just can't seem to feel any sympathy for her.

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

Thank you for this... honestly.  I needed a good excuse to have a cry and, VOILA!  You provided!!  I know, I know, they have to go through all this before she figures stuff out... but I would have thought that the mighty Sesshoumaru would have given it a more of a fight too.  Maybe he still will?  I hope so, cuz this is nuts-making, even if it's important to the story and resolution.

Don't mind me - had a nasty shock this evening and I'm still trying to make sense of it.  This took my mind off that and put it firmly onto Sess/Kag angst for a bit - and for that, you have my undying gratitude!!  Hope all is going well...



Where's the love? (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

You are killing me with all this, I am diying. It's all just so sad and frustrating, I think Inu was a bit too ruff, I guess she needed it but it's Inu so yeah....

I think your an amazing writer and I can't wait for more. 

FayeMegan (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

Thank you, InuYasha!

I almost cried.

on a side note, I wonder if you'll do talk like a pirate day? lol <3

randomfan17 (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

It's a sad day when Inuyasha is the only one talking sense in an arguement. I know Kagome's scared the shit out of love but love is wonderful! And with Sesshomaru it should be astronomic! I hope one of them gets the guts to talk to the other and actually talk about how they feel for one another because their is no way in this good universe where a woman can't fall in love with a topless Sesshomaru, unless she swings in the other direction, but she could still appreciate the view. I loved the updates, can't wait for more.

stoictimer (Chapter 57) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

i'm sure every writer has done this stream of consciousness writing!

Pricila (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

So freak'n stubborn she is!!!  I can understand her hestiation after all she has only had a few years since leaving the feudal era while the rest of them have had centuries to look back at the past.  I have no idea what is going to happen next or who is going to make the next move.  Just hanging on pin needles awaitiing the next chapter!

stoictimer (Chapter 58) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

ah silly girl! =( thank you for the beautiful chapter!

stoictimer (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

my heart is ripping in two!

Kagome Ketchup (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

I don't usually pester like this...but I really want to know when

they are going to be back many chapters more

of this separation? :-( 

AmoraLynn (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

I have to agree with FaeHime, there is a lot of Kagome hate going on while I feel like it takes two to make things work. Did Inu yell at Sess? Does Inu know about the supposed girlfriend? I don't think it is fair to act as if all of it is Kagome's fault or responsibility to fix. Yes she does hold some of the responsibility but it is not completely on her. Love the story, can't wait for more!

Silverfurred (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

Thank you, InuYasha....motherfucking THANK YOU. Now.....if Kagome could just pull her head out of her rear and and Sesshoumaru would show up.....-_-

FaeHime (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

...I don't know why, but I don't think Inu is being very fair to Kagome~ I see his point, but why is it that Sesshomaru's fear of taking the next step outweighs her own? I'm not sure if that makes sense, but its just... Everyone moved on. Kagome had to rebuild her life without them, thinking to never see them again, and building up defenses like that only to see they were pointless- and then to see that everyone was happy and living life while she was hiding from her own... and then being thrust into a situation where she was contemplating living, really living again... it would be beyond terrifying... would be paralyzing. Because while she's focused on work she may not be truly happy- but she's not being hurt anymore either. She's not vulnerable anymore, she's in control and she can survive.

Sorry, just... I'm really feeling for Kagome at this point, and I don't think yelling at her was really fair.


Great chapter, can't wait for the next!!!

The Letter Keeper (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

Way to go Inuyasha!! Tell it like it is!! Yes!! FINALLY someone speaks sense into this woman!! Unfortunately she has reverted to Inuyasha and has a head as hard as a rock!! Dang it Kagome!! Inuyasha is right!! Sesshomaru loves her and she's not the person we all remember if she can't face her fears. Ooooo!! I'm rooting for them so hard but Kagome is making me angry!! When I ask, WHEN will they get their happy ending?! Those two deserve it if anyone! Alright, alright, I'm done. Good chapter, as exhasperating as Kagome is (That offer to whack her upside the head is still open if you want it.), I'm anxiously awaiting the next chapter!!

Sorrows Amaranth (Chapter 59) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

Oh my gosh! D: I'm bawling my eyes out for Sesshy. >.<

Update soon!

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