
CuRse Of the FoRgoTTen by kLöphFer

CuRse Of the FoRgoTTen

CuRse Of the FoRgoTTen

Wasurerateiru no Akutai

A/N: This is a one-shot containing some dark and submissive theme, but it is a love one nonetheless. It is twisted, weird, and creepy. So Be Warn! Read at your own discretion. There are lemons too! The events do not take place in chronological order. The past is reflected throughout the present story in italics. It's something different and more complicated.

Disclaimer: I own Sesshoumaru. He's mine forever! Mwahahahahaaaa... no, just kidding. I thought it would be nice to own him, but thoughts of extra storage space for him in his dog demon form entered my head, and I reconsidered... So I have no rights or privileges except that of my own twisted little imagination.

One-Shot --- Nature loves opposites. The black of night gives way to the brilliant light of morning; summer's heat cools to winter ice. A pair of lovers, extreme like the sun and moon, light and dark; shared a past together. The cold demon lord was spurred by a human heart, a pliable love that he didn't understand. Because of a wretched curse, he was punished and so she forgot. But the memories of lost love refused to die...

She trudged along the dusty ground, the wind whipping her hair. "Go away!" She whispered harshly to the wind. The too hot sun beat down on her without reply. This suffering was her own creation, she knew. It had all began a few months ago, and something deep within her recognized the day's strange events as a warning that the end result was near. She had completed the Shikon no Tama and together with her friends, defeated Naraku. However, without any farewell, she was sent back to her own time. She never knew what happened to her friends. Will InuYasha, Kouga and Shippo be alive somewhere on this earth?


She smiled gloriously, taking in deep delicious breaths. The scent of rich, damp earth teased her nostrils, and in her mind she visualized the tender green shoots that would eventually rise, reaching toward the wide, blue sky.

Her long raven mane tumbled down her back; the silky tips brushing against her forearms as she strode through the valley nestled in a protective circle of mountains. With spring tendering the earth, the last vestiges of winter were being swept away as the valley slowly came to life again.

The image of the magnificent golden globe that hovered just below the crest of the mountains drifted through her consciousness and she gazed upwards. Tentative fingers reaching out towards the sky, attempting to touch those white fluffy clouds, and laughter bubbled from her throat.


On the outside, she was young seeing only nineteen winters. Yet inside she was burdened with a heavy heart. Shadows of feudal era were still haunting her. Feudal era she had left, but apparently her heart did not.

She had always been intrigued by fairy-tales, most probably because her own life was such a horror. Her father abandoned her when she was young; she grew up with only her mother, brother and grandfather. So stories became her means of escape. But while most little girls revered the heroines though, she had always despised them, with their princes that always ran to their rescue. Where was her knight in shining armor, she wanted to know.

As she had grown, her tastes had changed slightly, sliding more and more into darker magic and the occult. She grew accustom to holding strange rites in the dark sanctity of her room, mostly out of curiosity as to what would happen. She was skeptical of all of it, and unsurprisingly, nothing ever came of her dabbling. But there was another part of her, though she did not want to admit it, was longing for it to really work, for one of her spells to conger up some black sprite from the pits of hell, just so she'd have someone to talk to. Which is why, she supposed, she spent so much time searching in musty bookstores and dimly lit libraries for long forgotten texts.


She followed the foreign path rising toward a tiny oval plateau nestled in the side of the mountain, wind gently buffing at her skin. Eventually her footsteps led her to the mouth of a secluded bower. But she continued her journey down the other side of the mountain.

Lost was she, and terrified she was, the forest around seemed to reach for her, clawing branches desperate to grab hold of her. It was cool, and though her bodice was slightly heavy, she still felt the chill. Her skirts tangled around her legs as she wearily pressed onwards. How long she'd been lost, she wasn't sure. It seemed now like forever. Her fear was mounting with every step she took, the foreboding forest seemed desperate to claim her as its own, and its intent was clearly of menace.

She walked onwards, trying not to panic and run. Hours passed, but as darkness began to close in, she discovered a road. Well, little more than a wagon track really, but it indicated human life, and she felt herself come close to tears with the joy of her discovery. But as she staggered onwards down the rutted pathway, she began to despair again. It seemed to go onwards, and onwards, and onwards without end. And it did nothing to ease the sense of malevolent evil lurking in the woods. Strange sounds assailed her on each side, and shadows seemed alive... alive and bristling with hatred.


College life was dull for her. As an aspiring priestess, she was a flop, so she had been set adrift on a sea of hopelessness. She was unsure of what to do with herself now. Of course she pretended, for her mother's sake, that she had some idea of what she was doing. But in truth, she found herself drifting more and more towards depression and despair. Her one real thrill was finding those ancient tomes.

One evening, in a particularly out-of-the-way shop on the edge of town, she found an ancient book, bound in red leather, richly embossed. She began reading and was instantly fascinated. Here was a nether-realm demon worthy of her attention.

'Victory was theirs when the evil that sought to taint and acquire the Shikon no Tama was destroyed. After that fiery bloodbath battle, it was in a moment that a beautiful witch took the opportunity to slay the brave young miko and hex the cruel demon InuYoukai, Lord of the West.

A wretched curse set upon him.

The witch's love ran deep for the Demon Lord, but went unrequited. Imagination ran wild. Jealously clouded her mind and blinded her heart towards the young mortal maiden who held the Demon Lord's eyes, setting forth the witch's revenge. It was but all a slight...

The young mortal maiden's breath was forfeited because of this reckless emotion, hate. Yet, the young priestess still walks this earth. Rumored that the Demon Lord, before he faded away, gave everything and every ounce of energy to revive her but her memory of her love and death gone...

And then she disappeared without a trace...

Since the curse begun, the once feared Demon Lord had to endure living among the living without a physical body and the Lord's estate had become a place of darkness and madness...

The one he loves would forever fear him... Only the one can summon him... '

The book was titled 'The Lost Tales'. She bought the book and retreated to her loft. The apartments in the collage town were far out of her price range, but she had found an attic garret for rent cheaply. It was small, but close to the collage, and there she was left alone.


But Kagome persevered, and kept going forward. She knew instinctively that she was going the right way, though as night deepened, so did her fear mount to unbearable levels. Every sound, every movement began to make her heart race. Though she was cold now, she sweated profusely from the fear. She knew that the more she traveled deeper into this forest, the nearer she came to danger. And yet her feet carried her unerringly deeper towards the darkest of nightmares.


She had spent the whole night reading the book. The character of the InuYoukai lord completely captivated her. She soaked up every detail of his being, even thrilled with a kind of sick passion at the tales of his cruelty. She was inexplicably drawn to his dark nature, and found in herself a new void that had opened; gaping and yearning or some vile ecstasy to fill it. Even still, it took her fully two nights to work up the courage to call him. She lit every candle she owned, and sat in the middle of her room. She took a deep breath.

"Sesshoumaru, Demon Lord of the West, Come forth, Come to one who calls for you... Come to one who needs you... Come to me."

No sooner had the words been spoken then the wind set up howling outside. She could hear branches lashing against the windows, and lightning flashed through the curtains. A roar of thunder ripped through the air, causing her to jump.

"What have I done? What have I done?" She was starting to panic.

Shadows were dancing around her room in fiendish ways; the wind seemed to have penetrated that very room, making the candles flicker, and then, all at once, go out. At the same time, the whole room was plunged into unearthly silence. A breath of warm air tickled the back of her neck, sending a shudder down her spine.

A devilish smile curled the edges of his lips as his golden eyes rose to lock with her dark ones. He, whose eyes caught the glint of yellow from the flame and reflected the light like two tiny moons reflected the suns rays. He rose to his feet with a fluid grace and covered the distance between them. He was tall with broad shoulders and a muscular chest. His finely sculpted feature framed by soft silk hair was worthy of any marble statute she had seen in her searches for ancient tomes. Yet it was his arctic eyes that lured her, hinting at dark secrets. Powerful and coldly seductive, he sent a shiver racing down her spine.

"You don't know how long this Sesshoumaru have waited, Miko. I have been waiting for you to call for such a long time." A melodic voice whispered in her ear. Her pulse quickened and something deep within her stirred at the voice.


Just when her fear reached a fever pitch, she heard the sound of footsteps. It was a sound of humanity, a sound of hope. But then she looked up and saw the hulk of a silhouette against the night come around the bend towards her. A dark, lurking shade outlined against a dark and dangerous sky and the figure moved towards her. The momentary joy she'd felt was replaced by trepidation and insecurity. There was only menace and power in the dark shade's stance, as if the dark silhouette was part of the darkness, not separate from it. For a moment, the thought flickered through her mind that the dark form was perhaps even the master of it.

Its voice came from the shadow, smooth gossamer strands of sound that caressed her ears with a chill that had nothing to do with the cold of the night. "What are you doing in my lands?"

"I am lost, my Lord. I meant no trespass, I assure you," she replied.

"And yet, trespass you have. And for that, you will pay."

"Please, forgive me, Lord, for I know not even why or how I have come to be here!" She shivered as a frisson of fear ran through her body. Yet this fear was a familiar emotion.

"It matters naught, wench-"

"Why you arrogant jerk!" She seethed, her hand settling on her hip as she stared at him challengingly with eyes as deep and clear as a blue summer sky.

"For this Sesshoumaru is the Master of this land, and you are subjected now to my rules. You will come with this Sesshoumaru, and I shall decide how you will repay me for your trespass." He reached down then, and she was swept astride his beast.

She smiled as cool hands stole around her waist and she leaned back against him, brushing off the insult he had thrown, getting mad at him, he as black as the heart of hell itself, would hardly help. The great beast strode towards her destiny with fatalistic rhythm. The wind rose up, brushing over her pale skin, raising goose pebbles in its path. The only sound besides the gently howling wind was the thunder of her heartbeat as it roared in her delicate ears.


"H-how did you..." she stammered.

"Oh, I think you know. You called for this Sesshoumaru, after all."

"But I didn't think you were real!" She cried. "You're barely visible!"

He laughed a cold, hollow sound. "No... Not yet. I'm not strong enough. Soon though.... soon..." His voice died away in a sweet whisper.

He had grown stronger in the following weeks. She had awoken one night to see him, leaning against the doorframe. He had pallid skin and an angular face. His hair, the softest shade of blue, was cut in a strange spiky fashion, with longer strands cascading around his face. He was dressed in black boots that came to his knees, black pants, and a white silk haori. Over this, he wore a kind of breastplate, with his family symbol set into it. She got out of bed and walked to him. She looked into his eyes, those mesmerizing golden globes. She raised her hand to touch his cheek, but her hand passed right through him.

"Soon... Soon this Sesshoumaru will be as real as you are, dear Kagome. You have released me from my prison, freeing me from the cold chains of the wretched curse. After all this time, the grave pain I've endured... Much longer, and I would have been trapped in the curse forever. This Sesshoumaru is in debt to you. And I promise I never forget a debt."

There was something almost threatening in the statement. Kagome found herself wondering just what she'd gotten herself into. She found herself obsessing over him, not a habit she had ever had before. Things caught and held her interest, yes, but never had she been subject to such a whole-spirited mania. She never tired of hearing his voice. She could always hear him, even when she was at school. There would be a puff of air, and her whispered name. It always made her tingle.


Fatigue settled into her, and she felt herself repeatedly jerking awake, heart racing. The ride seemed to go on and on... yet it was over all too soon. Out of the darkness loomed a giant edifice. Dark gates towered against the inky night sky, somehow managing to be darker than the darkest night she'd ever seen. They loomed over them, like crows awaiting carrion. Her heart skipped at the comparison. The gates opened, more terrifying for their very silence. Nothing so huge should move without sound, and yet they did, parting with a violent grace. As the demon and miko entered, the heavy doors closed their method of closing unknown, or unseen... just as insidious either way.

She was unceremoniously deposited upon her feet, and his clawed hand on her elbow steered her without delay towards the black entrance to what was unmistakably a castle. The hallway, which greeted her, was dark, yet the darkness couldn't hide its opulence. Gold and silver filigree glinted in the light thrown from guttering torches. Macabre tapestries seemed to move upon the wall; their colors rich even in the barely discernable torchlight. The pair walked the hall in silence, the rustle of the rushes that covered the floor the only sound. It was the sound of her doom, and she knew it, trembling with the knowledge. She trembled from his touch, which was burning its way through her. She trembled in fear... she trembled with suppressed desires. Desires she didn't understand.


Soon, she could think of nothing but him. Her whole being was linked to him. A mere word from him could set her frame atremble. She needed to hear him, to see him. The ecstasy she felt when she was near him was nothing compared to the agony when she was not. Kagome began to lose herself in a treacherous landslide of fantasy so that she could hardly tell the real world from her imagination. Maybe there was no boundary, she thought darkly; maybe he was making her dreams real. She was tumbling head long into a new realm of emotion, even depravity. She caught herself thinking things that sickened her once she recognized them. She realized he was beginning to control her life.

"Leave this place. What happiness is there for you here? This Sesshoumaru can give you a life you've never imagined." He pulled her against him and held her fast. "It's what you want." His voice was low and menacing.

"NO!" she shouted, shaking her head. Her sable hair flew out around her. "You're trying to control me. Leave me alone!" He gave her a cold look.

"Kagome, do not defy me." With that warning, he vanished into the night. He hadn't returned for quite a few nights, and for a little while, she thought he had actually left. That or he had been a figment of her mind. Then, one night, she saw him in a dream. They were standing on a windswept hill, beneath a rusty sky.

"This Sesshoumaru is your master. You need not fear. You need not fight your desires. Just remember me and do as I say."

"I don't want you!" She almost screamed.

"Foolish girl!" He snarled. "You will be mine. This I vow."


The walk down the hallway again seemed eternal, yet it seemed simultaneously to be nothing more than a momentary reprieve. The captor and his prey arrived all too soon at a chamber. It was undeniably a bedchamber. Vast, it echoed with an eerie silence as they entered it. The Demon Lord gestured ahead, and she entered first, her hips swaying with a seductive grace unconsciously. Heat shimmered through her as she felt him come up behind her.

The Demon Lord came to a halt before her, his height forcing her to tilt her head back. His hand lifted, the fingers straightening to reveal a tiny white perfect flower. Her favorite. She caught his hand in hers, and gently brought the tips of his fingers to her lips. She kissed his cold fingers, her soft mouth parting, as she tasted him. His eyes darkened, and she dropped his hand before stepping into his waiting arms, the flower floating unheeded to the cold stone floor.

Time seemed to come to a standstill as she pressed her face against his chest and breathed in the cool male scent of him. His strong arms wrapped tightly around her, crushing her breasts against him and drawing her up against the hardness rising between his thighs. Fingers brushed the long silky strands over her shoulders as lips caressed and nibbled her smooth shoulder.

A hand slid down and cupped her bottom, drawing her even harder up against the evidence of his desire for her. She laughed musically and wiggled from his grasp, gazing teasingly at him over her shoulder as she walked toward the edge of the bed.

Her breath caught in her throat as she gazed at the youkai before her and she knew she could never tire of this sight. Light stole across the grand chamber spread out before her in all its lush glory, casting long shadows. Happiness bubbled up inside of her.


She awoke in a cold sweat. She had been living in fear of him for weeks now. Dreading the moments when she could feel invisible kisses trail down her neck, feel intangible fingers caressing her skin. These sensual moments were always balanced though, by another kind of torment. Bite marks would appear, as did bloody welts up and down her arms as if fingernails had been scraped across her skin. He could strike her every nerve with such paralyzing anguish that she blacked out. Invisible fists in uncontrolled rage pummeled her face, then her split and bloody lips would be kissed with equal tenderness, and the bruises would vanish. He could inspire her to madness with a single half-felt caress.

In true poltergeist fashion he would hurl things around the room; books, vases, even her reading lamp. He pinched and poked at her during the day so that she squirmed in her seat during lectures. The worst torment of all, though, was his voice in her head. At once maddening and exquisite, one moment laughing maniacally, then soothing in low tones.

She slowly slipped from sane thought and searched desperately for any logic that could explain away this seeming malady. There was none. She felt a sickening twist in the pit of her stomach whenever she tried to ascertain just how far he had managed to ingrain himself into her mind.

There was no end to the hallucinatory images she saw of him in crowds or dark places. And was the voice that called her like a lover's caress real and palpable, or was it only another symptom of her obvious estrangement from reality? She grew frightened and her wide eyes filled with tears when she tried to stare into the yawning pit of insanity that was stretching ever wider before her. Yet thoughts of him, even in their most terrifying of moments, fed her with such an unearthly pleasure, that she lost herself in his fiendish and wicked manipulations. Kagome ceased almost to care.

She raised her head, and peered at the dry landscape. The wind blew hard, making it difficult to even walk. How could he have grown so strong? The dusty air parched her lips and throat. Too hot for late September. She hurried towards home.

"Damn you, Sesshoumaru!" She screamed to the air.

As if in reply, some unseen wind-blown object cut across the inside of her arm. She stared in mute horror as blood welled out of the laceration, inches from her wrist. She stifled a low groan as the sun sank below the horizon, and she reached home. Clutching her injured arm, she hurried inside. She quickly bandaged the cut, and ran to her bedroom.


She turned in his arms, and on tiptoe, pressed her mouth to his. His mouth was still beneath hers as her lips moved tenderly over his, and he gazed at her in amusement as pride and stubbornness warred in those deep yellow eyes. Then his lips parted, as though a melting of the sea of ice, and he was kissing her back, forcefully, demandingly. Her hands slipped up over his shoulders as she clung to him, her breasts crushed against his chest as his passion washed over her in cool waves.

She melted beneath his cold onslaught, quivers shooting between her thighs as he ground his mouth against hers. A cool muscular thigh wedged between hers, forcing her heat to ride him. Her hand slipped down between their bodies to press against his hardness, and again marveled at the long smooth perfection of him throbbing against her palm, ice against heat.

He groaned against her lips and gripped her waist, lifting her up against him as he strode toward the dais of soft cushions scattered with white petals. She wrapped her long legs around his muscular thighs, kissing him, until he fell to his knees and gently laid her down before him. She smiled up at him invitingly, her silky arms widespread.


"Come to me Sesshoumaru. Show yourself!" The wind howled louder. There was a laugh behind her.

"This Sesshoumaru knew you'd call." He walked towards her, and touched his clawed hand to her cheek. "Real as you are. You've made this Sesshoumaru strong, Kagome. I thrive on your passion."

"Why are you doing this to me? I helped you. Now leave me alone!"

"You belong to this Sesshoumaru, Kagome. Why won't you accept it? Why won't you open your eyes and see the world around you, what your life has become? There is only one path for you to take."

"You're a monster!"

"And you love this monster. Isn't it so? Look deep inside yourself, see that it is. Admit it!"

"No!" She ran from the house in a panic. The streets were all deserted. With no moon to cast a glow, the only illumination came from a few scattered street lamps, and the clouds overhead, which seemed to have a sickly luminescence all their own. She shivered as it reminded her vaguely of a horror movie set. Any minute, the demon was going to round the corner behind her. She almost laughed at her foolishness when the wind picked up. It buffeted her around with an unbelievable amount of force. Its hideous roar drowned out almost all other sound. In fact, the only other accompaniment to the cacophony was the dry rattle of leaves as they scuttled past her. Then there was another sound. It came quietly at first, then louder and louder until it rivaled the noise of the wind. The demon had arrived.


"This Sesshoumar worships you," he whispered. His thighs nestled between hers as he leaned down to kiss her navel, running the tip of his tongue around the tiny hollow. She squirmed beneath him, laughing, and he smacked her lightly on the thigh. "Be still." Her breath caught as his lips captured a budding nipple between his lips, suckling her. Her amusement quickly fled as her knees were pushed up and apart as a cool hand glided down her inner thigh.

"Se-Sesshoumaru..." she whispered. Her back arched as his cold mouth tugged teasingly on her nipple. Her fingers tangled in his silky soft blue mane, seeking to draw his face to hers, yet he resisted. His head lowered, and tingles of pleasure shot between her thighs as his tongue flicked out to tease her belly. Fingers ruffled through the thatch of black curls between her thighs, and her breath caught. Her thighs quivered as fingers deftly parted her lush pink folds glistening with dew.

Struggling up onto her elbows, she gazed down upon him where he eased himself between her thighs. Anticipation curled through her as he gazed intently upon the molten core of hers. Dark, swirling yellow eyes rose to capture hers as his head lowered. His tongue darted out, slowing licking the pink channel from her dewy gate to circle her throbbing pink nub. Her head fell back and her lips parted on a soft moan as he lashed at her with his tongue.

His hands held her thighs wide apart as she quivered and writhed against his mouth, her breath coming in shallow, uneven pants. Honey flowed between her thighs, and his tongue sought out every last drop.

She moaned as fingers pressed against her dewy gate, before sliding up between her slick tight walls. Her body clenched around the thrusting digits as his mouth sucked and nibbled on her nub. Heat scorched through her as tension coiled tighter and tighter between her thighs.

Whimpering as the fingers withdrew; she offered no resistance as a cool palm pressed between her breasts until she collapsed back onto the soft cushions. Hands gripped her bottom, lifting her to his mouth.

She screamed as the forceful strength of his tongue thrust up inside of her. Pleasure erupted through her, a pulsing, burning ball that burst between her thighs, sending shudders racing through her.

Slowly she came back down to earth, sprawled on the soft bedding as his tongue gently lapped at her honey. Her fingers tugged lightly on his silky hair, and he shifted to lie alongside of her, his head propped on his hand.

His gaze moved possessively over her womanly curves. He loved her like this, soft and lax from his lovemaking, the playfulness replaced by a deeper shared intimacy. Their time together was always short, and he carried these moments with him through the dark hours. She was everything he was not: warm, affectionate and delightfully reckless. Yet despite their differences he was drawn irresistibly to her side, unable to get his fill of her. He felt the throbbing in his loins and the growing light at his back, and everything but the thought of spilling his seed in her welcoming heat disappeared. His fingers caught her chin as his mouth settled over hers letting her taste her own passion as his tongue explored her mouth.


She started to run, struggling against the wind that threw her about like a rag doll. It was an icy wind that cut her to the bone, more like November now. The heat that had assaulted her earlier had vanished and left a frigid chill in its wake. She ran faster and faster, gasping for breath. The footsteps followed, never quickening, but always right behind her. She sprinted blindly now, not caring what was ahead of her, only trying to escape what was behind her, the unearthly predator who would not end his pursuit until he got what he wanted. Ahead of her, a large branch came crashing down. She skidded to a halt, panting, throat searing for want of breaths. The footsteps stopped.


His fingers tangled in her hair as she sunk down over him. A groan escaped him at the exquisite feel of her warm mouth closing over him. An all-consuming heat burned through him as her mouth moved along his shaft, coaxing him, teasing him. His buttocks clenched and rose from the white linen bedding, meeting the downward plunge of her mouth as his fingers clenched around her head. His breathing labored, Sesshoumaru knew he was dangerously close. Yet he would not be denied the pleasure of her thighs wrapped around him as he drove into her fiery heat. He drew her off of him, and she released him with a mournful pout. When he reached for his lover, she evaded him and climbed gracefully to her feet. She darted away from him, laughter floating over his shoulder.

Sesshoumaru struggled to his feet and gave chase, intent on catching his teasing lover. The sight of her delicious bottom jiggling as she ran made him groan. She turned, gazing at him from beneath lowered lashes. She darted to one side, then turned and raced in the other direction, but the Demon Lord long knew her games. His demonic speed and long legs ate up the distance, until he had her cornered her against the wall, catching her in his arms. Her musical laughter filled his ears as he drove her backwards, pinning her against the wall.


"What do you want?" She cried in a hysterical voice.

"You." He looked down at her with a scowl. "No need to make this so difficult. Come with this Sesshoumaru. Forget about your life."

"I can't." she sobbed. She started to run again, but tripped over the gnarled tree branch, and landed with a sickening snap. She would run no more.

He stood over her with demonic splendor. "Such a pity. You should have given up when you had the chance. You know you can't escape."


She offered no resistance as his smooth clawed hands captured hers, pinning them against the wall with one hand as he pressed himself against her. Anticipation shivered through her at the dark intent in those wickedly seductive eyes. She wiggled against him teasingly, rubbing him, inciting him until he groaned. He smacked her thigh with a delightful strength.

His mouth ground itself against hers, devouring, seeking, demanding. Heat shimmered through her as his hand closed around her breast, teasing the aching tip. She kissed him back, a tingling beginning low in her belly as the kiss grew more urgent.


"Yes." She whispered weakly in reply, closing her eyes. Her struggles ceased. He lifted her fragile form and held her against him. She felt his soft lips on hers, trailing back to her ear, on her eyelids. She felt his breath, hot on her neck. She shivered with fear, and with delight, as his lips moved down to her shoulder.

Fragments of forgotten memories flickered through her mind. She did not fight him, she couldn't. She had no strength left to resist him. Her leg throbbed painfully and tears sprung up in her eyes. She collapsed against him, giving in completely. She simply stood as his hands moved against her hips, trailing up along her ribs, and even as he reached the buttons of her shirt, she did not protest.

For a moment, he worked against them, until frustration at being held from his prize overcame him. "Remove these, for they confound this Sesshoumaru," he said, and without hesitation or thought and she could do nothing else but obey him. Freed from their confines of her bra, her breasts delighted in his exploration of them. Her heart roared, as if jealous of her newly freed breasts, it wanted to be release from its prison, as well. But such was not to be, and she felt his hands caress her breasts, feeling their weight, feeling the satin of her milky skin. His gentle touch on her nipples lit a fire between her legs, which roared above the sound of her fervent heartbeat, a feat not so simple by this point.

"Your skirt must go," his voice was cool in her ear, and it jarred her instantly to motion. Her green skirt slipped from her hips to pool at her feet with the bodice preceded it. With nothing more than a motion from him, her knickers joined it and she stood naked in her lord's presence.

Silvery golden eyes flickered over her nudity, taking in the rise and fall of her breasts with their budding pinky tips, the tiny waist and generous hips, the long, firm thighs.

"Undress me," he commanded, and she could do nothing else but obey without hesitation. Her body no longer her own, her hands subject to her master's every whim. Within moments, he stood proud and powerful and naked before her. She desperately wanted to please him... though she was terrified of him at the same time.

"Should you not kneel in the presence of your master?" The Demon Lord asked his slave.

"Yes, master." she whispered, unsure. She knew what she must do, not even a moment was needed for thought. Reaching out to her regal master, her fingers trailed down over the smooth muscled coolness of his chest. She gazed down at the hard, throbbing shaft rising from a nest of white curls in delight. Her fingers stroked and caressed him, exploring him, and he groaned. She ran her small hand down his manhood, fearful, yet she could not stop herself, and she couldn't help the incongruous joy that flickered to life in her as he allowed her to take him into her mouth. Her head lowered, her hair feathered across his skin as her lips trailed down his chest, and her lips closed over a tiny male nipple.

And she felt him suck in his breath as her hand closed around him firmly. She knelt before him, sucking like a lollipop treat, her hands and her mouth offering her master a homage that only he and she understood. Growling out as her tongue feathered over the glistening tip of him. She laughed, the sensation vibrating through him as she suckled on a satiny globe. Slowly she licked up the underside of him, before her mouth parted over the head of him, her eyes locked teasingly with his otherworldly ones.

As she felt his climax nearing from her tender, loving attention, she felt the thrill beginning, the urgent desire to taste him, to accept the very physical and definite physical proof of her master's desire for her. Growling out his satisfaction, he erupted into her mouth. As she drank of his pleasure, hers blossomed within, burning desire flared between her legs.


Long ago she had stopped trying to convince him with words. Her love for him was clear for him to see if he should only look. It was there in the sparkle of the stars, lighting his way through the long, lonely hours of the night until he reached her side again.


"Lie upon the bed," was his simple instruction. Even if she could resist him, she would not.

As she lay upon the bed, she felt his weight upon her, his smooth hands moving over her legs, up her calves, and down her thighs. She panted from desire and fear... She knew her master's intent, and she wanted it. She wanted him.

"Tell this Sesshoumaru you want me. That you're mine," he commanded. He needed her to verbalize those words to break the wretched curse. He brought her knee up and rubbed himself against her slippery pink channel, drawing a whimper from her.

"Yes master...yours..."

"Forever?" He purred seductively. When she felt the heat of his breath upon her sexual gate, she jerked with reaction, so highly charged was her desire. When the fire of his mouth closed over her sex, she moaned with unbridled lust. She was torn between the desire his mouth created, and an urgent, overwhelming need to feel his manhood buried deep inside her. She needed that completion.

His hand released hers to glide down over her, smoothing over her belly and delving between her thighs. She was undone; arching against him as he found the pink nub nestled between the lush pink folds. His fingers coaxed her pink nub until her trembling legs nearly gave. She clung to him, her breath coming in uneven pants as she felt that coiling, twisting tension low in her belly.

"Master, please..." she begged, pleading with him to take her, aching to feel him surging up inside of her, filling her. Her honey coated his shaft resting between her thighs as his fingers toyed with her, keeping her on edge but never allowing her to peak. "I need you. Now." She knew that she's already his, and yet she could not help begging him to prove it yet again.

He kissed her hard as he angled himself against her, probing her dewy gate with the thick head of him. She whimpered as he pushed against her, the full thickness of him wedging in her tiny entrance, stretching her deliciously. "Oh," she moaned as slowly he began to slide up between her tight walls, forcing them to part as he forged ahead, until he was lodged deep inside of her burning heat to the hilt.

She cried out at the exquisite friction as he eased out of her, before driving up deep inside of her with powerful thrusts. He took her hard against the headboard, his hands planted on either side of her. Her thigh curved around his and her fingers dug into his shoulders as he rammed into her, driving the icy cold burning length of him up hard inside of her.

"Hell," he ground out as his strokes increased, forging a burning path between her thighs to her very core as his harsh breathing filled her ears. She whimpered as he took her with long, powerful thrusts, her body yielding to his fierce possession, her honeyed channel melting around him.

He drove deep within her, his knobby head battering against her cervix, demanding entrance to her womb. She cried out as it gave underneath the force of his attack. His cock plunged into her womb, the savage thrusts jarring her entire body.

"M-Master," she whispered, her whole body arching upon the burning coolness of him thrusting into her molten heat. Each driving thrust seared her, branded her as he took her on the bed with relentless determination.

He growled out as pleasure seized him, shuddering and filling her womb with hot seeds. "Remember Kagome! Remember!"

As his seeds seeped into her womb, the curse broke, and the memories in her mind grew stronger, crashing in like gushing water released from a dam. Her eyes opened, the quickly receding blue dotted with shimmering silver. She roared beneath him, her body arching as she felt her completion truly.

She bit his shoulder to keep from crying out as the icy cold sensation deep inside of her made her sheath flutter and quiver around him. His still hard cock continued to ram within her as she experience another wave of orgasm beneath him. She shuddered and squirmed on him as ecstasy tore through her, her nails digging into his shoulders; filled as much by the erotic pleasure of knowing her master had just claimed his slave again, as by the physical delight of feeling him throb inside her. And deep in her heart, the ecstasy of knowing she had pleased her master made her heart as truly his as was her body already.

"Forever, my Lord Sesshoumaru." Her lashes fluttered closed, banishing the light and into the darkness. And she lost herself to the embrace of her Demon Lover. For all his possessive jealously and male pride, she knew she would always come back to him. Nothing compared to the feel of his arms around her, holding her as though she was the most beautiful, delicate flower.


Deciding how to put together the two different story threads was a difficult challenge. If you have any ideas or suggestions for how it could be better done, feel free to speak up.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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