A Miko's Pet by SunsetMiko

Together but Apart

Chapter 17 - Together but Apart


*Toward the Victory* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge 2)

Sesshoumaru awoke to the sound of metal hitting stone. His eyes popped open, and he hesitantly moved his hands, wary of being too hopeful. A smirk spread across his face as he realized that the shackles had released. That meant Kagome was fixed, and the two halves of her personality had finally pulled together completely. He was free! The taiyoukai moved his legs, making sure that the chains holding his feet had also released, and he let out a sigh of relief.

Moving slowly, Sesshoumaru carefully sat up, cradling the unconscious miko against his chest where she collapsed after consuming his blood the last time. He did his best to move her as little as possible as he awkwardly got to his feet, wincing in pain as the burns on the soles of his feet made themselves known. Every inch of him hurt from her attempt to purify him, but he forced the pain to the back of his mind. He carried Kagome to the bed and laid her down gently.

His precious package dealt with, the next thing Sesshoumaru did was visit the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and was shocked. He had no idea how bad he looked until that very second. He moved as quickly as he could to the door to the room. He opened it, which, if he understood his mother correctly, would allow him to begin to heal at a normal rate once again. Then he headed to the mini-kitchen for a snack. He was starving, and he knew his body would use a lot of calories as it healed his various and plentiful wounds. Even eating hurt, but he managed. Then, he headed back to the bed to lie beside the love of his life.

He wondered how long she would be unconscious this time. It had to have been a few hours since she passed out, and he was slightly worried. Was there something wrong? What if she didn't wake up? What if pulling the two halves of her mind together damaged her somehow? When the miko shifted and let out a sigh, Sesshoumaru relaxed. She wasn't comatose, she was only sleeping, something he understood. She hadn't done much of that over the last few days, except for when she was unconscious, but the changes happening in her body had to be exhausting.

Sesshoumaru joined Kagome in the bed and pulled her body close, ignoring the pain of the purification burn as she brushed against his skin and the way his hair pulled at the wounds on his back. His silvery strands had become stuck in the cuts left behind by the whip and were now a part of the scabs, his every move tugging at the many injuries. "I love you, Kagome," he murmured into her hair before making himself as comfortable as possible with her body pressed to his and drifting quickly to sleep.

*Perished One, Revived One* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge 2)

Kagome awoke slowly from a deep, healing sleep. As she woke, she assessed her surroundings. The last thing she remembered was licking the blood from Sesshoumaru's lips while sitting on his abdomen, but it was obvious that she was now in a comfortable bed. There was a warm body beside her, holding her close, and finally, the miko opened her eyes, utterly confused.

"Sesshoumaru? How did we get here?" she murmured, her voice hazy from sleep. "Wait. You're free!"

"Indeed I am," he replied with a smirk.

"So that means..."

"You are now whole and in complete control of your powers," he finished for her.

The miko released a sigh of relief. "Thank the gods," she started, "and thank you. I'm sorry for all you went through for me."

"I didn't mind."

"So you would do it all again?" she asked, remembering for the first time all that she had done to the taiyoukai. Her memory was clear and complete now, as if her mind had never been split in half, and she felt guilty for all the torment she put him through.

"We can do it all again, if you so desire," Sesshoumaru replied in a heated, seductive tone.

*Shadow of Doubt* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge 2)

Immediately, Kagome tensed, and the taiyoukai mentally cursed. The miko squirmed her way out of his arms and rose. Realizing she was naked, she quickly tried to cover herself. She grasped the sheet and tugged it off the bed, wrapping it around her body. She blushed as she realized that Sesshoumaru was just as nude as she was, and she turned away, scurrying into the next room to collect her clothing.

Kagome dressed quickly, tugging on her clothing before slipping on her heavy boots, not bothering to tie them. Then, she hurried to the door. She left the chambers, closing the door behind her with a soft click.

Sesshoumaru sat up at the sound of the door closing and sighed. He shouldn't have pushed her. He shouldn't have tried to be cute and sexy, not before he knew how she felt about him. She was obviously uncomfortable with his presence, and he only made it worse. Now, she was gone. At least he knew he would see her again, no matter her decision. Whether she chose to forgive him or not, whether they ended up together or apart, she would always need his blood to maintain control of her powers. He would have a chance to try and win her back.

The taiyoukai would do anything to earn her forgiveness. He would beg and plead on his hands and knees if she desired it. He would kiss her feet, be her personal slave if she asked it of him. He would do anything to win her back. He loved her with all of his heart, and he always had. His pride was nothing compared to the woman he loved, and he would sacrifice it in an instant.

Sesshoumaru cursed his father again for his part in this. If his father hadn't lied to him about the entire situation, and if he hadn't pressed him to try to move on, Kagome wouldn't be so angry with him. She wouldn't feel abandoned and betrayed. If only he had spoken to his mother earlier, perhaps less damage would have been done to their relationship.

*Swaying Feelings* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge 2)

Kagome hurried through the house towards the front door, eager to escape the situation entirely. At the sound of footsteps, Inuyasha looked up from his place on a couch in the front room near the entryway.

"Kagome?" he asked in shock. He hadn't been entirely convinced that Sesshoumaru's plan would work or that the miko wouldn't simply kill him and put an end to it. It had been days since he locked Kagome in that room with his brother, and he had been waiting nervously since.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome asked in shock. She hadn't expected her best friend to be waiting.

"Are you... are you better?" he asked, afraid that she might not be. The last thing he wanted was to wake the mean Kagome. She was scary and hurtful, and he didn't want to see her again if he didn't have to.

Kagome smiled. "All better."

"No spells and charms?" he inquired, noticing that the charms she had been wearing when she entered the room were gone.

"Nope! I'm completely in control."

"And Sesshoumaru? You didn't kill him, did you?"

"No," Kagome said with a small smile, remembering again everything she did to the taiyoukai. "I didn't kill him." She continued in a mumble. "Not that I didn't give it a try."

Inuyasha heard her just fine and shook his head. "Where are you going?"

"I want to go home, Inuyasha. I... I can't deal with him right now. I have no idea what I'm going to do, and I need some quiet time to think things through." She headed to the front door, opened it, and looked around. "Which way is home?"

"The shrine is that way," Inuyasha gestured to the left.

"Not the shrine. I can't deal with my family right now either. I want to go home."

The hanyou smiled. "That's too far to walk, wench. I'll drive ya. Besides, you shouldn't be walking around in those clothes. You're covered in blood."

Kagome looked herself over in surprise. She hadn't even noticed the bloodstains, but now that she did, she was glad he pointed them out. If she tried walking somewhere, people would think she murdered someone, or that someone had attacked her. She was covered in smears and droplets of dried blood, all from Sesshoumaru. Images of what went on in that room between Sesshomaru and herself flashed through her mind, and the miko nearly moaned as a wave of arousal washed over her. She had to get out of there.

*Unreachable Thoughts* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge 2)

She was disturbed by the fact that the thought of hurting him turned her on. She knew he was twisted to enjoy every moment of his torture, but she never thought she was so kinky herself. Now, though, just the thought of drawing his blood excited her, and she was sorely tempted to head right back into that room and do just that. Was this a side effect of her consuming his blood? Was this what would keep her coming back to him again and again? She knew she would need more of his blood eventually to maintain her control over her powers, but would she want it? Would she crave it as she had in that room? Would the draw be irresistible?

"Let's go," she said quickly, heading outside without waiting for Inuyasha to respond. She spotted his car in the driveway and was relieved to find it unlocked, climbing inside without another word. Inuyasha sighed but followed her. He wanted to check on his brother, but Kagome needed him now, and the hanyou was certain Sesshoumaru would prefer he take care of her before worrying about him. The taiyoukai had always placed Kagome over himself in importance, and this situation would be no different.

Inuyasha climbed into the driver's seat and looked over his best friend. "You sure you're okay?" he asked, concerned by her expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Inu. I just need time to think. This is all so weird and overwhelming."

"I'll bet," he agreed. He still didn't understand it all, and Sesshoumaru had tried repeatedly to explain it all to him. It made sense that Kagome was confused. She had a split personality! That was enough to mess anyone up. Add in the whole torture/blood aspect, and he knew she would definitely need some time to sift through all of her feelings. "So, do you remember everything now, or only what you did when you were you?"

"I remember everything, like it was just me all along."

"Oh," he murmured. "So, then, you remember calling me a half-breed?"

Kagome searched her thoughts, trying to remember when she could have said something so cruel and hateful to her best friend. Eventually, it came to her, and she sighed. "I'm sorry, Inuyasha. You know I would never call you that willingly. My other half was a bitch, wasn't she?"

*Seeking Light* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge 2)

"A bitch who didn't like demons much at all, though, I guess I kind of understand it."

"You do? Because I don't. I understand being angry with Sesshoumaru for everything he did, but why hate demons in general?"

"Because your miko powers were designed to kill demons, along with the fact that they were awakened to protect you from a demon they thought was attacking you."

"I guess," Kagome said, still confused. She was going to have to spend some time just going over her own memories, trying to figure out what all had occurred since she woke from the coma-like sleep she had been in when her powers broke free. She wanted to know everything she said and did when her miko half was in control and reviewing her memories was the only way she could think of. She might need Inuyasha's help, but she didn't doubt he would be happy to assist her in her task. He might be less helpful figuring out her situation with Sesshoumaru, however, because he would likely be on the taiyoukai's side.

They finally reached the house the three of them shared, though neither the miko nor the taiyoukai had been there since the incident, leaving Inuyasha alone and quite lonely. Kagome immediately headed upstairs to her room. She opened the door and took in the sight of the tousled bed and the torn clothing on the floor. Memories of that morning came rushing back, and the miko nearly collapsed where she stood. Everything had been perfect that day. Why did her powers have to rise up and ruin everything?

*Dissevered Feelings* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge 2)

She was still in love with Sesshoumaru. She knew that much for sure, but could she forgive everything he had done since they first slept together? He abandoned her, tried to forget her and replace her, and it broke her heart. How could he try to move on if he felt as strongly about her as he led her to believe? She could never have done the same if their positions were reversed.

"You gonna be okay alone, 'Gome?" Inuyasha asked from behind her.

"How could he? How could he try to forget me?"

"Father told him to. He told him that the two of you could never be together, that you'd probably never wake up. Father said to go out and sleep with other women to try to get you out of his head. Sesshoumaru was devastated, you have to understand that. Not only did he have to deal with losing you, but he also had to live with the guilt of putting you in that coma. He felt like he'd basically killed you. I can't believe Pops lied like he did. He was supposed to love you like a daughter, but he lied about knowing how to fix things, all for his damned pride. So what if Sesshoumaru is a miko's pet? Who cares what people think? If it fixed you, then it was worth it."

Kagome smiled weakly. "I still can't believe he went through all of that for me."

"He did it because he loves you, Kagome. He would have done anything, given his own life, to help you, and he did it all without knowing if you could ever forgive him."

"I don't know if I can."

"I think he deserves forgiveness. He suffered for you."

"He enjoyed every second of it."

"That may be," the hanyou said, his stomach churning at the very idea of enjoying being hurt. "But did he tell you that it only works that way with you? No other woman could injure him and induce pleasure. Only you. It's part of the whole pet thing."

"Really?" the miko asked, her eyes widening. "Only me?"

"Only you," Inuyasha repeated. "Now, I'm going to go check on him. You sure you'll be all right?"

"I'll be fine," she said. The hanyou hugged her tightly before heading down the stairs and out the front door. At the sound of the door closing, Kagome allowed the tears she had been holding back to fall. She climbed into her bed, curled into a ball, and wept, her pain, heartbreak, and confusion all too much for her to handle.

*Engraved Pain* (Stella's Soundtrack Challenge 2)

Inuyasha unlocked the front door and headed to the room where Sesshoumaru and Kagome had been locked for days. He was surprised to find the door closed, and he opened it, going in to search for his brother. He found him lying in the bed, flat on his back, staring at the ceiling.

"Damn, she really did a number on you," he said in shock as he took in the sight of Sesshoumaru. "Dude, do you have to be so naked?"

"She attempted to purify me," Sesshoumaru replied flatly. "And she took the sheet."

"Why was the door closed?" the hanyou inquired. "I thought it had to be open for you to start healing at a normal rate."

"Kagome closed it on her way out," he said, watching as Inuyasha disappeared and returned moments later with the sheet Kagome had discarded once she dressed. "And I do not deserve to heal quickly."

Inuyasha sighed heavily. These two were going to make him insane. They obviously belonged together, both because they loved each other and because fate had said so when pairing them together with the whole blood-dependency thing. Kagome would need to draw Sesshoumaru's blood for the rest of her life, and Sesshoumaru would enjoy it every time she did. He would crave her punishment, ache for her to injure him, and it seemed like Kagome might have even enjoyed doing so. Why were they being so stubborn?

"Sure you do," the hanyou insisted. "You look like hell. How long do you think it will be until she needs your blood again?"

"I have no idea," Sesshoumaru admitted, ignoring it as his brother covered his body with the sheet. "I have no idea when I will get to see her again."

"You can see her as soon as you heal enough to go home, you idiot. She's there right now, where you belong, too."

"I do not think she would welcome my presence."

"Maybe not," Inuyasha agreed. "She said she needed time and quiet to think things through. She seems confused."

"I imagine that is to be expected," Sesshoumaru said. "If it is time she desires, that is what I will give her. I will stay here."

"Not in this room, I hope. That'd be pretty morbid."

Sesshoumaru released a dry chuckle. "No, I will stay in the master bedroom."

"I'd take a shower first," Inuyasha replied, crinkling his nose. "No reason to foul up two beds. You gonna be okay? Leave that damn door open so you heal. You look like hell."

The taiyoukai merely nodded. He had no desire to move, let alone shower. Besides, a shower would hurt like hell. He would have to wait until he healed more before attempting it. "Stay with her. She needs you far more than I do."

Inuyasha smiled. "I will. And I'll put a good word in for ya, too."


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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