
When working with Sesshoumaru by **DaRk*LaDy**


Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any characters form it. I know it sucks but I need to get over it.

Authors Note: this is a fixed chapter I am going to be fixing all chapters a little more for now. oh if any body thinks this story reminds them of another it should but for now i am only rewriting chapter and fixing them, also i deleted the others thats why.

Chapter 1: Revelation

Kagome stormed out of the restaurant her face full of tears. Walking down the sidewalk she turned at the corner only to run to a street full of cars. She didn't care anymore, she wanted one to hit her!

Her pain at this moment was just to great. Running to the other side of the street. Unfortunately not getting hit by a car, she wiped the flowing tears from her eyes. Looking straight she saw a park and went to sit down on a near by bench.

Her eyes still in tears Kagome sobbed softly to herself, and told herself repeatedly "How could he! Why, why would he do this to me! what have I ever done to deserved this form him I've been nothing but loyal to his ass"

Biting back her tears she look up at the sky, when a rain drop fell on her forehead. Then instead of just one drop, a dozens came down. The wind blew louder. She new instantly a storm was in approach.

Kagome didn't care though, putting her head down into her hands she just sat there crying and letting the rain wash away the sadness she felt deep inside. She just sat there like a statue not moving at all.

It seemed like an eternity when she finally decided to exit the park. She got up and looked at her watch. Taking a good look around she noticed where she was.

Getting up she whipped the tears from her face and started heading towards a familiar house she knew all to well.

On her way she dodged the wondering eyes of the people that passed her. Almost bumping into a men, she manage to barely jump out of his way. Which almost made her stumble around until she caught her balance.

She didn't even notice someone looking at her from far. Little did she know that she was not the only one dumbfounded by this discovery.


A tall figure stood watching the sobbing girl from a few feet apart. The only thing protecting him from the pouring rain was the normal size umbrella he held with a tight grip.

His eyes moved from her to search for the reason to her sadness his Beautiful golden eyes were now searching through a restaurant only to stop suddenly at what seem to be a white hair half demon and his good for nothing mistress.

He was not really surprised that the half demand would commit such awful acts, but to do in front of the girl who cared the most about him and to do it openly in her eyes, laughing, and acting as if she was the one to blame, was not something he was very well expecting.

His gaze once more went to the sobbing girl, who was now drenched in water. Oh how he wanted to warm her up with his embrace but his ego along was pinning him to the wet pavement.

He was brought out of his thoughts once he notice the sobbing girl stood up. He watched as she tried to make her way out off the park. He notice her fast pause when she almost bump into another man in the park.

After she was out of the park he look back at the restaurant were someone he greatly dislike stood there, obviously laughing with the women across from him as if he was not at fault for his malicious acts towards the sobbing girl who previously exited the park.

A thunder struck making his eyes flash red momentarily , and once the lightning ended he had disappeared.

As is out of thin air.


"Kagome what's wrong? what happened?" Sango, her best friend, asked in a concerned voice.

"Hey why are you crying and why are your clothes so wet. Honey what's wrong?" Sango ask once more handing her friend some hot coffee and a blanket.

The poor thing was just sitting there shaking on her couch not saying a single word since she had come in 10 minutes ago.

Kagome got up finally and ran to Sango's shoulder crying more louder, then she when she had first came to Sango's house.

Sango notice her friend was in no mood for talking, but she had to know what caused her best friend such misery. She guessed what the problem was but she had to hear it from Kagome to make sure her suspicions were correct.

For some time she had her suspicion but she rather hear it from her best friend, to reassured it, but if it had nothing do with what she thought. She rather not trouble her friend with does thoughts.

"Kagome I am here when you are ready to talk," Sango stated calmly. Rubbing her friend on the back.

Sango was sitting next to Kagome on the old couch, rubbing the poor girls back trying to calm her down. She didn't understand why her friend was in such distress. she just hoped Kagome will tell her what happened and what cause her breakdown.

Kagome just nodded into her friend's arms. Once she left the warm embrace of her friend she started drinking her coffee. She sat back down on the coach and decided she should tell her friend what happened.

"Sango" Kagome said shakily, " I feel so hurt how he can betray me again, what did I ever do wrong. I loved him so much and all he does is treat me like shit. "

After does word Kagome started crying again , Sango's eyes widened. She just got her friend to spill the beans, there was no way she was going to let her cry again!.

Especially after finding out her suspicions were true. She just knew this had to be about Inuyasha. She had her suspicion that some how he would betray Kagome. But she just decided to stay shut about the whole situation since Kagome was happy.

She decided to ask further question since she didn't know what exactly he did. But she some how knew this had to deal with the horrible wench kikyo.

"Ok now I know your really are mad because you usually don't talk like this come on tell me what's the problem and ill try to help" Sango said calmly and impatiently at the same time.

"O..o..k," said Kagome through tears, "this is what happened, I was on my way to the restaurant that Hojo said they make the best spaghetti at, but when I arrived there I saw Inuyasha and that trash Kikyo sitting there holding hands! and feeding each other!" shouted kagome, "so, so, so," Kagome started to say but stopped to close her eyes and take slow heavy breaths, " I went to their table and I ask Inuyasha !what was he doing there with her?!

Kagome turned to Sango with teary eyes " Then he acted as if he didn't know me, he made me feel stupid and nervous with so many people in the restaurant looking at me," Kagome said now staring at her feet.

"So I brought up the...the question again" Kagome stated once more nervously looking up to meet Sango's concerned eyes. "He told me that he was done with me and that he had !his way with me he doesn't give a shit anymore" her voices going louder and louder as she started \\crying hysterically.

"Of course! so I was right! did you expect anything more then that when you was with him?" Sango said to the sobbing Kagome.

"Look Kagome, the truth is, that guy's are total loser ( please if your a guy and your reading this don't get mad cause is girl talk) he only wanted you for one thing and one thing only. Look can you really tell me that you thought he wasn't going to do that to you again, and the thing is that he always goes back to Kikyo. You know Kikyo she will do anything to get you upset. In my opinion you shouldn't cry over someone that doesn't like you, you should laugh at what they are missing. By the way what did Kikyo do when he said that to you" Sango stated making her point clear as well as questionably.

"She just sat there and started laughing right in my face'' tears coming out through Kagome's eyes when she said that.

"Ok so tell me why are you so wet, "laughed Sango trying to cheer up her friend. "I mean you look like you were taking a shower with your clothes on you must have been out in the rain for more then an hour" Sango said sounding worried this time.

"It's more like 3 hours and 27 minutes" Kagome said looking down at her watch then back up at Sango again.

"I love Inuyasha! No I hate him! I wish him to be dead and Kikyo can go with him, "Kagome stated with pure hate in her eyes.

"Kagome you shouldn't wish that on someone no matter how bad you feel!" Sango said surprised that her innocent friend was capable of thinking or saying something like that. "Anyways, lets drop the subject for now. Go take a shower even though you already look like you did" Sango said with a laugh.

"Go to your room afterwards I will layout some of your clothes for you on the bed, so you wont have to be searching like crazy, then you can make your self at home alright." said Sango getting up.

"Oh Kagome," Sango started nervously, "I have a date and I am not going to blow it up for the 5th time cause I can tell Miroku is in desperate need of attention, I mean his partially acting like a baby. So I hope you don't mind me gone for a few hours."

"No, of course not, go on your date ill be ok." Kagome reply sorrowfully.

Without any hesitation Sango was in her room getting dressed for her date that. Sango was so busy with her friend she didn't notice the time.

While Sango was in her room, Kagome made her way to the bath room.

Once Sango was ready she look beautiful in her silky jet black dress she let her hair loose and had blue eyeliner and clear lipstick. Once she heard the door bell ring she rushed out of her room to open it.

Before opening the door she stopped by a table were her gold earring laid she quickly put them on, then she grabbed her necklace and tried to put it on before she reached the door.

Opening the door she took one look at Miroku and his devilish grin, he gave her his hand and once she was in front of him he couldn't help but to do something he always ended up doing it no matter what (if anyone doesn't know he grab her butt).

Sango slap him and said "Look Miroku don't be a pervert because I would walk out on you. Kagome is in tears in the bathroom over Inuyasha. I know it is over for good this time," Sango stated seriously.

Miroku with his hand on his red colored bruised cheek reply "sorry I couldn't help it ill try to behave my self, I promise. Now what is this about Inuyasha and Kagome?" said Miroku going from the perverted grin to a serious facade.

Sango sighed looking at Miroku she said "Why is your friend such and ass to Kagome?"

Walking to Miroku's car they both got in and headed toward their destination. While eating the conversation about Inuyasha and Kagome came back up again.

"Look I could of told you he was cheating on her but to tell you the truth I didn't even know. I just know Kikyo called the house telling Inuyasha that she !needs! him. I think she called because Naraku broke up with her. Inuyasha ran over to her like a puppy running to its master".

"Damn Inuyasha is such and Idiot sometimes, I mean look at Kagome he should be proud to be with her because if I was with her I know I would be proud" Miroku said before noticing Sango's weird stares.

"So what now you want kagome since she's no longer taken?" said Sango dangerously to Miroku, giving him death glares. "Tell me because if you want her I don't longer have to worry about protecting my butt every time it is near you" Sango said with a Smirk in her lips.

Miroku wearily. "No--no you---you are the one I want! I mean look at your butt to me it looks better, I mean look we would have great looking kids"

Sango looked down at her gold watch that Miroku gave to her for her birthday. Man she was tiered, and worried about Kagome. Hopefully she didn't go suicide on her. "Well its getting late and since we are both done eating why don't you take me home because am worried for Kagome" Sango said looking up at Miroku.

"As you wish Sango, just tell me how everything goes later on." said Miroku to Sango. Snapping his fingers Miroku called a waiter to give him their bill.

When Miroku got the bill he paid for the dinner and they both left happy and full with a smile on their faces.

Getting into the car and they left to Sango's and Kagome's house.

---------------------- With Kagome--------------------------

Pulling off her wet clothes she turned on the hot water, waiting for it to fill the tub.

moment later

When Kagome got out of the shower she noticed Sango had already left.

After she got dressed she turned on the tv and got some chocolate she decided she should treat her self. After hours of watching movies, tv shows, etc. she wanted something else to do.

"So what do I do know, I've done everything possible to get my mind off Inuyasha. Chocolates, bath, TV nothing is working," Kagome told herself.

Jumping up Kagome suddenly remembered something, "OHHHH crap! I forgot I work with him.

Why does my life have to be so messed up?!

Well there is only one thing to do, I mean I cant be near him, I guess ill just have to find another job... Now where did Sango keep her newspaper?" Kagome said whiningly.

Looking around the house Kagome found the newspaper in the small table near the door where Sango's keys sat.

"Now before I get a new job I have to get rid of the old one" Kagome said while searching threw the news paper. She stop as she saw something that caught her eye. She knew this is something she could do.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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