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ChaoticReverie (Chapter 98) - Thu 07 Apr 2011

Bwaaaahhhh! T^T

Damn dog, stop for a moment and take a good look at your life, and the woman stnding right in front of you!! Your whole world would be in shambles if she died! Fix it!!!

Great update, btw! :P

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 98) - Wed 06 Apr 2011

Aw,,, I love how Sesshomaru feels like his home is her home. So subconsciously sweet. Too bad there's no way at the moment he'll Tell Her that. *pouts* Though I do hope Kagome's waterworks lead to at least a little physical comforting from the daiyoukai.

Thanks for writing.

JeniNeji (Chapter 98) - Wed 06 Apr 2011

Oww...I cried! She's saying goodbye to everyone :(


I swear, your story is absolutely awesome!!!

Loveyaa (Chapter 98) - Wed 06 Apr 2011

Aww...when are we gonna get to the happy part? I can't wait to see things turn around and to see how you decide to go about that. I also wonder if she will ever find out wat she has been telling Sesshoumaru and if Sesshoumaru will ever find out why she was saying that to him/why his father came back. I like the emotion that you are drawing out in all the characters though and can't wait for more :)

PhoenixBlade (Chapter 98) - Wed 06 Apr 2011

Another well done chapter!...and I'm pretty sure why she says she doesn't have much time left...definitely for sure it has little to do with death...

REDWOLF (Chapter 98) - Wed 06 Apr 2011

poor Kagome.....she is so sad.

FayeMegan (Chapter 98) - Wed 06 Apr 2011

D= Ooo can't wait to see what happens next!!!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 98) - Wed 06 Apr 2011


So sad:[

*pouts at you*


soulNchantress (Chapter 97) - Wed 06 Apr 2011

Crap.  Four (I counted), four chapters that just made me cry.  You are an emotional downer. LOL  However, I am still as happy as a lark when my inbox says that you have updated!  So I take back my previous statment about you being an emotional are an emotional rollercoaster.   I have laughed, cried, and gotten angry with this series, but I have to admit I have enjoyed every moment of it!  Nicely done!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 97) - Tue 05 Apr 2011

ah... but did she answer his question?

durnit... I wanna know what all inupapa told her! *pouts*

Thanks for writing!

GreyEcho (Chapter 97) - Tue 05 Apr 2011

;_; *waves of tears* I wondered if and when this would be coming. She wants to die with her family huh. >_< These last few chapters have been so sad but so good.  I can't wait for the reaction and whatever may come.

Loveyaa (Chapter 97) - Mon 04 Apr 2011

I like his tieing of loose ends. I just don't want Kagome to have to do the same. I wonder how he will be removed from her head cuz I am completely expecting a happy ending. I can't wait to see how the light is brought back into everyone's lives :)

KyonKyon01 (Chapter 97) - Mon 04 Apr 2011

Argh!  Saying her farewells, eh?  Man, the suspense is killing me.  Great job, I can't wait for the next chapters.  keep up the good work!

randomfan17 (Chapter 97) - Mon 04 Apr 2011

Oh, that's gonna make him mad i think, he's supposed to be taking care of her because he feels it's his responsibility right? Taking her home is not going to make him a happy camper. Poor Kagome, i seriously hope this has a happy ending.

Rowdys girl (Chapter 97) - Mon 04 Apr 2011


sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 97) - Mon 04 Apr 2011


Sesshoumarus Girl (Chapter 97) - Mon 04 Apr 2011

I love your story!! I can't wait to see what happens next, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEEEE UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEEE!!!!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 96) - Fri 01 Apr 2011

"give the three of you to chance to fall in love." -- "A chance" perhaps? *headtilts* Maybe?

I like this idea/notion for why 'inupapa' would be with Izayoi when Sesshomaru's mother was still alive. It is perhaps one of the most unfortunate pieces of past history that is kept from us in cannon. Because it makes no sense, especially with 'Sess-mom' having the Meidou medallion and knowing of 'inupapa's' intentions concerning it and the swords, at least to an extent. TO me it's always been one of the greatest puzzles. I'm not a fan of reasons that put 'inupapa' in a bad light or take the love and affection from his being with Izayoi. This to date is probably my favorite explanation to date for him going to Izayoi while the mother of his firstborn lives. No -it IS my favorite. ^_^ I may not always be the biggest advocate of multi-person relationships but I AM one for love over all else. This -had inupapa's plan succeeded- fits that bill.

That Sess-mom responded as she did brought me to strangely happy but aching tears. I want to think... that after all the time that has passed she felt his heart and at least a small kernel of the wisdom that led him to his decision. That maybe now... she wishes his plan had if not come to pass at least had a chance to be attempted. Ah the power of the 'what if?'

Thanks for a lovely chapter. I can hardly wait for what else inupapa has yet to impart on his loved ones left behind.

Saharacin (Chapter 1) - Fri 01 Apr 2011

Awwwww. I don't think I have any other words for chapter 96. I really enjoy the chapters. Keep it up!!!!

Isolde (Chapter 96) - Fri 01 Apr 2011

LOVE THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

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