This is so awesome! I've never seen anything with sesshoumaru being a Giene! Its a really interesting and unique twist on the idea of Sesshoumaru being in servitude of some sort.
I remember reading this in chat when I gave out the prompts!
I fell in love with it then and have been following it since!
I just spent a fair bit of time out of town and didn't have time to review anything, so i'm making up for it now. XD
Ok. More. You must update. NOW. This story is absolutely incredible and I'm actually surprised that it hasn't recieved more attention. I have read your other story, Maid For You (I kept meaning to review, but I'm forgetful and easily distractable) and I think this is on par with it in terms of creativity and vibracy of both writing and emotions. I can't wait to see where you take this and I will be waiting with bated breath for each new update. I hope these reviews make you smile (and want to update like... 60 times a day) and just know that as long as you keep writing, I will keep reading and reviewing.
<3 Ava
And this is interesting too! Aside from Miroku and several monks, you rarely ever see men with spiritual power in the Inuyasha universe. I like the twist.
Actually, this is interesting. You almost never see Papa Higurashi dying of an illness; it's almost always an accident that takes him. In some ways, I think an illness is almost worse because it takes someone from you slowly. This just makes the whole emotional spectrum that you have shown in previous chapters all the more vivid and poignant.
I'm guessing that by gardener he is talking about Rin, and if that's the case, then that's really sweet that he remembers her like that.
Again, such an amzingly well written emotional scene. <3 this story!
This chapter gave me shivers, in the good way, if that makes sense. This scene was beautifully done.
It seems that Sesshomaru is slightly more in tune with the emotions of those around him than it appears and than anyone would have known from the way he behaves.
You capture emotions so beautifully; I'm really envious. I wish I had half your tallent for this sort of writing.
This is another chapter where I find myself happy/sad. I'm so glad for Kagome that she's getting a chance to see her family like this again, but it must be so hard for her knowing that it's not like this in the future.
Oh Sesshomaru... somethings just go clean over your head, don't they? It must be hard for him to see her having such a good relationship with her dad, considering the way that his relationship with his dad went...
This was such a great chapter, I could really see litle Kagome with her dad...
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