Reviews for Casualties by Oroyukae

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inuyashaloverr (Chapter 0) - Wed 13 Oct 2010

Best Angst Cat.


Congratulations! Your fiction has won an award from the Feudal Association for the Sept. 2010 term!


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Inuyashaloverr ^.~

 Feudal Association

dragonwingedangel (Chapter 40) - Sun 10 Oct 2010

Awesome story! I loved how you captured everyone character!

I loved how you really worked with the story, there was never a dull or horribly cheesy part!

Great job!

Tana_san (Chapter 40) - Sun 03 Oct 2010

You know, my friend, you are always critisizing yourself for one thing or another and especially for writing long chapters. I have NO problem with long chapters as long as they are well written and exciting to read, as your's always are. I had no notice of the length of this because the subject matter (ooh la la) and the pace kept me wanting more.

I'm happy that Kagome finally took someone's offer for help and she went to Maru instead of waiting to see if he would finally talk to her. It goes to show how if we allow our imagination to get away from us, we'll never get what we want or deserve. As my husband always says, "It never hurts to try, I've been told no before and life still goes on."

I liked that though she was nervous too, she still persued Maru by keeping him distracted while she moved closer to him. She took the dominate role but in a very feminine and romantic way, showing him that he was still attractive. I also liked that he found his scars to be a new erogenous zone. Funny, PJ and I were just talking about that and I was telling her what I had found my scars felt kind of ticklish when I brush my finger over them but it's a different thing altogether when my husband touches them. Hmmm...

It was great how they both wanted to show each other how much they cared and how Maru had her in tears wishing he'd just 'get to it'. The thoughts each had was nicely woven in and didn't interrupt or take away from the 'action'. This was a great way to finally get them together.

Again, I am so sorry about the RL situations but many of us have been in simular situations,(I know I have and worse, believe me) and we fully understand. Personally, I'm praying for you and things will get better. From the look of you in your Profile picture, you are a strong woman. Keep hanging in there, Lady O.   JEN

Kat (Chapter 40) - Sun 03 Oct 2010

Why on earth would you be sorry for a long chapter??? Those are the best ones!! lol No point in a short chapter...

KouseiJL (Chapter 40) - Sun 03 Oct 2010

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate and have enjoyed this story! I don't care about the word count or how long/short a chapter is... your writing is wonderful. To put together an AU and make it believable with the depth and background you have incorporated is no small feat - you have talent! Thank you for sharing your gift with us and I hope that you do not stop writing- whether here or just for yourself. It took me a while to catch up with this story because of your frequent updates, but I finally have and wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed it. Good luck with R/L... it always tends to get in the way of our hobbies! Thank you again for sharing your talents with us, and I sincerely hope to see the completion of this and your other stories. 


summerbirdy (Chapter 40) - Sun 03 Oct 2010

too long? TOO long? There's no absolutely freaking way anyone is going to complain this being too long. Not me anyway. Kami-sama above, I loved this chapter...

Don't apologize just because you wrote something longer that usual. Chapter speaks for itself. I mean, if you've had time to edit it, there might been something missing. Plus having this awesome, sensual, absolutely gorgeous, romantic and steamy chapter cut, it would be a slaughter. (Take it from the romantic hentai who loves reading smut and citrus, nothing spoils good chapter like slaughtered lemon... erm, *blush*, well...)

Oh, and because I don't think I've said this yet and am lazy to go back and write, I adore the way you handled Omigumo... and how for once Yasha is the one to beat some sence to my favourite couple.


Quiet Whisper (Chapter 40) - Sun 03 Oct 2010

OMG why are you apologizing about it being so long? It was an awesome chapter and I think to cut it any shorter would have taken something away from it. Srsly, it was awesome and I'm so happy that they finally got back together, I hope they can have a happy life together without having to worry about anything else going wrong.

Great job as always and I can't wait to see what happens next~!!!

LunaGirl (Chapter 40) - Sun 03 Oct 2010

Jesus Woman! How could anyone complain about this chapter is beyond me! But I can sure tell you that if anyone does, then they don't deserve to have you write for them! They can take their merry asses and just go somewhere else!

This is not Burger King people! You cannot have it your way! It is not your story! Be grateful and shut the hell up! Leave us, who enjoy every single word to rejoice in the fact that she was so generous to give us such a great chapter alone and go read Dr. Seuss if you want something shorter!

This was so sensual and romantic! Very hot and super well done! Please don't let it be the last one!

Time on my hands (Chapter 40) - Sun 03 Oct 2010

That was an amazing chapter. And you should stop apologizing for the length. So you didn't split it into two... It's not like we wouldn't read both of them anyway... lol. So if anyone takes you to task over it, tell them to stuff a sock in it. The anticipation has been high for several chapters. Personally, I found the payoff well worth the wait. I looked forward to their 'real' reunion even more than seeing Onigumo get his just desserts. You delivered beautifully.

WolfGoddess_1824 (Chapter 40) - Sat 02 Oct 2010


Why do you think people think your chapters are too long?

...I dont, I think they are AWESOME!!!   =3



I think this is possibly one of the most well written Fanfictions I have ever had the pleasure of reading and as and avid reader I find it quite hard to belive that anyone would flame or critsize a long chapter as I'll sate as an avid reader can be quite the opposite.... some authors make there chapters way to short out of shere lazyness or lack of imagenation... I quite like your writing style, and depths you desribe everything. It adds realizim and enhances the scene. You also take the time to desribe a vast amount of emotions that the characters are going thrue with such great detale. Simply put the people that complaine are not to be taken seriously. they dont know what you go thrue on a daliy basis and taking the time to go to the library and obveously putting in the work so they can complaine that its too long??? Although I dont personaly write fanfictions, I do write poetry and know that over critical people are just jelouse, insecure, or spiteful... Thank you for sharing your work with me and the rest of Dokuga.



JeniNeji (Chapter 13) - Sat 02 Oct 2010

At last I can continue on reading!

He's alive? I knew it! I hoped it!


Ah... I am happy and sad about your fast updates :)

Life got difficult and then I realized I was back almost ten chapters back ---_---


Great story!

Huh, Im still here, no?


GoldenMonster (Chapter 40) - Sat 02 Oct 2010

When you write as good as you do, and the chapter is as important at this, you shouldn't worry about word counts. The more the merrier I always say.

It's good to see this heading off to a happy ending for them, they have deserved this after all their hardships and stupidness.

I simply adore this story, and it only gets better every chapter! I hope your RL things work out, and that you will continue to enjoy writing as much as i enjoy reading it :D


Tana_san (Chapter 39) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

Ah, so there was a reason why Kagura was permitted to carry a gun. I had wondered why she wasn't searched but the more intriguing aspects of what was happening took presedense. Anyway, I have to say I really like Tanaka. It's easy to see how he and Yasha get along so well. He's such a flirt,...and Kagura, well, I didn't think she had it in her to be so forward as to finger his equipment. I can imagine the pair the two of them will make.

Now, as for Yasha helping Kagome find Maru...I agree with him. I think he was alittle too harsh with her, but then again, that's his way AND both Kagome and Maru haven't made his life any easier.  He's only tried his best to do what he promised is brother and found an endearing friend along the way. He's tried every way he knew how to help them see they belong back together, only to be told to stay out of it. Honestly, it's about time he's forced Kags to decide for herself what she wants WITHOUT his help, because she hasn't listened to him before, so maybe left alone she'll figure out what it is she really wants where Maru is concerned.

I was a little surprised by Colonel Griggs comments though. It is kind of odd to have a complete stranger trying to tell to what to do about your past love affair. After hearing the whole reasoning for his interference, I understood,as did she, why he felt the need to want to help.  Now, it's up to her...   JEN

Tana_san (Chapter 38) - Thu 30 Sep 2010

WooHoo!!! YEAH!!! That self righteous b****** finally got exactly what he deserved, and he got it from Maru himself!! This was a perfect ending for Onigumo!

Lady O, as always, you are a genius! The way you played this whole chapter out was amazing. I felt as if I were one of those, in that room, who had heard the stories of the great Captain of Crescent Moon and now I got to watch him in all his glory. I was mesmerized by this man who immediately took charge of the room...

I loved that Kagura was one who didn't follow the rules and had a gun in her bag. Can't say I'm surprised though, it fits her character. Kagome's little display was fantastic. All the while Onigumo is being played for the fool he really is. I kept thinking he was just a little too over confident...good, stay that way...come on, Maru, get a clue...yes! there ya go! how are you going to do this...Thank you and you demand to turn around...BANG!!!...WAY-TO-GO, no fuss, no muss and no more Onigumo!!!

I'm curious about one though, are all court proceedings recorded??? Now that would be most excellent!  JEN

Karima (Chapter 39) - Wed 29 Sep 2010

Kami I love this story! everyday i get on and see if it's updated. Keep up the great work and update asap!!!!!

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 39) - Wed 29 Sep 2010

Ok srsly... i would prolly just go loco and kill everyone who knows about the romp in the stable lol. And second... those two are both very thick headed, and really? How embarassing that all these people feel the need to interfere simply because their both to thickheaded to talk to one another, you would figure after everything that happened that Maru would see it as a good thing... stupid stoic ass lol.


And last but not least I would like to address the HUGE ELEPHANT OF A CLIFFIE YOU LEFT BEHIND!!! Really?! You ARE SO EBIL!!!!! Yet sooo good at the same time. I'm guessing it's almost over *cries* this has been an awesome story and I can't wait to see how it ends!

Quiet Whisper (Chapter 38) - Wed 29 Sep 2010

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YUS THE ASSHOLE IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!! That was awesome! *BAM* right between the eyes HAHAHAHAHAHAAH


Anywho, what's up with the sad look in his eyes and I really hope they'll be able to get past everything that happened so they can be together again. Great job!

Tana_san (Chapter 37) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

This chapter was intensely dramatic. Kagome's feelings as she sat there in court on the final day of her trial. The remembrance of what she wrote in the letter she left for Maru was so heart breaking. It was sure to leave Maru in tears knowing how she felt about him all these years.

I felt such rage as I sat here and imagined Onigumo's vengeful eyes staring at Kagome and Kagome's determination to show no fear or defeat was so admirable. She's definately a hero in my eyes for being able to not only stay alive and sane for all those years, but for staying sane through all that she's been put through trying to prove that she's not a traitor to her people or the Forces who she served under.

I was estatic when the huge and heavy doors of the courtroom opened and the men of Black Dragon filed in, dressed in formal attire, marched in and when finally situated they turned and saluted... I raised my arm, made a fist and pulled it down..."YES!!! This is it!"... Then the rest walked in with Maru being the last and my mind's imaginary movie screen cut to Onigmo and there he is in total shock but refusing to let his face show it...he still has the audasity to think he can worm his way out of this!....Oh, and doesn't Maru look SO FINE in his formal uniform!!! UmUm Yes! Mighty Fine indeed!!!

AMAZING, my dear! absolutely AMAZING!!! I loved her excitement at seeing Yasha again and she's finally safe and she WILL be alive to see Onigumo get what he deserves...

And then. Tanaka just has to flirt with Kagura, of all people, that boy has NO idea how much trouble that woman can be!! And Kagura isn't at all bothered in the least with Tanaka's remarks. Good thing Yasha knows his friend so well AND has been around Kagura long enough to know she can and will be trouble if things don't go her way.

Finally, the guy who released the damaging information on Onigumo decides to speak. I guess he didn't realise the Yasha was Maru's brother or just didn't care because he's lucky Yasha didn't do him some lethal damage right then.

Most excellent chapter, Lady O. This was worth the wait and I can't wait for more.   JEN

MoxyMikki (Chapter 37) - Fri 24 Sep 2010

Another great chapter. You spent a lot of time going into detail abuot Kagome's letter to Maru, all of which was so emotionally driven and touching. Now that things have turned around, I'm hoping he'll still get a chance to read it somehow. He should know everything in there. It will be interesting to see where it goes from here. I'm dying to see those two crazy kids kiss and make up. But we'll see where you take it. I'm a sap for happy endings (*hint hint* ;) lol j/k I dont want to sway your creative flow; I like how you work things out on your own.)

Kira (Chapter 37) - Fri 24 Sep 2010











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