Rebel by mandy

Hello Beast

Disclaimer: I don't own inuyasha. I just like to play with the characters.

Author's note: This is what I've been working on in my free time. (Which I technically don't have) Have fun reading!

Chapter 1: Hello Beast

The city lights gleamed bright against the darkness, creating a luminescent shield in spotted patches. But she was a creature of the night. It was her only defense with whom she stalked, and so she kept to the darkest of corners- waiting.

Like a maiden of death, she sat motionless as the chill crept deeper into her skin, as the sky thundered a warning to seek cover, and finally as icy drops of water shattered the silence. But it wasn’t in vain that she risked sickness. No. She had a goal. A goal that would end in a crimson shower. A goal of vengeance.

A door creaked, and with trained eyes she watched as two burly men dragged a struggling man out.

The man probably owed a debt to the darkness. You could warn people away, threaten them with bodily harm, even maim them, and they still trickled like a sickness towards the doom behind that door. A wish granted was what they offered. But none stop to wonder, at what price.

A wish without payment wasn’t real, and the price paid for any desire spoken there, was more exorbitant than if they’d never wished in the first place.

Better to live life with what they had, than face the corruption that place created.

 One of the henchmen to her right jerked back as if hit, then roared as he wrenched a chain from about the man’s neck, slamming him to his knees. The tension of released violence sucked the oxygen from the air. But the henchman to the left drew a knife with pre-natural swiftness, and had it pressed into the captive’s neck before even a second had passed, already ending an almost volatile situation with minimal movement.

As she had expected of his men.                                     

Naruku had never been one to allow weakness. His army would be filled with nothing but strong and stronger. He tolerated failure about as well as she tolerated authority- which was none.  

She tried to listen as both henchmen argued between each other, before the one on the left pulled rank. And it was in the moment that they rounded her corner, glancing her way, seeing only a beaten beggar woman that her plans changed.

The eyes-.

Her mind scrambled as a tugging on her soul forced her up.

The man’s eyes were unlike any she’d ever seen- golden and fierce, unbroken. Something called her. Something primal, otherworldly.

 She watched the tall, silver haired man rush forward, struggling with all of his might, and it happened.

Her body pulsed once, a halo of pink cocooning and revealing everything, blowing her damn cover.

No choice.

 Like a wraith she was on them, tearing the knives she’d thrown from the snug hilt their voice box had been before going back for seconds. A steady beat carrying her on, even as her fingers slipped and numbed with the blood that coated them. Even as her legs shook with the adrenaline rush that surged, sharpening, honing, and molding the perfect murder.  

A tornado of destruction, chaos, and power-that was her. And when she finished, the henchmen nothing more than red stained meat sacks at her feet, she turned back to the chained man, madness burning in her gaze and found a mirror.

“Who are you?”

Her voice was calm, soft as the cold breeze that chilled the blood that covered her, completely opposite to what she felt.

For a moment, the man contemplated slaughtering her, gauging her as an opponent. But no one could handle her, not now. Maybe if he wasn’t chained, maybe if he wasn’t pale with blood lose, but not now. Now she was more, greater, better. It was a curse and a gift. And because she knew it, she smirked, daring him.

A red glow slowly seeped from his skin, bleeding into the gold of his gaze, and he grew.


Almost as if they were same sided magnets, her legs moved back, a slow pink again cocooning her skin like a second layer.     

The sound of the lake slapping the dock caught her attention, and for a moment she glanced that way, watching the waters churn restlessly, as if being summoned.

Squinting, she looked back to the silver haired man below her, finding his teeth bared, fangs flashing, and his body distorted into extremely odd shapes, as if boulders and extra bones had found their way under his skin.

The chain around his neck held, though barely.

What was he?

She stepped back one more time, and then quickly danced to the side as the thing in front of her struck.


Without much thought, she again swayed out of the path of the predator, before slamming herself into his back taking him to the ground, and rolling.

Slice to the rib, swipe for the face, knife to the side, on and on they rolled scraping for dominance. Until finally she had him dangling over the edge of the dock, arm in a lock with her blood soaked blade to his neck.

Laughing she held him, fighting every break he tried, unconcerned with the sound of a metal door opening or boots rushing over pavement.


This was more exciting. This was what it felt like to live. After years of breathing, moments like this were what she existed for, because after everything, this was all she had.

With another yank, she grabbed the man’s neck, dropping her knife, and leaned into his face as she spoke, the madness in her eyes deeper, stronger, leaking into her voice.

“Seems as if you have two choices beast.”

The thing almost broke free of her grip, but she tightened it till not even air could exit, and continued in a hiss.

“One, stay here and die the death you obviously deserve if you’re coming out of that building. Or two-“

For a second she glanced over her shoulder at the approaching party, grinning, before looking back at his crimson eyes,

“-follow me, and live.”

The sound of a gun releasing a rain of bullets echoed, and a bullet ricocheted off the wooden pole used to dock boats near her head before she released him and ran.
