Dark Topaz Profile Page
Dark Topaz

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16 years ago
5 years ago
13 years ago
Dark Topaz


Forum Statistics
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Total Posts63

Forum Posts
09/30/2012 03:55:47Re:looking for "whats a dragon to do"?Found Fanfictions2687
07/14/2010 16:16:13Re:hotel owner SesshoumaruSearching for a Fic...2203
09/29/2012 23:05:21Re:HelpFound Fanfictions3975
12/31/2012 01:59:41Re:deaged inuyashaSearching for a Fic...2759
09/02/2013 21:30:16Re:completed AU oneshot seriesSearching for a Fic...2359
10/30/2010 19:16:04Re:chibi inu yasha valintine ficSearching for a Fic...2748
11/03/2010 17:03:13Re:baby InuyashaSearching for a Fic...2954
11/03/2010 18:02:23Re:baby InuyashaSearching for a Fic...2954
03/23/2013 22:23:41Re:AU Sess takes kagome as live in nanySearching for a Fic...1878
12/17/2010 19:44:55Re:A scene and a storylineSearching for a Fic...2649
06/03/2012 12:55:34paternal SesshoumaruSearching for a Fic...2309
04/08/2017 13:11:28Not a Kag Sess fic meant to post hereSearching for a Fic...2280
12/16/2010 21:24:01miruku and sesshoumaru make a dealSearching for a Fic...2048
04/20/2010 23:22:34looking for type of ficSearching for a Fic...2563
06/02/2011 11:52:28looking for stalking hojoRecommendations2096
09/10/2015 01:24:14looking for Sesshoumary teaches shippo to huntFanfiction2489
10/10/2011 06:11:36looking for provider sesshoumaruRecommendations4638
07/05/2011 23:52:14looking for older love spell ficSearching for a Fic...2088
01/06/2011 10:55:38looking for obbsessed SesshoumaruSearching for a Fic...2511
03/16/2016 13:13:57Looking for Love spell fanfictionSearching for a Fic...1858


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