The Last Night by Shadowkat83


A/N; here is the final part to my three-part song-fic The Last Night. Hope you all like it.

The song is called "Stronger" and it is By Kelly Clarkson. I own neither the song nor the lyrics



You know the bed feels warmer

Sleeping here alone

You know I dream in color

And do the things I want

You think you got the best of me


Think you had the last laugh

Bet you think that everything good is gone

Think you left me broken down

Think that I'd come running back

Baby you don't know me, cause you're devil


            Kagome laughed as she watched Rin chase Jaken with a crown of flowers around the meadow. Their pack had stopped here to rest, due to Kagome’s condition. She was pregnant with her and Sesshomaru’s first pup. It had been twelve months since she had tried to kill herself, when Sesshomaru took her to his shiro to heal; and six months after that, the big inu had taken her as his mate.

            Kagome knew that in those last months she had never been happier. But something had been nagging at her for a while now. What had happened to the rest of her friends? She hadn’t heard much about them other than that Koga had run into Inuyasha and Kikyo, but Sango and the others weren’t with him. Apparently they had left a short time after she did. She had been surprised to hear about the Tachi splitting up, but then again with her gone, Sango wouldn’t put up with his attitude for much longer.

            When she had asked her mate if they could go look for her companions, he hadn’t refused. He too wanted to seek them out, more like he wanted to find Inuyasha. She had a feeling her mate wanted to “talk” to his half-brother about his treatment of her, most likely. Not that she minded; she was done being treated like shit, and treated like she was worthless. She had a better life now; she had a mate who supported her and everyone at the shiro loved her, too. Plus she had Rin to take care of. She didn’t need Inuyasha’s protection any longer.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

What doesn't kill you makes a fire

Put that thing on lighter

Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger

Just me, myself and I

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone


            Miroku paused in his trek, as a familiar aura caressed his senses. He called to Sango who was walking slightly ahead of him, “Do you feel that, my dearest Sango?”

            His question caused both the demon slayer and the little kitsune at her side to pause and expand their senses. Sango concentrated on her surroundings for a minute before she answered his question, “yes, but I can’t place the feeling. It feels very familiar.” She looked down at the little kit at her side, Shippo was sniffing the air, but he seemed to be centered on a certain direction. “What’s wrong, Shippo?” She asked the little kitsune.

            Shippo frowned before he answered, “The scent is familiar, but I can’t quite place it. I know it, but at the same time it’s different.”

            “How is it different? You mean you know who the aura belongs to?” Miroku asked curiously.

            Shippo nodded hesitantly, “I think so,” he replied. “But what I do know for sure is where the scent and aura are coming from. I can lead us straight to it.” With a nod from the others, Shippo took off down the road.

            Inuyasha paused in his trek as a familiar scent caressed his senses. It was Sesshomaru and he was close. Inuyasha growled low in his throat, as he took off in the direction his half-brother was waiting. He needed to find out what had happened to Kagome, for Miruko’s words those long months ago still plagued his memory.

            For four months he had traveled in vain searching for the Shikon shards, but with both Kikyo and Kagome gone, he wasn’t having much luck. Inuyasha felt his heart clench at the mention of his past love. They had been ambushed by one of Naruku’s minions a few months back, and Kikyo was killed yet again. Once again he had failed to protect her, and now he was alone again. But not for long, once he found Kagome, everything would be better again. Kagome never could stay mad at him long, she loved him. And he intended to use those feelings to get her to once more tack to shards for him again, and if Sesshomaru got in his way, Inuyasha would put him out permanently.


You heard that I was starting over with someone new

But told you I was moving on over you


You didn't think that I'd come back

I'd come back swinging

You try to break me

But you see


            Kagome looked up from the flower crown she and Rin were working on, when she felt Sesshomaru rise from his seat underneath the tree he had been resting against. Kagome frowned as she noticed the look that crossed his aristocratic features, something was bothering her mate. “What’s wrong, Sesshomaru?”

            Sesshomaru allowed a frown to grace his features before his expression closed off, he turned to his mate and answered, “Your former companions are on their way here. Inuyasha is also on his way, but he is coming from a different direction than the others.”

            “They aren’t traveling together?” Kagome asked curiously, “I wonder what happened.” She murmured to herself.

            Sesshomaru didn’t answer. His attention was on the moving auras, they would be here in the morning, he thought. He turned to Kagome and told her so. Kagome nodded, before looking up the gage the sun’s placement in the sky. It was about dinner time; she turned to her mate, but Sesshomaru was already leaving the camp, pausing to say a quick word to Jaken.

            The Daiyoukai returned a few moments later, tossing a rabbit to Jaken with an order to skin and gut it. The kappa headed off to the river at the edge of the camp. He returned a few months later and gave the meat to Kagome, so the miko could make a stew for her and Rin.

            “Rin,” she called, the child looked up from her flower gathering and Kagome beckoned her over, “you want to help me prepare dinner?” she asked.

            Rin beamed and answered, “Hai, kaa-san. Rin would love to help.” Kagome smiled back and proceeded to show her adopted daughter how she made the evening meal.


            Kagome kissed Rin on the forehead as the child laid down for the night, and then she headed over to the tree her mate as resting against. Kagome curled up to Sesshomaru’s side and leaned against him. Soon the miko fell asleep to the comforting presence of Sesshomaru and his aura.

            Morning came bright and early as Kagome awoke and stretched. She looked around their temporary camp to find Sesshomaru missing. Guessing that he went hunting for breakfast, Kagome headed off to take a quick soak, taking Rin with her.

            Once both girls were clean and dressed in fresh Kimono’s, the duo headed back to camp and stored their bathing supplies on Ah-Un’s packs. Giving the faithful dragon a treat from her bag, Kagome then headed off to make a fire and start breakfast. Sesshomaru had returned while the girls were bathing and had Jaken once more clean the meat he had brought back. This time he had caught a bunch of fish for breakfast. One the fire was started Kagome, with Rin’s help, placed the fish on sticks and held them over the fire to cook. While the fish were cooking, Kagome turned to her mate and inquired, “How long before the reach us?”

            Sesshomaru looked off into the distance, before he answered, “A couple of hours, if they keep up the same speed.”

            Kagome nodded, before she turned to check on the fish. Deeming them not ready yet, she replaced the fish back into the fire.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

What doesn't kill you makes a fire

Put that thing on lighter

Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger

Just me, myself and I

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone


            Sango followed the aura of the Daiyoukai, noting that the demon lord made no attempt to avoid the up incoming confrontation. “He knows were coming.” She said.

            Miroku nodded, he to could feel the awesome aura of the Lord of the West. He looked over at the kit on his shoulder. Shippo’s tail was twitching in excitement; they were so close to where his mama was that the little kit just couldn’t keep still. Miroku could understand how he felt. Kirara was also unable to keep her tails from twitching; she too couldn’t wait to see her friend again.

            Actually the whole group could barely suppress their excitement. They knew that they had some things to explain, mainly why they hadn’t come for her sooner, but they were sure that once Kagome knew the truth, she would forgive them. The truth was that the only reason they didn’t come sooner was to give her time to fully heal. They knew that as long as she was with Sesshomaru, she would be protected and healthy. If they admitted it she was better off with the demon lord, than traveling all of the time.

            Inuyasha snarled he could smell his hated half-brother’s scent. He could also smell Kagome; the damn bitch was with him. Inuyasha knew it, but he also knew that she wouldn’t be with him for long; Inuyasha would make sure of that. He’d be damned if he let his miko stay with that bastard Sesshomaru much longer!


            Sesshomaru let out a soft growl as the stench of his half brother reached his sensitive nose. He looked to where his mate and ward were sitting. His mate was helping Rin with her letters. He let a small smirk appear as saw this.

Yes, his mate was unusual for her kind. Unlike most humans, she knew how to read and write, and took the time to pass on the knowledge on to the younger generation. She had also been teaching Rin how to cook and take care of Ah-Un. She also seemed to love being clean, a habit he took the most pleasure in accommodating. More often than not he followed her when she went to bath, that is if Rin didn’t accompany her. Rin it seems also picked up the miko’s love of bathing. Yes, his ward loved her new mother figure.

Inuyasha and her former companions were the most pressing situation, at the moment. A confrontation between him and Inuyasha was going to be unavoidable. The baka still considered Kagome his and Sesshomaru was going to take great pleasure and informing him otherwise.


Thanks to you I got a new thing started

Thanks to you I'm not a broken hearted

Thanks to you I'm finally thinking bout me

You know in the end the day you left was just my beginning

In the end


Inuyasha trek came to a stop as he reached the edge of the forest. He stared at the sight before him. There was Kagome dressed in an expensive kimono and sitting quite calmly at the bastard’s side. His attention turned towards the other side of the clearing to see Sango, Kirara, Shippo, and Miroku walk into view. They too paused at the edge of Sesshomaru’s camp. But what really caught Inuyasha’s attention was Kagome’s scent. The miko was covered in that bastard’s scent. Then another scent caught his attention, one that immediately had his demon demanding to be let lose. Kagome was pregnant with that bastard’s child and the bastard had mated her! His mind lost in his rage, Inuyasha drew his sword and headed straight for his half-brother, who was sitting a Kagome’s side.

Sesshomaru rose from his seat and drew his own sword and met his baka half-brothers attack. He drew Inuyasha away from where his mate was sitting, further into the clearing. Sesshomaru blocked blow after blow, Inuyasha was so lost in his rage that he didn’t care that Sesshomaru was hardly taking the fight seriously. Sesshomaru sighed as he grew bored of this useless fight and decided to end it right here. Using his whip, he knocked Tetsusaiga out of Inuyasha’s hand, and sent his half-brother flying into a tree, successfully knocking the baka out. Sesshomaru turned away, sheathing his sword as he did so.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

What doesn't kill you makes a fire

Put that thing on lighter

Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger

Just me, myself and I

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone



Sesshomaru made his way over to where his mate was calmly waiting and beckoned the rest of her companions closer.

Sango took that as a good sign and moved to sit a few feet from the big inu and his miko mate. Sango had known Kagome’s condition the moment they had stepped into the protected clearing. Miroku and Shippo took a seat next her in front of the cheerfully burning fire. They watched as Kagome stood and headed for the fire to check on the pot resting over it. She removed the lid and gave the contents a good stir before replacing the lid and once more seating herself at her mate’s side. Kagome turned to her former companions and inquired, “Do you want to tell me what happened between you and Inuyasha?”

Sango was the one who answered, “After you left to the hot spring, I confronted Inuyasha and Kikyo on their behavior towards you. Shippo had gone after you and then he came back to tell us that you had gone with Sesshomaru-sama. Knowing that he was the reason you were hurt, we just couldn’t be around him anymore.”

Kagome nodded as she listened to Sango’s answer. That explained what happened to the Tachi, but what about what happened after? She asked Sango that after she had finished talking.

Miroku this time answered, “About that Kagome-sama, two things happened. First is we decided that you needed ample to heal and overcome Inuyasha’s betrayal. We also knew that you were better off with Sesshomaru-sama than traveling with us when you were in such bad shape. And the second reason it took us so long, was that we ran into some trouble at one of the villages we had stopped at.” Miroku paused to remember that fateful day, “They happened to be covering for one of Naruku’s spies. When Naraku found out that we were in his village, hunting his hiding minion, he came after us, we got hurt badly and had to leave the village to find a place to stay and heal.”

Kagome gasped, as Miroku relayed what had happened in the months after she had healed completely. They had been hurt going after Naraku that was why it had taken them so long to come after her. With that revelation, Kagome found that she couldn’t be mad at them for something out of their control. They wanted to be with her, but it just took some time before they could again. Kagome turned her pleading blue eyes to her mate.

Sesshomaru listened to the conversation going on around him, so when his little mate turned pleading eyes to him, he knew just what she wanted. He nodded and then flared his aura; letting Jaken know that it was safe to return to camp with Rin.

Kagome gave her mate a brilliant smile and went to great her adopted daughter. She brought Rin over to meet her friends and then went to serve the meal. Kagome smiled as she watched her daughter and kit torture their babysitter. Kagome felt that finally her life was back together. With her now extended pack, she felt that they could finally defeat Naraku and live the lives that they all so very wanted.




A/N: and her it is, The Last Night is now finally complete. Read and review, minna.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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