Tsuki Ai Profile Page
Tsuki Ai

About Me

So a little about me. I live in Wisconsin. I am in college. I love reading fanfiction, not so much writing. I have written fanfiction in the past and probably will in the near future. To me, it's a way to relieve stress, but I have trouble finishing a story. Eventually I will repost my stories, but I don't know when. I'll probably redo them and finish them before I post them again though.

I don't generally review stories until the very end unless it's one of those stories that I truly react to.

I am trying to better myself as an artist both writing and drawing. I am currently just beta-ing for the moment because I haven't really been in the mood to write. I have been attempting to draw and my drawing seem to be okay for the most part, but half the time I think they're hideous.

And I have to give a HUGE thank you to Skyisthelimit for drawing my dokugasona!! ^-^ She is an awesome artist and everyone should go check out her stories and art!

User Status

15 years ago
2 years ago
10 years ago
Tsuki Ai


I thought I had something down here once upon a time. I don't remember. If I did, I don't know what happened to it. I know I disappeared for a while. Probably will again soon. RL sucks at the moment.


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts285

Forum Posts
07/26/2011 00:12:44Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 01:27:21Re:Bad Advice ColumnForum Games210118
07/26/2011 01:28:40Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 02:20:27Re:Humbly asking for a DokugasonaFanart2801
07/26/2011 02:27:05Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 02:30:21Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 04:33:20Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 04:48:28Re:Join the Bucket Brigade!!Forum Games195271
07/26/2011 06:35:13Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 08:55:53Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 09:49:10Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 09:54:02Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 09:59:29Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 10:05:14Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 10:12:00Re:Have you ever...?Forum Games286181
07/26/2011 10:21:31Re:Did you know...Forum Games127447
07/26/2011 10:24:05Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 10:38:38Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 10:51:59Re:War2 - back your fav. IY character in battle!Forum Games547034
07/26/2011 11:28:18Re:Name That Disney Song!Forum Games299452


  a Mysticlady
  Aura Depths
  Dafne U.
  Tenshi Villiers
  Tangerine Dream
  Angelic Memories
  Demon From Above


Tsuki Ai has 2 stories

Just scenes of Kagome and Sesshomaru done for DDNs. Each set of DDN prompts will have their own little scene. All drabbles are exactly 100 words...
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 07 Aug 2011  -  Updated: 05 Nov 2012
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 15  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 1,714  -  Reads: 11,573
A drabble series telling the progression of love between Kagome and Sesshomaru.
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 03 Feb 2016  -  Updated: 14 Feb 2016
Genre: Friendship, Humor  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 6  -  Words: 681  -  Reads: 4,522


Total number of images: 1

Chibi Rin

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 2

Tsuki Ai - Dokugasona
Tsuki Ai - Line Art


Name Entry
Angelic Memories

Created On: 12/30/2009 15:17:02
Edited By Angelic Memories On: 12/30/2009 15:17:23

Hey there, thank you for the review. I didn't realize that mistake so thank you for pointing it out. I fixed it now so no more repeat. Thanks again.


Created On: 10/13/2009 23:23:17

Thanks for reading my fanfiction and reviewing. I fixed the problem of Sango's miss-spelled name and finished the chapter. You should check it out.


Created On: 10/13/2009 22:19:15

Oh, thank you!! I'm glad you're enjoying it so much! Well I hope I don't disappoint with the next chapter lolz! Thanks for reading and reviewing! It means a lot

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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