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Neelixonee (Chapter 584) - Fri 09 Aug 2019

Also love that he didn't turn back, keeping with the theme of his inhumanity.  I like to think that not only for warmth but because although he has a humanoid form, that is also a disguise from what he truely is.  His human glamour brings a whole different level of un-being to his character in comparison to his full bestial form. 


I absolutely love all of this. Thank you so much!

Neelixonee (Chapter 581) - Fri 09 Aug 2019

I'm cry!  Thank you for the dedication! <3 I can completely see this too. I've had dogs all my life and my Sheltie, Tribble (and the only sheltie out of the 8 we've had over the years that acts this way) takes ridiculous delight in hunting things. Birds. Lizards. Potato bugs ( I caught him tormenting one, just snapping at it while it flailed upside down). He hears the damned gophers under ground. Loves it all.  All the others could care less!  

I'm glad she recognizes the inhumanity in him and hopefully can come to terms with it.  All this time she's defended her "husband" but he is still a demon. 

Neelixonee (Chapter 579) - Fri 09 Aug 2019

I LOVED this last chapter.  As much as I love sweetness, I am a huge fan of dark stories and creatures.  The fact that Sesshoumaru is a demon gets used in a very minimal sort of way in most stories.  Yes the fangs, sense of smell, vision, claws, red eyes, whip and acid come into play often enough, but not NATURE.  By definition he's not human. Not remotely, so when someone uses his natural or beastial form in a story, I love it.  Demonstrating how he deals with issues in this form is appealing.  Demonstrating his FEELINGS is beautiful. Even though he melted a man in his mouth and spit out his bones is totally gross, it's likely a natural way of fighting in that form for small fry.  Its also inherently beastial. Feeling no remorse, and instead pleasure in the horror in the others and demose of the chief bode darkly for those of the human psyche, but again, he's not human.  And the means to an end is to deter those causing mayhem. Also considering a large majority of demons (at least in the show and manga, and typically lower level) lead lives of devious intent.  The higher intelligence seems to lend them more of a choice (aka Sesshoumaru, Bokuseno, Totosai etc vs those like Menomaru, the Lightning Bros etc.). That doesn't mean that nature isn't present, just overriden by lessons and morals.  Idk. I sound like a sociopath now lmao. 


I think too much.  So things like this get me going. My fave movie is Labyrinth, and if you look into old fae tales and stories sooo much more makes sense and the story is that much darker.  So I read into this a lot too. 

Orotami (Chapter 579) - Fri 09 Aug 2019

Weak protecting a mate my ass. He'll corrode you all with his poison. He loooves his poison. 

Orotami (Chapter 575) - Fri 09 Aug 2019

Yes!!! So happy to see Sesshoumaru being a badass. 

Neelixonee (Chapter 575) - Fri 09 Aug 2019

Oh man!  Well, it's not something she hasn't seen before, especially in self defense, howecer considering what they've all been through...and, kudos for her speaking up <3


Thank you again!  I love reading these!

Neelixonee (Chapter 573) - Thu 08 Aug 2019

Omg the cliffhanger!

genie48 (Chapter 572) - Thu 08 Aug 2019

I'm glad you have no self-control. The update was beautiful and appreciated.

laenfante (Chapter 570) - Thu 08 Aug 2019

Okay; after reading 569 chapters and enjoying every one of them, now I sit with tear-filled eyes and post a review for chapter 570. 

That. Was. AH-MAZING!!!

With every phrase, every word, you absolutely NAILED that bittersweet moment when mourning turns to healing, when the good memories bring a touch of relief from the pain of loss. So much heart in proving Sesshoumaru actually has one, has learned to accept it and the emotions it engenders. Just beautiful.

Now someone find me a tissue...sniff...

Luna Amenthian (Chapter 499) - Thu 08 Aug 2019

Neelixonee (Chapter 572) - Thu 08 Aug 2019

My favorite chapter was that second to last about his name and giving life.  That is so amazingly sweet and deep.  It probably nothing he ever began to really give thought to for his long life.

Orotami (Chapter 570) - Thu 08 Aug 2019

I'm crying. Just so beautiful

Toni (Chapter 570) - Thu 08 Aug 2019

So glad you keep writing this story. Thanks for the update and get well soon. 

Shanika (Chapter 568) - Thu 08 Aug 2019

That's right Kagome.... let them bitches knows that's your man, your husband.  I wish he would've let her kick that biych ass. Not I know and understand that she is pregnant.  Still would've be fun to read. Om sad that they still grieving buy it'll be a while before they can really look back and laugh at some of the things that happened to them. 


I'm sorry you in a writer's funk. I hope you are able to get out of it and to continue to update.  Still suck about your leg tho. Give it time. 

Satu82 (Chapter 568) - Thu 08 Aug 2019

I just want to say, HOLY COW. This story has been amazing thus far! I also just want to say that your updates have been both consistent and INSANELY fast by my standards wow. So don't feel bad if you want/need to take a break or anything because my email updates literally can't keep up with your speed lol. You're doing amazing and this story is amazing and you are just too awesome. (Insert Keanu Reeves "You're Breathtaking" meme)

Neelixonee (Chapter 567) - Thu 08 Aug 2019

Thats terrible!  I'm going to cry!  I can't imagine that.  When I went home my dog recognized me immediately. He was still a pupper when I moved away.  He clung the whole time I visited home and from what my mom tells me he waits by the door for me..    I can imagine sadness from not being recognized but forgetting is much worse.  We constantly joke about our grandparents in our family, mimicking their voices, attitudes, sayings... We try to keep them alive in our hearts and minds so much.  They've been gone over 10 years now. Poor Sesshoumaru. That is heartbreaking. 

Carolina (Chapter 567) - Thu 08 Aug 2019

Oh this is heartbreaking ???????? 

Faith (Chapter 567) - Thu 08 Aug 2019

The forgetting is so hard. I've read that the brain never actually loses information, it's just the pathway to that information gets lost because we aren't using it regularly. This helps me because it means I still hold the knowledge tucked away in my head and if somehow I ever meet Gina, my fur baby, again it will all be there. I don't remember how she smelled anymore or what she sounded like when she talked to me. Pictures help, at least I won't ever forget the colour of her eyes, but I wish I still had something of her fur because it was so soft.  It's been almost 5 years now and I have another fur baby as a companion but I still miss Gina and cry when I think of her.  

genie48 (Chapter 563) - Wed 07 Aug 2019

As much as I love this story and as often as I've visualized certain scenes in my mind, I think you've just outdone yourself with this latest drop. Thanks so much for the laughs and for the wonderful update.

Buttercream (Chapter 562) - Wed 07 Aug 2019

Alright Kagome!!!!!  What a fighter we have.

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