A Bad Case of Lovesickness by Panther


Sesshoumaru was furious.

How dare that little chit of a human come gallivanting into his campsite under the pretext of seeing Rin and make him, the great demon lord, ill with some disgusting human disease?

He leveled one of his patented chilling glares at the young woman in question before the effect was ruined by a sniffle, followed by a full-blown sneeze.

Kagome jumped.

Despite having already spent two days here looking after a disgruntled demon lord –yes, Sesshoumaru-sama, I know it was my fault, I’ll take care of it, of course I don’t want you to decapitate me, Sesshoumaru-sama-, she was still startled every time he sneezed.

She didn’t know exactly why she had expected it to be cute, like the soft snuffle a dog makes, but it had turned out to sound more like a rumbling growl ended in a ROAR that had made her literally run for cover the very first time she had heard it, much to Rin’s amusement.

Her trembling assurances to the Western Lord that, indeed, every last bit of him was fearsome had only slightly managed to smooth his ruffled feathers.

“Filthy human”, came a very congested, muffled voice, attempting to maintain an air of haughtiness, “bring me these soft scrolls that you call…tiss-yous?”.

Hiding a smile behind her hand, -his lack of self-assurance regarding her futuristic objects was adorable-, she shuffled over with a box of tissues in her hands, pointedly ignoring the long candle of mucus that was trailing its way down to the Lord’s chin, both for the sake of his dignity and the sake of maintaining her head on her shoulders.

Rin called her over, sounding much better already and asking if she could please have another cup of that wonderful tea Kagome had brewed, making her instantly rush over like a mother hen and coo over the sweet little girl, forgetting all about the adroit Sesshoumaru in the process.

After having served the tea in a plastic cup for Rin, however, she felt a nasty glare on her back, and turned, only to see Sesshoumaru glowering at her with a distinct air of…betrayal? No, it couldn’t be.

“Do you also want a cup, Sesshoumaru-sama?” she asked politely, trying to right whatever wrong she could have possibly committed this time, only to be rebuffed with a turned-up, aristocratic nose (which was beginning to drip again, but she wouldn’t be the one to tell him that) and a soft huff.

Kagome shook her head lightly in confusion and went about preparing dinner, missing the challenging look child and guardian exchanged over her bent head.

Ah-Un, however, did not miss it, and both heads sighed. It looked like the competition for the sweet miko’s attention was on. 


A/N: Aren't Rin and Sick!Sesshoumaru the best thing since sliced bread? Rin's just too cute. And just a dash of manipulative, because I mean, come on, she practically grows up with Sesshoumaru.

So, I'm thinking of potentially continuing this (and if I do, I will most likely end up upping the rating, because, well, Naked!Sesshoumaru). We'll see what other ways of humiliating poor Sesshy pop into my head.