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Darrakk (Chapter 9) - Mon 23 Jan 2012

More please! Love this story SO MUCH!

Caleesci (Chapter 9) - Mon 28 Nov 2011

This just is not fair. Not fair at all! Your stories are fantastic and your art is fabulous! Not fair not fair not fair!

Truly love this story :)

Kylie (Chapter 9) - Thu 17 Nov 2011


I love this story!

It's SSSSSSOOOO funny and you have a beautiful way of describing things without too much detail.

Can't wait for the next chapter!

Anonymous (Chapter 9) - Thu 17 Nov 2011

Heheheheh....Sesshomaru couldn't resist, eh? Haha. Thank you for the update. ^^

daniii (Chapter 9) - Thu 17 Nov 2011

omg i found this chapter absolutely scrumptious it was so adorable!!!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 9) - Wed 16 Nov 2011

Booyaka! Chapter! And what a delightful chapter it was too. ^_^ I loved every bit of it. Especially the end. :giggles:

Thanks for writing!

Loveyaa (Chapter 9) - Wed 16 Nov 2011

And Sesshoumaru is slowly giving into her in more ways than one. I like the way that you protrayed Sesshoumaru's mother. I can see her wanting this for herself and her son and therefore not being uptight or mean about it. but playful and joyful. I wonder what other married couple adventures they will go on together to become closer. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Azumii (Chapter 9) - Wed 16 Nov 2011

Hahaha Sessho being sneaky about eating her cakes makes me laugh. :D  I love it.  Cannot wait to witness the interaction with Inuyasha that is sure to come soon. 
Update soon okay?!! :D


Sandreline Moon (Chapter 9) - Wed 16 Nov 2011

I do believe that this was my favorite chapter yet!!! LOVE IT!!!  They are both SO in character and you write the story perfectly. I cannot wait for more!



Alexandra (Chapter 9) - Wed 16 Nov 2011

aww that's adorable! I love the interaction between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. I wonder what Inu Kimiko will want them to have children soon. I'm so glad you updated. It really made my day. 


Can't wait for the next update!

Ladyfifi (Chapter 9) - Wed 16 Nov 2011

Loved the ending! It kind of reminded me of a commercial where the dog gets caught eating the Thanksgiving turkey.  Hilarious.  I'm glad to see an update for this story and I hope the muses stick around.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 9) - Wed 16 Nov 2011

lmao OMFG thats just awesome! i'm so glad you updated! and no mommaSess isall GRANDBEBE's!!!! maybe even sess too!

evilynmetal (Chapter 9) - Wed 16 Nov 2011

This is a VERYYYYY cute and adorable story that you have written here. So much fluffy fluff it melts in one's mouth! Lol I await the next installment!

Rachael (Chapter 8) - Sun 11 Sep 2011

Aaaaaaw~! That was so CUTE! Mommy likes her; the biggest hurdle has been cleared with room to spare apparently!!! Poor Sesshoumaru is probably jealous of the attention. Oh well, he'll get his nuzzles sooner or later :p It's been entertaining and I can't wait for the next installment. Thankyou for the read~!

Calypso (Chapter 1) - Fri 19 Aug 2011

My only grouse with this is the spacing. It's rather closely fit and hard to read. But it's a wonderful start with a HORRIBLE cliffy.

Alexandra (Chapter 8) - Thu 18 Aug 2011

aww, poor Sesshoumaru wants some Kagome time!! I hope he gets it next chapter. lol


Whoot! Challenge one: Mama Tashio's approval PASSED


Can't wait for the next update!

Alexandra (Chapter 7) - Thu 18 Aug 2011

I love your story! I'm so glad that you updated again. I can't wait to read the next chapter. <3


I wonder how close Kagome and Sesshoumaru will get?

Azurena (Chapter 8) - Thu 11 Aug 2011

Awww! I'm so glad Sesshoumaru's mom isn't the typical I-can't-believe-you-married-a human-where-did-I-go-wrong stereotype :P It's wonderful to see her approving! I so adore this story of yours lol it's just so cute!

TrianaStyx (Chapter 8) - Thu 11 Aug 2011

So cute! I love Sesshomaru's mom! And Sesshomaru and Kagome are getting closer and closer! Yay! :D 

lilyoftheval5 (Chapter 8) - Thu 11 Aug 2011

Delightful story.
And now we have a mother-in-law coming to visit!
Thank you for sharing it with us.

(Btw, I think it's “Onee-chan!” not “Onii-chan!”)

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