Pure Ridiculousness by ChocolateVodka

Taste the Rainbow

Disclaimer- I dont own Inuyasha or any of the ensuing awesomeness. I wish I did...mmm the things I would do.

Anywho, this story makes absolutely no sense. It's actually been bugging me for a while to just do a bunch of one shots since I fail miserably at chapter stories. This is just the first of many.

Taste the Rainbow

A deafening roar resounded like a crack of thunder through the forest as the Inutachi prepared to bed down for the night…followed by a keening wail of despair. The strange ragtag group had never heard a sound so forlorn and full of anguish. So much so that Inuyasha’s ears flattened upon his skull, and he also let out a pathetic whine.

Climbing unsteadily out of her sleeping bag, Kagome cautiously made her way over to hanyou who sat visibly shaking on a low hanging branch of a tree.

“Inu-Inuyasha”, she said in a quivering voice, “What made that noise? It sounded like a mourning dog”

Inuyasha looked down at her with a solemn expression on her face and nodded, “That’s because it is. Something’s happened at my bastard half-brother’s camp”

Kagome’s heart leapt into her throat at the thought of what could cause the great and terrible Lord of the West to make such a noise.

Then her eyes widened in realization, “Oh no…could it be Rin?!? Inuyasha we have to go to him!”

“Are you crazy or just plain stupid?” He jumped from the tree to land directly in front of her. Golden eyes glaring down into resolute blues, “After hearing that overgrown mutt bellowing over there you want to run head first to help him?”

“YES!” Kagome yelled, arms flailing about, “If something has happened to Rin I might be able to help. Can you put your hatred for Sesshoumaru aside for aside for two damn minutes? I’d never forgive myself if something happened to that little girl and I did nothing .”

Inuyasha, realizing that arguing any further with the girl was futile (also fully aware that she’d probably just SIT him and go off anyway), dumped her on his back like a sack of potatoes and sprinted off towards what he was certain they would both come to regret,..if they survived that is.

You see…contrary to popular belief, our beloved hanyou was well aware that Sesshoumaru could (and probably would eventually) kill him at any given opportunity.

Ah, but I digress…

A certain human shaped sack of potatoes with severely untrained miko abilities was particularly miffed about being slung around like a…well a fleshy bag of spuds. However, knowing that she won the argument and was now on her way to the source of the disturbance kept her grumbling to herself. Of course, the second Inuyasha put her down a safe distance away…BAM! Faceplant! Bwahah-

A child’s squeal was heard a short distance ahead of them.

Inuyasha, surging forward from hearing the child’s cry burst through the clearing with Kagome in tow….err back. Whatever.

…and gaped in abject horror.

Rin wasn’t screaming in terror. Rather…complete delight.

Sesshoumaru however, was very much in distress. He was standing in the middle of a clearing staring incredulously at his hand. A look of complete and utter terror plastered over his handsome albeit normally stoic countenance. That was pretty much Inuyasha’s first clue that something was horribly wrong.

“Hey asshole! What the hell is wrong with you?”

Kagome, having been unceremoniously dropped on her butt during the exchange, glared at the bewildered hanyou. “Real smooth Inu”, she hissed, “Antagonize him further. Since you know..that’s always worked for you in the past!”

Sesshoumaru, not bothering to acknowledge the halfbreed, suddenly grabbed Kagome by the neck…

…and she burst into a colorful array of candy.

This time, instead of the howl of outrage that usually followed, Sesshoumaru ‘Hn’d’ and picked up a few of the red candy pieces that used to be the futuristic miko. He popped them in his mouth and chewed.

“Hn…this Sesshoumaru can taste the rainbow”

Inuyasha promptly passed out.



INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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