Reviews for Blood Stained by Madison

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Creature of Shadow (Chapter 82) - Thu 27 Oct 2011

HA! Ten bucks says he oops and she finds out she is pregnant in the near future. XD Gotta wonder when the beast is going to make his next appearance though. He has to come back at some point and I have a feeling it's going to be a hairy situation, since he is pissed and she is still weary of him. I'm anxious to see how Momma Higurashi reacts to their relationship too. Maybe she will hit him with a frying pan. :x Haha udate soon bby! <3

ellebeau (Chapter 81) - Sun 25 Sep 2011

Creature of Shadow (Chapter 81) - Sat 24 Sep 2011

:/ Yanno, someone should get Kagome happy pills so she can stop thinking so negatively all the time. I mean I know it's hard to get out of depression once you get there, but I kinda want to smack her right now. And I have major doubts about this sealing thing, I kinda think they are going to end up having to make Kagome let them pull it out of Kiyoshi. It just makes the most sense to me at this point, but then again who knows what you could have planned.

I hope school let's you update again soon, I know how busy you've been. <3 you bby~ (:

Sammi-Chan (Chapter 81) - Sat 24 Sep 2011

hmm i wonder if it worked.....and what in the world is going on with sesshy n hiz beast?

Fan 4 life (Chapter 80) - Thu 08 Sep 2011

TKP (Chapter 80) - Thu 08 Sep 2011

joyouki (Chapter 80) - Thu 08 Sep 2011

OMG this so intense and another cliffie lol..This is a fantastic story love it

Kinkyfairy33 (Chapter 80) - Wed 07 Sep 2011

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh what kind of cliffie is this?? you evil thing!!! LOVE this story! update soon!! PLEASE!!!

MoxyMikki (Chapter 80) - Wed 07 Sep 2011

OMG! OMG OMG OMG! Man talk about a crap storm! First the Jewel, then the Beast. I have to admit I've kinda missed him. Although he sure is being a right mean little bastard at the moment. Maybe they can come to some sort of mutual acceptance of one another if they can work together to save Kiyoshi from the fate of being the Jewels new gardian. No matter what they do to/feel for eachother they both lovetheir son and I think have that ability to do ANYTHING to save him even if it means working closely with one another.

I still feel like kagome has to learn to love the beast. Maybe not like she loves Sesshomaru, but as any holy man or woman loves EVERY living thing. (Its kind of a buddhist philosophy to love your enemy and ALL living creatures) I kinda get the feeling that that is the only way that she'll actually overcome this. After all, she's forgiven him, and risen above her fear of him in the past, so all thats left is how she FEELS about it. I dunno though... we'll see!

I love that Kagome is willing to do and go through naything for her son. Its a trait all mothers experience/share, but Kagome has actually lived up to that by making amazing sacrafices, and we (the readers) get the feeling she's not done yet!

Can't wait for more! (off to read Farangi soon! I love getting online and seeing updates! woot!)

justareader (Chapter 80) - Tue 06 Sep 2011

omq. pleasee updare soonnnn. . . 

its soooo adddictive

Sammi-Chan (Chapter 80) - Tue 06 Sep 2011

nightmare???? maybe? idc i was wondering when he would come out.....such a masachist ia am or is iy sadist? lol im such a weirdo! but poor kiyoshi :(  no bueno.  cant wait to read the next chp!!!

White Luna (Chapter 80) - Mon 05 Sep 2011


Karli (Chapter 80) - Mon 05 Sep 2011

Get back here and finish the next chappie. here i was looking forward to this when i saw the email in the inbow and you go and do THAT.......Maddie your mean........

Yeah sorry i havnt been reviewing as much as i use to just been busy with life just been have 5 - 10 mins to read favorite updated stories. it really sucks. 

yay for the  3rd place best romance 

Silvermoon maru (Chapter 80) - Mon 05 Sep 2011

Oh!!! This is so exciting!!! Is the jewel affecting Sesshoumaru too or is everything in Kagome's head???  Wow!! anyway, I hope the beast appears in the next chapter, I kinda missed it...

Seshoumaru has been too "soft", he needs a little bit of youkai-ness, a little bit more of that wild, proud side we all love from him. I like Kouga but sometimes I feel that he treats him too much as a child, he is supposed to be the Lord of the West....

Overall, I love the fic, I love all the twists, I love Kiyoshi and I can't wait to read what happens next!! :D

Anemone Dust (Chapter 79) - Sun 04 Sep 2011

...gasp! within Kiyoshi...!? HWat new adventure has unfolded!????


chiyoxnee (Chapter 79) - Tue 30 Aug 2011

JeniNeji (Chapter 79) - Tue 30 Aug 2011

I knew it was the evil jewel...poor Kagome...poor Kiyoshi :(

joyouki (Chapter 79) - Sun 28 Aug 2011

OMG NO! NOT THE BABY!!!  Now what is going to happen..Well you have one hell of a story that will go on and on....which is fantastic.  There is so much to tell and it can go in any direction.  I hope this story goes on indiffenetly

darkangel05 (Chapter 79) - Sun 28 Aug 2011

PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! Awesome chapter!

REDWOLF (Chapter 79) - Sat 27 Aug 2011

ARGH....those two can't catch a break for nothing. Great chapter!

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