Reviews for Healing Carefully by Caedes

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Inuaddict (Chapter 29) - Mon 19 Jan 2015

Great, now I have the hots for shippo. *sighs*

consuelo marquez (Chapter 29) - Mon 19 Jan 2015

i don't have anything constructive so say really. i loved how you wrote about THIS in shippo's perspective since he is almost always ignored when it comes to the sexual aspects o fanfics, but i love HOW you wrote him in this chapter. You REALLY got in his head this time and i loved his personality and whatnot. so please continue and you'lla lways have our support

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 29) - Mon 19 Jan 2015

Woooo hooo!!!
I hope they get home soon and when they do, Sesshomaru grab onto KAgome and never let her go!

Debra (Chapter 29) - Mon 19 Jan 2015

It was a good chapter,  although I will admit that I would have preferred a sex scene with Sesshoumaru and Kagome. Though I thought it was well written.  Plus, you didn't go into too much detail with Shippo and Rin.  I hope we have more Kagome, and Kazuhiko in the next chapter. 

No Uta (Chapter 29) - Mon 19 Jan 2015

Oh holy shiiiiiiit! Gooooooooo Shippo and Rin!!!!! I can't imagine why anyone would become upset at Shippo maturing and going through rutting. I liked this chapter. You've developed Shippo and Kazuhiko beautifully into adulthood. I mean...they are the age Inuyasha and Kagome were when they first came into contact. There was sexual tension between those two all of the time back then. I like that the pups are growing up. Shippo is often kept as a kit. It's nice to imagine him finally growing up. I enjoyed this chapter very much. Now...I know Kazuhiko is also going through this phase of adulthood. I wonder who he will be rutting with hahaha. Great job and thank you for the update! I chuckled at Shippo rutting for 5 days instead of the usual expected 3 days. It means...he and Rin had one hell of a time. NICE!

Ashatan (Chapter 29) - Mon 19 Jan 2015

HFS! I just found your story yesterday and couldn't put my phone down! I read like 16 chapeers straight before sleep finally consumed me. Lol

I am amazed by your story. I like your background for everyone. 

xoMIA ;) (Chapter 29) - Mon 19 Jan 2015

I thought it was excellent.  So excited for more!!!!

Christina (Chapter 29) - Mon 19 Jan 2015

That was a awesome chapter.  I'm happy over the character development.  Can't wait to read about the upcoming reunion. 

Lynansidhe (Chapter 29) - Mon 19 Jan 2015

Thanks for posting :) Highlight of my tedious school day

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 28) - Sat 17 Jan 2015

Nice, keep it coming.

No Uta (Chapter 28) - Sat 17 Jan 2015

YAAAAAAY! You've updated! Wow such hostility from Carl! Such an impressive protective display from  Kazuhiko! He is so much like his father. I enjoy how you've developed both his and Shippo's characters. Oh poor Kagome having to deal with Kazuhiko possibly being in his stage of maturity. So...he may want to rut ey? Hmmm...if I remember correctly. Kagura and Kazuhiko where being flirtatious at one point. I wonder...hee hee. I'm glad that Kikyo approached Sesshomaru. It seems she is gradually coming around though still fearful. Great chapter and thank you!

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 28) - Fri 16 Jan 2015

Grrr that was underhanded! And Killian too?! I never thought he would betray Kagome and sesshomaru in such a way.

I am dying to know when they will get back - will it really take a century? Or will they get back much sooner? When they do get back will the war be over? Will Sesshomaru say "enough is enough" and mate her regardless of what the others thinks?

rose (Chapter 28) - Thu 15 Jan 2015

next chapter please

Lynansidhe (Chapter 28) - Wed 14 Jan 2015

Great chapter! Thanks for posting

Inuaddict (Chapter 28) - Wed 14 Jan 2015

This story gives me life

Inuaddict (Chapter 28) - Wed 14 Jan 2015

This story gives me life

Eva (Chapter 28) - Wed 14 Jan 2015

Of all the chapters you've written so far, this one is my favorite. It is a time of crisis not fun or the lust that we love to see. However you've handle the characters, their relationships, and emotional reactions so masterfully I believe them. Good job. Thanks for sharing your craft. 

sesshouscat (Chapter 28) - Wed 14 Jan 2015

Omg  do you know how much I love a you for this  


this was such a tear jerker  

every thing

love it

upate soon

NightQueen (Chapter 28) - Tue 13 Jan 2015

Oh! How I love this story!! A glimpse into the hearts and heartache of loved ones separated! Even though this chapter and probably a few in the future will be filled with anxiety I know that Sesshoumaru and Kagome and the rest of their pack will be reunited stronger than even.  The scene between Shippo and Sesshoumaru just about melted my heart into a puddle goo! Now both boys have a mom and a dad that love them to bits! I have to say that scene where Kazu channelled his father was awesome!! Don't care if that Carl guy is his grandfather he didn't need to call her a whore!! Can't tell you enough how fabulous you are! 

Debra (Chapter 28) - Tue 13 Jan 2015

Really enjoyed it. Poor Kagome having to worry about talking to her son about rutting. Lol That was supposed to be Sesshoumaru's job. Liked how Shippo had to talk some sense into him, and hope he turns that anger on the East. Kedo them coming!

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