
One And The Same by yuki kitsune

Hushed Rumor

One and the Same: Hushed Rumors

"Did you hear?"

"Yeah, can you believe that?"

Kagome strolled down the crowded scuffed up halls of Fuji High; books bundled in her slim arms loosely. Her long feathered black locks were pulled back neatly in a low pony tail, and flowed softly down her back. Her boot's clicks echoed through the hall ways as she walked cautiously, listening to every soft word spoken. Her hair swished against her white cotton shirt as she eyed all around her curiously. Hushed mummers danced around her, but she could not pick up anything except the phrase "Did you hear?" Her eyes shot around eagerly, craving to hear what was being said. Did you hear what? She wondered. She watched closely as many of Fuji High's socialites huddled in a tight circle around the nearest glass doors, which happened to lead out to Fuji high's hot spot for the 'jewels', Red Ruby Tree.

The jewels were considered the only teenagers worth being associated with. The other class consisted of the, nerds, geeks, losers, freaks, kickers, punks, jokers, jocks, and any other stereotyped clique you could name. However they were all the same to the 'jewels'. None worth the light of day, and they were Fuji High's 'commoners.'

Kagome slowed her pace as she neared the double doors, hoping to hear the tiniest hint of what was causing the 'jewels' to gather this morning in strange chatter. She paused by the overly excited girls, and leaned over slightly, ears ready for incoming news. Then for the first time in five minutes the girls actually quieted. However, not because their hunger for a juicy rumor was fed, but because their chatter circle was breached by a 'commoner.' Herself, Kagome Higurashi.

Each pair of; brown, green, or blue eyes were fixed on her. Kagome's heart began to thumb hard against her chest, and echoed in her ears, as their intense eyes scanned her accusingly. Scowls were painted on their faces, and their claws were sharpened, ready for today's special dish, 'Commoner' de la plate. Kagome felt her forehead begin to develop a few drops of sweat. Their eyes frightened Kagome. Why? She was not sure, but they always have. They had a magnetic attraction for her, weather she'd be walking down the halls, or simply sitting quietly in class, they were glued to her.

Seconds seemed like minutes, and then as if it was the voice of an angle calling out to save her.

"Miss Higurashi." A mans voice called.

Kagome tore her eyes instantly away from the vultures that circled her, and stared up at her savior with great appreciation.

"Mr. Papillion."

"Excuse me girls, but I need to steal Miss. Higurashi here for a moment." Mr. Papillion said smiling like he always did, with his hands placed in his brown jacket pockets. No one ever saw his hands. It was almost rumored that he had none, only wood replacements for the ones he lost. Yep, eaten by a shark... well, so says the joker's clique, but they were nothing but story tellers.

"Please by all means, take her from our sight."

The leader of the 'jewels', Natalie Higgins, spoke for the group. She is number one in Fuji High. She had it all, beauty, high grade point average, and was voted most likely to succeed for the class of 2008.

"Why thank you Miss. Higgins."

"No, no, thank you Mr. Papillion."

Mr. Papillion took hold of Kagome's arm through the material of his thin jacket, and pulled her to the side. Once again his hands did not leave his pockets. _-_

"Miss Higurashi, I wanted to remind you that your paper is late."

"I kn-"

"I expect it this Friday; this is your last chance to recite it to the class."

Kagome just nodded. You could never fit a word in when getting scolded by Mr. Papillion. He was not a mean man. He just expected responsibility form everyone. Even his 5 year old daughter, Emi Rose Papillion, who he often brought to class with him on Fridays.

"Good day miss, Higurashi."

He smiled and turned to the 'jewels', saying his good mornings.


It was then that her friend Yuri decided to make her entrance. Yuri squeezed Kagome in her arms tight, lifting her from the ground approximately 6 inches. She finally let Kagome free from her powerful embrace and smiled brightly at her.

"Wow ... You were saved by Mr. Papillion. If it weren't for him you'd be today's 'commoner' de la plate."

Kagome regained her composure, and sighed, taking a moment to brush the stray strands of hair form her damp forehead.

"Yeah...I think that for once I am actually appreciative for his overly caring lectures. They finally proved to be good for something ...saving my ass from ridicule."

"De la plate..." Yuri repeated mockingly. "Ya know? I bet that's not even French!"

Both girls laughed and walked out the doors Kagome was headed to before. They entered the court yard and stopped to take a look at Red Ruby tree.

"So...It must be big?" Yuri sighed.

"Yeah, seeing as they did not even make it to Red Ruby Tree, before the 'jewels' started their ritual of rumor share."

Kagome rolled her eyes. Yuri lowered her eyes, and sighed.

"And yet we don't know anything about what is going on...We're pathetic!"

Kagome noticed her friend's disappointment. Yuri hated being a 'commoner'. She was this sweet girl placed into a clique that did not even measure up to her great personality. She deserved more, so much more.

"Red Ruby Tree...What a dumb name!"

Yuri's head snapped up and a smile graced her lips.

"Yeah! Who ever came up with that stupid name?!"

Both girls snickered, and said in unison...

"Cody Zaka stole Mrs. Witch's Red Ruby necklace two years ago, and hid it in the hallow hole of the school tree, and thus the name Red Ruby Tree became known!"

"What a pile of Shit!!!" Yuri sneered. "Everyone knows that Mrs. Witch, or as most know her Mrs. Bitch, flushed it down the toilet two years ago on accident. She had the principals hire septic tank cleaners come out and fetch it for her in all that shit. "

Kagome smiled.

"Yeah everyone knows that Cody Zaka doesn't have the balls to do such a thing. That was just another story, complements of the Jokers clique."

Kagome hocked her arms with Yuri and smiled warmly at her best friend. However, before they had a chance to move, Kagome was bumped from behind. Her books fell to the ground and scattered among the grass. Kagome glared at the offender, Natalie Higgins, and standing to the right of her Cody Zaka, Fuji high's hottest male 'jewel'.

"Jezz, Higurashi. Watch where you are going!"

"Natalie! That was rude!" Cody narrowed his eyes at Natalie, and moved to pick up Kagome's fallen things.

Kagome took a step back a bit surprised at his kind gesture, and Yuri gasped holding her hands to her heart. Natalie gritted her teeth and pulled at Cody's arm in attempt to bring him from the ground and Kagome's things.

"Why are you picking up her things, Cody?!"

"She's a human, Natalie, and that means she deserves to be treated like one."

"No. She's a 'commoner'"

Cody stood and handed Kagome her books, flashing her a stunning smile. Natalie quickly shoved Cody to the side a stood an inch from Kagome's face. Her breath tickled the soft skin of Kagome's face, and stunk of rotten banana peels.

"You are lucky that you weren't today's 'commoner' de la plate."

Kagome pushed Natalie out of her space and replied viciously.

"No one cares about your stupid tradition to humiliate one 'commoner' a day, and just so you know, de la plate is not even French!"

"Whatever!" Natalie said as she turned on her heels and walked down the rusted color brick path headed to the economics building. "Come on Cody."

Cody rolled his eyes and turned back to Kagome and Yuri.

"Sorry about that, Kagome. Oh, and Yuri, you hair looks hot today. Well see ya later."

With that said Cody ran off after Natalie, glancing back once to the girls flashing them his well known toothy smile. Kagome turned to Yuri, and froze. Yuri's eyes were as wider than that of a hoot howl in an old man's ragged barn, and her hand was placed atop her head, twiddling with her artificial blond hair, unknowingly.

"Did you hear him? He said my hair looked hot!" Yuri squeaked jumping up and down like a small child in a candy store. "He is SO CUTE!"

Kagome grinned from ear to ear, and pulled her friend in for one of her famous warm caring hugs.

"And did you see the way he looked at you?" Kagome added as they headed back slowly to the main building.

Yuri squeaked, and nodded foolishly pulling Kagome closer arms hooked with one another.

"I did, and he-"

The bell rang high through the court yard, and startled the two immensely. Each brought their hands to their chests, and giggle childishly.

"Well," Yuri cute in between heavy breaths. "Well se ya after home room."

As Yuri began to leave, Kagome was quick to grab her hand, and pulled her back.

"If you hear anything...let me know?"

"Ok, and the same with you too, Kagome."

Yuri nodded, and gave Kagome one last hug before skipping of happily humming a soft tune. However before she made it to the door she paused and turned slightly.

"Do you think I would have a chance with Cody?"

Kagome's smile faded, she lowered her head, and studied the grass she stood on. Yuri was so jazzed to hear Cody say what he did, and Kagome could not ruin her special moment. She raised her head and smiled.

"Yeah...I think so."

Yuri wrinkled her nose, and snickered before flicking her hair and strolling in the doors taking off down the halls. Kagome sighed and turned in the opposite direction headed to the doors that entered into the west wing.

When Kagome got the door of her homeroom she peered in. The desks were in four rows of five packed closely next to each other. Kagome sighed. Her desk was placed in the far back corner of the room, and Sliding past those desks without hitting her hips was a hard task to complete. Her hips were already tanned with numerous bruises form the devils desks. Kagome eyes shot up when the door was swung open by none other than Mrs. Witch the bitch.

"Why don't you join us Miss. Higurashi."

Mrs. Witch glared down at Kagome angrily, and pulled her in by her forearm, roughly releasing her into the corner of a desk. Kagome groaned and rubbed the left side of her hip softly. She had already failed her mission, thanks to Mrs. Witch. As Kagome made her way to her desk the announcements came on though the speaker built into the roof. Kagome took her seat and laid her cheek flat against the desk closing her eyes as principal Nole spoke loudly.

"As we all know by now we have lost a teacher as of last night, due to a fatal accident."

Kagome's eyes lifted slowly to the intercom, as she waited for Mr. Nole to continue.

"There will be a ceremony held after school for those of you that hold Mr. Hastings close in your hearts."

Kagome gasped. She sat up and held her hands over her mouth. However her mind could not hush...Mr. Hastings....That was Kagome's first period teacher.

"We all greave for the loss of a great feudal history teacher. Now filling in for Mr. Hastings we have Mr. Tashio. I would like for you all to give him a warm welcome when you see him. That is all for today students, make good choices."

Kagome let her hands fall form her lips. She was stunned. The 'jewels that sat in front of her snickered softly, and finally Kagome was able to hear what they were saying.

"I heard Mr. Tashio was one of the most handsome men."

" too, and I have him next period."

It finally made sense. The 'Jewels' were chattering about the new teacher. They weren't even sad that Mr. Hastings died. Kagome placed her head in the palms of her hands and shook her head sorrowfully. She had actually liked Mr. Hastings. He was the only teacher capable of real teaching. Not this power struggle that most teachers seem to have where all they want is to feel in charge rather than actually pick up a book and teach. They are more like baby sitters than anything else. In the midst of Kagome sour thoughts the bell sounded for first period. She stood and shoved past the two 'jewels' angrily. She stormed out the door, and right into Yuri.

"Kagome, you ok?"

Kagome gazed into Yuri's eyes emotionless for a split moment before the tears came slipping out one by one. Yuri pulled Kagome tight against her chest and ran her fingers through her hair softly.

"Oh's alright. I am here for you."

Yuri knew what Mr. Hastings meant to Kagome. Kagome was the only student that stayed after school just to learn more about Feudal Japan. Though many thought that it was nothing more than an affair between the two, but Yuri knew better. Kagome was only interested in his knowledge and refreshing company.

Kagome lifted her head and wiped the tears from under her eyes. She pulled herself together, and smiled weakly.

"Thanks..." She sniffed.

Yuri patted Kagome's back and gave Kagome a slight push in the direction of their class.

"Come on lets go...we will greave after school."

Kagome nodded, but did not move.

"You go ahead...I am going to use the restroom."

Yuri's smile faded. She knew what Kagome was going to do, but she would not stop her. Perhaps Kagome needed to get it out of her system now not later.

"Ok...see ya in a few then."

Kagome nodded, and turned to make her way to the vacant restroom in the B hall. No one ever went in that restroom for the mere fact that Kristy Anderson, an American exchange student, killed herself there last year for reasons unknown, but Kagome was not scared. That was the only restroom she ever used in Fuji High. It was the perfect place to release all her tears in private. However when her hand met the knob of the door, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Miss Higurashi, the bell is about to ring."

Kagome knew that voice. She did not even need to turn around.

"I know Mr. Nole."

"Why are you going into this bathroom anyhow?"

Kagome shrugged, and turned to face him. Mr. Nole lowered his head in understanding.

"There is a time to greave for lost ones, but this is not that time, Miss Higurashi. I suggest you head to class."

Kagome brushed his hand from her shoulder, and gave him a discussed look. She turned, and left his sight instantly. She reached her class a few moments later, and stood at its door. Her eyes did not falter. She could only stare with sad eyes. This would be the first time Kagome would walk through that door and not see Mr. Hastings smiling face greeting her. She took a deep breath and placed her hand on the knob. She turned it slowly and pushed the door open. The moment the door revealed the class, time seemed to slow, and her heart beat rapidly. Her eyes scanned the room for the new teacher, and when they finally fell on him she gasped, dropping her books to the ground. Her breathing began shallow, and her eyes blurred dramatically. She could not believe it. This had to be a dream. She breathed his name softly.



Ok, guys that is the first chapter to One and the Same. I hope it is off to a great start. If ya have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. I would love to discuses the story with you. I am sorry that it is a bit dull, but it is the same for all books. It takes getting through the first few chapters before it gets interesting. I tried my best to make it some what catching. So please if ya would give me some input.

Love yuki

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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