Kagome's New Start by Zerhai Spiritcaller


Prompt: Keepsake

(this is starting after the anime and manga ended don't worry she will end up with Sesshomaru eventually)

Kagome held Sango and Miroku's youngest child, rocking him slowly while Sango ran after her two oldest daughters. The woman from the future was truly happy, and when Miroku and Inuyasha returned from the latest exorcism job she had good news to tell her husband and mate. She kissed the baby's forehead. Suddenly she heard a commotion outside, she stood up with the babe still in her hands and walked outside and saw many of the villagers heading towards one side of the village.

She saw Sango picking up her daughters and she went to Kagome, taking the boy from her, “Its Inuyasha, go see what happened"

Kagome nodded to Sango and took off to where the commotion was coming from and found a man from the village and Miroku holding up Inuyasha and carrying him towards their hut. Her husband was covered in wounds as was Miroku but it was obvious who had taken the brunt of the attacks, she had not seen so many wounds on him since before Naraku was destroyed.

She quickly did her best to calm her panic and encouraged the villagers to move away, then gathered her healing supplies and waited for them to bring Inuyasha to her.

Once they reached her and Inuyasha's hut, they placed him down on their sleeping mat, Kaede followed them as did Rin, and they quickly went to work tending his wounds.

As they worked it became obvious very quickly, he was losing too much blood even for him, and they felt and saw his life draining away from them. Kagome wished for some of her old 'future remedies' as they worked but knew that wishing for them was futile.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked at Kagome, “I am sorry, Kagome.”

“No you are not going to die we are going to save you, just stay with me Inuyasha,” Kagome pleaded, as she grabbed and held his hand.

“I love you Kagome, please keep Tetsusaigaas a keepsake of me, you aren't able to use it but it will keep you safe,” with those words Kagome watched as the light faded from his eyes.

She screamed, “NO Inuyasha you can't die, you have to be here for me and your child! I am pregnant you can't leave me, I love you I need you.”

Kaede looked at Kagome sadly and stood up and pulled her off of her dead husband who she was currently trying to shake awake.

Rin and Kaede slowly pulled her away and out of the hut, Sango was waiting outside and took Kagome from them, she had heard everything and wrapped her arms around Kagome as she wailed. Suddenly her eyes brightened slightly, “Sesshomaru, we need to send for Sesshomaru so he can bring Inuyasha back.”

Rin nodded, “I will send for him Kagome, but I don't know if he will be here in time to bring Inuyasha back.”

Kagome nodded as Sango guided her to the hut she shared with Miroku and their family.

Rin sighed and went to Kaede's hut where she lived with the old priestess and rummaged through some of her things, before finding parchment and a brush with ink. Since Kagome had taught the girl to write, she wrote a quick message and went to find Shippou who was sitting in front of Kagome and Inuyasha's hut making sure everyone stayed away.

“Shippou can you go find Sesshomaru and give him this and ask him to come quickly,” she said.

Shippou took the scroll from Rin, “I will be back as soon as possible.”

With that he turned his hawk form and flew away looking for the Taiyoukai.

It did not take him but a few days to find Sesshomaru, who heard what Shippou said and took the scroll from him.

Sesshomaru then used his energy ball to get to the village quicker, knowing he might already be too late to save his half-brother.

When he landed Kagome watched as he went into their hut where Inuyasha still lay. Sesshomaru was in there a few minutes when he walked out, Kagome ran to him but he slightly shook his head.

“NO,” she clutched at the front of his shirt, “He can't be dead, he can't! You have to save him!”

Sesshomaru watched as she did this, it concerned him that his half-brother had been killed by something and left his mate alone, now Sesshomaru was honor bound to take in the human woman, and care for her, a thought which did not sit well with him.

Kagome crumbled at his feet sobbing, Sango came up and hugged Kagome too her rocking her and doing her best to comfort her.

“This Sesshomaru is now responsible for you Miko Kagome, I will be taking you with me when I return to my palace,” he stated.

Kagome just sobbed all the harder.

“Slayer, see that she is ready within the day, I will return for her at sunset,” he stated before he walked away from the two and into the forest.

Sango sighed, she had not expected Sesshomaru to honor that practice, but there was nothing she could do, so she helped Kagome stand up, “Kagome, I know you are mourning but you need to be ready to leave by sunset, is there anything you wish to keep when you travel to the palace of the west.”

Kagome sniffled, “the only keepsake I want is the tetsusaiga, otherwise I don't care.”

Sango nodded and motioned to Miroku who was walking up to the two women, “Miroku please go in the hut and fetch the tetsusaiga for Kagome, I will pack her things.”

Miroku nodded and walked into the hut where Inuyasha's body still lay, picked up the Tetsusaiga and carried it out to Kagome, handing it to her.

She took it and held it close to her body, sobs still wracking her body, in the sorrow of losing Inuyasha.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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