Reviews for Not Impervious by Oroyukae

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TruGemini (Chapter 17) - Fri 24 Jun 2011

I say Kagome should let him stew for a while and see what happens. Withdrawal can be a dangerous thing and she was like his drug. Seriously addicting.

joyouki (Chapter 17) - Thu 23 Jun 2011

Aw come on dont lie my ass..tell her of your juicy dream..I know us readers want to read all the lemony

Aimee Simmons (Chapter 17) - Thu 23 Jun 2011

another wonderful chapter.  :D


Margie (Chapter 17) - Thu 23 Jun 2011

Awesome chapter!

Tana_san (Chapter 16) - Tue 21 Jun 2011

You know, I'm just finding this situation not only fasinating but it's bording on hiliarious. These two totally opposing sides coming together like this only to find a mutual attraction and having one heck of a time trying to figure out what to do about it.

I can see Kagome's point of view to a degree, but, she is using his dislike for humans as supposed reason why an arrangement wouldn't work when she nor he can actually say that his thoughts might change due to their relationship, even if it's somewhat. He did in fact take Rin into his care after she kept following him where he went. Curiousity on his part or not, he did allow his feeling to change for Rin and the same thing is happening for Kagome due to Sesshoumaru's 'problem'. Only time can answer that question for sure and he wasn't lying or giving her some excuse, he has no reason to change his thoughts or feelings toward the human race with the exception of two humans.

Her other, more important reason for not taking his offer of arrangement just isn't seeming to be totally understood by him because youkai do not rely on feelings when it comes to relationships or sexual arrangements. He doesn't see what he is offering is the same as making her his whore. Just because he knows she's from the future and has a good idea that things are done differently there, it doesn't mean he totally understands that this arrangement is seen as wrong. He is from the Feudal Era and she has to see, to him, he's putting her well above the statis of a prostitute and many women of this time would be honored and delighted at his request.

I think Kagome needs to find another way to explain to Sesshoumaru that she doesn't want to be in a situation where should she fall in love with him that she doesn't want to be hurt and pushed aside when he decides he's had enough of her and like she said before, if he can have other women, than she should be aloud other men, should she wish it. She could explain that she only do this with certain restrictions, like no other sexual partners and if he can't do that it's off...she also has to include that she has to find the rest of the Shikon no Tama and so on. Oh, and the keeping them a secret Sesshoumaru can really think that something like this can honestly be kept his dirty little secret? Oh Please! Secrets and lies ALWAYS find their way out into the world and usually to someone you'd least like to know!

Hmm, let's see, one more thought...I loved the whole aura thing going on between them. And Kagome not knowing she was doing it was so just like her untrained power coming out when she has no idea how to know it's happening or how to handle it. I have to say though, that after Sessh's demonstration, Kagome seemed to learn quick or did I get the wrong impression on that? Anyway, it shows their attraction shows no bounds. Gotta wonder...

Enough said for now...JEN  

Tana_san (Chapter 15) - Mon 20 Jun 2011

I don't know if it was written this way or not, dear Lady O, but I just sat here in stitches over this chapter. As much as he might Sesshoumaru just can't keep his royal foot out of his mouth long enough to get Kagome to believe his sincerity. And I think he's a little ADD where Kagome's womanly assets are concerned, don't you agree???

I'm loving this waaay too much, ne?  JEN

Sesshomaru (Chapter 16) - Mon 20 Jun 2011

A meeting of the Powers! Kagome is surprising. I hope she's not going to become stronger than he is, but more his equal or alittle less. It would hurt his male pride too much. But nice to see he can't just push her around, since he has alot to realize yet. I always thought he needed a good spanking, but in a playful way. Just like Sesshomaru, give him alittle and he wants alot. Thanks, please do continue and Thanks for the quick updates.

Meara (Chapter 16) - Mon 20 Jun 2011

This story is great! Never boring always something new, keep up the good work!

Miss.Undo (Chapter 16) - Sun 19 Jun 2011
Omg I love it, I was so happy when I saw an update. Please updated soon!

TruGemini (Chapter 16) - Sun 19 Jun 2011

To torture a Sesshomaru....a very dangerous game indeed. But oh so sinfully worth it!

TruGemini (Chapter 15) - Sun 19 Jun 2011

If this was a courtroom, the deflection of issues and round about points would fill the entire process. Seems he is determined to not take "No" for an answer.


Sesshomaru (Chapter 14) - Sun 19 Jun 2011

I've enjoyed your story. Thank you. The dragging out of the Sesshomaru and Kagome relationship was good, but the subject of Inuyasha often dampened the sex act. Too much rational thinking going on, but then again it was a different angle to think more seriously. It can be a fantasy fullfilled or the understanding of what these two were really getting themselves into. Actually I was thinking Sesshomaru was beginning to mature to an adult and realize trying new things could lead to new ways of thinking and that maybe his always set ways may need a different angle of thought. There also seems to be some distance between their understandings of each other and their different life styles, even though they tip toe around each others feelings. But at this chapter Sesshomaru is trying to hold on to his old ways and still keep his new experiences with Kagome. She deserves much more and she knows it, I'm so proud of her! But with someone so powerful as Sesshomaru its hard to guess what he will do about it. Begging isn't his style, deceiving or dishonorable actions don't fit him either. He is stuck between a rock and a hard traditional place. I feel for his pain. There is promise for them, but so sad to end on such a sour note. Please continue your writings, I hope you have a happier result coming soon. So what does it take to start a whole new modern way of living peaceably between humans and yoaki?

Miss.Undo (Chapter 14) - Thu 16 Jun 2011
I just started and finished reading this story and I wasw blown away, please updated soon. I really like it!

Tana_san (Chapter 14) - Wed 15 Jun 2011

Whoa, I was so highly with this chapter. This was most excellent. These were definitely points that needed to be made before any real relationship might form. From the time Sesshoumaru experienced this little miko, he was the one who was becoming rather attached to her.

I think Kagome gave him alot to reflect on if he wishes to persue her, um, womanly charms. I can't believe he thought she would see this as being just a mutual 'stress reliever'. Kagome is right, that's what a whore is for, whether he pays them or not.

I'm anxious for the next chapter. I honestly think Sesshoumaru has met his match!  JEN

TruGemini (Chapter 14) - Wed 15 Jun 2011

Great going Sess. You were able to stick your whole foot boot and all in it this time. Wonder why he became so angered? Even not paying for her services would make her into the same thing. Does he not see that?

TruGemini (Chapter 14) - Wed 15 Jun 2011

Great going Sess. You were able to stick your whole foot boot and all in it this time. Wonder why he became so angered? Even not paying for her services would make her into the same thing. Does he not see that?

joyouki (Chapter 14) - Wed 15 Jun 2011

finally he uses her name...i love it when he cant get his way or feeling jealous..even though he wont admit the story

Allyonora (Chapter 14) - Wed 15 Jun 2011

Way to go, Kagome!!! Put the overgrown poodle in his place!!!


Great chapter, it's nice to see Kagome kicking some misconceptions he has... I can't wait for the next one!

CarmMeldoll (Chapter 14) - Wed 15 Jun 2011

Love this story and love this chapter!  Way to tell him if you can't accept all of me you can't have NONE of me!  Woot!  I am so glad to see your stories again, I missed you while you were gone... :)

Forfirith (Chapter 14) - Wed 15 Jun 2011



Meany! Leaving it at a clifhanger!! D:

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