Reviews for Shanghai by MissTeak

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Naiadine (Chapter 5) - Tue 17 Aug 2010

What an update! I love how you portray Kagome's grief for Sesshoumaru's sudden departure and 'Bu Liao Qing' is perfect for this scene. Brilliant choice! And the appearance of Saito is tuning the excitement up. I can't wait to see what will happen between him and Sesshoumaru (perhaps Kagome too).

I certainly love how you incorporate Jaken's famous quotes in Bankotsu thoughts! Haha! I was snickering when I read that part..

Great job as always, Miss Teak! May the muse be with you.. :)

Aoi Mitsuki (Chapter 5) - Tue 17 Aug 2010

awww.. poor Kagome. T.T

Singing something like that would definitely make her remember him.

It's like impossible for her to NOT remember sweet moments. I could feel her sadness here T.T


wow, Saitou Hajime makes an appearance! XD He's like one of the bad ass guys in Kenshin I didn't expect to be married at all *spoiler! please slap meh!* hahaha

hazel (Chapter 1) - Tue 17 Aug 2010

Excellent! I love your story! =]  Please continue updating! =]

Saide (Chapter 5) - Tue 17 Aug 2010

I cried at Chapter 4. Language barrier or not it's hard to say goodbye. It's twisting my heart for him to leave her like that. But I guess it's for the best since Kagome doesn't have any idea that he's a Japanese mafia, any word of involvement will not be a good. O_O


And including Saitou here, so brilliant dear! 8DDDDDb I want to see more of Saitou >D I love that SOB. XDDDDDDDD

MomoDesu (Chapter 5) - Tue 17 Aug 2010

Such a bittersweet chapter. It will make the two of them meeting again even better ^.^

EagleFeathersInMyHair (Chapter 1) - Tue 17 Aug 2010

*ding* Oh, an e-mail! I wonder what it could be... *clicketyclick*

WHAT?!?!?!?! MissTeak has updated! Mustreadmustreadmustread....

GASP! He made Kagome cry, that f&*%$#q*@!^&%$s(#&%a#!@^x*#&^%z^^($#@&$l*#%@&m$%^@$.

Ahem. I mean... jerk?

Well... I'll finish reading before I judge, I suppose... see how that PIG is faring....


Eeeeeew, Naraku. He would have a freaking gang. That, that... SILLYFACE! Never liked him one bit, nosirreebobbyjean, I did not. *shakes head*

Just pictured Sesshoumaru whipping out a revolver. *drools*

*finishes reading, goes back and reads again*

Okay, so I think I've got it! Sesshoumaru is a sexy jerk and Kagome is a depressed singer. All the other fat cats think they can one-up our Sesshy, but we know the truth!

I love this chapter! Continue to be awesome, please:)

Love for my dearest!


Madison (Chapter 4) - Mon 16 Aug 2010

I'm all giddy. I adore this story so much.

Which reminds me, I total put "ED" aside for the past two days, cause I got this new idea for a fic that got me SO EXCITED.

Anyways, I'm not here to talk about me, it's just I'm being a sucker. I miss ya, and I know you busy and all, I just miss the 5 wall posts a day, lmao. So much has been going on, and like some slip my mind when we do talk, lmao. OH here I did it again, I'm not reviewing, I'm being a chatty girl who can't shut up. My bad.

I didn't like the title of the chapter. I mean I know what that means, lmao. I was screaming to myself, why so soon? Sesshomaru has got to be stubborn. Then again, I should read the chapter before I get mad at him right? It's only fair. So here we go, I'll bash him at the end of the review hun.

Four weeks, I guess I was wrong to be mad at him, I mean leaving after so long. He is an important man in what he does, so it's only natural that he can't spend the rest of his life in her appartment, although I'll admit its a thought that would be pretty nice, and I'm sure Kagome would agree with me, lmao.

I like how they made progress, but didn't at the same time because of the language barrier, which makes the story so interesting. I mean, at least it didn't make them rush into a relationship because they couldn't, so I know I can expect a lot of twists and turns as you bring our two lovebirds together through your magnificent imagination.

I think I felt my heart melting when Sesshomaru was talking about the fact that he enjoys a "home", and I think the idea of a family. Being by himself, and lonely, protecting his heart all the time must be a difficult thing for him, and it was nice that he got to enjoy the real experience for a while.

You know, it reminds me a bit of the Sopranos? Ever watched it? Well, Tony just like cries when the ducks leave because he's scared of losing his family, and himself, and Sesshomaru dwelling over having one, just reminds me of the same kind of sorrow. Like he is wishing for one, while the other one doesn't want to lose the one he has. And they both leadery mafia gansters dudes... Alright, once again, not making sense.

ITS SO FREAKING CUTE that Sesshomaru is picking up a few words. I mean it makes him look adorable that he makes a bit kid like sentences, but you know he is trying more than just because he has to communicate with her, it's because he wants to talk to her, and he wishes to spend time with her. Poor dude, he's already falling and he doesn't even know it. Well, maybe he does.

LMAO KOUGA! What a dummy, does he really think he stands a chance against Sesshomaru? Even if they could never talk, with his eyes and looks, she could never give him up. And I love how you are introducing everyone in there, especially with their chinese names, it's a very nice touch!

I'm glad Kouga got shown the door, and both by Kagome and Sesshomaru. And I'm glad no fight happened, even though he was trying to pick one because Sesshomaru would have destroyed him. Plus I dont think Kagome is ready to see the super violent side of Sesshomaru. I'm not saying she wont' love him because of that, but I just think its too soon to actually see it with her own eyes.

When he said Sayonara, and she didn't understand, and he was thanking her for everything, I could already feel my heart breaking. Poor thing, once she realizes what it means, if she does, she will be devastated. I think that she has grown more attached to him then she believes she has. Wait that sentence didn't make sense, lmao.

SEE! SEE! I KNEW IT! SHE FOUND OUT, and I know she's hurt. Why wouldn't she be? Although, I think this way of saying goodbye is much better for the both of them since its so much harder face to face. God, what is Kagome going to do now? AND HOW are they going to be with each other, and meet each other?



Patricia (Chapter 4) - Mon 16 Aug 2010

so beautiful!!!

1CarinoInu (Chapter 4) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

UGH, ugh, ugh....soooo sad!  Another fabulous story by Miss Teak!  So beautiful and rich with detail.

How will Kagome deal?  Will she move on?  Will Sesshoumaru forget her, or will she forever linger in his mind.

Oh the agony!

Update soon :)


Mia (Chapter 4) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Awww.... He left! T^T

I knew it had to happen but it was sad nonetheless... I hope he finds his way back to Kagome soon! ^^

Great Chapter! Update Soon!

Aoi Mitsuki (Chapter 4) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

awww... I decided I would read chapter 1 then go to sleep and then read the rest when I wake up. But I got hooked and now I'm still awake hahaha

Sesshoumaru left Kagome T.T I am left with a deadly cliff-hanger LOL

I'm definitely gonna follow this fanfic as I did to your "Happily Ever After"

XD another amazing story, Miss Teak~!!

Aoi Mitsuki (Chapter 1) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

The scene where Kagome was singing as Sesshoumaru watched her reminded me of a Final Fantasy VIII scene about Julia Heartily and Laguna Loire. I can already imagine Kagome singing "Eyes on Me" by Faye Wong XD


MomoDesu (Chapter 4) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Such a bittersweet chapter. For someone who is so famously cold, calm, and collected, the scene next to the river with the grasshopper was amazingly sweet.

I get what you mean by piecing the story together with scenes written way before the rest of the chapter. I tend to do the same thing. It's always fun to work that scene in as you go, knowing it's something that you really want in there.

Can't wait for the next installment!

Anonymous (Chapter 4) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

very nice chapter. the more calm atmosphere of the movie and the little "sayonara" conversation, makes a wonderfull transition between the fun at the market and the ending heart broken scene. VERY VERY happy with this. it  needs some awards!

Captain Lolo (Chapter 4) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

Awe Kagome has a sad :( Cant't wait to see what happens thanks for another great chapter!

EagleFeathersInMyHair (Chapter 4) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

This chapter was beautifully sad! I could almost feel Kagome's emptiness, the ache of losing someone without knowing it. I love this chapter because angst makes me happy inside, but it's just soooo sad.

I also enjoyed your Kouga. What a dip! Mywoman!mywoman!mywoman! BLAH. Total Kouga. Guy needs to cool his jets>:\ I'm glad Sesshoumaru saved her from the obnoxiousness!

Another beautiful chpater. This is why I love you.


GG (Chapter 4) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

That is so sweet but sad. now i'm left to wonder which one of them will try to find the other. OR will it be an accident that they see eachother again? it's really a lovely story i can only hope to be as good as you!

*cathstar (Chapter 4) - Sun 15 Aug 2010

*wibbles* At least he left a note D: Oh, the heartbreak, the language barrier - but that's what makes it nice ;P

Madison (Chapter 3) - Sat 14 Aug 2010

Time for my novel. (Second time around) - You see I was writing it, and internet went crazy, and "returned" to the previous page, and I lost everything >.<

You already know I much I adore this story, but I still want to comment on all the chapters because it's wonderful. It was also nice to read this story again (not that I hadn't done it a million times already with the doc you sent, but nonetheless). I think it brings a different feeling to read it on Dokuga, I don't know, maybe it's me, lol. Also, re-reading it so many times just makes me enjoy it even more, and sometimes, it even helps pick up small details I might have missed the first time.

First of all, I'd like to start by saying, honey, I adore your mood setting skills. I know it's something I mention often, but it's because it's true. You always do it so well. I agree though with many people, this one has to be your best so far. You usually include so many details, and draw us in, but this one, is special. We are drown in it (in a very good way), and it's impossible to pull away. Every time I'm done with a chapter, it's like I realized I'm back in the living room, and I'm very disappointed, lol! So I rush to the next chapter to be drawn into that beautiful world you've created.

Also, I need to point out that so far the songs you've picked for the fics are beautiful! They add a perfect mood, and they just have this special touch. Especially sing Kagome is a singer in it, and I think (that's my personal opinion) that her singing will bring her and Sesshomaru closer, especially since he seems to enjoy her voice so much! (But hey, who wouldn't?)

I enjoyed how you made Sesshomaru's character. He is a "gang leader" he's a tough guy, but I'm glad he isnt' a disgusting guy. Like that other guy he was with in the first chapter, at the beginning. Sesshomaru knew he couldn't just have anyone because he's powerful, and I don't know it just brings some dignity and respect, and it's something I truly enjoyed. I read a few fics where he is a Mafia guy, but I dont know, he's just a bit too push over, and doesn't have much manners. I think this is just right, and I can picture him being in character, even in this AU. Great job!

Once again, I loved that stressful scene where Kagome risks her own life for this handsome stranger. Clearly she didn't have to, but she felt it. Well, I'd like to think she felt a connection, lol. Your words led me to believe such thing.

The langague barrier is an amazing touch to the story. Not only does it bring it realism (unlike american movies where everyone goes in every countries, where everyone just happen to speak English), but it adds a depth, and it will make it even harder for them to be together. Obviously, since they can't communicate, it will be hard for the love to be complete. They can still fall in love, but when you can't express yourself with words, you have to do it with gestures, and that is where the depth and romance will come, and i have no doubts you will execute it perfectly.

On a side note, I'd like to also say I enjoy how you write it in Japanese/Chinese and then add the translation for us readers. It brings a good touch of realism to the story! Nice idea!

Now, I obviously have to comment on chapter 3 since I hadn't read that one, lol!

I love how Kagome is just this good girl, who went along, and gets thrills from doing something like this. She's not doing anything actually wrong, but you can see it's sending those pulsing chills through her body. You know what though, I hadn't thought it through like the whole Japanese-Chinese thing, and then you mentioned she did dislike Japanese, and lost her grandfather because of that war, and that is just going to make their relationship even more difficult! Not only is there the language in their way, and their culture, but it might be her own forced disliked for the Japanese! Girl you just know how to create drama!

I got so panicked when Sesshomaru wasn't there! At first I thought he completely left her appartment, and I just wanted to find him, and smack him on the back of the head for being such an idiot! I mean you don't run out on someone like Kagome, what a dummy! Then again, the fact that he tried to leave so injured makes him even more of an idiot. I swear men don't have brains sometimes, lmao. Sesshomaru just knows how to anger me!

Poor Sesshomaru who has to push down his pride so he can receive help form Kagome. Although I think that says a lot about his character, and being a gangleader, I don't think he would do that in front of many people. It's nice to read that he thinks he can trust her on some level. Well, she did risk her life for him, so he better trust her, lol. And I'm also happy that in the end, Shippo didn't get blame for his attempt because the poor little thing. I mean, lol If Sesshomaru tried to leave, and told me I couldn't stop him, I would let him go, lmao. I like it when my head is attached to my neck, its so much more useful that way, lol!

It was so cute how they just pick up a few tiny words, and they just gotta work their brain to figure out the sentence and the meaning, but I think they are doing a pretty good job at it, so! I mean, I know I would find it difficult, but it's not like they have any other choice. And they both seem pretty intelligent, I think they could pick up each other's language fairly quickly!

I was so happy when Sesshomaru called Kagome an attractive woman, since well, of course I'm a sucker for romance, and physical attraction is obviously the first step in all of this. So, I will keep cheering for him. And, I mean he has to have experience with woman. Even if he's not a pig, I'm pretty sure he's had a few woman. Kagome on the other hand, I don't think she has that kind of experience.

When he asked her to sing, and she did, oh my. That whole scene just got me all tear up. Of course it was fantastic, and you could feel this connection, and all this whirlpool of emotions between them, it was perfect, I dont know how else to describe it. Since they grew much closer in that chapter, you got my heart making jumps, lol. I think it just gets better with each word you write!

Phewww. Did I say novel? Lmao.

I adore this story my love!

Mia (Chapter 3) - Fri 13 Aug 2010

Awwww... So cute!!! ^^

I have actually heard that song many times before. It was imprinted in my head as a kid. My dad had a love for chinese music and although I never understood a word of it, I always loved the songs I heard in his car. It really his a beautiful song and one I remember most.

Anyways, back to story details. I love how they are slowly building their relationship. Too many times, a good plot is ruined because the author rushed the relationship in a pace that is completely unrealistic. At the same time, both Sesshoumaru and Kagome are already feeling the first stirrings of love for each other. Altogether, it's just a boatload of fluff! X3

Can't wait for more! =]

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