Reviews for Family Secrets by Tiegrsi

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amy (Chapter 43) - Sun 13 Feb 2011


lara (Chapter 42) - Sat 12 Feb 2011

what an evil place to leave us hanging...wondering if she is in trouble or if he's just going to screw her brains out ???? I mean I did  just realize this but if she is kitsune youkai then aren't kitsune's pranksters & tricksters ??? aren't they known for that ??? the reason they are good to have as allies during battles isn't that they screw with their opponents so badly until they're confused & angry & when their opponents loose it in rage the make mistakes while the kitstune are such quick thinkers that their battle strategy is too make their opponents lose their cool,,,in some cases their tricks & illusions are so good that their enemy isn't sure if they are coming or going & then the Kitsune become deadly & kill them.. if I'm right???   they specialize is shapeshifting & other things you wouldn't expect like Shippo is a fire Kitsune so he can do illusions ,shapeshifting & foxfire & as her gets older & stronger his foxfire will become deadly at thus point he hasn't trained much but as little as he is he can even making himself large enough & strong enough to take on a size that he can fly while carrying some of the adults. Kagome's needs to find out more about her origins...while in her fathers stuff she found some papers with Shippos family/tribe's crest & she has his abilities,  so far she has only realized that she's faster than Inuyasha, she can make foxfire like Shippo but she also has abilities of a fast acting deadly poison along with healing saliva from a different kitsune tribe that I can't wait to meet...along with the shapeshifting & she still has Miko powers & abilities also..... she'll be able to train & learn about the foxfire,illusions & shapeshifting with Shippo, Sessh will have to train her with her poison abilities & using her healing saliva but she'll still be able to train & learn more with her very powerful Miko powers & with meeting her ancestors she'll find out how powerful her youkai powers are I mean...if she's from Kitsune that were Tai youkai instead of just youkai then I think she would become even more stronger.....maybe grow more tails as she learns to use & access her powers...I would think that she's still developing her youkai...since her Miko stuff(powers & abilities) grew as she learned to control more & if she is still connected to the jewel which carries a well of both Miko power & youkai power then her ,,,powers, abilities & lifespan might be more than she knows. I just thought of something...if the jewel isn't really gone but became part of her,so to keep her as its protector from now on, could it make her stronger,more powerful & immortal for its own benefit & its own protection,it was always said to have a will of its own....maybe she needs to look into this connection she still has with it more deeper,she was born with it inside of her & what if  by allowing Kikyo to retain her piece of soul to live the jewel fused with the rest of her soul ??? would that make her like a living embodiement of the Shikon Jewel ....which contained both miko & youkai power.....but it was so powerful that it basically contained an unending well of both powers????

Well its your story... sorry I get carried away with over thinking???

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update soon or I'm going to die of curiosity

lara (Chapter 41) - Thu 10 Feb 2011

Well I feel dumb ...I just noticed that in your story summary you wrote that this story was on Spark before & now you're moving it a re-vamped version that you intend to complete..I love this story.I'm happy now that I know where it was , I can check Spark to see how far you got before (maybe it'll calm me down...I love this story & knew I'd read it before,but not where I read it or how  far you'd gotten)on it when I'd read it originally & see what's there,what's different... if you changed any yet, what else you'll change,what you'll add. I must admit it'll be nice to look back to see what I read of ths before to compare with I remember of it & since I can't remember I'm curious to see how long it was & where you left off.....but most importantly, I'm looking forward to reading this version with whats to come & read it all come about as it happens. From all the hints of whats to come I'm so looking forward to reading them experience it all.(since from what I remember, I don't remember if you even got this far when I read it originally) I can't wait to see what'll happen was kind of nice to see Kikyo (the ungrateful ,selfish ,untrustworthy & manipulative female) talk to Inuyasha....even if she did it in a completely selfish way, showing & proving that both she & Inuyasha are still oblivious & ungrateful of the magnitude of the gift & opportunity they were given by Kagome . I can understand that Kikyo, as extremely selfish as she is seems she's unable to be happy for others & feels jealousy towards Kagome especially when it comes to Inuyasha & Inuyasha(a selfish,ungrateful male), who is unable to express himself & with his immaturity & selfish nature,especially when it comes to Kagome & any other male, his inability to let go of her & so he ends up being offensive by calling her names & talking as if she is an idiot who no man would or could want because she is stupid,ugly,weak & etc..........So when Kikyo decides to talk to Inuyasha about Kagome,instead of being grateful & sticking up for the being that gave her the gift of life & trying to get Inuyasha to realize that the person who gave them the opportunity to be together & find happiness by giving her life back because Kagome knew he loved her & attempting to get him to open his eyes & see Kagome as the being she is & deserves to treated,Kikyo allows him to belittle Kagome & everything about her & instead tries to make him feel guilt over choosing her & tries to tell Inuyasha to that he if he loves her (Kikyou) then he should allow Kagome to make an incorrect choice............I feel that by letting her selfishness dictate her conversation she made herself look like an uncaring & unappreciative not looking at the fact that he has always considered himself as Kagomes protector & he admits to loving her but not as a mate ...if he sees Kagome with the love of a younger sister who needs protecting.........then Kikyou's argument meant nothing.

All I hope is if/when they all go to Sessh's........I see everyone else seeing the love Sessh has for Kagome & everyone being happy for her but Inuyasha...who will try to ruin it with his mouth & probably only ruining his friendship with Kagome & any trust she had in him.She's given him everything he has & the only time she feels she's found love,happiness with a chance of family & a future with him (Inu)trying to destroy it for her.

    Hopefully they get past this & we see them Mate,visit her family in the future & find her ancestors. I can't wait to see what the find out from her ancestors. I CAN'T Wait to read about & see them get all this info & family ...I'm dying to read about it all & so I will try to be patient & wait for the next update.

             Thank you

lara (Chapter 40) - Sat 05 Feb 2011

okay that was chapter was alright...kinda short ,,,Kagome got some info but I just realized something, the tailor said her Kimono like his would be ready in 2 days & hopefully when you update again it'll be in the morning & they will be returning or arriving at Sessho's place & that will be 2 days since this is the 2nd night she stayed with them....why did she stay away so long ???? I really wish that since Inuyasha is being an ass that he'd not come cause I know when he gets there he'll open his mo th like an ass & start all kinds of crap,,,anything in his power he can try to do to ruin any chance at happiness for either Kagome &/or Sessh is all he cares about. I'm really unhappy about this so I can only hope that since Kikyo doesn't care enough to be a proper Mate or a considerate & grateful friend to Kagome (for giving her the life & chance at happiness she now has & doesn't deserve) & she's just going to go so she can sit by & watch & allow Inuyasha do everything possible to ruin any chance at happiness..............I'm sorry but if she cared & was grateful for what Kagome has given her she would do anything his Mate to stop him ...even if it means saying to him "Inuyasha, I'm your Mate &  Kagome has done so much for us & made it possible by giving me back my life & letting us have a chance together & since I feel she deserves a chance at happiness & you don't have a right to tell her who she can & can't be are my Mate & if you cared about her & wanted to be a good friend you'd realize she's a single adult who is old enough to make decisions for herself & it isn't any of you business what she decides & you need to respect her choice wether you think she is right or not as a friend you should just be there if she needs you & since I don't trust you I can't watch you try to ruin something for her so I'm returning to Edo & if you don't return with me & let Sango, Miroku & Myoga go with her for support & to see if she is happy,then you take the chance of losing your best friend & your Mate as I feel you are over  involved overly concerned about Kagome,,,so as your Mate & Kagome's friend I'm going back to Edo where if she needs us she'll know where we are & like I said if you don't come with me....I can't promise I'll be there for you."

I want to see Kagome get back,get the outfit,show her friends the Sessh that loves her & get Shippo acquainted with his new home & family....then have Sessh & Kagome Mate & go on their journey's & etc....

Please update again soon !!!!!!!!!!!!

this chapter was such a teaser

lara (Chapter 39) - Sat 05 Feb 2011

Oh you are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want more ....I read the other reviews & someone hinted where this story is written in a longer version or something....I know I read part of it before somewhere but it seems a bit different, I just don't know what site it was on or I swear I'm tempted to go there,find it & read it .....I'm getting antsy............but then agian, if this is an improved version then should I wait & be patient????      it is so difficult to wait for another chapter when you are's like reading a book &  having to stop & wait till the author or someone tells you when you can read again...did that make sense????? I know they say patience is a virtue but the waiting is the hardest part.......or maybe virtues aren't my strong point, ne??

I must say though I was happy to see I was almost right about everyone's opinions.....Sango ,as usual, is the best & her concern was for what Kagome wanted & what made her happy...she showed that she loved her like a sister in an unconditional way ,which is how Kagome gives her love,unconditionally & why people stand by her,because she doesn't do stuff just to get stuff,Kagome cares for others wellbeing & happiness even if it hurts her.......which is why Inuyasha's words & kikyo's silence were really cruel & a slap in the face to Kagome from both of them....both Kikyo & Inuyasha are care about themselves,I think they care about themselves more than they care for each other which is really sad but only shows that they really do deserve each other, it bothers me that Kikyo got Miko powers again with the new life she didn't deserve, I just hope that her powers are weak, very weak, especially since she knows all kinds of spells & such 

Kikyo didn't have one & did not say anything & I thought that was rude of her especially after since she knows what Kagome did for her & Inuyasha......Kikyo should be grateful to Kagome for giving her another chance at life & happiness cause there was no other way she'd have it & after how she behaved when she was undead....she did not deserve another chance at all & I don't think anyone else would have done it for her even if she paid them money .......she was cruel,evil,selfish...she realized she was being brought back to life by an evil being at the cost of an innocents (Kagome) life & she panicked but did not fight against it & then found a way to stay alive by keeping a piece of Kagome's soul & then found away to make her undead body stronger by stealing the souls of innocents & instead of letting them pass on or go to heaven she ingested them or absorbed them (just think of how many innocent souls she stole & used). Then she stole Kagome's shards,left her for dead & gave them to Naraku(the one who killed her & tricked her into shooting him with an arrow & pinning him to a tree & stealing 50 yrs of his life),she tried to drag take Inuyasha to hell & she did this to Inuyasha knowing he was innocent & had spent 50 yrs stuck to a tree by her arrow. She was to proud to admit her mistake/s,to selfish to return the soul that brought her back & to power hungry,bitter & evil to care who she hurt in her quest to remain undead & miserable

 I felt Kikyo should be backing up Kagome (since it's because of Kagome's big heart that Kikyo is even alive & not dead or still a walking piece of drywall) & as Inuyasha's Mate she should both put him in his place by reminding him he doesn't have the right to tell Kagome who she can be involved with physically or romantically & (if she was grateful & cared)find out if this is what Kagome wants & if it is she should take him back to Edo via threats & remind him that Kagome is an adult & if he's a friend & can't stand by her (Kagomes) side & support her then he should return to Edo (with his Mate) & be there if Kagome needs them & let Sango & Miroku & Myoga go with Kagome so Inuyasha can't ruin Kagome's chance at happiness which she deserves,especially after the chance Kagome gave them & supported is their turn to return the favor,he might not like or trust Sessh but when Inu chose to Mate Kikyo..nobody liked or trusted her & if Kikyo deserved a chance than why doesn't Sessh

regardless,they should do it for Kagome 

lara (Chapter 38) - Thu 03 Feb 2011

Oh please continue this story it's killing me.I like this story so much that I'm dying to read more of it. I want to find out what will happen next. I really hope Inuyasha isn't too much of an ass. I also hope for once Kikyo stands up for Kagome or Kagome stands up for herself  & tells Inuyasha that when he chose Kikyo as a Mate than he gave up any say so over Kagome's personal life..he may be a friend  or like family but he wasn't a romantic interest & he wasn't her father so that meant he had no say on who Kagome chose to be romantically or physically involved with. As a friend he didn't have to approve & he didn't have the right to dissapprove all he could do for her was to be there for her as a friend whether things ended well or ended badly. It was time he accepted that Kagome had a right to find happiness & he had no right to try to interfere with any choices she made. A friend that cares & doesn't want to see there friend get hurt is understandable but other than offering advice or an opinion isn't allowed. In this instance especially he needed to back off...just because of what Myoga brought up as a possibility doesn't give Inuyasha the right to make any rude judgements or comments.Kagome is an adult & single & is allowed to get involved with whomever she wants & have relations with whomever she wants & Inuyasha as a friend is NOT allowed to be unkind or rude to her for her choices. She is old enough to decide for herself.

I can't wait to read what Kagome tells them & what their reactions are. I have a feeling that they are all going to end up going back to the palace or whatever it is that Sessh lives at & I just hope that no matter what happens with everyone there I hope Kagome & Sessh still get Mated & then go to her time to meet her family & then get to head North & find her ancestors so she can find out more about her background & I really hope your story includes all these things. I still want to find out about her dreams & if they are a form of 'Foresight' which is an added ability & if it is I'd like to read about her & Sessh talking about her dream of the twins & the little girl. I'm pretty sure Sango & Miroku will be happy for her.Shippo will be happy for her & when he gets there he'll be even more happy to see that his mother is being well taken care of & that Sessh really does care for her & that he now has an entire family with a sister & everything he & his mom will be able to train together to learn fire attacks & shape changing abilities. I think Kikyo will be happy that Kagome has found someone to make her happy but what I think she'll be the happiest about is that with Kagome Mated to Sessh,she will finally have Inuyasha's undivided attention & I don't think Inuyasha will take this well...since he hates his brother & doesn't trust him & knowing Inuyasha & his mouth he'll try to cause trouble...I really hope that Kagome tells him that if he tries to ruin her relationship & her chance at happiness then he will lose her friendship.

 I've been thinking about this one for a while but since Kagome was the only one who could pull the sword that was in Inu No Taisho's tomb & at that time she couldn't weild it so she had to give it Inuyasha & it wouldn't work until he said he'd protect Kagome. I would hope that if he does cause trouble & upsets or hurts Kagome & her relationship with Sessh & that Kagome gets so angry/upset with him that she wants nothing to do with him...I would like to see the sword not change into the fang or him be able to use any of it's attacks & that the sword stays in it's shrunken state where it looks old & rusted until he gets Kagome to forgive him....I mean it will still seal his demon blood so it doesn't take over & he has to wear it still....but since it is the sword that protects & Kagome was the one who pulled it & even then it only became active after Inuyasha vowed to protect her I feel  the sword is connected in a special way to Kagome so that if Inuyasha is no longer protecting her but has caused her pain it would make sense to me that it would no longer transform for Inuyasha to protect anyone till he got her forgiveness.

Nyuka (Chapter 38) - Thu 03 Feb 2011

Some reunion...oo bad Inuyasha is going to flip...XP ...Something I remember reading but I don't remember what chatpers.....when Kiede is talking about her friend that was like Kagome first you said she was found by her mother and stayed with her for a little bit and she learned about her demon hearitage, but later you said that her mother was a Miko....its a really small thing but I just thought you should know....also if I remember right when they first left the village they said it would take five days to get to the springs...then after Kagome left two days later he said it would take another week...then two days later they were their....It just seemed odd is all......but please ignore me it doesn't really matter cause I really like your story and I think that I'm a little to OCD......Love your story......Nyuka

lara (Chapter 37) - Wed 02 Feb 2011

oh god I'm going to die ....please update more soon I so badly want to see her bring Sessh to her time & see her & Sessh finally become mated. I really hope the subject of the dreams & the pups she dreamed of come up at some point & her & Sessh talk about it. I mean I would really like for her to ask Chika if this dream thing is an ability of hers......since Chika said that the abilities Kagome had already experienced were the abilities she had along with the ability to shapeshift that she would need to work on with her son & others & that Kagome needed to be aware that other hanyou's such as her did not retain any Miko powers & that Kagome still had her Miko powers along with her Youkai was because she is still connected to the Shikon No Tama & that she thought Kagome probably knew she was still attatched to it & I'd like to know in what way Kagome is still attatched to it....did the Shikon return to her body when it was made whole & Midoriko was released???? I don't know because your story takes place after everything with the Jewel's completion,any wish made & Naraku's demise.

I also wonder what info Chika is talking about when she said Kagome would be surprised by the info she would find out from her ancestors in the north....can you imagine if the Northern Kitsune she is related to are Royalty like King & Queen Higuarashi of the Northern Kitsune...if they are/were royalty, would that make them tai youkai - Inuyasha said earlier that hanyou live longer if the youkai parent is more powerful like a his dad was a Tai if Kagome is Miko/Kitsune Youkai hanyou & her father was a tai youkai instead of just a youkai & he died so young I just looked at the chapt where she looked up info on her dad & his parents..the info on his parents was from the 1600's & her father's birth announcement was in the 1800's they figured that he was like 270 when he died. Which I believe is very young for a  youkai & I wonder if Kagome's mother is also Miko never said if she was or not....& how in the world could Kagome, being born a Miko child of a youkai father, be born with the Shikon inside her???........& not just any Miko,but the most powerful Miko since I right???

 I've been wondering since the start of your story if Kikyo was a Miko again??? I would like to believe that getting the chance to live again would be more than she deserved.......since she lived originally as a fully trained Miko taught to live a life of doing right & when she was brought back to life as an undead being by an evil being who tried to steal the entire soul of an innocent being, Kagome,who should have & would have died, luckily Kagome who turned out to be to more powerful than any other,with a soul larger than any other & so was strong enough to pull almost her entire soul back,unfortunately she left a small amount of her soul which was painfully torn away.Kikyo then Chose to stay undead by not only keeping the stolen piece of Kagome's soul but to keep herself strong,she stole the souls of women who died,keeping them from going to heaven or moving on,Kikyo injested them to power her undead body...I can only imagine the reason she had any Miko powers while undead was because of the piece of Kagome's soul,otherwise why would a claybody brought to life have any power??? When Kikyo chose to stay undead she did it as an evil being who felt everyone owed her, Inuyasha -even finding out he was innocent of her death...she still tried to drag him to hell,she stole the shards from Kagome & left her for dead,then gave the shards to Naraku the evil being who actually killed her & she continued to live undead,feeding off the souls of innocents.......I should hope that once given a chance at life again,after intentionally causing so much pain & suffering while undead,that in her new life she should be a human of no power,certainly no holy power after her abuse of such power.

lara (Chapter 36) - Wed 02 Feb 2011

I can't wait for more...I'm looking forward to her taking Sessh to her time & to Sessh & her going North to find her ancestors. I would hope that since Sessh has known the healer/seer Chika for so long a time that the 2 of them will discuss Kagome,her abiliities,some of what she saw when looking into her mind & past,I hope she tells him what she said to herself...that she felt the reason Sessh hadnn't mated till now was because his soul was waiting for Kagome & that if anyone could be a perfect Mate for him she would say in her opinion it could only be Kagome.....I was wishing she would tell Kagome if she had the ability to see possible futures in her dreams & that she has abilities similar to a seer in that way & like her other abilities they would get stronger if she worked on strengthening them. I wonder if Chika could help her with that , I hope she goes back to Chika if or  when she has another dream & asks her about it. I also hope that before Sessh & she go north to find her family she goes to Chika to find out more about what info or what youkai she should be wary of speaking to so she doesn't make any mistakes or slips in her excitement to find family here in the past....I mean ...has her father been born yet???

I know she has to go see her friends & Inuyasha before they show up to save her.I think all of her friends& especially Shippo will take it well & will be happy for her,Shippo should be happy realizing he'll have a family & to think his Mom,Kagome turned out to be Kitsune has to have him still in shock & awe.I hope Myoga doesn't take off & he sticks around & I'm sure Kikyo will be relieved & I hope she at least tries to force Inuyasha to accept this & allow Kagome to be happy.I mean Kikyo is Inuyasha's mate even though I feel they're both assholes who deserve to be unhappy for the things they've done...I mean where is their karma???  I just hope they don't let Inuyasha upset her & if he does I hope they put him in his place & I'd like to see Kagome put him in his place ,I also hope she doesn't stay away from Sessh long & if the group comes to Sessh's I really hope Inuyasha doesn't try to ruin it all for Kagome,start a fight with Sessh or do anything else stupid.If I was Kagome (& Kikyo) I'd be afraid to have Inuyasha go to Sessh's place.....knowing Inuyasha & his mouth he'll likely get himself killed. I really hope for once he tries to keep an openmind, think & watch before he speaks & especially now that he is mated to Kikyo I hope he allows Kagome to have happiness & if I were Kikyo I would threaten to leave him if he didn't keep his mouth shut & allow Kagome to make her own decisions....that's another reason why I hope Myoga sticks around.

Aimee Simmons (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Feb 2011


"you will touch this Lord Sesshomaru here"


Priceless.  Perfect.


So far, I love this, and the way you describe Kagome's appearance as a Hanyou is delightfully gorgeous.

dayna (Chapter 37) - Tue 01 Feb 2011

Haven't left a review in a while. Just wanted to say that this is a great story and I was really looking forward to this update. Loved it!!! Cant wait to see whats gonna happen when Kagome tells her friends about her a Sessy. Oh and when Sessy finally sees her little surprise.

sessys shadow (Chapter 36) - Sat 29 Jan 2011

kim92b (Chapter 36) - Sat 29 Jan 2011

Great new chapters , well written im dying to read more , i hope to read more

lara (Chapter 35) - Fri 28 Jan 2011

Yes yes yes more more more...I want to see what the healer says about her powers & what knda powers the healer has what she knows & what she can tell ??? I also would like to see Sessh & Kagome go back to her time in the future to see if they could find out any more clues to her heritage or living relatives of her fathers that could be alive in the futre still or if there is anyway to find him or his relatives now with her in the past that she & Sessh could find & meet. I also wonder about the story her father told her.......what if it wasn't a fairy tale but there was some truth in it he was trying to prepare her for slowly....her father may or may not have known he would die while she was still so young & thought he had more time to teach her or prepare her......unless he had met her in the past with Sessh & that fairy tale was true & that her father & his family were royalty & She is the princess & Sessh the lord of the 'fairy tale' he told her & when she & Sessh return to the past from the future they will find her father's family...royalty known as the Higurashi's & meet them & learn about herself. I can't wait till Kagome & Sessh hear from Myoga that their pups will most likely be as powerful as the Inu No Taisho but even more powerful having the Miko power too. I also hope Kagome tells Sessh of her dreams with the Pups- 2 boys & 1 girl & I wonder if she will have more dreams of her & Sessh & their pups maybe even a bit of their powers.Kaede did say the Hanyou like Kagome that her family knew had a special ability being able to speak to others in their mind no matter the distance,if the healer tells Kagome that her dreams are visions & that one of her abilities is to see bits of the future that would be way cool. I can't wait I want more......

lara (Chapter 30) - Tue 25 Jan 2011

Oh more please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see where else this story will go & I'm glad to see I was correct that I had read part of this story somewhere before. I only remember that I thought the story was unfinished so I was happy to read at the end of the chapter before this one that while writing this story here you will be making some changes to it & even making some parts of it different & longer. I'm so glad. I'm also looking forward to this story with the hope that the dreams she had are actually premonitions that their future together will be happy & that they really will have two boys ,hopefully twins,(I like to think that Inu Youkai's being similiar to like 'dogs' have litters) with Sessh's long silver locks & looks similar to Sessh & his markings ,I only remember reading that in her dream the two boys were calling her okassan &  both had Sessh's long silver hair & at least one had his crescent moon marking & I think I remember you writing that their stripes were similar to his(& I don't remember if they showed a bit of hers too)& that in the 1st vision she was called into a room to look a crib with a sleeping pup in it & when she turned to her Mate it was Sessh & in the second dream or vision that she had showed the 2 boys with their long silver hair playing in the snow with a younger female with curly black hair (the color similar to hers) but I don't remember if you described her having any markings so I can only hope that she has Kagomes reddish,orange markings but that she & the other 2 pups are full Inu Tai youkai with all of Sessh's powers & abilities... I also remember that in one of her dream/visions both Shippo (only older) was there & Rin was there too (also older). Actually, I would like to see their pups have along with Sessh's immense powers & abiities (Sessh's speed,strenght, flight abilities & poison abilities & etc.)I would like to see them also have her youkai abilities...making their poison as stong or stronger than Sessh's & giving them the ability to make fire & change shape like kitsune yokai can.  I think it would be even better if they were so immensley powerful Tai inu youkai's  that they had his powers & abilities,her yokai power & abilities & if possible along with that they had her Miko power & abilities.

    I know  Myoga & Kaede mentioned that the other women that became hanyou at 21 were possibly Miko's till they became hanyou & that they seemed a bit off that Kagome turned into a hanyou but had kept her Miko powers....I don't know if that was the reason Myoga rushed off to find her or if that means anything but being that Kagome as a hanyou is faster than Inuyasha I have to wonder if she even though she is hanyou or Miko/hanyou is stronger than him. So far we know she's faster than Inuyasha, has the ability to produce fire like Shippo but unlike Shippo she can produce poison ..... I wish we knew more of her abilities....other than that she has retained her powerful Miko power & gained with her hanyou (of kitsune yokai origins) the ability to produce fire & poison along with great speed....I'd like to know if she can shapeshift like Shippo or fly , she obviously inherited the poison ability from some other yokai within the 500 year gap between Shippo's clan's time & her own future time. If she has the ability to live 500 years she very likely will see & meet her ancestors & her father or grandparents....she'd be a fool not to take the opportunity to not only look for them & meet them, also discuss with them who she is & find out as much of her origins as possible......she could end up having uncles,aunts & cousins still living & hell her grandparents (father parents) could be living now where she is 500 years in the what about Souta? just because Kaede has only heard of women doesn't mean there haven't been men too.What was her father? we he a full blooded youkai???

I can't wait to see the rest of your story


kim92b (Chapter 28) - Mon 24 Jan 2011

can i get another chapter please it is getting too good , im loving this story

dayna (Chapter 27) - Mon 24 Jan 2011

Really great story. Cant wait for the next update.

magic lover (Chapter 27) - Mon 24 Jan 2011

i luv luv luv u!!!! not only is this a great  read but i think it might b magic!! every time i turn on my computer there r like 3 more chapters up!! keep up the great work!

1CarinoInu (Chapter 24) - Sun 23 Jan 2011

Dang!  Mood swings much?  Sesshomaru is usually so stoic - Kagome must bring out all sides of his character.  What a great foil to his typical un-moodiness.   

Sorry I haven't reviewed much since last time.  So many little time.

Great build up of the story.  You're developing the characters and the plot really and keeping it interesting along the way.  I loved the interchange where Sesshomaru called Kagome arrogant and she lost it with the 'hello pot...kettle calling.'  I died laughing!  Kagome copping a feel without really knowing it - discovering the fluff is his tail.  Now Sesshomaru is being all cranky that she's trying to help - is he seeing it as a challenge against his ability to provide?  Provide to who?  A pack member or potential mate?  Hmmm, I figure answering that will give away too much, so I'll sit back and relax and watch the fur fly between our two stubborn characters.  

Inuyasha sometimes just gets on my nerves.  He has a mate, yet he still considers Kagome his.  His what?  It can't be a mate, can it?  Just a pack member?  I feel bad for Kikyo (which is difficult since I as a rule don't really like her any way) since Inu can't seem to make up his mind with regards to Kagome. 

Good stuff.


lara (Chapter 22) - Sun 23 Jan 2011

I'm really excited & I hope you finish this story. I think I read it before somewhere if it was posted on another site but I'm unsure if this is the same exact story but I don't think the one I read was finished. If this is the same story ...will it be a rewrite so that there are differences & this version will be  like a fixed one with more details that you will complete??? I hope so because I'm really looking forward to it.

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