Even Humans have Demons by Carla Vough

Skeletons in the Closet

Today would be the day that he would meet her again. He was thankful that the curse hadn’t taken effect until he was already through the well. Learning about all of the new technology was a bitch, no pun intended as he was once a dog demon.

 That time seemed so long ago; in reality it had only been three years. Sesshoumaru was once one of the most powerful demon lords of the feudal era. Then he’d made the mistake of crossing a priestess in the form of Kagome Higurashi. How had he crossed her? He’d killed her lover who just so happened to also be his younger half-demon brother, Inuyasha.

 Now his appearance had changed. His eyes were bright green instead of gold. His hair was now black instead of silver. The only reminder of who he had once been was the crescent moon shaped scar on his forehead. He’d also changed his name. To the humans on this side of the well, he was known as Shota Taisho.

Unfortunately, he was also little more than a slave here. He was a twenty two year old intern who was paid barely enough to afford his tiny flat above a soup kitchen. If he slacked on paying the rent because he needed food, or new clothes; he had to make deliveries for said soup kitchen.

Kagome had ruined him. He looked forward to meeting her again on this side of the well. He would show her what it was like to be a slave.

. . .

“Shota, get everyone some coffee.” My boss was a pompous bastard. He looked much like a walrus. He was in shape, if you meant being a circle. His moustache reminded me of the fine toothed comb I used to part my hair in the morning.

“Yes sir, of course sir.” I bowed my head and trotted out the door. The one good thing about this job was that it kept me in shape. I was still tall and lean as ever.

I dashed around the corner to the coffee house and I paused, knowing full well that I would get my pay deducted for the week if I was late. I didn’t care, there was the woman who had caused everything.

She had her hair tied up into a ponytail. It still fell to her waist. Her form was slim and had filled out more in the last three years. She was what, eighteen now?

She looked up as if sensing someone watching her, her brown eyes piercing straight into mine.

Anticipation made a chill go up my spine.

I went inside and ordered the coffees. While I was waiting, I talked to the waitress, knowing full well who she was.

“Good afternoon miss. I haven’t seen you working here before.” I greeted warmly.

“I just started today. I graduated from high school just last week. My family needed help buying groceries and whatnot.” She explained. Her hands ran nervously down her slim waist.

“How rude of me, I am Shota Taisho. I work not far from here at the firm around the corner.” I extended my hand for her to shake.

“Kagome Higurashi.” She took my offered hand in her tiny one.

Was she always this small? She barely reached my sternum.

“Well it was nice meeting you.” I replied.

I grabbed the tray of coffees and dashed back to the firm, knowing full well that my next payday was going to leave me short on the rent for the month. A few deliveries were worth the knowledge that I would be seeing Kagome again very soon.

The rest of the work week was much the same. I went to the coffee shop and chatted with Kagome. She told me a little about her family. She had a younger brother named Sota. Her grandfather had recently passed away, which was why she needed the job. Her mother had also started working again, after being a stay at home mom for all of Kagome’s life.

“What about boyfriends?” I asked.

“I’m not looking to date anytime soon, Mr. Taisho.” Kagome retorted sadly.

“Why is that?”

“My last boyfriend was murdered. If you’ll excuse me.” She hastily escaped from the conversation by waiting on the tables around us.

When I’d finally returned to my flat that night, I had many new things to think about. I opened my laptop and opened the word processor. I typed out an agreement of sorts that I fully intended to show Kagome sometime in the near future. If she agreed to my terms, she would be my slave of sorts.

Dominant’s name: Shota Taisho

Submissive’s name: (hopefully Kagome Higurashi)

Refrain from signing and dating the above until you have read the full list of terms and agreements.

1.      The submissive will do anything that the Dominant tells her to do, unless she safe-words (a list of safe-words to be agreed upon by both parties will follow).

2.      If the submissive does not listen to anything the Dominant tells her to do, and also does not safe-word; she will be punished (a list of punishments to be agreed to by both parties will follow).

3.      The submissive will not speak while in the presence of the Dominant unless spoken to.

4.      The submissive will not look the Dominant in the eyes.

5.      The submissive is only for the Dominant’s pleasure, not third parties on either side are allowed.

 Safe Words:

 A safe-word is a word other than “Stop” or “No” that is to be used by either party if they do not want to continue with the current actions.

 Some examples that are typically used are types of fruit, colors, etc.


 Punishments are to be dealt at the hands of the Dominant. These could be in the form of spanking, flogging, orgasm prevention, etc.

 If the Submissive has any questions, she may ask the Dominant at any time.

 If I could find some way to introduce Kagome to this, both of our needs would be filled. I could take out my revenge on the girl without her knowledge, and she could have her sexual needs filled without a boyfriend. 

How to broach the subject, that was the real question.