Too Far by Kesari

Revenge from a Brother

This written for Breezy's Week 3 Challenge, I thought it would make a nice follow-up-shot for the first one.

All Inuyasha characters are property of Rumiko Takahashi.

Read and Review.



Revenge from a Brother

The two stood perfectly still, staring into each others eyes with looks of hatred on their faces. Neither wanted to make the first move, mostly for fear of Kagome's wrath, though they told themselves it was to keep the upper hand. The silence was never-ending and far reaching as the two Inuyoukai stood on the plush grass of the front lawn.

"Sesshoumaru, the phones for you," a cheerful voice broke through the tense air, "it's your fath-" her words ended abruptly.

"Kagome, go back inside," the taiyoukai spoke slowly, his voice firm.

Faintly a voice was heard from the phone, "Kagome, what's going on?"

No one moved. No one dared to break the silence.


"GO EAT YOUR PRUNES OLD MAN!!!!" the brothers chorused together.

Kagome looked from one to the other calculating the odds and determining who was safer, her husband, or brother in law. Deciding it was useless to intervene she slowly retreated, never turning her back to them. "Don't mess up my garden!"

The silence resumed as they began to circle each other, never once breaking eye contact. As always Inuyasha began to throw insults at his brother.

"Looks like Kagome's baking is starting to show, I'd need a forklift to carry you anywhere."

"It is not me, who sneaks into the cookies at night."

Damn how does he know about that, Inuyasha thoughts passed quickly over that last few nights of cookie sneaking to find no indication of the taiyoukai's presence.

Trying to recover he spat out the first insult he could. "What you counting them now?" he snickered, "they your babies or something?"

Sesshoumaru chose not to respond to the taunts. Instead he began to irritate the hanyou farther.

"At least I do not scream like a child when I go bunjee jumping."

Inuyasha's eye twitched, his brother was digging up an old grievance. This caused Inuyasha to leap first to retaliate. He missed, finding himself face down in the dirt. A foot was pressing harshly into his back to keep him from rising.

"Rash as always, I see."

"Don't be so smug," it came out muffled, "your gonna get it."

"I doubt it, half breed," the sun must be to bright, his eyes were cloudy, it was getting harder and harder to see.


Sesshoumaru leaned down, his long hair pooling gracefully as it touched the ground, and pushed his victims face deeper into the soil. Suddenly the world was spinning and he found himself crumpled on the ground. Trying to push himself to his feet he found his arms much too weak.

"Ha! Bet your not feeling so powerful now!"

"What have you done." Even in his weakened state his voice was demanding.

"Remember those brownies on the counter?"

The slight nod he gave in response only made his head pound harder.

"Kagome didn't bake them, I did!" Inuyasha smiled smugly, "and I laced ‘em with some nasty stuff too."

His vision was fading and with it his consciousness, the last thought that passed through his mind was how he was going to maim Inuyasha for touching Kagome's easy bake oven, the one HE had given her.

Had he stayed conscious only a few seconds longer he would have seen Inuyasha performing a sad version of the robot.


When he awoke, the taiyoukai felt warm, too warm. Trying to get up he found his movements confined. Struggling to his feet he realized it was difficult to see, and to stay upright. An odd weight was pulling him backwards, almost as if he had a tail. His vision was narrower, the sides obstructed by a green mass of fabric.

He tried to turn his head to get his bearings, but found he couldn't move his neck the slightest bit. Opting to instead turn his body in a circle he discovered he was in his bed room. Struggling across the carpet floor, he made his way to the large mirror propped against the back of the walk in closet.

Bracing himself to asses the damage he took a good look at himself.

It was worse than he thought.

Far, far worse.

"INUYASHA!!!" his scream echoed throughout the large house.

The door burst open a few seconds later revealing a worried Kagome. Her eyes locked with his for a second before traveling from his face down to his feet. Hurriedly her eyes snapped away from him as she tried unsuccessfully to confine her laughter.

"This is not funny."

"Sesshoumaru it's a dinosaur suit," she took a few deep breaths to calm herself, "I'm sorry but it's just so funny!" Her laughter returned, louder than before.

"You will help me out of this." He almost sounded pleading.

She shook her head. "But you're so cute."

"This Sesshoumaru is not cute," he spat the dreaded word out with distain. His words were pointless, she wasn't listening. Instead of helping him remove the dreaded contraption she was too busy taking as many photos from as many different angles as she possibly could.

"You will die Inuyasha."


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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