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LoveSessho4evah (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

hahaha I love it and this chapter just confimed what I said about Kagome being a parasite. She knew his feelings for her and she used them to her advantage. Now that he's moved on, that's when she wants to act like this. after reading the rest of your lovely story I have to say you're definitely on my top ten favorite fanfics authors now.

So update please??? I can't wait to see how she reacts at the dinner with the news that the man she loves and sacrificed her self-worth is getting married and going to be a father to woman that's now her, and the man that she used has "moved" on and is with someone else.

Again... please don't make them get together anytime soon. Kagome needs to grow up first before she can be in a healthy relationship.

JessiCeleste89 (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009


Payback is a bitch.

I'm so glad you didnt have Sesshomaru hang around Kagome after she got back together with Inuyasha. Kagome needed that foreal. I feel sorry for her but she had it coming. O I cant wait for when she finds out Inuyasha is gettn married. O man thats really gonna burn. ANd she invited to the wedding too. Damn. Great story :)

knifethrower (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Oh, yeah, it's pretty early in the morning for me, since I never went to bed, so I forgot to even factor in the fact that Kagome does not know that Kikyo is pregnant, and InuYasha and his family are busy planning a huge wedding.  Will it be enough to push her over the edge?  This will definitely shock her out of the pattern she has been in with InuYasha, and has not been able to escape, but will the results be horrible (drinking, drugs, promiscuity, self-harm, even attempted suicide), or positive (acceptance, and building a new life)?  I know you have written some nice, long dramas, so maybe it will be the former, leading to the latter.  Kagome needs to build up some self-worth.  She has been sitting around waiting for InuYasha, in her dingey apartment for too long already.  I can just see some investigative journalist rummaging around in the players' lives, and finding out about Kagome's involvement with InuYasha.  If it came out in the tabloids, it would really rock InuYasha's world...

knifethrower (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Poor Kagome!  She is really being punished for not treating Sesshomaru like a human being.  This is really what real life is like, down to InuYasha seemingly being "teflon coated" in the whole affair.  Is he going to be next?  I can't wait to find out...  As I can't wait to find out how sad life is going to get for Kagome. 

CookieAsylum (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Aw man. Now I don't know how I feel about this. I almost feel bad for Kagome, but payback is a bitch. And Sesshoumaru's little debut with Kaguya was just like one of celebrity pop shows. lol It's funny how people want the life of the rich and famous, but never think of the difficulties the celebs have to deal with. Is Sesshoumaru seriously happy with Kaguya?! So much drama! Oh, I can't wait for the next chapter. ^^

- CA

ayg (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Hi Miss Teak! I must say that I really love this story and look forward to every update. I love the concept of both of them being "third parties". I must get some stuff off my chest though. The writing of the earlier chapters did not really convey to me a sense of Kagome being consciously cruel to Sess. To me, it was more like she was so blindly in love with Inuyasha and just really needed a shoulder to cry on. Sess on the other hand has not really expressed explicitly his intentions. Given this, Kagome has not intentionally wronged him, rather she has wronged Kikyo. I am really, really anxious and concerned about the kind of suffering Kagome's character will be undergoing in this story. She was already in hell right from the beginning of the story and will now be facing the loss of her only safe harbor, who is Sess. There is really no need to be too vindictive towards her character, beyond the requirements of drama. I hope that Sess' character will continue to be sympathetic towards her, at least. I am excited to see how you are going to develop their relationship further.

Sesshys_Honey (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

In tis fanfic kagome act a lot like Inuyasha. She knows Sessh loves her and yet she just strings him along and calls on him whenever she get tired on Inu. Im glad shes getting hers. When is Inu going to get his? On his wedding day would be perfect! 

sesshou_lover (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Can I just go on the record as saying I hate Kaguya and will be glad when she's gone?  I don't even want her going to the wedding because Sesshoumaru can't even stand her and it would be pointless, even if he's on a rebound to continue on with her.  Okay, now that that's out of the way thank goodness Kagome is starting to get a reality check.  She really truly needed it.

redoxide (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

You have no idea how much I actually *savoured* Kagome's pain. Or maybe you do, you cunning girl :P I could just picture her sitting on her couch in daggy clothes and no make-up watching Sesshoumaru with a gorgeous supermodel. I'm sure it will bring Sesshoumaru nothing but heartbreak in the end but I can't blame him for wanting something more than what Kagome is capable of giving him or for taking the chance to make her feel her loss. I can't wait for the wedding-Kagome being seated with the family is going to be excriciating. If it wasn't for poor Kikyou's feelings it'd be divine justice for it all to come out at the wedding so that Inuyasha can suffer the public humiliation in front of all his guests.

Noacat (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Perfect. It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Sesshoumaru might find that doing the right thing is harder than he thought. And the short bit from Kagome's perspective was nice.

Inu Guardian (Chapter 7) - Mon 09 Nov 2009

OMG!!  Poor Kagome!  Why can't she see that this is not good for her?  I mean, to knowingly allow yourself to be "the other woman"???  And how can she not listen to Sesshoumaru?  I know love is blind, but to be deaf as well?  Listen to reason, Kagome!!  I love your story!  I can't wait to read more!!

Tana_san (Chapter 7) - Mon 09 Nov 2009

Hello, my dear Miss Teak. I bet you must have wondered where I have been seeing as I always review your fics. Many things have been happening lately and rather than bore you with the details, I will say that you seem to have another hit on your hands. How can anyone not feel bad for Sesshoumaru. I can understand his not wanting to hurt Kikyou and his family but I must tell you that I don't think HIS heart will allow Kagome to go through this alone. This Kagome you have created is like ALOT of women, young and older, who just do not have very strong self imagines. It's truly a sad situation but honestly, Sesshoumaru put himself in this mess. Really, let's look at this from a different propective. They were friends since childhood and as they grew he saw that Kagome was developing feelings for InuYasha more of that than a friend. InuYasha has no problem at all stringing Kagome along while he persues a relationship openly with Kikyou. Sesshoumaru tries to get Kagome to see how wrong this situation is but Kagome just can't let InuYasha go and InuYasha won't let Kagome go, especially because I think InuYasha knows Sesshoumaru loves Kagome. Since Sessh can't get either to see this is a distructive relationship, he should have gone to Father well before this went to three years. Father then could have more than likely prevented InuYasha from breaking two hearts AND putting his business relationship with Kikyou's father and company on the line.  As a matter of fact, he should tell Father NOW, before the announcement at the banquet where both Kikyou AND Kagome are present. Let's face facts, InuYasha here is being a real wuss over this whole thing. He wants his cake (Kikyou) and his cupcake (Kagome) for later or when Kikyou is unavailable. This isn't love. If InuYasha loved either of them, he'd let Kagome go because let's face it, he's already engaged to Kikyou. Kagome will be viewed in this as the other women because everyone knows of Kikyou and that she is to marry InuYasha. Kagome is going to get the bad rap for this and it'll be poor Kikyou and her unborn child. Sessh needs to man up and go to Kagome before he tells Father, tell her about Kikyou being pregnant and that he was so hurt by her this last time that he was going to move on but he couldn't leave her alone with this and that HE has and always will love her...more than InuYasha ever could if she would just give him a chance to prove it. Maybe Sessh doesn't need to tell Father that Kagome is the other woman and protect her and Kikyou from that pain but then that would also let InuYasha off the hook for his behavior unless...oh dear, look at me...sorry, guess I'm making up for lost time.  JEN

RayRay (Chapter 7) - Mon 09 Nov 2009

Waaah, Silly college took up my time and I JUST got around to reading updates when I noticed this had 3 new chapters up since I last read! I felt horrible--especially since I try and review every chapter! None the less, the last few chapters were amazing and I love seeing Sesshomaru's progress. Yet, I giggle because the entire time he STILL thinks of Kagome and her feelings even though he says he's stepped out of the quadrangle! I do wonder how she will react to the news of the impending wedding and the baby though. Poor Kaguya has now been brought into the picture, and I feel bad for Sesshomaru because he seems like he is settling with her even though they have nothing in common nor anything to talk about except for when she wants something and to tell her she looks pretty. I can't wait to read more though my dear, you have me in so much suspense, I must know what is going to happen next and how things will go from there! You always keep me guessing! Until next time, much love to you and as always, you did an amazing job so far!

Vicky (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

Awww man....poor Kagome and Kikyo...Inuyasha is such a effin bastard!!!

I wish Kagome would just snap out of it and move on with her life, with or without Sesshoumaru.  I want her to be the strong and optimistic person we all know her to be. 

Anyways...please update soon.

miwa03 (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

Hi, miss Teak! The story is so heartbreaking. But it's so natural. There are people like Kags who blindly in love with a jerk, Sess who love someone sincerely, Inu with his indecisiveness, and Kikyo who is oblivious to the fact. Eventhough I could never fathom why would a woman be doting on an obvious jerk, but things like that do happen! Update it soon key? Becuase I feel like squishing Kags for her stupidity.

Did Kags know Sess feeling on her? *sigh* what an amazing emotional turmoil you made.

I actually would love to see Inu stays with Kikyo, Sess continuing with Kaguya, and Kags with OC, like Kouga or Hojo. I mean, we could not always have what we want in life. ...but of course it's your story. And I'll be your devoted reader!



Noacat (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

I love how the review page has almost become more of a discussion page!!


@LoveSessho4Evah -- We had a friend in a similar situation too. Unfortunately, he was dumb enough to marry her. It didn't end well. The girl found another guy and started hanging out with him a lot. When our friend was pretty much like, "Ummm, we're married, so what are you doing spending the night with this guy. I'm pretty sure you're not studying." Then she accused him of being clingy and possessive. And when he finally had enough and decided to leave her, then she was suddenly remorseful and crying about how they should try to make it work. She even tried a fake suicide attempt to get him back with her. Pathetic. Two days after the "suicide" attempt, she called him up and asked for a divorce. I guess she found another guy. I hate weak willed chicks like that, who really believe they only have worth if a guy is interested in them. Relationships like that are built on an unequal foundation. One person will always love the other more in a situation like that.And that's where Kagome and Inu's relationship is. She clearly cares more for him than he does for her and she's sacrificed her own self worth to keep loving him. Same thing with Sess's love for Kags. He loves her more, and she can barely muster the energy to care for his feelings. When she said "If only you were Inuyasha..." and the crocodile tears that came after, and she had the unmitigated gall to ask Sesshoumaru not to be upset. That's unforgiveably cruel. You can't build a lasting relationship on such a shaky foundation.

I mean, I really don't feel the Kaguya thing will last. I really don't. But I think he needed someone to make him feel special and loved to boost his self esteem. YOU DESERVE TO BE LOVED, SESSHOUMARU!!

When both parties are confident in who they are, I think it works out way better. I mean, I've been with the Hubs for going on sixteen years now and I love him as much as the day we first went out, and it's because we have confidence in ourselves AND each other. We're equals in love and life.

Akay (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

Pick yellow Sesshoumaru! Go with the women! They hold the power!  LOL Oh man this chapter - if I was sitting up - would have had me on the edge of my seat.  I was just waiting for Sesshoumaru to flip out in front of everyone.  While I can understand why he don't wanna out Inuyasha's undeserving ass to everyone it's still not fair! I mean Kagome put herself willingly in this situation and now I'm getting upset that he is more worried about her feelings than she is herself.  I'm also worried about how they will eventually get together? I surely hope it won't be her using him AGAIN! Cuz then we will be at her door with pitchforks and torches! YOSH!  I'm also happy he is attempting to move on... but Kaguya!  Kaguya!?! She's so.... materialistic! I'm with Noacat, I can totally see them not lasting long either, but we shall see how you proceed.  I also absolutely loved Izayoi's and Kikyo's prying of Sesshoumaru asking him if he was dating Kagome and Inuyasha uncomfortableness with the subject.  I wonder why no one noticed he was surprisingly quiet the entire time? 


Oh this is so much fun!  Can't wait to see your next update! Can't wait for Kagome to find out!  Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't help but wait! LOL



Musouka (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

Oh Wow I Feel So Sorry For Kagome But She Had It Coming You Know.

I Hate How Love Blinds You To Do Such Stupid Things.

I Hope Sesshomaru Breaks It Off With Kaguya Before He Goes Back Chasing After Kagome, Because If Not He'll Be Doing The Same Thing Inuyasha Did To Kagome.

Anyways Update Soon!

FayeMegan (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

Wow. Drama-rific. Kagome still needs to prove herself though, or she shouldn't get Sesshoumaru. Where will the story go from here? I'll be waiting for the next chapter!

Ash (Chapter 7) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

Wow! It's terrible to say but Kagome kinda deserves this. Now she can finally see what a scumbag Inuyasha is. I just wish that poor Kikyou finds out about his selfishness before marrying him cuz that would be very very sad! Though I know having the truth exposed would be hurtful towards Kagome too but she deserves it. There's never an excuse for cheating.

I'm glad Sess seems to be moving on though it probably won't last. But he deserves a sense of normalcy. Somehow I know that this is going to get even more dramatic! Especially on Kagome's part. She's all alone now. And its sad but maybe this is what she needs to understand that what her and Inuyasha are doing is wrong.

All always, I eagerly await your next update!


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