
Beneath A Rain Filled Sky by Utena

A Love Lost In The Past; A Love Reunited In The Present

Beneath A Rain Filled Sky

by Utena-chan

The Past

No matter how many times she had ran this path on numerous occasions, it always seemed longer than the last. Perhaps it had only been made worse by the falling of tears that blurred her vision or the fact that her heart could no longer stand it anymore. The pain had become too much...too unbearable for her to continue forward. If only things had been different, she thought despairingly. She could have not have been in the position she was in now. She would be at home in her own time enjoying the luxury of a normal teenage life. Hell, she should be dating at this moment or even worrying about the next test that would come instead of traipsing through the untamed lands of feudal Japan.

She blamed Inuyasha for all this. It had been his fault entirely. If he had not insisted on taking control of the Shikon no Tama, the jewel would have never shattered and she would have returned home. But the bastard had decided he wanted the jewel for himself and this only caused the other youkais all over to become vaguely aware of it.

Now the damn thing was shattered into a million pieces and they had to gather them back. Of course, this had meant traveling together and working as a team. However there was no 'I' in team anywhere. Inuyasha had already laid down the rules that once gathered, the jewel belonged to him.

Not a chance in hell, came the dark thought in her mind as a small hand rose to wipe away the fallen tears from her face. She was never going to allow the jewel to fall into his selfish hands. She would rather it remain broken into pieces.

Cracks of thunder whipped above her warning her of the approaching storm that she had so blindedly pushed aside from her mind. She had to find refuge fast if she didn't want to be caught up in it. Kagome halted her running, aware now that it was safe to do so. There was no way Inuyasha would find her now. She was safe from him. Safe for the time being and safe to allow her heart the brief bliss of healing.

Peering around her surroundings, she took in the lush wild wilderness that spread out like a canvas before her. Untouched and unmarred by the populace that continued to grow around it. This was a world that Kagome longed to be lost in and longed to be surrounded by. Her time had nothing like this. At least not any parts of Japan she had seen in her lifetime. Everything had been covered by the vast metropolises that continued to grow in every direction possible. There at the very edge of her sight snuggled deep within the wooded terran she had sought refuge in stood a log hut abandoned and left to the elements.

It may not be much but I am quite sure that there is promise within, she thought to herself moving in the direction of the hut.

With each step taken, she took note that the place was not in entirely in bad shape. The roof and walls seemed sturdy enough to keep her warm and safe from the elements of the storm. The place seemed perfect for her and she had found herself a place for the night. Pausing in her steps, she gathered the wood from around the hut. There was no way she was not going to have light. Plus she had not even eaten supper yet. Thankfully, Inuyasha had not eaten all the ramen she had brought with her. She had managed to keep a few packs of it safely tucked away from his hands.

Humming softly, she moved inside the hut taking note that the place looked fairly cleaned up of all depree. It was an odd thing for an abandoned hut. Places such as these were far few and wide and even having them cleaned up a bit told her that it had been used recently. Though she couldn't truly tell by whom. Not that the moment it mattered. It made things much more better for her. She could easily settle into this place without so much worrying about cleaning up.

Setting the firewood down, Kagome knelt down and opened her backpack, trying to find the matches she had tossed in just some few weeks ago. She knew they were here. She was sure that she had not left them behind.

"Ah ha!" She cried out in triumph as she held the small match case up in the waning light. Indeed, she had brought them with her. Happy, she pulled out a match and struck it against the back. The flame hissed to life and Kagome settled it beneath the dry wood, watching it as it danced to life upon it.

Soon, this place will warm itself up, she thought.

Sighing softly, she dug back into backpack and began tossing out packages of ramen noodles for her to cook. However, it was then she realized she would have to go back outside to gather water. Frowning to herself, she rose to her feet and picked up the small pot. She hated going out there especially with the threat of rain so heavily in the air, but if she wanted to eat she had no choice in the matter.

Stepping out of the small hut, she moved through the thicket to the river. Overhead, another sound of thunder rumbled angrily above. Another warning that the rain would soon be down on her. She couldn't tarry any further. Bending down, she scooped up some of the water and headed back towards the hut. Not before, however, the rain fell down around her.

In great sheets of icy water it fell soaking her by the time she had managed to return to the hut. She was shivering when she knelt down by the fire. For the moment, her desire to eat had been overpowered by the need for the warmth of the fire. She huddled herself near the fire, wrapping her arms protectively around herself. So caught up in her own needs, she did not hear the approaching of footsteps nor see the figure standing at the entrance.

There in the entrance way stood Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands. His golden eyes narrowing at the figure before the fire. He had not expected the place to be occupied by anyone especially a human. These lands were considered too far remote for humans. He couldn't imagine how one of them even survived out here and alone for that matter.

He continued watching the figure in front of him. More out of curiousity than anything else. Sniffing the air, he knew exactly that the figure was female and her scent was far more pleasing than the others he had encountered. She smelled of springtime roses and rain. A pleasant scent to his senses. He could tolerate her.

Taking a step forward, the sounds of sobbing halted him and caused his ears to perk. The sorrow in her sounds were enough to cause his icy heart to melt and he poundered the emotions he could feel radiating from her. He had no experience whatsoever with a crying woman. In fact, he had little experience with a human woman. Only as a child had he bothered observing them. He had watched them from behind trees as they went about their daily rounds. Never had he ever seen one cry. This was entirely new to him.

Something inside him caused his feet to move forward to the girl before him and he knelt down beside her, wrapping his arms around her to draw her close to him. She didn't hesitate either as she buried her face into his chest. Her hand lifted and her small fingers curled around his silk kimono top. His own clawed fingers threaded themselves into the wet strands ebony black hair.

"You will know love, my son," InuTashio spoke softly, placing a hand firmly upon his son's small shoulders. Amber eyes met gold briefly. "You will know it here" --he placed a hand over his heart-- "and it will burn with you until you have the one who has caused it to ache so."

For the first time in his life, Sesshoumaru had realized what his father had tried teaching him in his youth. Love came unexpectedly and in the most unusual places. Hi father had indeed been right. This felt right, holding her like this. It had not mattered that he didn't know her really. He wanted to remedy that.

Regaining her composure, Kagome pulled away from the welcoming embrace that soothed her hurt and wiped away the tears still streaming down her face. She hated crying like this in front of anyone but it had not been helped nor had she even thought anyone else knew of this place.

"I'm sorry," she whispered softly, lifting her dark eyes to stare into golden ones. She was stunned by the image of the angel before her. Silvery wet strands clung to an elegant visage. Two magneta strips marked each side of the cheeks. Claw-like fingers (deadly, she was sure of it) stroked her face tenderly.

"What has caused you to be so sad, little one?" The angel asked huskily before leaning forward to brush his tongue over the salty streams still left upon her face. Power. Untold power rested within this girl. He had tasted it and he doubted that even she had fully awaken to them.

"Everything. I shouldn't be in this this time. I want to go home. I want to see my family again but I can't," she cried unable to bear the pain any further. "Of all things, I am stuck with a hanyou who hates my guts because I look like someone from so long ago."

'Inuyasha,' Sesshoumaru hissed silently to himself. His golden eyes narrowed into slits of the thought of his half-brother. The runt was still alive and it seemed had been the cause of this girl's grief. Even more his brother's loss. He could not fathom why the idiot would give up something right before his very eyes. He was not going to make that mistake.

"Sometimes I wish I had never been born," she spoke without thinking. Her words had caught him by surprise, she was sure of it by the confused expression that flittered briefly across his face before the remenants of anger overpowered them.

"Don't say that!" He hissed, grabbing her by the arm and hold her against him. "You don't know what life still has to offer you or what will cross your path. You never know if there is someone out there waiting for you!"

Kagome's eyes widened. Everything he had said rang true deep within her. Could it be that he had meant himself? She wanted to believe it...held it against her heart as she held her own breath for a second. Her gaze softened, searching the golden eyes once more for the belief he had given her.

"Long ago I didn't believe it myself," he continued, "Now I find myself a fool for never listening to my father. After he married a human, I closed myself off to the world around me and saw all that was human to be my enemy. I considered them pathetic and weak, not worthy of mating with a youkai. Even my half-brother, who has human blood within him, has been the bane of my existence."

Silence fell over the two for a moment as each digested the words spoken. Neither knew how to answer the other. Instead, they allowed the simplest touches to be their answer. Kagome reached her hand up to brush the back of it against his face.

"You never know if there is someone out there waiting for you!"

Was he the one she sought? Could he be the very one whom she could mend her broken heart with? Kagome didn't know nor was she sure. After all, he had spoken of his digust of humanity. Had this included her? Yet, she couldn't help feel that it had not been meant for her. He would have not given her comfort...would not be confinding in her as he had then. Was there a chance even after she healed the Shikon no Tama? It was a chance she was willing to risk.

"My name is Kagome," she stated firmly, almost quietly.

"Ka-go-me," he tested the name in his mouth and found himself liking it even more. "Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands."

Kagome chuckled softly at how formal his name had come out from his mouth. Not that any of this mattered. She leaned forward to brush her lips gently across his. She didn't care if she seemed so forward. She wanted to test the waters for the moment and she was not at all disappointed when he returned her gentle kiss with his own.

Outside the rain continued to rage but the new lovers seemed obvious to it. They were far too busy learning about the other and too wrapped up in the hopes for a future together. A future both knew that would be tested here in the past.

As dawn slowly broke through the grey horizon, the couple, having slept little that night, moved out of their warm shelter to assess the passing storm. Both knew they could not stay here together. Both had duties they had to contend with and then there was that unspoken promise between them to meet again before the end of it all.

"Must you go?" She asked, turning her head to gaze up at her youkai lover.

"I must. The Western Lands are far too much for me to simply leave for a time. Too many enemies wait in the shadows to lay claim to the lands my father left me and I won't disappoint him," Sesshoumaru answered turning his eyes upward to watch the passing grey clouds. "We will see each other again, keep that close to you."

Kagome nodded her head. She couldn't bring herself to say goodbye. She didn't want to say it. To even consider it was bad enough for her.

"Kagome," his voice drew her back from her reverie, "I want you to have this."


Before her eyes dangled a beautiful gold medallion with the crest of the ruling family of the Western Lands. Surely he had not meant for her to have this? She couldn't take it from him. It was not right. What if he needed to prove his claim to his own lands?

"Sessh--" She began before he cut her off with a wave of his hand.

"I want you to have this," he stated slipping the necklace over her head and allowing it to rest between her breasts. "This necklace will guide us back to each other when the time is right."

'This was not goodbye,' Kagome thought in awe. She would see him again, she was sure of it now.

"Until the next time, my love," she whispered softly, rising up on the tips of her toes to place a soft kiss upon his lips.

The Present

Standing by the large window, Kagome's mind raced with the story she had just woven for her daughter's entertainment. She had left so much out for her daughter and there was so much more she wanted to tell her. It had not been fair to the young child who laid sleeping in the large bed. Rin deserved the chance to know her father and even more Kagome wanted to see Sesshoumaru once more. It had always been her wish. Everytime she moved among the crowd, she found herself searching each and every single face she passed. None of them were him...would ever be him and she gave up her search.

Sighing softly, she glanced over at the sleeping Rin. Her precious baby. The only thing she truly had left of her mate and the one thing she zealously hung onto. She gave Rin a normal life the young girl deserved. Tonight, she was sure all that would change. Rin would be even more curious about her heritage and the powers that may very well lay dormant in her young body. It wasn't something Kagome was ready to find out nor force a change into Rin, but she knew--always knew--it would come eventually. Rin was a smart little girl.

'Just like her father,' Kagome thought with a smirk.

Even now, it surprised her that Rin had been born with a human look to her. She had not expected it at all. More over, she thought she would have dog ears like Inuyasha. She was, after all, a hanyou, wasn't she? Kagome couldn't exactly explain it. Perhaps her miko blood had purified some of Sesshoumaru's blood. It was a possiblity but what of Rin's powers? Were they still dormant within her? Sleeping and waiting for the time to come? It was the only explanation she could give herself. She had not yet exhibit any sort of youkai nor miko power yet and this relieved the young mother greatly. She was not ready to face her daughter's questions. Not yet at least. Rin was still a child and she wanted her to enjoy all that life still had to offer for her.

Kagome sighed softly and leaned her head against the window. She missed Sesshoumaru so much. The last time she had ever seen him had been before she had found she was pregnant. He had never been told and now he was missing the greatest moments in their daughter's life. She refused to believe, even consider, that he was dead. She would have felt it within the confinds of her heart.

Shaking her head, she knew there was no point in further divulging into the past. There were far too many painful memories there. She was not ready to face any of them at the moment. She simply wanted for it all to go leave her alone for the time being. It was enough for her that she was mourning. Mourning for a love lost and perhaps never to be again.

"Stop torturing yourself, Kagome," she chided herself pushing away from the window and heading towards the bed, turning off the only light in the room.

Something out of the corner of her eye halted all movement and Kagome had to step back towards the window. Just a few feet away a figure in white stood. She couldn't exactly make out entirely the features but she was sure there was something all too familiar about it. She knew within her heart of hearts whom it was that it sent her racing out of the darkened room.


The whisper caressed the edges of her mind sending brief intervals of shivers down her spine. Only one had been the cause of such emotions that coursed through her body and soul. For that single moment, she wanted desperately to believe that he was alive out there in the rain and that it was he who was waiting all this time for her. Of course, such ideal thoughts would have been silly to any other human, let alone youkai, but to Kagome....she had been waiting forever (five hundred years to be exact)to be reunited with her mate.

Once reaching the living room, Kagome looked left and right for her coat but it had been nowhere in sight. And at this time, she wasn't going to spend the rest of the night looking for it either. If that was Sesshoumaru out there, then he was going to become impatient with her all together.

Unlocking the chain and unbolting the door, Kagome tossed open the wooden door and stepped out into the rain.

"Sesshoumaru," she whispered his name as tears mixed with the falling rain. She was sure now of whom it was and she moved quickly, though careful not to fall ungracefully before him. "Sesshoumaru!"

Her cries for him had not gone unheard. Even in the heavy fall, he had still heard her. His head lifted slightly allowing his golden eyes to view the young woman moving towards him. Her dark eyes sparkling with unshed tears as her arms extended outward. He braced himself for the onslaught that came. Small slender arms wrapping firmly around his body as a face buried itself deep within his chest.

"I tried to find you," She whispered through her tears. She had not even bothered with a 'hello.' "I did everything I could to locate you to tell you..."

Her words trailed off til there was nothing left of them. How could she bring up the delicate subject of Rin? She hadn't had time to properly consider her words and the impact they would eventually cause. Her mind already spoke of the rift and anger that would pour from the inuyoukai but her heart spoke differently, reminding her of the trials that past. He had to know.

"It doesn't matter," he replied as if waving her words off. "I am here now."

Kagome couldn't help but smile as her arms held him tightly. It was the truth. He was here with her now and it was high time they went inside. They had so much to talk about and she had something to share with him.

"Let's go home," she whispered withdrawing from him with reluctance and tugging on his hand. "We have alot to discuss and there is something inside I want to show you."

Slender silver brows rose in curiousity but he followed her towards the home.

Their home, he reminded himself quickly. However that was going to change soon once he had the chance to show her what he had done during their time apart.

As they entered the home, Kagome spun around on ball of her heels and clasped her hands in front of herself. She couldn't find the words that spoke heavily from her heart but instead she motioned him to follow her quietly through the house to the bedroom. Only briefly did she pause to turn a light on in the room before moving in further to her bed.

Sesshoumaru followed behind her and halted at the doorway of the room. His golden eyes swept across the interior of the place before falling upon the tiny lump on the large bed. Surely it was not what he thought what it was, was it? Curiously, he moved inwardly into the room like a predator having spotted a prey from far away. Silver hair like his own spread and fanned out around the tiny figure as the comforter fell and rose with each breath it took.

He glanced up at the woman beside him who could only mouth 'your daughter'. Still he couldn't believe it. This young child was his. He wanted to deny it...warn her that he was not a fool like his brother but there was something about the child that told him differently. Every inch of her was his from the angelic way she slept til possibly the way she acted. He would have to ask Kagome about her and learn what he could.

"How old is she?" He asked softly.

"Five," came the reply from her lips. "Five years have passed since I have returned and five years since her birth. Her name is Rin. She is alot like you, you know. She has your same temperament as well as the way you carry yourself."

Sesshoumaru turned his head to glare at his mate. He knew she was teasing him about the last line but he couldn't help it. It had been an old habit of his that not yet died.

"Rin," he whispered the name of his daughter and smiled, turning his head once more to gaze down at his angel.

"Come, let us let her sleep. She was up earlier frightened of the storm and I told her a story to occupy her mind," she whispered moving once more towards the doorway. "Besides I am quite sure we have alot to talk about."

"We have a lifetime to talk, Kagome," he replied surprising her. "Now is the time I want to spend with my family."


The End

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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