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iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

I feel like an awful person, but I don't feel sorry for Kagome.  This is the thing she needs to HOPEFULLY give her a reality check.  I'm wondering what her reaction will be to both Inuyasha's news and Sesshoumaru's relationship.  Looking forward to finding out!

Thank you for the fast update :D  I should really try writing something...

LoveSessho4Evah (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

Noacat.. you're exactly right, and it's why I don't necessarily want this to end up a Sess/kag story because I think he'll always wonder if she just settle with him because he's as close as she could get to the one she really wants and that just wouldn't be right. And you know with the physical similarities, I mean, not to get ahead of myself, but lets put myself in his shoes, I'd wonder if she was seeing him each time we were intimate. UGH ok you know you're a freaking great writer when you have people analyzing the heck our of your story. Also this story just hit too close to home as I saw a very good friend went through the same thing Sess is going through and he put with it for just as long before he finally wised up and realize that girl would never love him as she did the other guy. Luckily for him, he found a great girl and the other girl did eventually leave her situation but she lost out on a great man as well. I think sometimes people like Kagome really have to lose out of everything before they can really wake up and start learning to love herself and see she deserves better and deserve to treat the people who love and care for her better as well. As right now, to me as I said before, she's a parasitic friend. She may not be fully aware of that fact, but it is what she is and as long as she knows or thinks she have Sesshoumaru to fall back on in times of crisis, she'll never learn.

Noacat (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

It's good to see Sesshoumaru moving on. I think it's healthy. I don't believe his relationship with Kaguya will last, though, but I think he needed some normalcy.I had actually hoped that he'd get together with Kagura. She's a brassy chick, and being a brassy chick myself, I kinda liked the idea of him hooking up with her.

It's a sign of a good writer that their stories inspire other writers. For some reason, after reading this story, I had this idea in my head where Kagura storms into Sesshoumaru's office, orders him to cancel all his appointments and when he asks why, she looks at him fiercely and says, "Two words. Mini. Golf." Because to me, Sesshoumaru and mini golf are two hilariously incongruous concepts that put together mean instant comedy. But I don't have any other ideas where to put this... anyway, I thought I'd tell you because, seriously, Sesshoumaru + mini golf FTW.

As for the whole thing with Kagome... it's really no longer a matter of her making things up to Sesshoumaru. She's played way too many mind games with him. She might not know for a fact that Sess loves her, but she knows he cared about her more deeply than pure friendship and she used it. Someone called her a parastic friend, and I think that's right on the money. Any relationship with Sess, to me, would seem like she's just trying to replace him for Inuyasha, the man she can't have. Even if that isn't the case, even if she really does fall in love with him, you know in the back of his mind, Sesshoumaru will always wonder if he's just a pale imitation of Inuyasha. He'll always wonder if she just settled.

Anyway, glad to see my dear old Sesshy a bit happier.

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 2) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

I hate Kagome for some reasons.... 1. stupid blindness. 2. not respecting herself.


But aaawesome work. It's just too.... realistic.

Yohko (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

Wow. A new chapter! Thanks for the fast update. Love all the angst... I'm really excited to know how Kagome will take things. :)

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 1) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

*gasps in silent amazement* .... that was, dare I say, intimidating. The words, the sentence structures, the vocabulary, the ideas, the concept of the chapter... They just blew me away. I've been off Dokuga for almost three months now, and I have to say that to see such a...such a beautiful story being written makes me happy!!!! I've barely read the first chapter and I already feel it's going to be good. Keep on with the good work!!! xoxoxo

CookieAsylum (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

Wow. Sesshoumaru has hooked up with Kaguya. And Kagome is in for the shock of her life. I can't say that I feel bad for her when she finds out about the wedding. I almost think she deserves it 1) for helping Inuyasha cheat on Kikyou and 2) being a jerk to Sess. And what's that scoundrel Inuyasha going to do when he's married and has a kid? I'm really liking this story. There's so much drama and heartache. Keep up the good work. ^^


Mimi (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

And it is nice by the way to see Sess as an aggrieved party, once in a while. It is rather cruel, but I am already imagining a double heartbreak for Kags seeing Inuyasha marry and Sess with a supermodel. Maybe she realizes seeing Sess with someone else hurt more, she leaves for another city, never to be seen again! Bwahahaha! Just kidding.

I am lovin' this story Miss Teak, already very invested in the outcome. LOL!

Mimi (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

I bawled...couldn't help it. Oh Miss Teak, next please! I am loving this...Kagome still gets the raw end of the deal it seems...But, I am loving the unconventional Sess POV.

knifethrower (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

Good thing if someone ELSE is going to get burned, at least it is someone shallow like Kaguya.


Loving all the heartbreak and drama, drama drama!  I cant wait for MORE!  You rock!

LoveSessho4Evah (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

Oh man oh man.. I woke up super early to read this and you didn't disappoint, I can't wait to "see" Kagome's face and reaction and I'm hoping that Sessho don't go running off to play Captain Savior to her again.  She needs this reality check and needs to learn to stay on her on feet and stop depending on him to be her life buoy as you said, whenever she has a Inuyasha crisis.

so umm... next chapter now please :D

P.S. I still don't necessarily want this to be a Sess/Kag story, at least not yet, maybe in a few chapters down and Kagome has earned the right for it I'll change my mind.

BluMystique (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

haha... I love it! Now I can't wait to see what happens. I still hope you don't rush him getting with her. She needs that reality check and a few years of distance between them so that his emotions for her can calm itself.


Again great chapter and I'm dying to see what happens next

redoxide (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

You're killing me and you know it! :P I kind of wished that Kagome would see Sesshoumaru with Kaguya so she could get it into her thick head what she's missing out on. They say that familiarity breeds contempt and I think that's definitely what has happened with Kagome. She needs a wake up call! As for the engagement, is Inuyasha planning to continue his affair with Kagome? The bastard needs to learn he can't have his cake and eat it too. Gee, I'm really rolling with the pithy sayings tonight. I liked how you kept Kagome out of this chapter entirely so that the reader is left only with what is going on in Sesshoumaru's mind. Please hurry! I'm waiting for Kikyou to find out and all hell to break loose :D

Aimee (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

Yay! I’m so glad Sesshomaru is dating Kagura. I find myself completely agreeing with LoveSessho4Evah part of me doesn’t want Sesshomaru and Kagome to get together I mean she doesn’t deserve him and when I saw the chapter and it said wedding bells I was kind of hoping Sesshomaru was gonna get married and Kagome would realise she’s an idiot for letting him get away. And when she said “Just go back first, alright?” I wanted to slap her and take Sesshomaru >_< hopefully Kagura will do that =D

Wonderful story thou so much drama =P

Tara-Yomitorika (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

I don't like this story anymore! It's making me cry! LITERALLY! You were wrong when you said it would make me angrier at Kagome,though. In fact, my anger kind of died in favor of Sesshoumaru's heartbreak. I know exactly what it is to love somebody who doesn't love you. I'd like to tell him that dating someone else doesn't help in the least..... (Ps. I guess my anger didn't actually die. I do want to punch Inuyasha right in his stupid face)

Akay (Chapter 1) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

I totally remember why I'm mad at Sesshoumaru as well.  Because he's being an ENABLER! For both Inuyasha and Kagome. And I get the feeling Inuyasha is manipulating him because he knows that Sesshoumaru will never out him because he doesn't want to hurt Kagome in the process.  I saw screw their feelings! They obviously don't care about his.


Anyway, I still love your story as you're writing it no matter how much I bitch about they behavior. It's like a soap opera or dramatic movie where you throw your popcorn at the screen in disgust and outrage.  LOL So sweetheart keep up the good work.  You have us all in an uproar. *bows to your awesomeness* ^_^

MorganEHW (Chapter 1) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

I love how often you're updating!!! This story is so sad, but it's quickly becoming one of my favorites!!!

LoveSessho4Evah (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

Wow, never thought I say this but I actually don't want this to be a Kagome/Sesshomaru story.  Kagome is too selfish, ungrateful and is the definition of a parasitic friend.  To me if they got together now, it would be like she's just subsituting Sess for the man she really wants but cant have and that's not fair to him. Like someone said earlier, I'm mad as hell at all of them. Kagome for being to stupid and willing to stay in that situation for so long. Inuyasha for being such a selfish a-hole, and Sesshomaru, for not only accepting it but actually helping the both of them continuing this on for as long as it had, no matter how misguided his reasons were.


I hope he changes his number, move out, hell.. leave the country, get a girlfriend (I gladly volunteer for the position) anything to get as far as possible away from Kagome, who's no better than Inuyasha. She stays in a very painful situation of her own accord, choosing to be a subsitute girlfriend but continues to reach out and drag Sesshomaru into it, only to hurt him repeatedly in return.  And why is she calling him at 2am? She told that poor man to go home, so shouldn't she be calling the man that she chose afterall? Ugh. Sorry but I know a girl who was in the same exact situation and she stayed in it for 5 long years, even after the guy married his real girlfriend, and she strung a very good friend of mine the same way before he finally wisened up and walked away from it and her.  The only person I actually feel sorry for is Kikyo since she's clueless about everything so far and the only innocent one. I'm hoping they all get a good reality check. Sess already got his, now it's time for Inuyasha and Kagome to get exactly what they both deserve.


Anyone, lovely story. The plot is fantastic and actually very realistically told. It sucked me in so hardcore and I can't wait for the next update.

sesshou_lover (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

I say he should help it blow up in Inuyasha's face.  As much as I love Kagome, in this the only way her ass will get a reality check is to have it all forced on her and Inuyasha's just too much of an asshole for it to just keep being this way with him always having it all.  Blow it up on them in the end i'll just be much better.

BluMystique (Chapter 6) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

You know I had a moment of insanity and thought that you should make Kikyo and Sess get together in this story. That's how much I'm disgusted with Kagome, not only is she a willing participant, she's continues to throw Inuyasha to Sesshy's face.  When I think about it, Kagome deserve Inuyasha. She's willing to be a third wheel to another woman's man, then she doesn't deserve someone like your version of Sesshomaru.


*Ok moment of insanity is over. Please update soon*

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