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Fallingyuki (Chapter 15) - Wed 12 Dec 2012

Ya! thank you thank you thank you. I really enjoyed that chapter


Ankita (Chapter 15) - Wed 12 Dec 2012

thank you for this quickkk update <3 <3 luv you so much for thisss

& the chapter wasss rEally awesum loved to 2 see the progress between the two of them & they made sum plans for d futureee 

Please keep updating plzzzzzzzz

His Lady (Chapter 15) - Wed 12 Dec 2012

AHHHHHHHHHH THIS WAS SOOOOOO CUTE!!! Although I was hoping for them to kiss even if it was a chaste one...*sigh* please update soon

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 15) - Wed 12 Dec 2012

Great story, keep it coming.

Pricila (Chapter 15) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

Thank you for not splitting this chapter up!  It is wonderful and I love watching the love bloom for one another!  Looking forward to the next chapter.

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 15) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

Wait... I haven't reviewed this one yet??  How completely thoughtless of me!  Well, here goes... What a perfectly delightful story, and building so slowly, but so beautifully!!  I am on pins and needles, wondering when either of them is finally going to take the plunge!  And what horrid mischief can InuYasha get himself into in the meantime?  That should prove to be MOST entertaining!  Thanks so much for this super-long, super delightful chapter.  Just what I needed to head off to bed and have SWEET dreams!



Midnight (Chapter 15) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

I love it. A sweet moment with Kagome and Sesshoumaru. I wonder how Kikyo is dealing with Inuyasha being all Kagome craxy right now.

Midian (Chapter 15) - Tue 11 Dec 2012

Thank you for the long chapter I am sure no one will complain about its length.


It was very kind of you to not split it up.

dianne (Chapter 15) - Tue 11 Dec 2012


Alexandra (Chapter 14) - Mon 10 Dec 2012

AWWWWW! Sometimes I wish you could write my life. Then I would have an awesome love story full of cute moments like this that would just melt my heart. *sigh*

Please update soon. I can't wait to read more about the adorable awkwardness between Kagome and Sesshoumaru.

Pricila (Chapter 14) - Sun 09 Dec 2012

ugh!  Auto correct on the phone bites!  Sorry!

Pricila (Chapter 14) - Sun 09 Dec 2012

Love. Love. LOVE, this story!  I love reading the relationship is slowly growing and HA to Inuyasha!!  I bet he taught she was quietly mourning him this entire time, serves him right!

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 14) - Sat 08 Dec 2012

It's lovely! I adore your story! And the way you depict each character is spotlessly brilliant and concrete! Please update soon. I read it all in one sitting. :D



PS. the pace at which Sessh and Kag are getting to fall in love for each other is wonderfully and somehow excruciatingly painful to read lol... I love how you're taking your sweet time but at the same time, a little voice in my head keeps yelling JUST KISS HER, GODDAMIT! xD

SesshysRose (Chapter 14) - Fri 07 Dec 2012

I was wondering when their paths would cross! Glad it brought her closer to Sesshoumaru in the long run :)

Samara (Chapter 14) - Fri 07 Dec 2012

awesome new chapter, cant wait to see how things develop!!! yay, sparks are a flying... mmmm

Sanura (Chapter 14) - Thu 06 Dec 2012

Dawww~! So, kawaii!!

Haven (Chapter 14) - Thu 06 Dec 2012

I really, really love seeing Kagome "go after her man!" I'm enjoying the little initiations here and there and wondering what she'll try next. Frankly, I would have jumped him after receiving the shell...cluelessness abound! Love it.

More please!

Haven (Chapter 13) - Thu 06 Dec 2012

omg, another update!!!

Seriously, I read the whole chapter and then went back to the shell -- THE SHELL!!! He gave her THE shell. Sess is so sweet...and their flirting is too funny. Loved it!

More please

His Lady (Chapter 14) - Thu 06 Dec 2012

OH MY GOSH!!!!! 1) Inuyasha is a dumb-ass smh 2) Sesshomaru should have kissed Kagome twice in this chapter lolz in the car on their way back to the house and when Kagome kissed his cheek he should have grabbed her arm pulled her back and planted one on her...UGH this is getting better keep going and update soon PLEASE

Ankita (Chapter 14) - Thu 06 Dec 2012

OMG i m so excitedddddddd about the progressss :D thank you for such speedy updates you're the besttttttt <3 love this fic please please keep updating soon ....

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