Shoomy2003- Mon 05 May 2008
This was beautifully written and heartwrenching. The segments fit their need; not too superflous and your sentences all served a purpose. Your explanation at the beginning was much needed--I haven't taken psychology in almost 5 years, since high school!

Fantastic work! Love your writing.

fantaskie- Sun 04 May 2008
After I'd read this fic it puzzled me that the ratings were so low. I really liked it. I wouldn't go so far as to saying that the characters were OC simply because one has no evidence or guidline to work on if these characters were put in such a situation as in this fic. After all Sesshoumaru does come to care for a little human girl. Therefore it would be natural for him to need and want comfort (which gradually turns to love), and the same for Kagome.

I really liked the tone of sadness yet hope that ran through the entire story. And I loved the last section! Personally, I thought that the story was quite the right size (except, perhaps the showdown between Sesshoumaru and the villains could have been a bit more elaborate) for there are times when a story informs you of so much more when it seemingly gives you little. I think had this story been way too detailed it might not have had quite the same effect.

Kudos for a well written fic!^_^


fantaskie- Sun 04 May 2008
After I'd read this fic it puzzled me that the ratings were so low. I really liked it. I wouldn't go so far as to saying that the characters were OC simply because one has no evidence or guidline to work on if these characters were put in such a situation as in this fic. After all Sesshoumaru does come to care for a little human girl. Therefore it would be natural for him to need and want comfort (which gradually turns to love), and the same for Kagome.

I really liked the tone of sadness yet hope that ran through the entire story. And I loved the last section! Personally, I thought that the story was quite the right size (except, perhaps the showdown between Sesshoumaru and the villains could have been a bit more elaborate) for there are times when a story informs you of so much more when it seemingly gives you little. I think had this story been way too detailed it might not have had quite the same effect.

Kudos for a well written fic!^_^


Jean- Sat 03 May 2008
An interesting plot. I think you effectively illuminated several points; namely: the loss of loved ones, loneliness, loss of self, devastation of war, and lastly the reaffirmation of life. I do not think, as mentioned by another reviewer, that your story turned into a PWP. Believe me, if I am looking for a PWP story to read I need more details. I saw the encounter between Sesshoumaru and Kagome as a way to assuage their fear, offer comfort to each other, and as I said above, reaffirm life. This last point, I believe is a primal or instinctual need. I think human beings who survive life and death encounters, such as a battle, a fire, an accident, etc. want assurance that they are "alive" so to speak. This is done through sex. Therefore, the mating scene made perfect sense to me. I could see this story as being flushed out as novel length, but the size of the story is the author's choice. Bottom line--I liked it and I think the rating is way too low. Unfortunately, I am not a member of SS and I cannot rate fics. Sorry.

TLG- Sat 03 May 2008
I thought your original idea was fabulous. I clicked, hoping for a long and well-handled chronicle of identity issues and mental instability. I hoped that Sesshoumaru and Kagome would slowly begin to piece themselves back together again, relying on each other to help each of them them build back his/her sense of self. I anticipated long discussions about their formative years, total honesty. I wanted to see what aspects of each of them you felt were completely intrinsic to their souls, and what aspects were learned behaviors.

Instead, you brushed past the very interesting and serious parts so you could use it as an excuse to kick characterization to the curb. I wanted plot, with or without sex, but it seems that is just Porn Without Plot. In the future I suggest you warn for PWP so that those of us hoping for something meaty and thought-provoking won't bother.

Your use of fangirl Japanese at the end further annoyed me. Ignoring for the moment that Sesshoumaru would never be such a sap, who honestly calls another person "koi?" I don't think I ever heard that endearment used the entire time I've studied Japanese, including the time I was in Japan. "Koibito," maybe, as a title - it means lover. And setting aside your inappropriate usage and bizarre characterization, why use Fangirl Japanese at all? If you want to write in Japanese, WRITE IN JAPANESE. Kanji, kana, all that jazz. Otherwise, stick to a language you know. It would have been less cringe-worthy if you'd just used "beloved" or some such. Still incredibly OOC, but at least you wouldn't be mangling my favorite foreign language.

In summary - you had a very intriguing idea. Then you ignored the good idea and wrote a bland, disappointing PWP instead. I'm not trying to "flame" you, but if you want an honest critique, there you go.

zebbeed- Sat 03 May 2008
A well reasoned work. Not too long and with steady tempo. Brava.

sleepy tuna fish- Sat 03 May 2008
Short and Sweet. Nicely done ^_^

WhiteRose-Kurama- Sat 03 May 2008
This was a very interesting fic. I love the concept that the fic revolved around. It seemed very fitting. Will u make another chappie? Create a sequel of some sort? Keep up the good work and I look forward to similiar stories that u may come up w/ in the future. :P

rowdysgirl- Fri 02 May 2008
painfully beautiful and very well written.

burgundyburning- Fri 02 May 2008
Great story. I could almost imagine it as a full length chapter story, but short and sweet works wonders.

Keep it up!

sess_69kag_15- Fri 02 May 2008
nice fanfic. . . i liked it !! [^_^]

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