When It Rains by LM Bluejay

Puzzling Debut

Puzzling Debut


The ride to the Western manor was long, but that did not stop them having a good time. A series of animation debates ensued dj’d by Justin Timberlake, Black Eyed Peas, and Maroon Five.

Sho leaned against the car’s window. His eyes followed the black security car from the passenger side mirror. “So basically I’m like a living Ciel Phantomhive and you’re either Bard or Finney.”

Shippo took one hand off the wheel to scratch his chin. “Nah. I’m totally Grell and Momma Higurashi is my lady in red.”

From the back seat Kagome snorted. “Yeah, my only problem with that is Ciel’s mom died tragically…and so did Madame Red. But thanks for the referential deaths, guys. I can totally see how much you both care.”

Shippo fretted to come up with an apology while Sho shook his head and huffed. “Alright then. Who’d you rather be in BB?”

Kagome titled her head to think. “You know what, I don’t really know. But I remember sort of liking Alouis Trancy for some reason.” Both males instantly glared at her. “What? The kid was totally dramatic and drama always keeps things interesting.”

“You know? I’m glad you say that,” Shippo smiled. “Because things are gonna get interesting from here on out.” The sedan suddenly came to a halt in front of huge silver gate. “Welcome to Yukimura manor…U.S. point oh.”

Sho and Kagome marveled at the large modern day castle. Their view was quickly obscured by two white Cadillacs that pulled up in front of them. Both drivers got out of their vehicles and bowed.

Sho looked at them perplexed. “Because that’s not weird at all.”

“What are they doing?” Kagome asked.

Shippo turned around to her and smiled. “You guys are being split like a Thanksgiving turkey bone. They’re here to drive to whatever destination.”

“I’m sorry. Wait. What? Aren’t we all supposed to be going to Disney looking castle?” Sho pointed. “And why are they separating us? And what about you? Where are you going?”

“The Ship recognizes Earl Phantomhive’s worries. But we’re all just following orders dude. As for me? I’ll be dropping off bags…erm…who’s the pooch going with?”

They both spoke in unison. “Me/Her.”

“Cool.” Shippo got out of the car and opened their doors for them. “For now the band is breaking up but later tonight we’ll come back together!”

“This is so weird,” Sho complained as the sedan he got in pulled off. Unsurprisingly, he could still hear his mother yelling ‘Make sure you’re nice and mind your manners.’


They pulled up to a wide coal brick path that led to the huge building. Servants in white pristine uniforms stood stiffly along its edges. Their heads bowed in respect as soon as she stepped out of the car. Slowly, she took a step forward. Then another and barely one more. Her mind beckoned her to hop back in the sedan but when she looked back it was already gone.

Damn. Ok Kagome. You’ve got this. You have to just keep…moving…forward. Just as she turned to look back forward something black had caught her eye. The sudden appearance of a man in front of her had nearly made her jump out of her skin. Holy cow! Where did he come from?.  

“I’m to assume that you’re Kagome Higurashi.”

“Yes?” she squeaked back.

“I am Lord Sesshomaru Yukimura; head of the Western clan. It’s an honor to meet you,” he bowed.

She continued to stare. After coming to a decision she tilted her head. “You wouldn’t happen to be a vampire would you?”

“No,” he replied solemnly. “I’m a demon.”

“That’s what I thought,” she grinned.


Prompt: Puzzle

Words: 610

A/N: Ending has been edited.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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