Treasures: Bestowed & Received by sarhea

Garnet: Inuyasha’s Reactions

Summary: InuYasha throws a tantrum, sulks, and broods. Then a little girl helps the hanyou to pull himself together.

AN: Red’s Gemstone Challenge on Forums – Garnet

AN: You can’t have a fic without InuYasha’s reactions – positive or negative – to Sesshoumaru and Kagome getting together.


~ooO Garnet: Inuyasha’s Reactions Ooo~

InuYasha was depressed. There was no other word for it.

One week ago he had left to meet Kikyou, certain Kagome would be late returning from the future (she usually was). Sango and Miroku weren’t around to make a fuss and Shippo could be silenced with a few well placed threats. If he met Kagome when she came back he could drag her off to meet up with Sango and Miroku rather than wait in the village –and risk Kaede tattling to her – for the taijija and the houshi to return. Only things hadn’t turned out as he had planned.

When he had returned he had found the brat playing with Sesshoumaru’s human brat. With the imp and the girl present Sesshoumaru could not be far away. So he had hurried off in the direction of the daiyoukai’s youki. And then he saw Sesshoumaru and Kagome sitting next to each other. Sitting very close to each other looking very comfortable. When InuYasha started yelling at Kagome, calling her a traitor and… stuff, Kagome merely gave him a blank look and said the Word. Several times.

After he had recovered enough to climb out of the crater the bastard and Kagome had already rounded up the brats and were ready to leave. And they had letting InuYasha lead the rear, sulking and grumbling. All throughout the trek InuYasha knew Something had changed, just what he did not know. Sure Kagome was talking more with the bastard but she did that with everyone. The odd thing was the bastard didn’t rip her head off. In fact he had seemed to be listening. The reason why became clear after the group caught up with Sango, Miroku, and Kilala, and made camp for the night. Kagome had dragged Sango off for one of their girly-talks and five minutes later everyone had heard Sango squeal in glee. When he and Miroku had caught up with the girls Kagome had told them what she’d told Sango: Sesshoumaru asked to court her and she’d accepted. Miroku had congratulated her. InuYasha had exploded. And had been cut down.

“You promised to protect me, yet you leave me alone to chase Kikyou… You love her and want her so I have every right to look for one who loves and wants Me… Sesshoumaru sees Kagome. You always see the shadow of Kikyou… You’ve hurt me terribly, with your words and your actions but I’ve always forgiven you because I care… I want to be your friend but if you make me choose you’re no friend of mine.”

InuYasha had no choice but to accept the situation. Everyone supported Kagome and listened to her. Sure, he could leave and go to Kikyou but he didn’t want to leave his pack. If he did he knew Sesshoumaru would take over and demonstrate he was a much more capable and competent Alpha than InuYasha. The hanyou would be left out in the cold. So he stayed, watched, brooded, and sank into a deep depression. Kagome had actually chosen Sesshoumaru.


He looked up. It was the bastard’s brat. “Yeah, what do you want?”

She held out her cupped hand under the hanyou’s nose. In the middle of the small palm was a diamond shaped dark red crystal capped on end with copper shaped into a loop. It wasn’t anything InuYasha recognized.

“This is for you,” she explained cheerfully as she took his hand, uncurled the fingers to place the stone in the centre of his palm. “Kagome-sama says it will help you feel better.”

InuYasha blinked confused. He hadn’t spoken a word to Kagome in the past three days; in fact he had made every effort to avoid her, by scouting ahead of the group. He looked at the blood red stone. How was this supposed to make him feel better?

Seeing his confused expression she continued. “This stone is gar-net,” she pronounced carefully. “Its powers include healing, strength, and protection. It helps to cure de-pres-sion.” She grinned at him with her gape-tooth smile. “Garnets are also exchanged as gifts between friends, to demonstrate their affection for each other. So they meet again.” She patted his cheek. “Kagome-chan wants you to have this. Because she is your friend. But you’ve been hiding from her,” she added in a more scolding voice.

InuYasha stared at the blood red stone, no garnet, in his palm. Then he wrapped his fingers around it. Even after all he’d done Kagome still wanted to be his friend. He stood up from his crouch and tucked the garnet inside his top. Kagome was his friend. It was time he started acting like one and supporting her – even if she wanted to mate with the bastard.

As InuYasha walked towards the camp, Rin cheerfully skipping at his side, he made a mental note to get some cord to wear the garnet pendant, or better yet a fine chain from Totosai.

Rin smiled cheerfully. She was happy InuYasha-san was less unhappy now. She did not like being around unhappy people. Unhappy people got mad and yelled and tried to hurt other people. If InuYasha-san got mad at Kagome-sama Sesshoumaru-sama would beat him up and that would make Kagome-sama unhappy.


The End.


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INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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