
All the pain I've seen in My Life by Echoing Darkness

Chapter One

Here's a short poem first from Sesshomaru's point of view, than Kagome's. I am thinking of turning it into a fanfiction, but I'll need reviews from you readers out there on your opinion.



As the rain came down I remembered,

All the things I'd done over the years,

The pain, anger, arrogance,

Should I ever be forgiven?

Hating my own blood,

For a simple thing,

That I never really wanted in the first place

As each drop comes down, I think back to the early days,

The days when I ran around in circles in the meadows,

My mother watching over me,

I was little when I first,

Saw death, pain, anguish.

I grew distant from the world

Forgetting my place

Hated by my kin

For not caring,

When in depth

I cared much more then they could even think of

I've been around for so long, sometimes I forget

About the simple pleasures in life,

For instance, right now,

Watching the rain fall down, all the pains of my past,

Seeming to wash away with the drops.

The first time I saw her, I thought she was most unusual

Not afraid and ready to give up her life for a hanyou she hardly knew.

I've tried to kill, her but in truth she intrigues me.

The wind whispers its secrets, as does she.

She seems to care about everyone she sees, her heart so open.

Yet, it seems that she has hidden pain, as myself.

I wonder what she would think if she saw the true me, caring and pained

I only hide behind the façade of ice to protect myself

If she saw the true me she might come to realize that the only demons she has seen,

Are low level scum.

The hanyou stays clear of the lands of the moon,

To try to protect her and his crew

What he doesn't realize is that the lands of the moon,

House both youkai and nigen together

In my moonlight lands, they come together in harmony

When I look upon my lands at night,

At all the stars in the sky, and the meadows and little lights in the distance,

I just want to break down and cry

Sometimes I truly feel bad for all the things I've done in my life

All the pain and suffering I've seen.

Sometimes I just want to forget it all,

Or go back in times and make up for all the things I've done

Sometimes I just want someone to hold me, to love me for who I am,

Not anything else

Maybe, just maybe someday in the future, I'll get my wish.



As the rain falls I recall all that's happened over the last 3 years

Falling down a well

Meeting a hanyou

Practically falling head over heels in love with him

Just so he can run off with my undead incarnation

Sometimes he makes me feel like such a copy,

As if I was never supposed to be here in the first place

Only her

But then I found the little kit who I love so dearly

If anything ever happened to him, I'd be a wreck

I love him as if he was my own son.

Sometimes the pain of rejection hurts so much

I just want to craw up into a ball

And cry myself to sleep every night

But I can not compare my pain with those who surround me

I watch my little kit cry as he thinks o f watching his father die,

Becoming an orphan

He needs a father figure to look up to.

I watch as the hanyou who rejected my love

Morns about his loss of his first love

Do to the jealousy of the evil hanyou we hate so much

As he cries as he remembers his childhood, so full of pain and suffering.

I watch as the monk, who is like a brother to me,

Sits under the sakura trees

Thinking about how little of his life he has left

How he'll never really have a true family,

A true love,

Unless that evil hanyou dies.

I watch as the taijia who is like a sister to me cries as he remembers

The warmth of her brother,

His happy spirit

Destroyed by the evil hanyou, as he slaughtered their comrades,

Their own father

I watch and do nothing

For there is nothing to be done

I cannot comfort them

I have tried and continue to try,

But nothing will ever come of that

I have to cope with the pain of the others that surround me

Sometimes, I wish that someone would love me for who I am,

Nothing else but that

Sometimes I wish for someone to care for me as I care for the others.

For someone to comfort me, to old me as I cry

Maybe in the future, that'll come true



INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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