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Avid SessKag lurker since 2003 hehe

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05/26/2024 16:00:59Searching for a fic from 2020!!Fanfiction Help936
07/14/2021 18:15:43Kagome is a personal chefSearching for a Fic...2655


  Kagome Yuki Niwa


Tai has 0 stories


Name Entry
Midnight Song

Created On: 04/08/2024 21:14:09

Hi! Thank you very much for your comment on Unraveled by You.Hope you enjoy the most recent chapter.


Created On: 06/22/2021 17:14:16

Thank you so much for following Compatibility and for being around since it's creation! I hope you've been enjoying it so far! It is a Sess/Kag story, but it is also largely about mental health, trauma, and healing. So while Sess/Kag are end game, it's important to explore how both Sesshomaru and Kagome navigate these issues on their own before they can come together as a couple. Based on the current outline, there are 300+ chapters for this story, and Sesshomaru and Kagome will meet around the 100th chapter If all goes well, I plan to have the next 50 chapters completed by the end of the summer. I hope you can stick around until then!
Take care and stay safe!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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