
Kagome's Other Side by Sanguinea

A job to do

Sanguinea:: ummm..*scratches head

sheepishly* wow...I really changed this...

have fun reading a practically brand spanking

new story...he he...hee? No, seriously,

I think it's better...and funnier then before.

Disclaimer: The only things I own are a

few measly bucks and Jake. I don't even

own my socks; my dog does...

Kagome's Other Side

Chapter One:: A job to do

Kagome sat on her bed, thinking about the strenuous math homework she had ahead

of her. She sighed, and dropped her head

down, crashing it on the softness of her bed.

'BOINK!' Kagome sat up, rubbing her sore

head, which had unfortunately dropped onto

the spine of her tremendous math book.

Well, it was supposed to be the softness of

her bed anyway. She glared at the offending book, and swung her feet off the bed. She

was about to go and let her mother know that

she was back; she snuck in through the

window, as Inuyasha did many times before. Without the jumping two stories though, she

used the tree that was conveniently placed

next to the house.

Before she made it to her door though, she

felt something vibrate against her hip.

Frowning, she reached down and flipped

open her sleek, black cell phone from hell.

It only meant one thing, and that was she

had to do some work.

"Yes Anderson...ummm, Jake-san?" She

shook her head since he couldn't see her.

He insisted on her using his given name,

something she thought was a silly foreign

thing. Weird American customs that he

insisted on using. She'd rather not, but

under the circumstances she thought it'd

be best to go along with him.

"There is something that I need your help

with. Meet me in the office please, thanks."

He hung up without a dismissal, something

that bugged her to no end. Oh well, now that

there was no need to tell her mom that she

was leaving again, especially since she

couldn't tell her where she was going anyway. Top secret and all that. Humph...she wished. Wasn't it every kid's dream to be a super

secret agent? It's just that she didn't want

them to treat her any different, and she

still didn't know how everything had happened;

her powers were way out of control


'Enough of that. I'd better get going...whoops, gotta change first. They don't like the school uniform for work...very unprofessional.'

As if she really cared or not...but as she

said before, better to go along with them.

Changed into jeans and a t-shirt, she closed

her eyes and concentrated. Picturing

herself in the office, she felt the strangeness

of her abilities take place. She opened her

eyes again to find herself on a desk,

looking at a befuddled and slightly

exasperated Jake. He raised an eyebrow,

and shook his head. She sheepishly

grinned, and scrambled off his desk.

"So, what am I doing?" She asked, trying to

get his mind off the embarrassing recent encounter. He laughed outright, seeing

through her plan, hey, she'd never said

she was good at subtleness. He handed

her a paper, explaining as she read it.

"There has been a series of what seems

to be terrorist meetings, as large groups of strange people are gathering together,

and have been reported as extremely

violent at times, and often heard to be

speaking of some sort of kingdom they

wish to raise. The leader is here today,

we told him we merely wished to ask him

some questions, but really, I want you to be

there in case of any trouble. He especially

has been known for being an excellent fighter,

and is very fast. He was reluctant in coming,

but now that we've got him here, we're

probably going to arrest him." Kagome looked

at him, eyebrow cocked in fair imitation of him earlier. He shrugged, and stood up from his


"Let's go down to see him." Kagome and Jake

got half way there when she felt a pull on her senses. She could tell her friends were distressed somehow, and knew she had to

go to them immediately.

"Jake-san, I have to go! My friends are in

danger. I'll be back later, alright? I'm sorry,

but my friends are first and foremost, you understand." With that, she disappeared from sight, and went straight to the bone eaters

well five hundred years in the past. Praying

that she wasn't too late.

The sight that greeted her didn't comfort her

at all. She couldn't see her friends, but heard yelling in the distance. She started off towards

it, when she noticed an orange blur coming

at her. She was ready for an attack, when

she probed the blur with her mind.

"MOMMA!!!" Shippo came flying into her last

minute open arms, almost sending her tumbling

to the ground.

"Shippo, where is everyone? Are you ok?"

He looked at her with his teary green eyes,

and took a deep breath.

'Oh no, he took a deep breath!!! Get ready

Kagome, get ready!' He opened his mouth

to let out a jumbled stream of words,

rushing like they've been held in that dark

prison for years.




and..." he ran out of breath, panting to grab it

back before it got too far. Kagome was

thinking furiously, trying to decipher what he


'Ok, I know he said something about Naraku,

which means I have to get going!!'

"Shippo, can you lead me to where they are?"

He nodded and took off running, pulling her

hand at the same time. Soon enough they

came to a clearing where sure enough, Naraku was fighting. This was the real Naraku

though, Kagome could tell from the shards,

and found that his mind was different, more

real. Her psychic powers were powerful;

she just needed to learn to control them better.

She stopped abruptly, seeing Sesshomaru

there as well. She frowned, but didn't think

too much on it at the moment. She let go of Shippo's hand, but grabbed him and pulled

him close to her face.

"Shippo, I want you to go down to the village,

and protect them, alright? We need someone

to do that so we have somewhere to go back

to. Now go!" With that, she shoved him

towards the village, and turned around to

face the fight in front of her.

Miroku looked as if he was in trouble.

Naraku's poison insects were there,

effectively stopping Miroku from using his

wind tunnel. She rushed down to help him, sending out a wave of purifying power,

something she just recently realized she

could do. The insects that got caught in

the wave disintegrated, as did the youkai

that were too slow to move. Miroku looked

at her in gratitude and amazement, before

turning back to the ones who didn't die yet.

He used his staff to beat back the demons,

and Kagome fought them by punching and

kicking, sending her purifying power to her attacking appendages.

Kagome looked to see how the others

were doing, and realized that Sango

was being beat back by Kagura. Kirara

snarled, already viciously hurt by Kagura's

Wind Dance. Kagome looked at Miroku

and saw that he could handle himself for

a bit. Running over to Sango's side,

Kagome sent a purifying barrier to ward

away Kagura's attacks. Kagura whipped

around, startled at the new oppression

she had, and stared at the sight of Kagome speeding towards her. Sango was

surprised as well, and the Hirakatsou

hung ready in her hands, but forgotten.

Kagome gave a quick grin, getting distracted

by a sudden, louder then normal shout

coming from Inuyasha. She turned towards

him, not ready for the sight of one of Naraku's tentacles going through Inuyasha's chest.

Luckily it looked as if it went in on the

left side, not down the middle, where

his heart lay.

Kagome fell to her knees abruptly, feeling

a searing pain run through her right arm.

She looked at it and saw that it had gotten

in the say of one of Kagura's attacks.

'Damn it. Now I'll have to do everything left handed. I'll get her for that!' Kagome stood,

her wounded arm held protectively close

to her chest. She glared at Kagura, wishing

that looks really could kill. Well, maybe not. Otherwise her brother and Inuyasha and

definitely Miroku would be dead by now...

several times over. Naraku would be too,

now that she thought about it. Hmm, maybe

a few sacrifices wouldn't be so bad if it

helped the greater good. She shook her

head mentally, and got back on track.

Kagura...what was she going to do to her

again? Oh yeah...kill her for breaking her

freaking arm!!!

She resumed her glaring, which had

apparently slackened off as she was

thinking, and stalked towards Kagura.

Kagura flinched, suddenly worried

about the young miko who was currently

making her way to her, a homicidal look

in her eyes. Kagura was all of a sudden

very glad that looks couldn't kill people...

"You. Hurt. My. Arm. You're going to pay

for that, wind sorceress." Kagura gulped,

and stepped backwards, away from the

furious miko. She knew she should have

stayed at the castle today, but nooo...Naraku

had her heart, so she just had to come along. Screw him; she wasn't going to get killed just

so he could have his fun. She was outta there.

Kagura snapped her fan closed, and

brushed her hand past her hair. Oops,

damn it! Stupid feather never came out

when she wanted it to. She tried again,

this time managing to secure it in her hand. Throwing in front of her, she jumped into the transformed feather, gliding on the wind

away from the danger. Just for good measure, since she figured Naraku was busy and

wouldn't notice, she swept her Wind Blades across the youkai army, wiping out a little

more then half of them. Kagome looked

confused for a second, before brushing it

off. Oh well, she took care of that danger

for the others.

Naraku glanced up towards Kagura,

making a quick mental note to punish her

for that. Now, though, he had a pair of

silver-haired brothers to kill. One who

should already be dead, but wasn't. Oh well,

that was easily remedied. Just try again!

Naraku just had to remember his lessons:

to keep his maniacal 'kukuku' going at random

times when he thought he was winning,

and to keep shooting tentacles at them until

they died. That, and the fact that he was

worth something, damn it! He was, and no

matter what anyone said, he was loved,

even if only by himself. He shook his head;

damn those self help books. They can never

go without brainwashing the poor soul who

is unfortunate enough to be suckered into

buying them.

Sesshomaru rushed at him, Toukijin held in

front of him in a deadly position. He sliced off

a few of the tentacles in his way, before attempting to run the sword through Naraku's head. Naraku batted him away at the last

minute, sending Sesshomaru through the air,

until he flipped around and landed on his feet,

like cats are always supposed to do. Wait, he was a dog? Why is he...oh never mind.

Kagome moved to Inuyasha, intent on helping

him the best she could. She got to his side

just as he pulled himself up using the

transformed blade of Tetsusaiga. She

frowned, and pushed him back down,

sending him yelping as he crashed back

down to earth.

"Oww, bitch!! What was that for?! Don't

you see Naraku right there? Or are you

that stupid you don't understand that I need

to KILL him!!??" Kagome growled, quite an intimidating site to Inuyasha, who was a dog,

and even Sesshomaru flinched, wondering

what the mutt did to make her mad. God

knows he wouldn't want to make her directly

mad at him.

"Shut up!! You have a hole in your chest

and you think you're going to kill Naraku

like that? Are you nuts?? And why are

we talking in questions??? You'd better stay down there before I sit you even with those injuries and in front of Naraku and Sesshomaru

no less!!!!" Naraku sniffed, sad that they

were sitting there yelling at each other about

how he was going to be killed. He WAS

worth something damn it!!! Wait, it was time

for his maniacal laughter; it hadn't been done

in a while. He didn't feel like it though...oh

well; maybe it'd make him feel better.

" seem to down for the time Inuyasha. Perhaps I should finish you off permanently." Kagome's spine stiffened and

she turned around slowly to face Naraku. Sesshomaru shook his head sadly...Naraku shouldn't have said that. Said sad offender gulped, wanting to eat his words at the


"What did you just say?" she got closer

to him, and could practically smell the sweat running down his body. Funny, she'd never

seen Inuyasha or Shippo sweat, except

when it came to FEAR!!!

"Ummm, I'm afraid I don't know what you're

talking about. I didn't say was

him!!" Naraku frantically pointed to

Sesshomaru, who in return glared at Naraku.

"This Sesshomaru said nothing of the sort.

It was you." Kagome gathered her powers subtlety as to not frighten off her prey right

away. She shook her head at her enemies' childish antics. Seriously, they acted like they were three again. Once she got close enough, Naraku sent a wave of demons towards her, hoping to keep her at bay. She released

another wave of energy, and demolished

them all.

She gathered up the rest of her full powers,

and ran towards Naraku. He turned and ran away, wishing that Kagura was here, instead

of ditching him. She at least could give him a

ride. Kagome got within range of Naraku and

set loose her power. He screamed girly,

while the purifying power ate away at his

physical body, disintegrating it. Losing his strength, his soul flees, looking for a host

body to gain power from. Unfortunately, the closest available source that he could reach before completely dying was a mosquito.

A stupid bug is what he was forced into.

She would pay for this, all the humiliation he suffered by her hands would be repaid in

full. Somehow... he still had to remind

himself, that yes! He was worth it!!

Kagome looked at the shards that had

tumbled to the ground, and picked them up

wearily, instantly purifying them...even

though it took longer then normal, due to

the evilness of Naraku. Placing them in her

pocket, she whirled around slowly, looking

at everyone dizzily. Vaguely, before

she passed out, she realized that Shippo

was there.

'Just like kids these days, doing the opposite

of what their told.'

Sanguinea:: Well, I hope you like it so far,

the change anyway. I'm still trying to

add the random humor in there, and am

trying to speed it up a bit without losing

the story. Let me know how I'm doing!!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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